Canterbury dog trials
e . Dog-trial enthusiasts came . from as far as Wakefield, near 4 Nelson, and Southland to take 3 part in the Canterbury centre e championships, held by the Omihi Collie Club on the Lands = and Survey Department’s Wash--1 creek property. The conditions fl were excellent. There were 83 entries in class I, 91 in class 11, and 62 in classes IP and IV. The veteran competitor, R. M. „ Wiison. of Kirwee, won another title and was third in another fl event. e Piacings were: Class I (Watson Cupl: W J. Cunningham’s Flame, 942. 905, i 1851 points, 1; D. McPherson’s D Vic, 961, 88. 184 J, 2; R. M. s Wilson’s Queen. 94. 851 1791. 3 ° J. L. Alien’s Sue, 95J,’ 82£. “178, 4; G. Loe’s Moss, 941, 83. 177 J, 1- 5; J. Smart's Cap, 95." 43, 138, 6. e Class II (Archer Cupl: R. M. e Wilson’s Rose. 981, 92J. 191 f, points, 1; J. Smart’s Cap, 97, y 93|, 190 J, 2; W. J. Cunningham’s Flame, 97 , 93, 190. 3; J. h Laugesen’s Meg, 97J. 91, 1885. 4; e T. Harwell’s Jean, 971 76, 1731, h 5; P. Gibb’s Glee, 97 . 75J, T72J, It 6. r Class 111 (Canterbury Associn ation Challenge Shield. Musterers’ Reunion Cup, and - Montrose Shield): G. Wood’s Poi, 955, 945. 190, 1; T. Barwell’s Buck. 951, 94. 1891, 2; I. William’s Ted. 961. 92J, 189, 3; R. Harris’s Bold, 96, 811, 1774, 4: I. Calder’s Wave. 951. 62J. 158, 5: G Calder’s Kelly. 95i. 54J, 149?. 6. Class TV (Canterbury Association Challenge Cup): R. D. Parsons’s Rod. 96, 971, 1931, 1; P. R. Kidd’s Maid, 95f. 91. 186?, 2: G. H. Barnes’s Cloud. 95, 90J, n 185 J, 3; R. Harris’s Burk. 96J, 871, 184, 4; T. Wareham’s Cloud. " 951, 74. 1691. 5; A. T. Jones’s Bruce, 955. .305, 126. 6,
Special prizes.—Musterers* Reunion Cup for competitors who have mustered above 4000 ft: G. Woods’s Poi, 190 points. Montrose Shield: G. Woods’s Poi, 190 points. Most points for one dog in classes I and II: J. Smart’s Cap, 192 points. Special prizes for last two dogs in run-off: class I. G. Loe’s Moss, 177 J points .and J. Smart’s jCap, 138 points: Class 11, T. Barwell’s Jean, 173 L and P. Gibb’s Glee, 1721; class 111, I. Calder’s Wave, 158 points, and G. Calders Kelly, 149;? points; Class IV T. Wareham’s Cloud. 1691 points, and A. T. Jones’s Bruce, 126 points.
Canterbury dog trials
Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 20
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