runs. r lc«hS. rrOQuCC CAULIS bcr’rom cabbie CHAFf CHICKEN wholesale p’ .c Chrysan hemum chrysanthemum I CHRYSANTHEMUM »«<»%<.- CHOICE -n-x.d - p CLKAM CRANFORD CRUSHED black ♦ell Phnne I < \ sah CYCLAMEN in flower Mothers Da> St MartinDOMESTIC nil' In ..lei' 't • 40 gal. tank, suitable crern ■■ ■ ■ DON T approaching SpringMor or miles on Springator Rnl. Road. DRESSED poultn Fov from M. Turkes flp t a th Goallng 60. a lb Dtlekltnc 70* lb Ph R 34 loburn FLOWERING Choice plants loaded unit buds, fantastic coloui ran*;r Also orchard spra* * ?.'»« for Mother’s Das Western Nurseries. 107 Stanbuiv FOR sale. Taylors raspbertv canes. $1 a dozen. $6 a hundred $5O a 1000. Gloag s Registered Nursery, Seadown 3 RD. Ttmaru Ph. 82-246 2496 FUCHSIAS in full flower, still a good range. Tuberous br- ! gonia, coleus, genanlum*. I shrubs, citrus trees, coni i fers. passionfruit, hanging baskets Thompson’s Nursery, 269 Hills Rd Phone 81-226 Closed Sundav. GLENGARIFF Orchard Wards Rd Tai Tapu toff LlncolnTal Tapu Rd, Open dall\ S GLENMARK Flortsts. 477 Ferry Road. Phone 897 126 We deliver Mother * Da' . this Sunday X 3794 HEBES and small shrubin cents and 70 cent* Good sr lection Phone .383-185 <:?••. HONEY creamed and liquid j container* filled 42c lb Native b<‘p<h bone\ dew 37c Ib. 116 Winters Rd LARGE varks dusted grader! ’ to quality. Ilam Hard' I tables. $5.50. small bags *2 . 12 North Road Papanui Saturday morning LETTUCE and cabbage plat • J 50 cents per hundred Pl. I LILY Jf Valley plants wanted Ph. 897-517 LUCERNE tun. 80c bale anv quantltv. Ph. 583-11.3 • LUCERNE hat sell. Excellent qualitv 75c bale. Pb 428 341 LUCERNE. Hay. third crop, ! super duality. $l. Ph 39 251 LUCEREJ <J a bale. Prebbleton Ph 498 980 LUCERNE for sale. 150 bales, clean first cut hay Shed stored. SI per bale Phone Roll. 857 evening* LUCERNE hax. 1200 bales. Offers” Ph Mot 879 LUCERNE hay, top quality lucerne hay. large bale* 85c Busch Bros. Phone 499-846. ONIONS, sound first grade. 501 b $2.50. 71b 40< 736 Hill* I Rd X 5537 POTATOES, first grade $1.90 s.b. $5.50 large sack. 29 MeSaveneys Rd. POTATOES, fir*l urade. $1 63 a.b. Pears, $1 93 case. 31b I 35c. Apples. Dchcioub. Jona th a ns. Golden Delicious, 12c lb SI .95 case Plenty of caul., cabbage, carrots, lot i tuce. tomatoes apples ct. • Addington Fruit .service, 281 A Lincoln Road F 4728
Page 25 Advertisements Column 11
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 25
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