Corriedale (Judges: Messrs W. V. Seeker. Happy Vall?y, South Australia. F C. Ridgen. Greendale. S. W. Galetley, Ashburton. D. S. Studholme. Ashburton; A. M. Saunders. Ashburton.) Ram. under 1$ months <24): D S. John! Trust 1 and 3, W R E. and F. E. Booker 2. J. F. G. Blakely and Son v h c. U. F. Dixon and Company h 0. A. H. Kennington c. Pair of rams, under 18 months <J): D. S. Johns Trust 1. J. F G. Blakelv and Son 2. W. R. E. and F. E. Booker 3. Bushey Park Estate v h c. Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb «16): Estate 0. G. Evans and Sons 1 and reserve chamJ ion and 2. D. S. Johns Trust . W. Dam pier-Crossley v h c. Estate H. Sidey h c, W. R. E. and F. E. Booker c. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with lamb «21): D. S. Johns Trust 1 and champion and h c, Robert Robinson 2, Estate O. G. Evans and Sons 3. J. F G. Blakely and Son v h c, W. R. E. and F. E. ; Booker c. Ewe. under 18 months (27); J- | F. G. Blakely and Son 1 and 3. D S. Johns Trust 2. Robert I Robinson v h c and c, W. F. | Dixon and Company h c. Pair of ewes, under 11 months (8): D. S. Johns Trust 1. J. F. G. Blakely and Son 2. Estate H. Sidey 3. Robert Robinson v h c. Bushey Park Estate h c . Shorn Classas Ram. under 18 months (28); D. S. Johns Trust 1,2 and v h c. Robert Reid and Sons. Ltd, X Bushey Park Estate h c. Rob ert Robinson c. Ram. under 18 months *15); D. S. Johns Trust 1. 2 and c. Estate H. Sidey 3, J. F G. Blakely and Son v h c. W. R. E. and F. E. Booker h c. Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb • 14); D. S. Johns Trust 1, J FG. Blakely and Son 2 and h c. Estate H Sidey 3 and c. Estate O. G. Evans and Sons; v h c. Ewe, 18 to 20 months <l3l. ! Estate H Sidey 1. D. S. Johns Trust 2. Robert Reid and Sens, Ltd. 3. W. R. E. and F. E. Booker v h c. J. F. G. Blakely and Son I h c, W. O. Ross and Company Ewe. under 18 months >22): Estate H. Sidey 1 and 3. D. S. Johns Trust 2 and h c. W. O. Ross and Company v fa c and c. English Leicester (Judge; Mr R. P. Steele. Waiau.) j Ram. over 30 months <4): Rooert Reid and Sons. Ltd. 1 •nd 2. estate E. S. Taylor 3. Ram. is to 30 months <8); Robert Reid and Sons, Ltd. 1 and champion, and 2 and reserve champion. Beechwood Trust 3. Ram. under 1? months, shornl <7); Robert Reid and Sons. Ltd., 1. Beechwood Trust 2. estate E S. Taylor 3. Ewe. over 30 months, and lamb (5); G. E. Gumbrell l.j •state E S. Taylor 2 and 3. Ewe, 18 to 30 months, and; lamb (5); Beechwood Trust 1; and champion. Robert Reid and Sons. Ltd. 2. reserve champion. 1 •nd 3. estate E. S. Taylor v.h.c.l Ewe. under 18 months «5); Robert Reid and Sons. Ltd, 1 •nd 2. R. J. Law and Son 3. Ii •state E. S. Taylor v.h.c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn (4) Robert Reid and Sons, Ltd. < 1 and 2. G. E. Gumbrell 3. ; Border Leicester 11 (Judges: Messrs R. F. R. Jolly, j 1 Te Awamutu; J. Alan Miller. ’ Outram.) Ram. over 30 months (7): J. p A Thompson 1 and champion. ; 2 and 3. Ram. 18 to 30 months (•):•' Westmere Farming Company. Ltd. 1 and reserve champion and 2. N. W. Scott 3, J. A ! Thompson v h c. Ram. under 18 months, shorn I <30): N. w. Scott 1. Westmere: Farming Company, Ltd, 2, John, G. Gunn 3. R. W Campbell! v h c, D S. and R. M. Hart h c. ■ J. D. Paterson c. Pair of rams, under 18 months. 