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I For Sale THE > Antigue and secondhand furniture. Silver. china, brass, glass, pictures The 1 Hedge Hog. Amberley. Ph 396. Hours Tues, to Thurs., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Friday. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m 54739 : THREE piece Chesterfield I suite, convertible, excellent condition. also floral | Axminster carpet. 15ft \ 12ft Price and particulars to Phone 776. Kirwee l TOMATO gradei Foddens oil > fired boiler with circulator pump, electric motor. 5 spare tubes. Ph. 843-846 TRADE IN lounge suites Plenty to moose from. Pri< ed to sell Gravestons Sydenham. 64-939. W4082 .TRIANG I Se t. <X) i gauge. 3 engines, rolling I stock, buildings etc. $l3O 0.n.0. Would consider split ‘ ting into two sets. Phont 1 598-939. TRICYCLE, large size, good i condition. $25. Phone 382-437. ! TROPHIES, cups and shields i for all sports at Moller and I Young. Lid 24 Oxford l\ e I rjs iTV, Bell. 23in, new tube ju>t j fitted by us. $175. Cash or terms. M.W Trading ! Store. 574 Colombo St. Ph 60-904 TV, black and white. 23in, Philips, with inside aerial, $lOO. Double bed. complete with Vono mattress. $4O. Pli Belf. 8398. TV, 23in Fleetwood, lovely 1 order. $75. Ph 892-560. TWELVE kitchen chairs, ex. cellent cond. Black wrought iron with vinyl swab Cost $2O, sell $6 each. Call 191 Manchester St, or phone 30- Sat. morning. TWIN beds, old style rimu. mattresses, bedspreads. 545 Matching duchesse/dresser. $3O. Phone 324-085. 55014 TWIN pushchair and carrycot i pram. Ph, 525-497. i TWIN pushchair, in good i order. $l5. Phone 517-369. TWO single beds, one old. ; with mattress, one new with rubber mattress, kitchen table and chairs, one j Conray heater. One Actiyaire, 3 heat long line fan J heater. Ph. 486-110 Sat utter 10 a.m. TWO sliding glass doors. 6ft 6in. x Bft, complete with j tracks. Ph. 859.392 TYPEWRITER, Olivetti Linear 88. $75 o n.o. Ph. 65-841 bus j hours. . ’YPfcwRITERS portable tn» periai Only $B6 cash or terms Geo Berryman Ltd I 77 Ferrv Road Free park ’ ing. o TYPEWRITER servicing J specialists. Geo. Berryman Ltd. 77 Ferry Road Free parking. o , TYPEWRITERS imperial new and reconditioned , Geo. Berryman Ltd, 77 Ferry Rd. Free parking D , TYPEWRITERS, a tf d ing machines, calculators, dicta ! tion equipment for hire or sale. Ph 50-062 Elite Office Services d UNIT lounge suite, 4-piece. $6O. Ph. 896-103. VACUUM cleaner, Sanyo, 3 years working. Ph. 31-733. VALOR kerosene heater Excellent. $l7. Ph. 888-573. VENETIAN blinds, two 7ft 6in x 4ft 6in. Perfect condition. Just cleaned. Best offer. Ph. 885-253. VICTORIAN spindle backed . couch, recently restored. $298. The Hedge Hog, Amberley. Phone 396. Hours, 'I Tues, to Thurs., 10 a.m. to H 4 p.m., Frid., 10 a.m. to 7 I p.m. WARDROBES, one light and I one dark rimu. Apply 91 I Woodham Rd. :WARDROBES. A good range , to choose from. Priced to s .. l„„ Glavestons Sydenham. 64*939. W4079 ! WARDROBE fronts, new De- ; molition Yard. 89 Forfar WARDROBES: Double door 4 walnut veneered, in good condition, $49; double door 1 oak, full length interior | mirror, upper shelf, $39; ; single wardrobe, good hangI ing space, full width drawer under, dark shade, ; $24; cream painted, single [ ideal base for repaint, i $2O. Easy terms. Smiths | City Market, Trade-in i Centre. 