DEMMOCKS In loving rrrrr DEMMOCKS In memorv <»f Max 11. 1974 And said prarr be thine DILLIMORE axx.ix Max W. 19K8 GRAY—In mrmovA of a loved grandmother M.o Alt.e K.o1 — Inserted bx her famih ROBERTSON—In lox mg mem* av ax thi* dav l»«t sear — Insetted het lo%m< *<>n. William SEAR—Treasured memouea David _tx ho pa**ed a«xa% Mav Precious were the momenta . praise. As in out arms xxe held xou And tn out even t houi ht To our darling little bo* .** so —lnlrrted M bv a SMITH Eric Georqe 6 143 Main Body. Ist N.Z K.E • Died of vxounds on Gaihpoll. Mav 11. 1915 |AI wavs loxingh remembered. I—lnserted bx hi< sister and ■ brother in lavx. Mary and iNorman Hawlcdt
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Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 47
Word Count
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 47
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