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For Sale COCKTAIL china cabinet, modern style, contrasting light and dark woods. $57.50. Cocktail cabinets, older styles, serene and roomy, at give away prices, from only $12.50 each Compactum, 6 drawers, lift up lid with mirror. .First class order. 359.50. China cabinets, large selection of different styles, clearing, from only $9.50 each. M.W. Trading Store, 574 Col-; ombo St. Ph. 60-904 8517: CONVERTIBLE double divan suites, modern styles, big selection from $49.50 each. Sleepwell dove divan, red and grey. Converts to single bed. Nice order. $45. Chesterfield suites, recovered in quality nylons, as new . from 5125. Bergere lounge } suite, polished mahogany,! maroon brocade cushions. Superior quality, as new. Bargain. 3295. M.W Trading Store, 574 Colombo St Ph. 60-904. 8517 CORNER book shelves, light rimu. $l5. Medium oak gate) leg table, very tidy, only $lB.l Large selection of kitchen tables and chairs, priced from S3O. D.S. cot, $l6. D S. cot and rubber mattress. $26. Large; selection of single and double beds Babys prams this weeks' special $5. Easy terms. Trade In Centre. Smiths Citv Market. DAVENPORT, Early Victorian, Walnut, a charming piece at Ann-Tiques Gallery. Ltd. 358 Colombo St, Svdenham. Phone 72-247. DEEP treeze cabinets: 7 cu. ft For special ex factory price see N. O. Pierson. Ltd. 168 Hazeldean Road THS DEMOLITION yard, 89 Forfar Street, for all modern building materials and fittings THS 1 , DROPSIDE cot, innerspring mat-; tress. $l5. Phone 33-850. DRUMS. 46gal. 50c. Wylies new ■ premises, 6 Maunsell St, Woolston. Ph. 897-370. THS DUCHESS light rimu. 2-d rawer, i eflex mirrors. $26. Light stain double bed, extended head board, slat base, with inner sprung mattress, very tidy. $45. Floor polisher, choice of 6, from $l4. Tapestry fire screens, $3 and $B. High back hall chair, oak, tapestry seat, $lB. Easy terms. Trade In Centre, Smiths: City Market. ENGLISH oak bedroom suite, 6! piece. 2 rdbes, duchess, 2 B.S. cabinets. $lB5. Extended head board, Vono spring wire, excel., lent order. 5 piece bedroom; suite, light rimu. large mirror, | bookcase bedhead, <sl32. 3 piece bedroom suite, dark rimu, reflex duchess, tidy order, $75. Twin bedroom suite, light beech, large duchess, full panel bed heads, 5 drawer tallboy and B.S. cabinet, excellent wires, coil under springs. $135. Easy terms. Trade In Centre. Smiths City Market. FORMICA table, 48in x 32in, lemon and grey. 4 matching chairs $35. Ph. 43-334. GARDEN incinerators. heavv steel from $2 delivered Drums from 50c. VVvlies. 11l Moorhouse Ave. Ph 74-687 THS GLASSHOUSES for nome gar deners. Armitage glasshouses cheapest and best. 180 Lin wood Avenue ohone 894-731 THS GOOD used furniture at bargain prices Sheppard and Co.. Gloucester Street (opposite Havwrights). THS HAIR dryer, Zip Deluxe, complete with vanity case, used only twice. $19.50. M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Phone 60-904. 8516 HOME freezers, 1 cu ft. for special ex factory price see N O Pierson Ltd 168 Hazeldean Road THS HOME decorating? See the range of wallpapers for all rooms at Ashbv Bergh’s. 322 Manchester St. MGF HOMEMAKERS LTD, tor fine Colonial and classic furniture 88 Manchester Street. Phone 50-303 inext People's Palace) TWH LARGE selection of E.P. tea sets and china and crystal. Sauna bath, deluxe model, as new, $25 Easy terms. Trade In: Centre, Smiths City Market. 8436 LIGHT oak Hope chest, as new, double door, 3 drawers, $42. Record cabinet, light stain, as new, $l4. Bow front china cabinet, plain glass, dark beech.: tidy, $25. Golden oak cocktail china, bookcase combination, very tidy, $29. Light oak cocktail china cabinet, as new, $52. Easy terms. Trade In Centre, Smiths City Market. 