Public Notices CROSS BROS (Butchers). LTD K a; 422 COLOMBO STREET Bi PHONE 78-789 2‘ Pt \O\V selling m nulk direct c> to the public at special iow be orices:— oi SIDL& BEEF 29c lb cc HINDS BEEF Sue th FORES BEEF 24c- ib 51 CUT AND PACKED FREE “ ROLLS OF LUNCHEON ‘n AND HAM AND CHICKEN ’ 40c tb b ' |lolb FREEZER PACKS I SAUSAGES 27c ib - I SAVELOYS 30c Ib I MINCE 35c lb DOG SAUSAGE 81.25 per roll H ! (approx. 71b). !C | N | For AU Ot Your jp PHOTOGRAPHY in COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL 0 or STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY ® ib Contact— |i GREEN and HAHN. I« PHOTOGRAPHY LTD. ! P 152 Armagh Street, Christchurch WS| b DUNEDIN - TIME-TABLE ' J N.Z.R. ROAD SERVICES Chch Dunedin ;• Departure Arrival j* Sunday 8.15 a.m. 3.50 p.m. 1 Sunday 1.00 p.m 8.05 p m , t Mon.-Sat. 9.45 a.m 5 10 pm , r Mon.-Sat. 1-00 p.m. 8.05 pm' Via limaru Animate i Oamaru ixEtV ZEALAND RAH WAVs) I VICTORIA S’IREET i TERMINAL , AS I N.Z. JET BOAT ; ASSOCIATION CANTERBURY Branch. N.Z. . Jet Boat Association, wish to advise that Boat Trials will ■ be held in the vicinity of the Rakaia Gorge Bridge on; . SATURDAY, May 10 comI mencing at 10 a.m. (Signed) M. J. BOOL, N.Z.J.B.A. 7135 > COME ALIVE gpy
STAY ALIVE A DEFENSIVE DRIVING sic COURSE will commence at t 0 7,30 p.m. each evening, May! a. 12, 13, 14, and 15. at the carton Town Hall. Clarence I w ; Road. i of DON'T DELAY ANY LONGER YOUR ENROLMENT NOW ■ 29 COULD SAVE YOUR LIFEPHONE 70-888. I v 7398 | NOTICE DECLARING ! - LANDS TO BE INFECTED AREAS UNDER POTATO PI CYST NEMATODE g! REGULATIONS, 1974 Be (No. 1129 Ag. 61422) U PURSUANT to regulation 3 (1) of the Potato Cyst Nema- . tode Regulations 1974, notice is hereby given that the fol- P lowing lands are declared to ” be infected areas: (a) The land on which potato m) cyst nematode has been c a found— Be (1) An area of 15 acres 2 wi roods and 5 perches id or thereabouts situ- 1. ated east of and adjoining Marshland Road, Christchurch, in Blocks HI and VII of the Christchurch Survey District being part of Lot 22 on Deposited Plan No. 2773 part of Rural Sections 2143 and 5063. C.T. 546/52. Canterburj’ Registry. DATED at Wellington this! 6th dav of May. 1975. A. T. JOHNS, Director-General of i Agriculture and Fisheries. ; I 2402; HARE DRIVES | QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, JUNE 2 SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 9 a.m., Eyrewell Forest. Headquarters: Cust-West Eyreton R.S.A., Cust Fire Brigade. 2237 GARTH (MEN il i Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s ; 1 TAILOR I ’ I For Made-to-Measure Suits, Overcoats and Skirts. GOOD selection of English 1 1 ail-wool Suitings and Tweeds ] in stock. 1 Own materials made up. ! Alterations to Suits, Trou- ] sets tapered, etc. i 115 CASHEL STREET i i (next door Whitcoulls), I PHONE 40-539. I j I ADDINGTON i WORKSHOPS BRASS BAND PRE-CONTEST 1 REHEARSAL CONCERT AH Welcome. 7.30 p.m.. SUNDAY, MAY 11, LOWE STREET HALL 53364 CANTY & WESTLAND AMALGAMATED SHOP ASSISTANTS & RELATED TRADES INDUSTRIAL UNION OF WORKERS ANNUAL GENERAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MEETING TRADES HALL. 194 Gloucester Street, Christchurch, MONDAY, MAY 12, 8 p.m. B ALDERDICE, Secretary. 2191 j
Page 24 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 24
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