?oard and Residence I BOARD - offered. Sfo Armagh St. PH 891-617. F 4726 tailoring CHANCERY isilo:- It hirers and outfitters Qualitv modern lounge suits for all occasions We specialise in selling shirts and ties fot wedding groups Ph. 30-038. 293 Manchester St, enr Oxford Tee. Christchurch. STC Church Notices ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 8 a.m.: HOLY COMMUNION 11 a.m.: CHORAL EUI. HAH--IST. Service: Stanford in C. Sequence: Glorious and Powerful God. Slantord. Preacher: < ANON K P ANDREWS. 7 p.m.: CHORAL EVENSONG. Service: Stanford in C. Anthem: Ascendit Deus. Philips Preacher: THE DEAN. 2488 ST BARNABAS FENDALTON 7 a.m.: Holy Communion. 8 a.m.: Holy Communion 11 a.m.: Matins. Preacher. The Rev Robert McLay. B.L.A T.H. 7 p.m.: Evensong. Preacher: Miss P. Grueber. Director. Christian Will Service. ST THOMAS 9.15 a.m.: Holy Communion. 54708 ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS 9 a.m.: Sung Eucharist (breakfast after this service). 11 a.m.: Holy Communion. Preacher at 9 and 11: the Rev. I. G. Reynolds. 7 p.m.: Solemn Evensong. “His Native Skies.” PHILIP BAKER, Vicar. GOSPEL HALL ARMAGH ST GOSPEL HALL. 109 Armagh St. SPECIAL MEETINGS FOR MINISTRY OF THE WORD OF GOD commence today at 2.30 p.m. (D.V.) Hours of meetings are — today, 2.30-4.30 and 6-8 p.m. Refreshments provided in the interval. Sunday: 3-4.15 p.m.! and Gospel Meeting. 7 p.m. 1 Everyone cordially invited to these meetings. Believers especially should profit from the Ministry. “The Word of the Lord endureth for ever.” WALTHAM GOSPEL HALL, Shakespeare Road. SUNDAY, 7 p.m.: Gospel Meeting. Speaker: Mr D Anderson. TUESDAY. 7.30 p.m.: An I address by Mr L. Goold ' A Warm Welcome to All. 54518 RUTLAND ST CHAPEL SUNDAY—--9.30 a.m.: Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.: Lord's Supper. 7 p.m.: Evening Service. Speaker: Mr Bruce Duncan. WEDNESDAY—--7.30 p.m.: Missionary Prayer Meeting. 2595 BRYNDWR CHAPEL, 179 Idris Road. SUNDAY—--9.30 a.m.: Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.: The Lord’s Supper. 7 p.m.: Address by Mr lan' Armitage. WEDNESDAY—--7.30 p.m.: Address by Mr Len Goold. 2590 RICCARTON GOSPEL CHAPEL, 48 Elizabeth Street. SUNDAY11 a.m.: The Lord’s Supper. 7 p.m.: Mr E. C. Sides. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 7.30 p.m.: Home Bible Studies. 2760 SALVATION ARMY WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE! MEET EVERY SUNDAY 11 A.M. AND 7 P.M. BISHOPDALE—IsIeworth Rd. CHRISTCHURCH ClTY—Victoria Square. HORNBY—Tauiwi Crescent. LINWOOD—I 77 Linwood Ave. NEW BRIGHTON—Hardy St. OXFORD—Mata Road RAX’GIORA—AshIey Street. SPREYDON—Barrington St. ST ALBANS—Cranford St. SUMNER—Nayland St, 11 a.m. SYDENHAM — Cnr Colombo and Southhampton Sts. VISITORS WELCOME. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS! SCIENTIST. 63 Worcester Street. SUNDAY SERVICES: 9 30 a m 11 a.m. Subject of this week’s Lesson-Sermon: ADAM AND FALLEN MAN SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9.30 am Nursery. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING: 7.30 This meeting Includes test! monies of Christian Science healing. Visitors Are Very Welcome CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM. 72 Lichfield Street. PHONE 78-962. Open each day from 10 a m to 4.30 p.m. (Monday. Tues day. Wednesday. Thursday). 8 p.m (Friday! Our Reading Room ts tor all to use and enjoy. STC | REFORMED CHURCH Cornwall Street. St Albans Services 11 a.m and 7 p.m. You Are Welcome. | Minister: Rev. W Wiersma, 34 Reynolds Ave. Phone 596-398 s RICHMOND .MISSION North Avon Road SUNDAY Ilam “The First Chapter of Joshua. 7 p.m.: Evening Sen ice STC
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Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 22
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Press, Issue 33839, 10 May 1975, Page 22
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