8435 MATTRESSES from $l2. Sleepwell from $18.50 Doubles frorti $36.50 Homemakers. 88 Man Chester St Ph 50 303 MGF MEN'S jackets. Men’s jackets. Don't horse around. Men’s jackets now only $12.95. zip action back, lined, waterproof: good pockets. These are good These jackets have just arrived from the north. Don’t fiddle: while Rome burns, head for Papanui Bargain Centre. 4 Harwedood Rd, and get cheap jackets, cheap shoes, cheap ladies’ coats, this week. X 6273 MODERN Teak dining table, very little used. 4ft diameter with 18in flip leaf. $6O 0.n.0. Phone 529-420. MORRISON rotary mower, $22 overhaul. $49.50. Cash or terms. M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. NATIONAL cash register, power or manual, detail ticket, etc. As new, $4OO. Phone 384-940 2403 PEWTER Unkards tn manv designs at Moller and Young. 224 Oxford Tee Ph 50-090 H QUILTING. Nylon quilting. 58in wide (water mark on edge). Normally $3.95. now only $1.95 Good colours, ideal for bedspreads. house coats, brunch coats, dressing table sets. The lot must be sold this week. Papanui Bargain Centre. 4 Harewood Rd. Right in Papanui at traffic roundabout X 6271 RANGE, Atlas Y model, glass door. 3 plate simmerstat control, thermostat control oven, minute timer, good order. $49.50 M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. RANGETTE, Atlas, good order, $l5. M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. REFRIGERATOR, Leonard, two door refrigerator-freezer, reconditioned. $9O cash or terms. M.W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. REFRIGE RATORS. Reconditioned • and guaranteed. Priced from $33 or easy terms. Free deliv-I ery. H. Simpson, Ltd. used appliance centre phone 65-12? or call at 236 High St. TH SEMI automatic washing machine. $3O. Phone 75-645. SLEEPOUT, approx 14 x 10, iron roof. $2OO. Telephone 326-536. SMITHS Citv Market, Trade-in Centre: Moffatt. 3 ring, timer. $35: Shacklock Chef, electric, thermostat. 3 ring, timer. $5O: Champion Ensign, automaitc, 3 ring. $55; Atlas semiautomatic. 3 ring, griller, $65; > Atlas automatic. 3 ring, griller.' 559; Atlas semi-automatic. 4 ring. tidy. $69; Atlas semi-; automatic. 2 hi-speed rings, li plate, thermostat. $69; Cham-; pion Commodore, automatic, 3 ! ring, 559; Atlas 3 ring, thermo-• stat, timer. $4B; N.E.E.C.O.' Vanguard Supermatic,_ 2 hispeed rings, 1 plate. $65; Atlas 3 plate, tidv condition. $45: Shacklock Chef 24. automatic.; 4 hi-speed rings. $125; Shack-1 lock Orion 24. 2 hi-speed rings. I plate. $B9; Savaday wringer washer, heater. 559; Whiteway, wringer washer. 90 day guar-i antee. 579; Frigidaire refrigera-l tor. good condition. $72; Dreco; Arctic freezer, very tidy. $152: 26 clothes driers to choose from, cabinet and drop in. from $l2 to $35. 8659
OYSTERS GALORE OYSTERS BY THE SACK Luscious big Bluff Oysters from Skeggs Foods Ltd for only S2O a sack. That means approximately 27-28 cents a dozen. Get together, or go it alone, and buy a sack of the world’s best oysters. They’re particularly delicious this season. FISH PROCESSING. LTD, (down right of way) 306 Selwyn Street. Telephone 40-742. G. HALLIDAY. 20A McGregor Road. Telephone 895-230. 8365
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Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 20
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1,085Page 20 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 20
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Page 20 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 20
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