Car Parts and Access ( A good selection of late I model cars being wrecked. ! Phor.e 50-777 Steve Chris- I tenson and Co. A wide range ot' cars wrecking, 55 to 75. Rex Russell Ltd. 96 Antigua St. Phone 66237. L.M.V.D ALL oruken or cracked machine parts repaired ov famous Meta lock process ar.d guaranteed Call Metal ock, 69-705 S ANGLIA 105 E, wrecking. Rex Russell Ltd. 96 Antigua St Phone 66-237. L.M.V.D. ■ ANOTHER Mk HI Zephyr - arrived for wrecking. Ph. 50-777. Steve Christenson and Co. AUSTIN A4O. no motor, otherwise virtually complete. $lO Tow away today. Phone 33-669. AUSTIN 1800 Mk I. wrecking, at Ray croft Auto Spares, e. : phone 76-589, 24 Ravcroft St. C AUSTIN A3O. wrecking, all parts, motor fully recond. 1000 miles ago 5175. Com- ■ plete and guaranteed. Ph. ■ 78-653 or 76-265. ■ AUSTIN A 55 wrecking Phone ■ 34-946 STC ■ A3O, 1956. 4-doot. Wrecking , ■ Phone Kaiapoi 7551. A4O wrecking. Ph. 34-946 STC | A4O wrecking. Ph 525 913 A4O Farina, now wrecking. Rex Russell Ltd. 96 Anti- | gua St. Ph. 66-237. 1. M.V.D BmTTERIES. Cheap and guar | anteed. Ph. 79-455. 34 Ferrv ‘ Road. n I BORGWARD Arabella for wrecking or as is. Excellent condition. Broken crank- i shaft. Ph Omihi 869 BORGWARD station waggon, wrecking. Piwne 859-256. i . CAR jacks, suit most cars, F | new. Phone 50-777. Steve | Christenson and Co. CARS wanted for wrecking. ; Phone Auto Salvage Car:, | Wreckers, cash in now. i Anything over 1955, Phone : i • 78-653 or 76-265. ! ■■ ■ ■ CARS just arriving for > | wrecking: 68 Herald, 67 • Rover T.C., 67 Cresta, 66 » b Morris 1100 65 Holden, 65 Zephyr. 65 Falcon waggon. 57 Prefect, 57 Standard 10’ and many others. Central . Auto Wreckers, open this ’ morning 9 till 12 noon. Ph. 43-938. 30 Lowe St. 54842 g CITREON 1019 being j wrecked, most parts. Ph. } 50-777 Steve Christenson and Co. >, CONSUL Mk 11. 1960 (reconditioned motor) in for wrecking. Phone 50-77.7. Steve Christenson and Co. — CRACKED cyhndei neaus or blocks Call Metalock for ’ repair Ph 69-705 WS S ESCORT, 1970, most parts sell. Raycroft Auto Spares. Phor.e 76-589, 24 Ravcroft i St.
,★ HURST CAR WRECKERS* LTD * Cnr of Haytons Road and McAlpine Avenue. * 1 PHONE 45-524, 45-666. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M. * SATURDAYS 9 A.M.-5 P.M. * WRECKING MOST MAKES o d F 1955 to 1974 m, e. Also large range of Glasgow Shocky’s. D 8 031 (South SO ’ 1,9 E OPEN 00 SATURDAY MORNINGS, 9 A.M.-l P.M. 75 i s: CARS ARRIVED LAST 4 WEEKS 50 so 58, 59, 60. 61 HOLDENS. 56 to 64 ZEPHYRS, Mk Si? 58 HOLDEN Ute. I to Mk 111. 25 57-64 VALIX. 6 cylinders. 63 PONTIAC. 56-64 MORRIS Oxfords. 59 to 62 HILLMANS. 1,0 62 MORRIS Oxford S.W. 72 HILLMAN Avenger. : 63 TRIUMPH Herald. 60 JAG. 3.8. *| 63 CONSUL 315. 63 VICTOR. 63 CORTINA. 65 IMP. ,K I 63 105 E ANGLIA. 10 HAYTONS RD, SOCKBURN. PH. 44-920. t ■ ★ NOW WRECKING ★ .9 73 HOLDEN Statesman 67 TRIUMPH 2000 ;72 H.Q. HOLDEN Ute 65 VALIANT APS 72 TRIUMPH 2000 65 HOLDEN Sedan .1 70 MINI K 1100 run- 65 P.B. VAUXHALL 7 ning gear 64 VICTOR F B. I 69 H.B. VIVA 63 M.G.B. ■ 69 H.G. HOLDEN 62 HUMBER 90 I 68 AUSTIN Gypsy 57 MORRIS 1000 I I For all your Parts requirements PHONE 30-807, 48 TUAM STREET. I
CITY SOUTH WRECKERS, 33 WORDSWORTH ST PH. 75-837 D. AND 0. WRECKERS, 169-173 WORDSWORTH ST PH. 73-219 GORDON ROXBURGH. SHANDS ROAD, HORNBY PH. 498-222 r HOBBS BROTHERS, 2418 DYERS RD PH. 843-897 . T HORNBY AUTO SPARES, HALSWELL JUNCTION RD PH. 499-544 ISLINGTON CAR WRECKERS, 594 MAIN SOUTH RD PH. 498-579 LUNDY'S AUTO SPARES, 113 McMURDO ST, TINWALD SUPERPARTS CAR WRECKERS, 72A MACES RD PH. 849-582 PH. ASH. 5867 OPEN SEVEN DAYS NOW WRECKING ■ 64 MORRIS 1100. 70 MORRIS 1300. ’ 63 FALCON S/W Automatic. 62 TRIUMPH HERALD. ' ’I 67 MK IV ZEPHYR. FARINA, Mk I, Mk 11. 5! 65 HOLDEN H.D. 58 MORRIS 1000. I 65 VOLKSWAGEN 1300. ZEPHYR, 56 to 67. 64 MK I CORTINA. HUMBER 80. 58 to 62. 1 64 P.B. VAUXHALL. HOLDENS FJ. FE. EK, HD Wag- ’ 64 HUMBER 80. gons. 64 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE. PREFECT. 40 to 60 1 ’ AUSTIN A 35. Phase I. 11. 11l VANGUARDS. 61-62 FAIRLANE, 58 STANDARD 10. DODGE. 48 to 59. CHEVROLETS, 52 to 58. i WOLSELEY 4/44, 6/80 VAUXHALLS. 53 to 57. •> 62 CONSUL 315. APS VALIANT. 65 AUSTIN MINI. 105 E ANGLIA. 69 HERALD 13/60. 64 CORTINA : ZEPHYRS Mk I and II ROVER 75. 64 HUMBER 90. CONSULS Mk I and 11. 63 PLYMOUTH VB. HOLDEN S/W, E.H 54 RENAULT. PLEASE NOTE: All the above mentioned Wreckers are linked by radio, so . lj you can be assured of the best prices and service in town.
Page 28 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 28
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