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Situations Wtd. Farm ; LANDGIRL REQUIRES live in position t on farm. Keen on animals i and willing to learn. Phone 517-868. F 4543 —— — X RELIEF FARM STAFF EXPERIENCED single staff, available for periods of one! week to several months anywhere in South Island. Tractor drivers, inilkers. shep- , herds and general farm workers available. Replies to:— RELIEF FARM SERVICES. i C/o “Glenfield.” No. 4 R.D., Timaru. |or Phone Pleasant Point 839. 2 _S 1 ® I MARRIED MAN 'A MARRIED Man experienced: in ail aspects of farming re-i squires a permanent position:l las a married couple. For’ references and further Infor-: ' mation contact: — PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS | LTD, Phone 4089, ASHBURTON. !| Situations Wanted BATHROOMS, kitchens, I painted, room papered. i moderate charges. Phone 899-100. F 4725 BOY 15, with driving licence ! wants job school holidays. I Ph. 894-786. CARPENTER planning immigration seeks employment. 29 years old, single, jour- [ neyman, four years apprenI tice training, four years work experience. Contact j Tom Hensler, 4959 Brighton | Ave San Diego CA 92107, I U.S.A X 29981 EXPERIENCED painter requires roof painting. Com-1 petitive quotes Ph. 596-591. EXPERIENCED painter offering services on week-end. I If interested please Phone 1 895-628. EXPERIENCED married man requires position on large farm or station. Ph. 75-059 I Christchurch. X 3788 FLOUR/feed miller: Many i years experience, Britain • and abroad, seeks an opening in the trade. Has capi- ! tai to invest if required or I the Interest is indicated. I Write "Press” ZP5598. 2487 GARDENING: Man would like I half-day weekly. Apply I “Press" 4367. 'GARDENERS available, fullI time, for section clearing, winter preparation, lawn I laying. Quick and efficient. i References. Ph. 68-574. I HOLIDAY work required for] ; 3 weeks by 17-year-old stu- i >l dent. Driver’s licence. Ph I 897-808. F 429.3 I : INTERMEDIATE girl requires I work during school holi- ■ ' days, anything considered. I Ph. 44-700. . LADY wants domestic work,: J ironing. Shirley-St Albans. I .1 Ph. 855-545. ..’LAND Surveyor planning im.l migration seeks employ- i ment. 28 years old, single. ! journeyman four years ap6 prentice training, six years! j work experience, plus three i 0| years college. Contact Lon-1 nie Pennington, 4959 Brigh-i ton Ave. San Diego CAi i 92107, U.S.A. X 2998! , ! LINCOLN student with ag. ex-j to perience requires work overj n May. Anything considered.! u I Ph 324-425 after 5 p.m I H X3943J LINCOLN student requires, ‘■j work next 2 week's, any-: ■ thing considered. Phone: r! 895-146 after 5.30 p.m. 1 MALE university student requires odd jobs. Phone 91 553-383. X 4148 PAINTER would like week- | end work. Ph. 497-460. WOMAN requires work in own home. Anything cons] sidered. Please ph. 3264511. - ’ X 4361 •; YOUNG married mother ; wants work at own home, try anything. Ph. 519-060. YOUNG man, experienced | hunter, would like position on rabbit board, any area considered. Ph, 34-430 Chch. - 34-year-old presently in ■ | research and development j of vocational education for I large organisation requires I South Island position, not ' I necessarily in same field. .! Recent tertiary education ; I and evidence of sound, I imaginative work. Same . : employer for 13 years. . : Replv ZP5569, “Press.” J 1 2567 ; ; 23-YE AR-OLD woman seeks Friday night work, any- . i thing considered. Apply • _ “PT'ess 0 4356. t HOUSEKEEPING ' HOUSEWORK of any nature ' undertaken expertly and efficiently by experienced young r man. South-east Christchurch £'area. e Phone 70-871 any time. i. j B ■■»■■■■ ini i. , Eggs. Poultry, etc. BANTAMS, 60c each. Phone ’ 583 Springston. 2 BREEDING geese, $4 pair; ■ young ducks. $1 each. Ph. i- 834 Lobum. DRESSED poultry’, fowls 1.1 from SI; turkey 60c a lb; I gosling 60c a lb duckling 70c a lb. Ph. 834 Loburn. y FOWLS, 6 laying or near lays’ ; ing. buy. Ph. 76-063. i- GOOD home for 2 white d! Muscovey ducks. 1 drake. Lav in season. Ph. Halswell c : 8465. 6. MUSCOVY ducklings, 12-14 61 weeks, sell. Ph. Hsl 8576. k ONE Muscovy duck and nine 5.1 ducklings. $6.50. Phone 0j Kaiapoi 7145. ’PHEASANTS new season’s, l_ fresh, young and tender. [. from 51.50 each. Woodfield c Park. Kaiapoi. 7949 any i time. SlOlB PHEASANTS, $1.16 each. $lO ’ carton of 10 birds. Phone 834 Lnhurn. 4225 SILKIE bantams sell. $2.50 a nii” Ph. Irwell 600. TURKEY poults for sale, 5 to 500 every 14 davs. Also turkevs from 6 to 16 weeks o’d. any quantity. Dressed turkevs available from 60c per lb. Wholesalers welcome. Ph 705 or 46 Woodville St. Leeston. 2449 YOUNG frozen meat chickens for sale, size 4. $1.35 each. 10 or more delivered free. .Ph_42B-341. DAY OLD CHICKENS DAY OLD CHICKENS HATCHING EVERY WEDNESDAY “SHAVER STARCROSS.” TOPLINE HATCHERIES, 113 West Belt. Phone. 7230. RANGIORA. STC PULLETS BRED TO LIVE AND LAY ALL OUR PULLETS ARE VACCINATED All ages available. Please phone before calling! to enable us to have your order ready. BERNARD LEE. 17 Anvers Place 'Off Tanker-j ville Road. Christchurch 2) ‘ PHONE 385-815.
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Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 40
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807Page 40 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 40
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Page 40 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 40
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