1 shorn (14): R. W. Campbell 1.1 H. W. Farquhar 2. Westmere Farming Company, Ltd. 3. John’ G. Gunn v h c. N. W. Scott h c. • Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb (8); N. W. Scott 1. T. H. Lemon 2. H. W. Farquhar 3. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with i lamb «4): John G. Gunn 1 and; champion. R W. Campbell 2 and i reserve champion. T. H. Lemon | Ewe under 18 months (14): i Stoneylea Farm. Ltd. 1. J. D ; Paterson 2. R. W. Campbell 3 and v h c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn <2o>: H. W. Farquhar 1. D. S i and R. M. Hart 2. Westmere Farming Company Ltd. 3. J. | D Paterson v h c. R W. Campbell h c. Halfbred (Judge: Mr C. W. Denton. i Domett.) Ram. over 30 month, <S): C.' Burrows 1 and reserve cham- j pion. Smith Bro» 2. estate Jas! Stevenson 3. Ram. IS to 30 months 44): | Smith Brothers 1 and cham- j pion. C. Burrows 2 and 3. Ram. under 18 months (7): Smith Brothers 1. Mrs A. M. i Pattie 2 and 3. D. Inkson v.h.c. Ewe, over 30 months, with lamb 12): estate Jas Stevenson; 1 and reserve champion. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, and I lamb <7): Smith Brothers 1 and’ ehampion. Mrs A. M. Pattie 2.1 C Burrows 3. D. Inkson V.h.c.l Ewe under 18 months <9): t C. Burrows 1 and 2. Smith I Brothers 3. Mrs A. M Battle I v.h.c.. estate .las Stevenson’ h.c.. Hope Brothers c. Romney (Judges: Messrs H. W. Yelland Newlyn. Victoria; G. H Craine, Feildmg.) Ram. over 30 months <5): F. ! W. Allan 1 and champion. J. E Dunstan 2. Rannoch Trust 3. ’ Ram. 18 to 30 months is):'
Rannoch Trust 1. Darnley Stud |2. J. E. Dunstan 3. Ram. over 18 months, shorn «10); F. H. Chittock 1 and reserve champion. C Burrows 2. H. C. Vanstone 3. Ram. under 18 months, shorn (41); F. H. Chittock 1 and h c. . R. I. Mcßae 2, Gavin S. Marshall 13. D. W. Palmer v h c. Pair of rams, under 18 months, shorn (10). D. W. Palmer 1, C. Burrows 2. F. H. Chittock 3. Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb <12); Beechwood Trust 1 and reserve champion. F. H Chittock 2. H. C. Vanstone 3 Darnley Stud v h c. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with lamb <11); C. Burrows 1 and champion. D. W. Palmer 2, Ran noch Trust 3. Ewe. under 18 months (14): Darnley Stud 1. B F. Brice 2. C. Burrows 3, H. R. and D. A. Scott v h c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn <25); C. Burrows 1,2 and v h c. B. F. Bnc« 3, F. W. Allan h c. Lincoln j (Judge; Mr R. P. Steele. Waitu.) Ram. over 30 months (1>: Mrs A. P. Bennett 1 and champion. Ram. under 18 months, shorn i<2): Mrs A. P. Bennett 1 and 2. Cheviot j (Judge: Mr A. D. McGilvray, I Invercargill.) Ram, over 18 months (4): S. j D. Taylor 1 and champion, R. • G. Macale 2 and 3. Ram. under 18 months (3); S. D. Taylor 1,2 and 3. Southdown • Judges. Messrs H. W. PannettJ Baiclutha, and B. B. Slack, Oamaru.) Ram. over 30 months (5). A. D. Wyllle and Sons 1, J. D. Galpin, Ltd 