3373 i SKI SALE C.S.A.’s ANNUAL MONSTER AUCTION OF ALL SORTS OF SKI-ING OF ALL SORTS OF SKI ING GEAR. GEAR. SATURDAY, MAY 24 SATURDAY. MAY 24 SATURDAY. MAY 24 SATURDAY. MAY 24 KING EDWARD BARRACKS May 23 (Friday), drivr vour gear in Cashel Street entrance for cataloging, 10.30 a m. till 7.30 p.m. May 24. 8 a.m.. inspect for buving, auction starts 10 a.m. Four top line professional ; auctioneers In action. Last year approx. $lO,OOO worth of | ski gear sold SO BE THERE! DELIVER FRIDAY, BUY SATURDAY 15 per cent proceeds to C.S.A. ' This advertisement is sponsored by your family ski store — I' • BRISCOES N.Z., LTD, >' 195 Salisbury Street, CHRISTCHURCH. 2290 Ti’lliSj AUCTION COMPLETE DISPERSAL [CONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT on the property MAHENO — NORTH OTAGO SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1975 at 9.30 a.m. sharp WE will offer for sale as above, on account MR WARREN HERRON MAHENO (who [ has sold his property) the following:— International 275 wlndrower good order); 1954 S Bedford 3 ton truck; 1950 K Bedford 30cwt truck; B MG. welder 1(3 phase or single); 8 ton Ih.vd. jack; Tangye Hydramite jack 6.5 tons; Braintree commercial jack 16 ton); spray painting outfit with motor; 1 1.5 KVA transformer; G M F. 'Bin H.D. grinder; large an;vil; j ton endless chain; B. ’and D. 30mm el drill; 6.5 mm el. drill; B. and D. drill stand imod. 3); Wolf 7ir. portable sander; bolt cutters; steel [frame bench; floor creeper; 'W. and B. tension wrench; hyd. puller kit <5OO series;; 1 2 tap and die sets l/Bin Io in to lin; socket set 5/16in to 1 5/3in; ass. crescents, ilain. 18in, and 24in, rev. 'counter, ridge remover; impact driver; hi duty tube cut‘ter; Hi Duty Haring tool; Makita jig saw; copper piping; ‘Gee Jay” screws, cotter pins, spring washers and self tapping screws; welding rods; | ass. spanners, nuts and bolts; brace and bits; sack barrow, 2 el. fan heaters; ass. rubber O rings; fan belts; fire extinguisher; battery charger: jumper leads; Rancher motor mower; railway rail; ass timber; 45gal fuel tank ar.d pump; petrol tank: 2 canvas [covers; 2 wire ropes; fuel pump; grease bucket; rooting iron; header bars .Allis 5000.; galv. piping; oil and grease, drawbar; 4 coils chain mcsli .netting; 1 coil Cyclone; 2 coils sheep netting; ass hammers; grease guns: oil car.s< drills; G clamps; blow lamp; crowbar; shovels; saws; tools ' and sundries too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH. AUCTIONEERS: ’ THE FARMERS, OAMARU. I 9346
Page 44 Advertisements Column 10
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 44
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