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i 45 The home on the roam6 Get-ai/ko/ CIR4UNS for M/taekends, holidays
MOTORISTS . . ! “LOADMASTER” TOWBAR NOW! Manufactured to M alt can tram 1952 to the latest 1973 medals Thor bolt to the chassis or sub-frame for easy remoeal. Hooey duty Loadmaster for towing caravans and tr odors. Avadoblo for: Holden, Vauxhah, Peugeot. Chrysler Valiant, Morris. Austin, Wolseley. Ford, Daimler. Jaguar. Renault. Fiat, Rover. Triumph. Hunter. Singer Vogue cars. Morris. Austin, Holden. Falcon and Valiant Utas. Mercedes Bena Cars. Fitted from 15 minutes by appointment. a All Japanese cars, utes and trucks. e AH towbars supplied with steel trailer balls for safety, o Chrome towbars for seme of the latest models R. A. BLACKWELL ENGINEERS LTD “The Towbar Specialists" PHONE 60-940 Business Hours or After Hours 896-235 293 ST. ASAPH STREET (opp. Hurst & Drake)
CLIPPER CARAVANS UHRT ■ "MBsr-x... ■ wf ' 'wb ■ Adequate sleeping arangments with foam or innerspring mattresses ■ Extensive wardrobe and cupboard space ■ Full size double bed settee ■ Ample power points ■ Laminex table top matching top of kitchen unit ■ Attractively designed kitchen units with stove, sink, water pump and fridge ■ Two separate electrical circuits: 230 volts and 6/12 volts ■ Floor — vinyl tiles or carpet CLIPPER CARAVANS, 23-25 CLOTHIER STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. PHONE 62-133.
Check list... It is a good idea to have a check list such as the following one which can be run through quickly each day before moving on: .lacks and castor wheel up. Handle stowed. Coupling lock pin firmly in place. Towbar safety chain connected. Brake coupling joined if it is a pneumatic type controlled by the driver. Ball joint not over-tightened. Tyre pressures of car and caravan correct. Wheel chocks removed. Windows and hatch closed and locked. Electricity lead disconnected and stowed. Signal and brake light wires connected and tested. Interior checked for closed cupboard doors. Movable objects packed and unable to slide around. Gas turned off or adjusted for refrigerator. Adjust weight for correct towbar loading. Caravan door locked and safety catched. I
I IX I—| |l<| | FOR THE FIRST TIME ,N NZ 4MHBh UIUVMS MEWOUI Tt»,»™.««.z»u«r. fMMM Wtffe .tJMk is?fsras«y<fi: ouriUs \ / X - ~'W A i~X A * J A K f /*"W Yord - hav ® b9en joined into one fTOSt expCnSRCW Invercargill. fIM. 'UM \ 0,,0 "-W>K i ““7 f AI J A\/A\IC sroup - all are members of the NHBMHHBv Caravan manufactory 40 agents in all to serve the caravan ■ , ( AKAVAX) ” r ’ -—J Accessories—'fias Supply Famous the world over. Sprite >1 V/ >w 1 Bl x B»Z gives you the great outdoors Dominion wide AFTER SALES!SERV(CE and holiday information service. j nreat indoors LOOK FOR YOUR C.l. DEALER a rnuuu s>. , OXFORD is the best known of all New Zealand’s prestige ALL MODELS — Sprite Crusader & Oxford are fitted with duratorque independent suspension with , caravansfamous for its originality of design and standard automatic hydraulic disc brakes. Sprite, Crusader and Oxford are members of the Caravans International ■??’ "jMjM of finish and attention to detail. Group and are therefore backed by the resources, research, and caravanning, "know-how" of the world's BH largest and most experienced caravan manufacturers. Caravans International Group factories are located v HRI W in England, America, Canada, Germany, Spain, Australia and many other countries, the most recent of QfjM* W which is New Zealand. I' " f ISfi£SU!, dSf ' \ I *K?££ 0 ’ MKL K* / in ■ £ B New Zealand's famous Million taHl ? " = / x ''£? ■ B B BB B H gy 'Dollar Export Caravan for 1971 * I. / / B B mH B H B B Bf with an even 9 raat ® r range for / x / JHZBL B B B B BB K the 1972-73 season. Sprite 400 4k ’ 1 fibreglass iff ' '\ 1 front and rear Choose between any of the ten WTfflMWrlfy 'fl fabulous Crusader models available a^Bl' '’*iSSM9 aBB 10ft, 3 berth, weight only 10 7 cwt. Available in 2 r \ var W^ifl now. Pictured is the spacious, V" i f ‘ ™ layouts. Price complete with stove, gas bottle etc. kX. mighty 12ft model. B| f/ r fwßßPrt-f I / > This particular caravan is economi- |1 : s . 881 >y 1 - > «ii» immi imisiw Mi ifl ' IffiMlßMl cally priced at v $1946 AH Crusader B § nHBBBIM -1 Bl? Hl aiy ■ B |pBl A j■-!!,£ Mrtß J-a. '•’BcH caravans are fitted with duratorque B - f W Am ila ■ g*S independent suspension and fea- , >-■' a / \ x> Sc ture automatic hydraulic disc B M JT . . ■ « 4 i B / brakes as standard equipment. Bl 12 6, 4 berth weight only 12* cwt. Price 7 'W . ' ■» • •"•' 1 complete with stove, gas bottle etc. dl/UJr / /''/ I hRRHHHb hKmHKm > J 7 7 sprite Musketeer ’’'' fßfess ’*'& I Pictured at left is the iB ' 'J I 1 J 'r/'J Premier Deluxe Mobile 15ft, 4 berth weight approx. 15y cwt. Price O7Q R w--* S I Home. Fitted with every- complete with stove and gas bottle etc. > Il 4 H f fj®.? thing imaginable, inThe completely new 1973 Oxford will soon be s' f fi B iiSffiF • r--‘ eluding a shower, it is available from Caravans International Munro. Six lb -- ----.- .vH ... pr,ced at 55019 Hr" models .vili be available, from 14ft 3m to the B super luxury 24ft model. All to suit the most . Amwa customers. CARAVAN CENTRE (olol) CARAVAN & UTILITIES Hb m J BP®W' ' 1 MAIN NORTH RQAD 301 LINCOLN RQAD Bg IO & PH. 528-657 A.H. 526-506 PH. 385-133 A.H. 325-178 W IKOni open six days a week open six days a week HftWH Smß mm . I Here at the Caravan Centre you We at Caravan and Utilities go BW|J|| |y|Q|Q|* can be assured of the best and J* r out Ol ! r way t 0 ma^ e su . re you [ ; j, > most efficient service available. ® get the right caravan to suit your e» mm mm We have everything you need to c ’ every need. We buy, we trade, 16ft Sin, 4 berth or 6 berth weight approx. >sb|<|C j ijV .ffißl make caravaning a complete * we sel * ~ we are you !" tota ! 16|cwt. Complete with stove, gas bottle etc. RE pleasure. Call or write for your ' caravan centre. Come in and ■M j ree co | ourec j brochure. We will discuss our new low deposits Seldom before in N.Z. has Sprite quality and lightness been be pleased to hear from you. and easy repayment. available at these unbeatable value for money prices.
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Bibliographic details
Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 10
Word Count
1,037Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Press. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.