Situations Vacant TEACHER REQUIRED to commence \\ Ferm 11, for Sth form Physics slmd Science. Both full-time sl( md part-time applicants will ae considered. la ; PR. available for suitable So applicant. bo Apply: av The Principal. XAVIER COLLEGE. 122 Barbadoes Street. Christchurch. 54025 " TURRET OPERATOR A TURRET OPERATOR able to set is required by small progressive company. Good . rates of pay and overtime available. w For interview contact:— C< Mr Drummond. ai Ph. 488-319 bus.. 529-807 ah. W4llB b< TEACHER s PHYSICAL Education mistress required from beginning Term 2. 1975. Part-time post- _ tion considered. Board available. .Apply Headmaster: — CRAIGHEAD SCHOOL, TIMARU. or telephone 84-075. Timaru.; \V39">5 TIMBER A KILNS is p REQUIRE Man with previous timber experience to assist P : in operating kiln. Prefer married man. ’’’ Apply:— tj H. P. PIESSE, LTD, * ti 115 MAIN SOUTH ROAD After Hours 585-292 . 54312 1 TYPIST . CLERK MAURICE KAIN, LTD. require the services of a competent person for general I office duties for .their soft furnishing warehouse. Typing' , i experience necessary plus a: -, I pleasant personality and ■ * ! keenness to work. :. Phone 40-613. MAURICE KAIN. LTD, t 112 FITZGERALD AVE. r (above Van Stavaren Bros). 54085 i ♦ j r f t Guthreys TRAVEL AND SHIPPING INDUSTRY DUE to expansion and pro- * motion within our company. * we require immediately the services of a young man in $ the 17-19 age bracket for the ‘fc position of Office Junior. c This position is the train- i ing ground for promotion within our Company in Tours. Travel or Shipping and would» suit someone who has had at least three years high school and preferably gained I School Certificate, with a knowledge of Commercial ! Practice. The person would also require a pleasant, personality; and the ability to organise; himself and his work. A drivers licence for a motorcar and power cycle is; • essential. A competitive wage is offered to Hie right person i and the opportunity to join our Staff Superannuation Scheme after a qualifying I period. I For further information.;, ; please telephone in the first t instance: — Mr J. Livesey, A. R. GUTHREY TRAVEL AND SHIPPING LTD. Phone 30-399. __ TABLE HAND PART-TIME LADY REQUIRED to assist in the finishing of our lea-: ' ther garments. Please Phone Mrs Meighan, <7-690. bus. hours. b-U7l TIMBER MACHINIST A MAN with some expert- ■ ence in Machining is required for our Planing Mill: at. 222 Colombo St. As this work mainly deals with finishings the right applicant must . have experience in preparing i clients’ orders. Overtime worked. Apply:— Yard Manager. TIMBER RETAILERS CO-OPERATIVE. 222 Colombo Street, Phone 326-274. 54580 TELEPHO MST/CLER K A LARGE firm of Chartered Accoun.ants invites applications from girls with previous experience as a telephone operator. In addition to these duties the operator will be required to assist with clerical duties such as wage preparation, and pay- “* ment of accounts. Working conditions are excellent in a new modern office. Apply in writing to:— LAWRENCE. GODFREY and COMPANY. Chartered Accountants, Box 13250. CHRISTCHURCH. 54634 Upholsterer WE have a vacancy on our f staff tor a qualified upholsterer. We are seeking a man 1 who is neat and tidy and - takes a pride in his work. Some overtime available. No bonus system. Parking facilities available. Apply:— PIETER X de VRIES, snd SON LTD 127 Blenheim Road. Phone 489 911. t | ._ 54476
Page 39 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 39
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