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Record number of students graduate
A record number of 300 students at Lincoln College received degrees or diplomas at a gradua-j ition ceremony on Friday. (Another 120 students! did not attend. i Degrees were presented by; .the Chancellor of the Uni-' i versity of Canterbury (Mr J.; | N. Matson) as follows:Doctor of Philosophy i Aldo Piero Giorgio Alberto! < Fautrier. genetics; lan James Me- j Cracken. horticulture: Alistair! • Shand Campbell, soil science Master of Science George Bennett Wilkinson, re- ' source management. Master of Agricultural Science Tran Van Mai. first-class honj ours agricultural engineering; : Robert Brian Wynn-Williams, j first-class honours agronomy; I Brian Albert Beil, second-class ; honours Division 1), agri cu!tura 1
i economics. Kenneth Gordon Geenty. second-class honours •Division 1), annual science, Rod erick Thomas Thomson, second [class honours (Division 2-. tarn management; Keith Kernan. Woodford, second-class honours Division 2i. farm management. Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bernadette Mary McGrath, first i class honours. biochemistry . Marion Grace Cowlishaw. second class honours (Division I), bio--chemistry; Lloyd Gary Moore I second-class honours • Division !). biochemistry; Graeme Douglas ’Coles, second-class honours (Divi*sion 2i. biochemistry; Neil Rob ert Pattinson. second-class <DiviIsion 2). biochemistry. Bachelor of Engineering Ross John Vesey, second-class 'honours ‘Division 2). Bachelor of Agricultural Science Honours John Henry Aspinall. first-class; Brigit Eileen Gunn, first-class; Robert Charles McDonald, firstclass; Paul Noel Baigent. second class (Division 2); Judith Anne Buckler, second-class ‘Division 2‘: Mark James McLaughlin, secondclass Division 2i.
Bach* lor of Horticultural Scianci Honoun Philippa Jane J 5 * 1 ?!?' . S r Y ■lass; Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rah ■nan; second-class Division I*. Bachelor of Engineering I Fauzi Abdul Saniad. Atunais; Taleasiga Kaloumaira. Craig Ala: Lawson. Bachelor of Agricultural Scienct Donald Ballagls. Bruce Henn Beckingsalc. Grant Noel Bright John Lennart! Burton, Graeme Edwin Carroll, Gerald Patrie* Cosgrove. Alastair Douglas Dick Peter Stuart Harris. Stepher lames Herbert Henry Georg, Genge Hole. Edward John How ard. Philip John Irvine, .lohr Man I live Alexandci Uetze. Bede Lawrence Molloy Robert Reginald MeilralUi. Gaye McMillan. James Eiaser Mcßae ; Mohamed Naelit alias Mohamet Nuncheek Bin. Mohamed Noor I Saarh Rodic. Brendan .lameRvan. John Harley Simmons Philip Arthur Stevenson Bachelor of Horticultural Scienct Andrew William Bigncll. Rus 'sell Gray Moffitt. Bachelor of Agriculture Neil Ross Wrenn Bachelor of Horticulture Anna Adelaide Wood Clayton Anne Elizabeth Russell Bachelor of Agr.cultural Commerce Barrv Alexander Brook, senior scholar; Denis Joseph Aldridge lain Stuart Angus, David Allan Barlass. John Robert Whiti Batlev Henrv Adam Bosschieter. Colin Donald Allan Brown. Chris topher John Bryan. Geoffrey Alexander Cook. Russell James Cull. Timothy Owen Dromgool. Paul Michael Fitzgibbon. Robert Richard Greville, John David Hal stead. Philip John Haugh. James Mark Heffernan, Bryan Duncan Humphrey. David Harris Jefferd. Nicola Mary Langley. Alan David Livingston. Geoffrey Ronald Loane. Timothy Harry Mackie Miles Murrav Mander. John Robert Mills. Sean Philip Murphy. Andrew Monk Natusch. Murray Dennis Neal Gary Patrick Fyans Neill. Nicholas Redmond Neil . John Charles Rugby Norton W illiara Nelson Paul. Bernard Victor Payne. Roller Noel Sewell. Christopher Charles Shannon. Christopher William Southgate. Bryce Kennedv Thomson. Geoffrey xx JF Ham Tizard. Philip Stephen Gilson.