8546 WASH basin with taps and I outlet, good condition, $5 ; Mantel radio, Autocrat, i year old, good cond. $l5 ! 13 Wilding St, off Riverlaw Tee, st Martins, Christchurch 2. WASHING machine, H.M.V., auto., good working order. $4O. Phone 858-114. ! WASHING machine, Thor, Semi-automatic, checked. In | very good condition. Phone 486-207. X 3703 WASHING machine with spin drier. $5O. Cabinet drier, $3O. Ph. Lincoln 605. WASHING MACHINES. Every machine workshop tested and guaranteed. Cash, trade, terms. Gravestons, Svdenhaia. 64-939. W4079 WASHING machine, wringer model. Good condition. Ph 31WASHING machine, pump 1 model, as new, immaculate ! condition. $4O. Will deliver Phone 856-101. WASHING machine, fullv , automatic H.M.V. Latest , in brand new cond. Will give 6 weeks guaran1 ??? deliver. $220 0.n.0. ; Ph. a24-a72. 54206 WASHING machines, new and ] reconditioned. Spare parts 1 and trade-ins for the handyman. Available from : Champion House” Appli- ] ance Services Sales Centre, ] enr Antigua and Disraeli Sts. machine. La ; Gloria, agitator and pump model $3O. Excel, cond free delivery. Ph. 897-186 WASHING Machini White1 way, pump model $4O, free delivery, 131 Fleete Street, I Burwood. WASHING machine. Miss ] Simplicity pump model. ] Machine in reasonable con-®-32 0.n.0. Phone I I t>Zi)-oZB. /WASHING machine, automatic Bendix, complete ■■ S'. 1 , t . h ‘ops, very good condition, $4O 0.n.0. Launderoil washing machine, as is. $6 0.n.0. Shacklock range, as , fe, $6 0.n.0. Ph. 384-705, Saturday or Sunday morn- ! in g. WASHRITE Washing Machine , Good order, $5O. Ph. 529-314 , WASHRITE washing machine ■Excellent order. $69. Ph’ i 855-027. [ WASHING machine, Whirl- , pool, twintub. In excellent order. $5O. Ph. 496-559. .: WASHING machine, Savaday. I Large bowl, heating eleil ment. Excellent condition. ■ $B5. 66A Halswell Junction ! ] Rd. ■ WASHING machines, Beatty reconditioned and guaran teed 158 Armagh St. Ph. ) 40-893. s WASHING machines. Miss Simplicity with 2-speed . agitator, new condition. • H.M.V. semi-automatic. As is where is. Offers for both • Ph. 855-503. WATCH and clock sale start- ; Monday at the Selkc c Centre. 138 Gloucester St . Ph. 73-163. WEDDING Frock (white) anc s Headgear. Size 14. Pur chased in Sydney, worn Nel- , son. Ph. 884-123. 1 WEDDING dress, verv attrac tive. size 34. $35 om.o. Ph . 325-427. / WEDDING dress, “A” line = long train, fits 36-38. $5O 5 Ph. 596-353. iiWEDDING veU, long white ! , tier, excellent condition. sli I 0.n.0. Ph. 527-935. -[WEDDING dress. New condi y tion. $45 0.n.0. Ph. Lincoln 605. J ■■ ■ ■ WELSH dresser, $B5; chin, ’ cocktail cabinet, $35; ward -[ robe, $8; 2 fireside chairs s ! $5 each; small couch, $6 »] Phone 385-151. ’ WETBACK, copper, $lO. Ph ■: 885-126. WHITE Lappin fur jacket Immac. cond. Fit sizes 32-36 •I $lOO. Ph. 384-178. WHITEWAY washing machine Gobd order. $45. Ph > 527-776. WINDOW frames, new, un ; glazed. Demolition Yard, as II Forfar St. 54104
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Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 26
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983Page 26 Advertisements Column 10 Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 26
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Page 26 Advertisements Column 10 Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 26
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