2. T. E. M. Brooks 3. Ram. over 30 months, shorn (3); F. W Jarman 1 and reserve champion. W. Early 2, A. D. Wyllie and Sons 3. Ram. 18 to 30 months (5): N. J. Sarly and E. A. Lock 1 and champion. T. E. M. Brooks 2. W. Early 3. Ram. 18 to 30 months, shorn 12): T. E. M. Brooks 1. W. E. i | Moorhead 2. Ram. under 18 months (17): ! F. W. Jarman 1, John A. Brown 1 2 and 3. A. D. Wyllie and Sons: v h c. T. B. M. Brooks h- c. Ram, under 18 months, mach-: Int shorn on or after August I. 1967 (natural condition) (13)' —John A. Brown 1 and 3, A. D. 1 Wyllie and Sons 2. N. J. Early I and E. A. Lock v h c. Pair of rams. under 18 months, shorn (4): T. E. MJ Brooks 1, A. D. Wyllie and Sons! 2, N. J. Early and E. A. Lock ! 13. Ewe. over 30 months, and I lamb (4): A D. Wyllie and Sons! 1 and 2. T E. M. Brooks 3. i Ewe, 18 to 30 months, and ■ lamb (5); A. D. Wyllie and Sons! 1 and champion, N. J. Early I and E. A. Lock 2, J. D. Galpin,; Ltd 3 Ewe. over 18 months, and! > lamb (natural condition) (6): j A. D. Wyllie and Sons 1, J. D. ■ j Galpin, Ltd 2. T. E. M. Brooks! , 3. Ewe, under 18 months (6); | 'A. D. Wyllie and sons 1. T. E. ; M. Brooks 2. J. D. Galpin, Ltd’ Ewe. under 18 months, shorn ( (5): T. E. M. Brooks 1. A. D. ■■ | Wyllle and Sons 2. N. J. Early and E. A. Lock 3. Ewe, under IS months, machine shorn (natural condi-1 tion) <7>: W. Murray Early 1, , T. E. M Brooks <two entries!: equal) 2. A. D. Wyllie and Sons; 3. R. P. Anicich v h c. i Ewe. under 18 months J • natural condition) (5): J. D. I Galpin Ltd 1. R. P. Anicich 2. N. J Early and E. A. Lock 3. Ewe. ever 30 months, shorn, i with lamb <5); A. D. Wyllie and : Sons 1 and 2. N. J. Early and : E. A. Lock 3. T. E. M. Brooks v h c. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, shorn, with lamb (4): A. D Wyllie and Sons 1 and champion and 3. T. E. M. Brooks 2. Group of four shorn sheep (1): A D. Wyllie and Sons 1. Hampshire Down (Judge; Mr G. E. Gumbrell, Geraldine): Ram. over 30 months (4): D. S. | Crossan 1 and reserve cham : pion. J. C. Guinness 2. LA Roy and Company. Ltd. 3. Ram. 18 to 30 months <9): D { iS. Crossan 1 and champion, R i J. Knowles and Son 2, I. A. 'Roy and Company. Ltd 3. R. D i : H. Walace v h c. ! Ram. under 18 months, shorn l (23): D. S. Crossan 1. 2. v h ci and h c, A. J. Garyne and Comi pany. Ltd, 3. Kelynack and Com • pany c. Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb (8): D. S. Crossan 1 and f champion and 2. J. C. Guinness' 3. I. A. Roy and Company, Ltd iv he. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with) lamb <8»: D. S. Crossan 1 and: reserve champion, J. C. Guinness 2. 1. A. Roy and Company, i Ltd. 3. A. J. Gardyne and Com pany v h c. Ewe, under 18 months (13): D. S. Crossan 1 and 3. 1. A. | 'Roy and Company. Ltd. 2. A. J. Gardyne and Company v h c. 'Mains O Blair, Ltd. h c, J. C. ; Guinness c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn (14): D. S. Crossan 1 and c. I Kelynack and Company 2 and :v h c. R. J. Knowles and Son j 3 and h c. Dorset Down I (Judge: Mr J. Q. Donald, ■ Featherston) Ram. over 30 months (4): J. 1 G. and R J. Ktng 1. R. T. Masefield 2, J D. Galpin Ltd 3. Ram. 18 to 30 months (4): L. | ij. Begg 1. J. Boyd-Clark 2. Ram, over 18 months, shorn! I (5): A. H. Busch 1, S. R. Inwood: Ram. under 18 months, shorn • (33): Davenal Estate 1. cham pion, 2. 3 and v h c. R. T. Masefield h c, J. Boyd-Clark c. Ewe. over 30 months, in lamb I ill): Davenal Estate 1 and champion, 3 and v h c, J. Boyd-Clark Ewe. 18 to 30 months, tn lamb • 9); Davenal Estate 1 and re-