Diploma of Agricultural Sclent* Ralph Ernest Scott. Hugh William Stevenson. Dayawansa Vilayawardena Diploma of Horticultural Science Peter Blinman Bull Diploma of Landscapo Architecture Arthur John Boyd Diploma of Natural Resources Patrick Oliver Riley. Diploma of Valuation and Farm Management Dennis Leonard Munro, with credit pass, gold medallist; John Peter Brooks, with credit pass; David John Ward, with credit pass: Lindsay John Aiderton, Robert John Anderson, David John Bayne, Gordon Charles Bayne. William John Charteris. Richard Michael Clare. Nel! David Collie. Alastair Ross Craw, Roydon Ivan Day, John Robert Douglas, Edmond Bruce Fallow, Russel! Hamilton Fitts, Graham Lindsay Gibb. Ranald Stephen Gordon, Louis Wallis Hawken, Alexander Charles Hayward, William Bruce Hunter, Richard John Kingston. William Harper Kingston. Allan Maurice Lock. Bruce Grey McGill, John David Manuel McLaughlin, Derrick William Mill ton, Peter William Minty, Graham William Morris. Jasper William Murphy, Murray John Richardson, Peter Wallis Rose, John Graeme Sint. William Geoffrey Gordon Turner, John Kevin White, Alan Bryan Wills. David Alexander Yardley. Diploma of Agriculture (old regulations) David Roger Bennett, gold) medallist; John William Blunden, 1 Howard Keith Boyd. Gary Mathew Robert Boyle. Michael Ross Brown. Donald Janies Cooper, Roderick lan Craw. David John Evans. Roy Norman Evans, Philip Anthony Farquhar, Geoffrey Al-1 ien Fisher, Malcolm James Garvan. Bryan Gavin. Aubrey James) Gifford, Alan Robert Gilbert. | Roderick Robert Gordon. William j Francis Gray. Rens Petrus Groot.’ lan Francis Hamilton. John Wayne Harper. Stephen Cranmer Helm, Philip Damer Holt, Bruce Findlay Horrell. David Dargaville Hosking. Christopher Paul Jones, Terence Merton Jones, Allan Law Klnnis. Bruce George Knowles, Craig Alexander Aylmer Laing, Graeme Charles Lepper, Brian Richard Norman Leslie. Robert Neil Leslie. Bruce William McCulloch. Paul Frederick McCullough, Hugh Robert McGillivray, Allan William John McKinstry. Douglas Kempthome McPhail, Robert Dacre Morton, William Denis O’Connell, David George Parker. Murray John Peter, Ross David Pridham. Harvey Arthur Reid, Kevin Peter Rooke. John Robert Saunders. Lindsay John Scott, Andrew Moray Shand. Harley Shearer. Charles David Shoosmlth. Bruce Robert Sim, Edwin Duncan Sinclair. Bruce Colin Stuart. Ross James Tait, Kerry Alfred Thelning, Brian John Timpson. Keith Bruce Townshend. George Gilbert Coles Trott, lan Arthur Turnbull. Peter Harrison Turnbull. Peter Henry Vink. Kenneth John Webber. Peter John Wilkins, Peter George! Yates.
