s Car Parts and Access eo WORN shafts, stub e.; bearing journals reclaim* j all I for a fraction of ne" S t" our metal sprav pro k Exhaust svstem aluminisec* l ail Metalock 69-795 s q. WRECKING « 53-62. Consuls and Zephyrs’ ja 52-63. Holdens. 58-67. | ri * umphs 62s Ace Auto Parts. 11. phone 383-328 or 858-42“ d. WRECKING Mk 1 l on>ul. ■7. Morns Minors. 50 to 01 A 55. all parts cheap Phone ~n 105442 re ZEPHYR Mk I 1954. car uui »oi complete All parts cheap and all in good condition U 1 Ph. 496-407. H 631 ZEPHYR .Mk 11! Just ln {or >4 wrecking. Recond motor. Rex Russel! Ltd. 96 Antiaua k St. Ph 66-237. 1 M \ D — ZEPHYR Mk Ills being wrecked Phone 50-777. ZEPHYR Mk Ils being wrecked Phone 50777 Met a .■j Christenson and Co. zephyr and ./ and 11. AH pa its p| lor A 75, 75-837 ZEPHYR Mk I wre< x: £ p. 34-M6 si,' ,e ZEPHYR Mk 1. «!<■ kir . y ; parts 50c each. Phone 526-527 V' 1959 Midi Zephjr wreck . e ” Pn. 385-203 ‘ 55 V 8 parti •• ■ a< and gearbox excellent < onie dition. \lso 54 \ R bod' Phone 898-059 d la FAT FEET 12 GET these tyres now uhtla li stocks last. s. PARNELLI JONES 4110x11 7 H 60 x 14 •s L 60 x 14 id POS A TRACTION 13s. Hs X?.‘ DO APEX TYRES. LTD ' (established 1928', - | cnr Durham and iv | Peterborough Streets. I Phone “ Ml« I. I—- — — 58 a, VIBRATIONS? tWE can balance Alloy Wheels, n. Mag W’heels, and ordinal' Steel Rims See us first ii APEX, the TYRE PEOPLE II nJ APEX TYRES. LID, cnr Durham and I-, Peterborough Streets. Phune 64-580 e l Open Saturdav mornings 2 RALLY TYRES s SOME of these tyres aie left. See us first. Apex, tv re '■ people. c, APEX TYRES. LID 'established 1928. » 1 corner Durham and Peterborough Streets. •> I Phone 40-860 $ :— r i ! SAVE GAS e LET us fit PIRELLI Rsdial ;TJres to your car See us x first, the Tyre People. I ■' APEX" TYRES. LTD j I i established 1928 . I corner Durham and Peterborough Streets, Phone 64-580. J 2622 L ' TYRES APEX, 4 The tyre people a ! 2621 r- ■ . WINDSCREENS , OCR comprehensive stocks ' include:— r ‘ AMERICAN CARS 1952 to 1974, all nakes I and models 5 1 SPORTS CARS AUSTIN HEALEY. ’ Daimler. DATSUN. i I FIAT JAGUAR. > LOTUS ; I M.G. >: MITSUBISHI. I PORSCHE SUNBEAM. 1 TOYOTA. I TRIUMPH. I' J. F. OAKLEY AUTO GLASS, 41 FITZGERALD AVENUE. CHRISTCHURCH. PHONE 40-869. ISTC GLASGOW’S RECONDITIONED SHOCK ABSORBERS ALL LEVER TYPE AUSTIN. MORRIS. ETC. FRONT SUSPENSIONS FORD ZEPHYR. CORTINA. ETC. AVAILABLE AT CLIFF BOND. LTD. PHONE 79-760. STAN WHEATLEY, LTD, PHONE 64-419. GLASGOW and SON. LTD. PHONE 83-620 BLACKI.OW and CO. LTD, ASHBURTON 3147. AUTO ENGINEERS, TIMARU 88-139. GREENFIELDS, GREYMOUTH 6384. STC Cycles, Buy and Sell A good CME price for • cycle from City Cycles, Ltd, cnr High and Tuam Sts, Phone 69-305 MHS BOY'S Raleigh Sporta, 19m frame, gears, carriers and I stand $35. Bov’s Roadster, 1 suit &10 yrs. B P.B. 820. 8 Roslyn Ave. St Albans. BOY'S bike for sale, 5 years old. excellent order,' 24in wheel, $35 Apply 39 f’utti Road. Lppei Riccarton BUY Raleigh 20 or Loline. Must be in good order Ph. 385-840 CARLTON ( oursa raving cycle. 5 speed Simplex, gears, very good condition. Beat offer over 8100 Ph. 271 A inbet lev CHILD'S bicycle, suit 3 6v rs. English make, $3O Phone 497-460 DESPERATELY wanted 16m juvenile bike Ring 849 433 GENT'S bicycle, in good order, tell. Phone 8467, Kaiapoi GENT'S Raleigh Sporta cycle, dynamo, good orded. 835. Ph. 558-415. GIRL'S bicycle, 241 n, $2B. Ph 558-719. GIRL'S cycle, suit 6 to year old new cond. Sell $4(l Pii 527 328. LADY'S bicycle sell. Phone ; 488-352. LOLINE bicycle, virtually unused. 3 speed gears. 565I Phone 385-4)59, ext, 822 any time. ONE adult tricycle, 26in wheels, excellent conditton. $B5 0.n.0. Southbndge 834 evenings RACING bike. 22in Carlton, suitable for track and road racing. Sun dour gears, tubeless tyres, spare tyre.s pump, both wheels brand new . $265 on o Apply 6 Mortlake St. between 7 am. to 2 p.m. Sat. and Sunda' 55032 SELL 26m gent’s brand new secondhand cycle. Phono 8932 Kaiapoi. 24 inch hike good condition. Phone 524-220 H 45 f, 4 241 N man a cycle, food condi- | tion. 830. Ph. 487-458.
Page 28 Advertisements Column 11
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 28
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