Wanted to Leas? .VANTED l< •• • - 10 50 i•'« wanted to 3400 ”<| V ir; - IIOV »q fl ' INDUSTRIAL AND , COMMI.RCIAI bPK lALISIS PHONE 06-569 AH Morgan Long 43W FACTORY/WARLHOI SI sq. tt »q ft i 11200 Sydenham 61.70 JIS(X» S\d«nhani J>L4.» *I * s**l Addington 41 52 [4609 Waltham 6160 I J2JHM* Waithair. m» Hh 14.500 Svdenham 41 1<» i\DI SiRIU xxi‘ COMMERCIAL SPECIALISI b. Phone 66-56° j A.H Morgan Long 43-940 SHIMISiWIISdittP] ss FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE sq. ft per sq. tt 14.000 City East . 61.20 6,115 Central 6L30 2.600 City East, new tl.Bl ! 3,584 City East, new «1.50 2.400 City West, new - I 15.000 Citv South II 3 5.<M)O City South 61.35 : 2.070 City South. now 61.70 ! 13.850 City West, new 61.43 INDUSTRIAL AXD I COMMERCIAL DIVISION. -j Joe Oster and Peter Mangos fNione 50-039. J ; OFFICE SPACE TO LEASE 3650 sq. ft per floor net ; Ideal for 2 tenancies 2 higl speed lifts. Ait condittonitu piu- opening a Indo* 23 cat ( I parks 9 on site. 1| This superb new building >Jis being constructed at 18.' : Hereford Street and will b« > completed prior to ChrtMma* >11975. Rentals are extremeh competitive and lease agree d ments can now be entered !; into. Limited apace available • - For further details phorv ' McKenzie. 50-973 business, a.h 1 139-958. ; S2» [SHtmiIStWIISDIIIU I, FACTORY OR ' WAREHOUSE , SYDENHAM 15.000 SQ. FT With 1 ; LOADING BAY ([Vacant posseaslon Septembri >1 51.35 per aq. ft. Long term teaae available INDUSTRIAL COMMERCE DIVISION PHONE 50-039. J. Oster or P. Mangos | 5- ■■■,!. fiX Ministry of Workr Va 7 and Develoomeni 11—HOUSES AND SECTION. ’I FOR LEASE: SOUTHER* MOTORWAY Tenders are Invited for th. ' lease of four houses that - have been converted to office accommodation In Hawdor and Coleridge Streets AU th. ' propertie, are adjoined anc ' have an areas of approxi ■ mately 2 roods. 2—HOUSE AND SECTION FOR LEASE: SOUTHERN ( MOTORWAY Tender, are Invited for the lease of a house that bar i been converted Into office ac I commodatlon in Coleridge ■ Street. The property has an area of 23.3 p. 1 3—HOUSE AND SECTION • FOR LEASE: SOUTHERN MOTORWAY Tender* are invited for the lease of a house that ha* ' been converted into office a< eommodation in Wordsworth Street. The property, haa an ’ area of 23.3 p. ' Tender* should be for ‘warded to the Secretary. DKLi i< t 1 entirr ßoard. M I ■ 1 1 of Works and Development. • P.O Box 1479, Christchurch I before 4 pm. on TWood*! ' May 27. 1975 J Inspection onlv by arrange, j'ment with the property of fleer, telephone 71-6j9. exten II slon 754. from whom i-ondi . tion< of lease and tender ! 1 be obtained d
Page 23 Advertisements Column 10
Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 23
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