Diploma of Agriculture (new regulations)
Alistair Gordon Barnes. Richard Bennlson. Kenneth Charles Bowmar. David Ewen Cameron. Neil Colin Campbell, Lawrence Thomas Charteris, Jonathan Martin Kilgour Clay, Mark Mervyn Codlin. Andrew William Cranston. Michael Joseph Daly, Michael Victor Davies. lan Melville Dimbleby, Peter Edward Downes, Raymond Mark Dyer, Alan Wallis Fergus, Dennis John Galbraith. Craig Douglas Gardner, Nicola Mary Gerard, Donald Harvie Gibson, David Sansom Giddings, Elisabeth Maria Giesen. lan William Graham, Trevor Green. Andrew John Hunter. Camden Ross Joseph Hyland, Peter Noel Lees Jackson, Charles David Jaine, Andrew Charles Reeves Jefford, lan Edward Jenkins, Russell de Dautour Joblln, Douglas David Kane. Leslie Ralph Kenworthy-Thompson, Hugh Gordon Kiestrup, Timothy James Leslie, Robert Henry MacDonald, Colin George Macfarlane, Kenneth John Maclennan. Alexander John Macphee, Alexander George Ramsay Main. William Alexander Morison, Michael Richardson Ormond, John Parr, Robert James Paton. Wreford John Reed. Dqnald Graeme. Riesterer, Anthony Kerr Slater. Graeme John Street. Michael John Thompson. Alexander Grant Twaddle. Richard John Worley, Qimntln Charles Wright.
Diploma of Horticulture (old regulations)
Anna Christine Bridge. Duncan Alexander Burns. Paul Victor Clark. Peter Alexander Cou-
• brough. Stephen Th—,«.« : Drakeford. Roy Mexande-t-1 Edwards. Fergus Campbe k- Gardiner. Anthon- Wrax Ki •■••■•’ Kathleen Marx Mcßrxde. Ge, f|rt | Leslie McFadden. Shonah u ln a 'fred McKenzie. Daxtd n | Moody. Graham Alexander vay, 1 i’ct . Pi v! Diploma of Horticulture new t, regulations) e| Colin Stuart Campbell. Barr Chapman. Philippa Kax Cork ni Alison Margaret Duj.t . j e! Murray Fields. Anthony John • Hawken, Sara Rhode? In <. 11 Marcus Harry hi>\ Stephen r Footer Jeffrex. Christine Anre '*lLangsford. Percival Riucc Me Dow ell. Glenys Heat • Ml * ‘•Robert Geoff rex Morruon. Frank ■ Phillip O*N< 'I '• • Pennev. Andrew Keith Peti- aK i a nne Mi Pre j David Quinn. Allan lames i Rowlev. Andre" Dickson scot* s Stephen J< hn Shan ha B - Copeland Smltl Diploma of Park and Recreation Administration Allan Charles Dellou. Garn Rus.sell Skinner Certificate of Landscape Design John Gaxin Adams. Brent Noel Busell. David John Cusick. .Stephen Allan Dunn. John st r i Clair Gunn. •I The following were unable tn 1 attend the ceremonx to receive ‘ltheir diploma?. Diploma of Valuation and Farm Management 5 i George David Spiers, uith ; I credit pass; Neville Charles l| Amyes. Michael Clinton-Baker, George Timothy Deans. Roddx Ji Woodhouse Fulton. Roger Quer- , tin Hughes. Brian Lewis Johnson, ■ Edward Malcolm Morgan. J i Graham John Peard. Matthew I Alfred Wightman. Diploma of Agriculture (old regulations) I Paul Henry Atkin. Peter ■ Oswald Banks. William John •IGreville Bowen, Pehimana Haapu 'Brown, David Henrv Denham. I Roger David Gordon. Stephen J Leslie Grant. Roger Dennis liar- ’ rison. Alan Leslie Haycock. lan J Gilbert Henderson. Michael ’ i Thomas Hogan. John Mitchell (Jefferson. Hamish Stuart Mac ! kenrie. Robin James Miller, Howard Beresford Pegden. (.rant (Andrew Pevreal. Alistair Ro?' •I Tax lor, Peter John Seward. John (Robert Studholme. William Geard t Sturkenbo, m. Mark Alfred Wai Iwvn. Simon Wynn Worsp Diploma of Agriculture mew regulations) John Martyn Apthorp, William ■Meggmson Bell. William Stewart Booth. Frank Anderson Cramp I ton Christopher Edward Dampier-Crossley. James Murrav | Edward Dunn. Michael Douglas ' Fraser. Alan William Gillespie. 