Auctions BRWB ESPLANADE SUMNER -UHAKAIANf 2 S.C. FLATS F.UH Uf FWO-STOREYS 12.4 PERCHES FWO STREET FRONTAGES ZONED R 3 PEERLESS SITUATION EXPANsIVF ASPECT THE ESPLANADE AND MARRINER STREET A Rare Opportuni!' To Re Sold Pl BLR AUC TION In Our Rocms. EPWORTH CHAMBERS. 176 Hereford Street, On TUESDAY. MAY 13. AT 2.15 P M With Vacant PobsessiOE To The Purchaser THE property is one of three occupying the ’’golden triangle. commanding the central beach area of Sumner. From this situation, the out look encompasses it all—just across the Esplanade, the rare Norfolk Pines the spreading surf and sands beach and beyond Cave Rock, the ocean to the horizon and the coastline to the Kaikouras. The most beautiful seaside panorama, endlessly interest ing to the occupier The two-storey weatherboard building. of earlier vintage, is in very sound and thoroughly maintained condition. Each flat is spacious and entirely self-contained. There is single garage and enclosed sealed off-street parking from Marriner Street frontage FINANCE: The vendor is prepared to leave up tn $5OOO on second mortgage for three xears at 11 per cent. Call us for inspection SHERRIS AND WILSON. LTD. THE AUCTIONEERS. 176 Hereford St. Ph 59-939. FENDALTON OFFICE, Phone 317-067 Vendor’s Solicitors: . HELMORE. MACDONALD and STANLEY. 2108? ESTATE REALISATION BELFAST EARLY COTTAGE EXCELLENT SECTION 24 PERCHES FACING NORTH TO 778 NORTH ROAD BY PUBLIC AUCTION ] In Our Rooms, EPWORTH CHAMBERS, 176 Hereford Street, on l| WEDNESDAY MAY 14. : AT 2.15 P.M. < For The Trustees In The! J Eastate ANNIE MURFITT I THE cottage, possibly one of I: the earliest built in Canter 1 bury, has now little economic value. The section is an at-(I tractive one for a new home s or flats, in an area already extensively developing with i modern buildings. The situa-' tion, facing north-west on to the Main North Road frontage, just east of Cassidy Avenue, and convenient to bus and shopping. FINANCE: To prior approved purchaser the trustees will leave up to 60 per cent of the price realised for two years at 9J per cent. Inspect by arrangement. SHERRIS AND WILSON, ‘ LTD, The Auctioneers, 176 Hereford St. Phone 50-039. FENDALTON OFFICE, Phone 517-067 1 Vendor’s Solicitors: DOUGALL and CO. 2109 smiiistwiisMiip ESTATE REALISATION j RICCARTON ZONED RES. “B" NEAT BUNGALOW 1100 SQUARE FEET CENTRAL SITUATION CHAIN FRONTAGE 36.9 PERCHES 200YDS RICCARTON RD i (opp. junction Dilworth St) (To be sold by Public Auction in our rooms, I Epworth Chambers, ; 176 Hereford St. on THURSDAY. MAY 29, ! AT 2.15 P.M. < for the Trustee tn the 1 Estate M. A. McGREGOR ' THE sale of this property ’ offers an exceptional oppor- : tunity for both private home ' buyers and selective I .developers, seeking this cen- I trally situated, ever popular residential area of Riccarton , Borough for firstly, the unique convenience to shopping. transport, etc., and < secondly, the potential worth. ' destined by the designated zoning, for high density housing and comprehensive , developments in ultimate redevelopment such as homes for the aged, private hotels, hostels, and boarding hostels, i etc. View the site and note the modern development already evident. With chain frontage, the dimensions are ideal. Comprising 2 double bedrooms. 2 living rooms and other usual amenities, includ-, ing a front and rear porch bathed in sunshine, the bungalow is in generally good condition. There is garden shed and glasshouse 40 x 32 and established garden and lawns Call us for further details land inspection appointment. SHERRIS & WILSON LTD. The Auctioneers. 176 Hereford Street. Phone 50-039. FEN DALTON OFFICE, Phon* 317-067. Solieitera to th* Estate BROCKETT, CAMERON »«<! CO. 2633
Page 43 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 43
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