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’ Wanted to Rent A good selection ut tenants wait ing for good quality homes furn. and unfurn, all areas Miss Kearns at at Allans Acco. Bureau M.R.E.I NZ. Ph 67-943 D ACCOMMODATION and manage ment. We urgently require foi reliable waiting tenants furn. and unfurn. flats and houses Leslie Paiker. M.R.E.I.N Z Ph 486-052 ah. 583-331. D AN unfurn. house, $3O-$5O, either Cashmere, Merivale area, etc. Personally known clients with excellent refs and good bond assured. For further information and to assist this couple please phone Mrs Hall. 70-537 or 40-752. Bohnenn Real Estate, M R.E.I.N Z. 8656 ■ ■ ■ ■ ANONYMOUS inquiries. Do they bother you when vou have a property for rental? Let me advertise. interview, negotiate and sign contracts lo save your time. Landlords only please. Phone 67-282 or 67-274 ext, 65 any time or call on Mrs Hogan. Merritt’s Acconi. Bureau, 134 Victoria St. M R.E.I.N.Z. 8625 ADULT families, school age families will pay $lB-S4O for unfurn., part furn. or furn. houses. all areas. Also ' urgently needed, one-two bedI room furn. and unfurn. flats for quiet business people. Al) have excellent rent referi ences. Bonds assured, agree- ! ments signed For long, ex i perienced service and helpful advice, please Phone Mrs Hall. 70-537 or 40-752, Bohnenn Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 9466 ■ ■ ■ ■ APPEALING to propertv owners j We have consistent requests from recommended tenants for houses and Hats al! areas. Family homes urgently needed. Landlords only please Phone 67-282 or 67-274 ext. 65 any time, or call on Mrs Hogan, l Merritt’s Accom. Bureau. 134 Victoria St. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 8625 ATTENTION landlords’ Weurgently require 1,2 and 3 bedroom unfurnished and furnished flats and houses, all areas. We inspect all properties. We interview all tenants Mrs Milne. Jollifl’e’s Accom. Bureau, M.R.E.1.N.Z,, 172 Hereford Street, Phone 66-347 or after hours 75-628. TWHS BUSINESSMAN with mature, quiet boys, wants 2-3 bedroom home or flat, urgently. Fur-' nished preferred. Rent in advance guaranteed. References. Ph. 894-674. COUPLE require cheap, spacious unfurn. flat or house. Reply 5764 “Press.” X 5764 CHRISTIAN couple with family i wish to rent 3-bedroom house, preferably unfurnished, in Elmwood-Heaton area, from Mav 1. Rent up to $25. Replies Box 2004 Christchurch, or Ph. ! 558-297. ’ 8485 EXECUTIVE man and his wife on transfer from North Island 1 require urgently a 3 bedroom nicely furnished house in Feni dalton or the hill area. Will ' pay up to $4O p.w. for the i right house in the right place, i Phone 50-159. M. M. Rathie James and Co., Ltd, M.R.E.1.N.Z. . HALSWELL, Hoon Hay, Spreydon. Wanted to rent 2 or 3-bed-l room unfurn. house or flat i With garage preferred. For business man and family. Care ful tenants. Ph. Hsl 8944. HAVE sold own home, need 2 bedroom unfurnished flat.; Easter till December. Phone! Mrs Clapp. 60-944 or 896-093 after 3 p.m. X 5937 MARRIED couple require 2-bed-room unfurnished flat with garage. Willing to do garden and lawns. Ph. 62-599 bus hours. MARRIED couple with six-year-old child, on transfer from north, urgently require 2 bedroom unfurn. flat, prefer in Riccarton area. Phone 50-159, M. M. Rathie James and Co.. M.R.E.I.N.Z. MIDDLE-AGED business couple at present building new home. I Has anyone a nice home. 2 bedrooms, garage, floor coverings. drapes, central or north I west of city to let for 5-6 i 1 months? Any rent by arrangement. Ph. 897-665. ST ALBANS: Couple with two; children require older type house or cottage, willing to do repairs, etc. Reasonable rent Phone 79-941 UNFURNISHED 2 or 3 bedroom clean house or flat. Young married couple with baby. Phone 74-695. UNFURNISHED 2-3 bedroom i house required. ShirleyRichmond area. Phone Collier. 1 67-560 business hours. WANTED 1-2 bedroom fully 1 furn. luxury apartment, pre-) ferably centrally situated., Ring Jan Munro of Daniel J Visser M.R.E.1.N.Z., 66-470. i 2-bedroom S.C. furnished flat, re-; quired by mature tenant. Apply 6113, “Press.” 2 bedroom and sunroom or 3 bedroom house or flat, furn. or partly furn., in Harewood Rd. Papanui, Riccarton area. Must i have garden and lawn area. Up to $25. available until at least I December. Reply to K 7867. ! “Press,” Rangiora. X 6283 ACCOMMODATION FURNISHED and unfurnished houses and flats urgently required in all areas, bv highly recommended tenants. If you are contemplating an overseastrip we manage your property and also collect rentals in your absence. Please phone Mary McNeill. RURIC HUNTER, LTD. PHONE 50-999 After hours 70-538. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 8239 A SENIOR COMPANY OFFICIAL |on permanent transfer to Christ-! ’church requires a 4 bedroom house in good locality for three or four months from April 25. Furnished, if possible, but would consider unfurnished. Tenancy and rent guaranteed by our company. Please reply to: — Branch Manager, ROYAL INSURANCE CO., LTD, P.O. Box 130, CHRISTCHURCH. Telephone 62-959. 8654 OIL COMPANY EXECUTIVE WISHES to rent from April 27. until December 31. a modern 3 bedroomed house with garage. Located preferably in the north western suburbs, near a Catholic primary school. Ceptral heating is desirable and the house Jean be furnished or unfurnished. Prepared to pay up to $3O per , week. Please phone Mr E Buttolph i3O-579 during business hours with details. 8439 HOUSES REQUIRED URGENTLY IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: R ICC A RTON-FEN DA LTON: 3 bedroom unfurnished from Easter for Company Executive on transfer for two v ears. lIA LSW ELL-SP RE Y DON: 2 bedroom unfurn. house or. flat sold own home, to $25 PAPANUI - CENTRAL - ADDINGTON: Large house or group of flats; together, approx. 8 bedrooms required, for long established group with excellent references. obliged to move urgently due to sale of present accommodation, to $6O. MERIVALE. 4 bedrooms unfurnished for school aged family for 12 months. Sold own propertv. I to 535. •, LINWOOD: 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished for quiet couple with two children to $2O. Please phone Mrs Cooke 67-095 or call at 165 Cashel St. BJO5|
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Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 23
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969Page 23 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 23
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Page 23 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 23
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