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Cars for Sale JAGUAR 3.4 automatic, 1963, "j gold. unbeatable value, $1795 or $lOBO dep. Bradford Sales. 9 St John St. Ph. 849-381. L.M.V.D. 9354 KINCSWOOD V 8 Tri-matic. 1974, 12,060 km. Extras, as new Ph. 889-225. SB7B MARINA, 1973, 1750. 4-door, Cadiz paintwork with navy blue trim, 15.000 miles. N.Z.M.C. Morris Showroom. 141 Gloucester St. Phone; 50 ; 989; a.h. 326-828. 526-969? 555-871. Inspect today. L.M.-; V.D. 9397 MARINA 1.8. English model. 1973. 1900 miles. As brand' new. Inspection a must. N.Z.M.C Morris, 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 50-989; a.h..' 326-828. 526-969 555-871 L. D 9397! MARINA T.C Coupe. 1973, low- miles, great value at ■s3l99_only. at N.Z.M.C. Aus- : tin. 58 Gloucester St *opp.! N.A.C. Freight), Ph 62-639. a.h 554-785. 31-845. L.M.V D 5440: MARINA, 1973.. 7000 miles. Deceased estate. Brand new factory heater. N.Z.-: M. Morris, 141 Gloucester; St. Ph. 50-989: a.h. 326-828. 526-969. 555-871 Inspect to I dav. L.M.V I) 9397; MAXI, 1973, 22.000 miles by 1 ; owner, a fine example; priced to sell at $3499. N.Z.M.C. Austin, 64 Manchester St, “The Maxi People.” Ph.' 66-711. a.h 31-845, 882-250. i L.M.V.D 5440: MAXI, 1973. Only 12,UU'J: miles. 5 door station waggon. Lovely Olde English} white with navy trim. N.Z.M.C. Morris Showroom, 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 50-989;’ a.h. 326-828, 526-969. 555-871. i. Inspect todav. L.M.V.D. 9397 M.G. 8.G.3.. 1971. Immaculate condition, only 29.000 I miles, all extras, overdrive, heating rear window, towbar. Ross-style wheels, new 1 Cavallino radials all round, radio, heater, etc. Genuine reason for selling, no deal- ■ ers. $4400 0.n.0. Phone 31-223 or 388-919. H 4157 M.G.B. GT, 1969. White w-ith black trim. w-ire wheels, radio, heaer, 42.000 miles. Very lidy order. Cameron Motor Court. 281 Ferry Rd. Ph. 891-121. a.h./ 597-704. L.M.V.D. M.G.B. G.T. Mk 111 model.: Olde English white Navy cloth trim. Radio, etc. Low! miles. Centre console. Truly! as new. $4799. N.Z.M.C. I Morris, The Used Car! Centre. 87 Riccarton Rd.! Ph. 44-426, A.H. 7426 Rangi-; ora (collect). Open Saturday morning. L.M.V.D. 2720! M.G.B. Roadster, 1973-74 II model. Hard and soft tops,! , . chrome rostyles, o/drive. _! AH the extras. Genuine en-i quiries to N.Z.M.C. Morris! . i Showroom, 141 Gloucester i -! St. Ph. 50-989; a.h. 326-828.;' ; 526-969, 555-871. Inspect to-1 , L ; dav. L.M.V.D. -I 1 M.G.B. G.T.. 1969-70. 34,000; •I genuine miles, Primrose, ’ black trim, radio, heater. I wires. Priced to sell at, ’ $3899. N.Z.M.C. Morris. 141J 1 >) Gloucester St. Ph. 50-989; i ■ ; a.h. 328-828. 526-969, 555-871 I
, L.M.V.D. 939 11 M.G.8.G.T.. a choice of 4 lat« i models low’ mileage, fron $.4999 only, at N.Z.M.C. Aus }> tin. 58 Gloucester St form r N.A.C. Freight). Ph. 62-639 a.h. 554-785, 31-845, L.M.V.D 1 5441 jMINI 1000. 1973. 62,000 km o i 37.000 miles. Red with blm JI trim. Like new throughout - j A very good buy at $189; » full price or $ll4O deposit Auto Sales, Ltd. 5 Buckley: Rd, Ph. 894-989. after hour 3 L M.V.D. . (MINI 850, 1970. you won’t bu’ cheaper at $1399. N.Z.M.C Austin. 64 Manchester St Ph. 66-711. a.h 31-845 882-250. L.M.V.D. ’ 5441 MINI 850, 1974, only 9000 kn from new, 1 owner B< ’ quick at $2799. Unavail _ able new N.Z.M C. Austin 58 Gloucester St (opp N.A.C Freight), Ph 62-639 ;! a.h 554-785. 882-250, L.M. V.D 5441 j MORRIS Freeway 1964. Thre< private owners, shiny blacl with red (rim. economica 2200 c.c. motor, unmarket original order Price $991 or $6OO dep. Metro Ante Court Ltd. cnr Moorhouse and Durham St. Ph. 30-373 a.h. 597-261. L.M V.D. 270( MORRIS Mini 1000. 