1 Timothy John Greenhough, Peter George Jamieson. Graeme David Legg, Russell Ritchie Millward. • Craig Terrace Moynihan. John Peter Murphy. Denis Michael ) O’Connell, John Craig Ruthen , ford. Samuel Godfrey Rutherford. Robert Grant > Ryan. Timothy , Ernest Sharpin, Noel George Simpson. Michael Barugh Way, , Lyn William Williams. Diploma of Horticulture (old regulations) Michael Ritchie Flatman, lee James Miller, Graham John Pender. Ann Mary Pinckney. Lawrence Leon Roborgh, TimothyRoss Rowsell. David Geoffrex Smith, James Stanley Steveiuoii. Peter James Sunbeam. Robert McDonnell Wynyard. Diploma of Horticulture (new regulations) Mark Ronald Anderson. Peter Biiton. Christopher Peter Cook. I Janice Lorraine Gardner. Helena Franc! sea Geven. Geoffrey Arnold Green. Lawrence Anthony Heath. Michael John Hughes. Ciaran Maurice Keogh, Lim Peng ,Joo, David Oscar Newton, (Michael John Nicholls. Heather 1 Diane Taylor, John Stephen Taylor. Lawrence Bruce Whistler. Diploma o/ Park and Recreational Administration Boris Arteineiv. Certificate of Landscape Design I Janette Yvonne Mosiman Degrees to be conferred on | May 26. 1975: Master of Science I Michael Colin Holm resource ! management, with distinction. Graeme John Burke, resource management. Master of Engineering Andrew James Dakers, Nguyen Van Hao. Master of Agricultural Science Michael David Harvey, second class honours (division I) pedology’; Stella Oluremi Odufuwa. second class honours (division h in agricultural microbiology; Voravan Tantivanlth, second class honours (division 2) in plant Physiology; Russell John Gluck, farm management; Roger John Payne, farm management; WilHam Guy Scott, agricultural economics. Master of Horticultural Science Brian James Patrhett. second class honours (division 1) In hor ticulture; John Fyffe Lamb, second class honours (division 2) horticulture; Ramkrishna Raut. horticulture Bachelor of Science (Honour*) Ha Ying Chea, second class honours (division 2>. biochemistry. Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) Lesley Katrine Pope, first class (senior scholar). Bachelor of Horticultural Science (Honours) Lee Sing Kong, first class (senior scholar); Dale Manrice Moon, first class; Koay Sim Hu at. second class (division 1); Ong Keng Ho second class <division Bachelor of Agricultural Science Bruce Appleby. Daxid Michael Blacklock. Walter Stuart Dal gllesh. Michael David Sellars Bachelor of Agriculture Lindsay Bruce Bain. John Daniel Evans, Solomon Boon Ann Soo. Bachelor Agricultural Commerce Donald Malcolm Davidson, John Dunckley. Russell Herbert Garton, Peter James Hodges. Peter Richard Hughes, David William Priest, Mark Fredrick Tietjen. Diploma of Agricultural Science Stephen Bamidele Bolarin, Peter John Robertson. Diploma of Landscape Architecture Lois Isla Binnie (nee Bain), Gordon Ernest Griffin, Alan David Titchener Diploma of Natural Resources Carol Susan Almond. Da’ id Macdonald Boyd. Ronald David Sutherland.
Candidate.— Mr B R. Learning, aged 44, a schoolteacher. of Wiri, has been selected as the National Party candidate for Manukau at the General Election. — (P.A.)
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Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 18
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1,805Record number of students graduate Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 18
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Record number of students graduate Press, Issue 33840, 12 May 1975, Page 18
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