! Properties tor Sale RANGIORA DISIRK 1 PROPERTIES FOR SMEASHLEY. Sp end’4 CLARKVILLE II •< r« I « block $22,000. FERNSiDE 80 e* ings. «80.600 1. P DEVLIN, R AX(.K»R A. OPEN DAY SATURDAY. 10th MAY COMF AND SEE at Xo iff NORTHFIELD RD 0 * 1 individualistic home uh.. a Hoare. Salesman on sue • pasley real estate SHEF.RIS and WILSON, LIMITED FENDALTON (Above the Po't Offi<a. Fendalton Malb PROMUIIUN of Rea E.v<te in the NORTH WEM AREA , is /ur BUSINESS AND .PLEASURE We guarantee ACTIVE. RESPONSIBLE marketing of ill propertv. SEI LING IS Ot R SPEC I Al TY ( all in and dtscu** xour real estate with us or. - PHONE 51? 06, After Hours 3 opp 558 299 Dunbar 526 642. M It E.i N Z 523,950 NEW HOMES I SUITABLE H.C. FINANCE CHOICE of three, eacn of (these appealing permanent . material bungalows has three bedrooms, spacious lounge, kitchen/dinette. bath, sen; 1 ate shower and toilet Abo these have double carages. All on large sections Phone Eddie Rourke Menvale Real Estate. MRh IN.Z 555-707, after hours .489 778. fl AKAROA 97 PERCHES, 3 TITLES THIS outstanding properly, complete with a very tidy 2 i bedroom, sunroom home tn|eluding large dining room and separate lounge is available at realiatk price of fIEH.SOO Many established trees and ; shrubs plus a meandering stream make this an Ideal site for motel or caravan park complex For inspection contact sola agents:— KENT PRIER REAL ESTATE LTD 226 Armagh Street. , Phone 60-096; ah. 355-85]. 5598 RATHIE JAMES .M K E.LN.Z. ST ALBANS 4 bed!oom tvo storey homo, spacious throughout. In good area. >38,000. LINWOOD Exceiiei.t in\«'t ment. 4 bedroom older horn*, top notch vondiLuu. $19,000. HILLMORTEN 3 bedroom brick homo. Ranchsiidc-t , 1 35 perch, reasonably priced. HALSWELL: Summerhill stone home Spacious throughout, 3 bedrooms. 32 perch. BISHOPDALE. 3 bedroomed Summerhill stone homo, landscaped. 32 perch section. Reasonably priced. Peter Hatberley, Phone 50-159; a h. 519-141, WEST COAST INVESTMENTS GREYMOUTH DEPOSIT, BUY ELEVA I'ED villa on freehold section Central. Excellent condition and fresh exterior paint iub Price, with deposit of $5OOO and would rent for $2O per week. COBDEN $9500 Sound family home, with all conveniences. Hands to shops and school. Just painted and partly renovated inside and would rent comfortably tor SIB per week. RUNANGA $10,300 Newly constructed bach or compact home near native bush with latest modern amenities < onstruction b qualified Builder and layout includes lounge, kitchen combination 2 bedroom-, bathroom. laundry and toilet. Rental $26 weekly if dc'irnd. NGAHERE $12,000 Comfortable family home > on main highway, and sunmlv sited on large section v ith double garage. Owners ba' a just spent $6OOO on kitchen, laundry and bathroom, which are all new. Terrific valua here. Gain 10G plus— INVEST IN THE WEST E.V. ARTHUR AND SON, P O. Rnx 148, GREVMOT TH. M R E.X.XX Ph. Bus 7145; Prlv. 5814 •nd 7S3C. WI7M
Page 42 Advertisements Column 11
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 42
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