1971, blue with tan trim, radial tyres heater, $lB5O full price oi terms at Camerons, 281 Ferry Rd. Phone 891-121 a.h. 587-704. L.M.V.D. 2739 MORRIS 1100, 1969, Mk 11. Extremely tidy, factoryheater, two tone paint. Many extras $1595 or $960 dep. Auto Sales. 5 Bucklevs Rd, Ph. 849-989 a.m., 894-525. L.M.V.D. MORRIS 1800. Choice of two. Call today and inspect these roomy economical family cars. Both Mk II models and priced from only $1695 at Cameron Motor Court, i 281 Ferry Rd.. Ph. 891-121; 1 after hours 498-334 or 597-704. L.M.V D. 2140 MORRIS 1300, 1973-74. One owner, 30.000 miles, hi backed seats, bronze yellow. Compare. $2499. N.Z.M.C. Morris, 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 50-989: a.h. 326-828. 526-969, 555-871. Inspect today. L.M.V.D. 9397 MORRIS 1300, 1973-74, 12,000 miles only. Cadiz with beige trim, factory heater. As new. $3399. N.Z.M.C. Morris. 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 50-989; a.h. 326-828, 526-969. 555-871. inspect today. L.M.V.D. 9397 MORRIS 1100. 1971. Mk II
, 28.000 genuine miles. Sky ■ blue with beige trim, fac--1 tory heater. Anv inspection. $2299. N.Z.M.C. Morris. 141 Gloucester St. Ph. j . 50-989: a.h. 326-828. 526-969,| 555-871. Inspect today. LAT-; : V.D. * 9397! MORRIS 1100. 1968. 42.000 miles. Spruce green. Un-: marked. Has a heater. N.Z.-! i M.C. Morvjs 141 Gloucester} SC Ph. 50-989; a.h. 326-828 l 526-969. 555-871. Inspect t n -1 day. L.M.V.D. 9397! MORRIS Minor 4 door. ComI plefely original throughout, i i 67 000 m’les. Faultless to drjve. $5°Q or <s36o deposit ! Shnon Oc”um Motors. 161 ' Victoria St. Phone 62-4 19 i ■ L.M V.D. 9401 > PRINCE, 1966. 8200. 74.0001 miles, t’uiv luxury Japanese; ! cars. .$1195 or *720 dep. i j Bradford 9 st inhn St Ph. 849-381. L M V.D 9354 I ROVER 3.5 litre auto., power! steering, radio. beautiful dark blue, prestige motoring. inspect today at N.Z.M.C. Austin. 58 GloucesterSt inDD. N.A.C Freight). Ph. 62A39. a.h 554-785. 31-«4‘.• L.M.V.D 5440' THRE C litre Rover Mk <A : Oualitv. no rust restoring I $5OO spent. $l4OO finance ' Phono 68-51 R. X 1 TO V OTA Corona. 1973. big! 1700 motor. red. 17.(1001 miles A bargain at $3499' only, at N.Z M C Austin. 58 * Gloucester St. odd N.A.C Freight). Ph 62-639. a h ! 554-785 882-250. L.M.V.D 5440; TRIUMPH Spitfire Mk 2.1965. i
Tartan red with black, trim. 62.000 miles. Weber: , carb. Freeflow exhaust. , Very sporty. $1799 or sloBo* dep. Metro Auto Court Ltd. I ’ cnr Moorhouse and Durham! | SL Ph. 30-373. a.h. 597-261.* L.M.V.D 2706 TRIUMPH Spitfire. Mk HI. 1969. Beautiful red finish} with black interior. A truly J delightful sports car. Inspect today at Cameron Motor ( ou t. 281 Fern- Rd. Phone ’ BQI-191; a.h 498-334 o’- * 597-704 L.M.V.D. 2140| TRIUMPH Herald Estate. 1966 Low mileage. Popular and dual purnnse. Immaculate - Heater. 51299 or $7BO deuJi S’mon Od’um Motors.’ 1611 c Victoria st. Phone 62-412.1 c t M v n. o *nt I f VALIANT Ranger XL. 1972. I automatic, radio and hea- * r ter. 27.000 miles, immacu-p late condition C9< >9s or S24OO}C deposit. Auto "les. 5 Buck- v levs Road. °ne 894-989. a.h 849-525 I M.V.D j s VAUXHALL Velox automatic, tidy one owner car. Radia and heater, etc. Inspect at*P Ferry Fitzgerald Motors. 134 ! h Ferry Rd. X4535i
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Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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1,105Page 22 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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Page 22 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 22
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