I Businesses for Sale i • TWO >HOPS FOR FHE PRK I OF ONE! Excellent importunity to i make big profits from tne>t excellent lock-up bhop Turn-: . over tu March 31. I9io. . |SISv.OOO from only one bhop J Excellent increases in turn : ■ j over as compared to previous J rental no opposition $lO,OOO goodwill plus stock t and plant at valuation 1 For details contact Bolstad I KENT PRIEK RF.AI FSTATF MRE IN Z PHONE 60-096 or Home 882-930 , MOTELS Al ( KI AND. g;o>s pa. Price. $350,000\l (KI ' uniU. S > turnover, $200,000 >lOO,OOO ! deposit Balance tjnaiH' I available or exchange invest ■ ment property. ■ $125,000 $65,000 deposit. JXO. GREY LID. M.R.E I N / Phone 31-169; . After Hours 762-467. XI CKLAND. 2607 KAITAIA i GATEWAY to far north, popular tourist centre, prii’ivate hotel with restaurant, ~ open to the public. $950 .[weekly turnover To cope with business offering expansion With serviced motel . units an enlarged restaurant [Would be desirable. ! Situation would be ideal to .establish a licensed restauri ant. $50,000 deposit ‘ JNO. GREY LTD, M.R.E.I.N.Z i Phone 31-169; a.h. 762-467. j Or write P.O. Box 225. Auckland. 2602! SUBURBAN SUPERMARKET! IN MASTERTON i WITH ACCOMMODATION I A REALLY excellent shop in every way. Modern spacious i premises with loads of clean i storage space together with a 4 bedroom home alongside. i situated in one of the best i parts of town and turning, > over $2300 per week. A real- - istic lease can be arranged or purchase the freehold. : Price as leasehold $14,000 or 1 , $54,000 as freehold Sole Agency. 1 ROD WEIR and CO. LTD, M.R.E.I.N.Z. : Ph. 4095; After Hours 83-188.! P.O. Box 441 masterton: 2 2730' ‘ WE HAVE TO OFFER » A Wide Variety of i 5 Businesses for Sale j; COUNTRY STORES SUBURBAN GROCERY : | MIXED BUSINESSES dairies I Finance available to assist 1 s with purchase. | Advisory service before and ! j after purchase -I We will prepare a budget e|and arrange for inspection of ; businesses-. 9 J Contact:— r The Manager, • J. RATTRAY and SON. LTD J ' 220 Moorhouse Avenue, CHRISTCHURCH. i PHONE 68-329. j STC I REAL ESTATE [ WEST COAST BUTCHERY ■ ! Situated in rural township: handy to Greymoutb The! . i shop which is three years old : |is complete with storeroom. 1 II smoke house, wash room and ■ a full range of plant. Adjoin- : ing the shop are five freehold! 1 building sections. In addition ’ to the shop there is a slaughter house on 27 acres of land j and a sound family home on a j acre section. Turnover i for 6 month period, $55,000. i Price $45,000. Going concern. DALGETY NEW ZEALAND, LTD, j GREYMOUTH. ' 7062, A.H. 7734. TIMARU MOTELS SITUATED on the "Golden i Mile,” a 5 year old block of; 5 units, with a 3 bedroom l - residence, all built in sum-! t merhill stone, 90 per cent j , plus occupancy. f Furnishings and chattels! i top quality. : For further particular, contact: WRIGHTSON-NMA, LTD, ' P.O. Box 520, Phone 86-179, TIMARU. After hours I Norman Verity 4907. • [ 7129'
l| FOOD BAR/GROCERY DAIRY GREYMOUTH THIS ESTABLISHED top line business, strategically sited on a min highway, is offered for sale at a price sure to please. Owner is willing to negotiate on any reasonable offer and will help . with finance. Turnover exceed $2OOO weekly and r plant, which is new, includes latest deep fry vat ($2000), walk-in freezer, potato peelers and j numerous freezers and fridges. Above average living accommodation is provided in modern j premises, while there are separate cooking faciliti ties. Business potential is unlimited and entire - propostion bears our fullest recommendation 1 ■’ E. V. ARTHUR AND SON, i P.O. Box 148, j! Greymouth, ‘J M.R.E.I.N.Z. Phone 71-45, private 7936 and 5894 Grey e ’ W3768 i- ■ WEST COAST 9 -! WE HAVE SEVERAL good family businesses for g! sale in the Greymouth-Westport area. Some i finance and details of turnover available to 8 genuine buyers only. Full particulars from our t-l Head Office or our local Branch Manager. MIXED Small home with shop attached on busy mam i road. Suitable wife to run with assistance in evenings and week-ends. The seller has genuine urgent ts ! reasons for sale, therefore the ingoing is low Full J.’l particulars in confidence. ■- 7-DAY LOCKUP n- Family business in busy suburban block This is an old established business and the owner wishes to retire. Ideal for husband-wife team. Some finance al available. Apply in confidence to: FOODSTUFFS (CHCH), LTD, P.O. Box 842. Christchurch. Phone 526-039. j 54021
Page 40 Advertisements Column 10
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 40
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