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Auctions| L. P. DEVLIN DEVLINS MARKET | RANGIORA THIS FRIDAY S AUCTION AT 1 O'CLOCK POULTRY— Table and Laying Birds. PRODUCE— Fruit and Vegetables. HOUSEHOLD GOODS— Wardrobes, 2 Tallboys, Table * and chairs. Duchesses, Single Beds, Ottoman. Electric Heaters, ; Rockinghorse. Mirror. Carry Cot. ' Electric Frypan. Polisher. Kitchen 1 Chairs. Electric Rangettes. Cushions. Carpets. 2 Bedroom Basins, Prams. Sulky, China, Kitchenware and household goods. SUNDRIES— Ladies Cycle. Tilley Lamp. .. Glasshouse Lamp. Posts 3ft 6in, ? i Pumice Copper. C/e Saws. Steel Ladder, Pumice Chimneys. Doors, Windows, Tools and many suni dries. L. P. DEVLIN. Auctioneer. i 8524 ; Properties tor Sale ''NEW BRIGHTON? north. Immaculate 3-bedroom housewile’s dream fully furnished ideal for young couple, very private. $14,750. Grant Real Estate, M.R.E.I.N.Z. Phone 31-227; A.H. 856-806, Morrison. NEW BRIGHTON: 3 double bed ( room family home with neat garden, next to park. Handy to all amenities. Double garage. A genuine property for $15,800. Reasonable offers considered. Ph. Daniel J. Visser, M. 68-853, after hours' Mike Hutcheson 554-553. 8640 NORTH-West. Ideal for semiretirement or additional income’. First time offered. A beautifully developed sheltered property of almost acres just 6 miles from Square. Improvements: well designed modern bright and spacious ; summerhill stone home, pleasing kitchen, to separate 16 x 15 , dining room and lounge both i opening to sun terrace. De- [ lightful landscaped garden provides a charming peaceful set- $ ting Excellent carpets and decor. Double garage and 30 x 20 x 15 caravan, boat and trailer accom.; 2 quality built * glasshouses 100 x3O and 80 x 1 30 with fully auto, oil fired heating and trickle irrigation. Returns available to bona fide l buyer. $45,000. Inspection ,• strictly by appointment with f sole agent. J. J. Lagan. M.R.j E.1.N.Z., 486*557. 8680 NORTH BEACH: An excellent family home, spotless througb5 out. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, , separate dining. Garage and j workshop. On excellent 30perch front section. $14,300. Phone sole agents, 67-274, Merritt Housing, M.R.E.1.N.Z., i after hours Barry Lomax, 895-217. 9464 NORTH-West. Avonhead’s prim * position. We recommend that i you inspect now as section prices a-e rising. The choice ? of either 4 or 5 bedrooms. ; These permanent materia! . ’ homes offer spacious living. ( j Pick your own wallpapers and j fittings before completion. Very ! handy to all amenities. Price I $32,000. -For inspection ring Whittle. Knight and Boatwood. Ltd. M.R.E.1.N.Z., 44-149. a.h. Rogers 43-832 8579 NORTH BEACH. $13,000. Contemporary styled 11-year-old bungalow of permanent materials. Beamed ceilings through-* out. Two very spacious bedrooms and lounge with private sunny outlook. Plenty of cupboards. Carport built in, ah on elevated 20-perch section. ’! Value here. Please Ph. 68-013, sole agents. Drewery’s Estate ! Agency, M.R.E.I.N.Z. A.H. Ray , _Adcock._497-32L _8512 ■ ■ ■ ■ NORTH PARADE (just off). I I $13,950 0.n.0. Absolutely immaculate 3-bedroom home, lovely lounge with Ranchslldei I . doors to sunny terrace, well i I appointed throughout. Family . size section, close to shops and bus. For appointment to inspect please Ph. Neil Neumann, Zenith Homes. Ltd M.R.E.I.- , N.Z., any time._764o NORTH-west. $21,000. First time i offered by sole agents. Well ; kept 3 bedroom brick home on mature section. For further ' particulars, Ph. Bob Pouns- ' ford of E. V. Jolliffe and Co.. Ltd, M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 68-347; a.h 843-127. 8765 NORTH BEACH, close to the sea. II Large roomy older type home : consisting of 3 bedrooms, large sunroom, separate dining room and lounge. A little paint and paper would make this a ■ | worthwhile investment at L $8750. Please phone sole agents. John Cathcart. Ltd, 30-973, a.h. ' M. Brownie 893-858. M.R.E.1.- ; N.Z. 8600 ’OAKLANDS $14,000 0.n.0.. 13- ; i year-old 3 bedroom weather* 1 board home on large section, t Eye level stove and garage. It ’ . needs redecorating but is good 1 buying at this price and will make a good family home. Ph. ! Jansen. 40-753. A.H. 889-271, Bohnenn Real Estate. 6492 ’ OPAWA, two storeyed home I with 4 bedrooms and sunroom. Large lounge, large livingdining room, separate kitchen, laundry with Bendix washing machine, separate shower, new Kelvinator fridge included in chattels with good carpets throughout house. Large gar-i age, 29 perch section in excellent condition. $20,000.1 Please phone sole agent Rayl i Cunningham. 67-095, a.h. 599-305, T. G. Healy. M.R.E.1.N.Z. 9478; OPAWA. Large 3-bedroom permanent material home, 24ft I ; lounge, modern kitchen with twin tubs and auto, cooker. Very sunny corner section, well established. Huge garage. ! All in very good order throughout. $26,500. Ph. Denis Lee, Mercer Real Estate. M.R.E.1.N.Z., 66-917; A.H. j 265-161. 6722 OPAWA. Large brick home on 47 perch landscaped section, two street frontages, 4 car ■ garage, caravan shed 30 x 20, 3 bedrooms, large lounge, modern kitchen w’ith separate diningroom. Many extras. I This desirable home would suit : doctor. Inspection a must. I Price 528,000 0.n.0. John Cath1 cart, Ltd. M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 30-972. P. Coleman. 7682 OWNERSHIP flat, Avonhead: De lightful Summerhill stone flat in unit of two facing street I with garages between 2 bedrooms cosy lounge with glassi door to spacious kitchendinette. separate shower cabi- 1 net. Excellent section Handy Io shops and bus. Price only: 18,000, including quality carpets, drapes, curtains and linos. Dalgety. New Zealand Ltd. M R.E.1.N.Z.. phone 62-079.. after hours 327-080 584-252 . 3061. ■ ■ ■ ■ OWNERSHIP flats, Merivale, under construction. Choice of' two concrete block luxury! ownership flats with garages! between. 2 good bedrooms and substantial living area Built on an angle to catch the sun. $19,000. For details and specifications phone T H Gibbon,' and Co.. M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 40-593.1 after hours 556-794. OWNERSHIP unit. St Albans.! .* New’ deluxe 2 bedroomed unit; ■ sited for maximum sun and with an excellent internal lav-! out Completely finished and; ready for occupation. Price $12,500. For inspection phone! Enterprise Homes. Ltd. 45-139 a.h 486-548 or 487-779. 3786 OWNERSHIP flat. Fendalton. Dignified seclusion will bci found in this private and secluded rear flat in a unit of; two with garages between J Built to catch the sun. with 21 double bedrooms. attractive lounge 22ft x 17ft well equipped kitchen and separate din-' ing room. Quality carpets? drapes, blinds, expensive light fittings and panel heaters included in the price; of $24,000. Sole agents Dalgety New Zealand, Ltd. MREI.NZ Ph. 62-079, a.h. j 584-252, 327-080. 3059]
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Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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1,003Page 21 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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