serve champion. 2 and 3. J. Boyd-Clark v h c. Ewe. over 18 months, shorn 110): Davenal Estate 1. J. BoydClark 2. H. N. Munro 3. A. 11. Busch v h c. Ewe. under 18 months (17). Davenal Estate 1. 2. and 3. A. H Butch v h c and c, J. Boyd Clark h c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn (12): Davenal Estate 1 and 2. A. H Busch 3, J. Boyd-Clark vh c . South Dorset Down (Judge; Mr F R. Robertson. Greytown.) Ram. 18 to 30 months (3): K. W. Busch 1 and champion. L. J. Begg 2 and reserve champion. J. G. and R. J. King 3. Ram. under 18 months, shorn (17): J. Boyd-Clark 1 and 3, E. C and Miss P. S. Wright 2. K. W. Busch v h c, J. D. Gaplin Ii c, J. G. and R. J. King c. Kwe, over 18 months, with lamb (9); L. J. Begg 1 and champion. K. W’. Busch 2. re serve champton and v h c. J. G. and R. J. King 3. Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with lamb (7): A. A. Ellis 1 and 3. J. G. and R. J. King 2. K. W Busch V h c. Ewe. under 18 months (13): I K. W. Busch 1 and v h c, J. G. and R. J. King 2. J. D. Galpin. Ltd, 3, J. Boyd-Clark h c. Dorset Horn (Judge; Mr Walter Martin. Sandy Creek. South Australia > Ram. over 18 months (1): R G. Barnes 1. Ram. over 18 months, shorn (1): R. G. Barnes 1. Ram. under 18 months, shorn •2): R G. Barnes 1 and champion. J. D. Galpin. Ltd 2. Ewe, over 30 months, and lamb (1): R. G. Barnes 1 and champion. Ewe. under 18 months (3): J. D. Galpin. Ltd 1 and 2, R. G. Barnes 3. Poll Dorset ! 'Judge; Mr Walter Martin. Sandy ; Creek. South Australia.) J Ram, over 30 months (7): A. G. W’. Gardner 1, W. W. Lowe 2. i T. P. Lowe and Company 3, New ton Bros v h c. Ram, 18 to 30 months (9): W. iL. Walsh Trust 1 and 2, T. P Lowe and Company 3 and v h c. , Ram, under 18 months, shorn (17): A. G. W Gardner 1 and ! champion, T. P. Lowe and Com ; pany 2 and 3, B. and P. Gardner v h c, h c, and c. j Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb <9): T. P. Lowe and Com • Pany 1,2 and v h c, Newton I Bros 3. i Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with ' lamb (8); T. P. Lowe and Com- ! pany 1 and 2, A. G. W. Gardner [3 and c, V. R. Copland v h c, B 1 and P. Gardner h c. j Ewe, under 18 months (20): T. IP. Lowe and Company 1 and ' champion, 2 and v h c, B. and i P. Gardner 3, Newton Bros h c. Suffolk i (Judge: Mr J. A. Lampp, Marton.) I Ram. over 18 months (3): R. C. and R S. Hart 1. Mrs J. M. i Jarman 2, Pine Grove Suffolk ! i Stud 3. i Ram. over 18 months, shorn'' (2>: Mrs J. M. Jarman 1 and P {champion, Pine Grove Suffolk!' (Stud 2. • Pair of rams, under 18 months, shorn <2): Pine Grove; 1 [Suffolk Stud 1. R. C. and R. S. : Hart 2.■ ! Ram. over 18 months, shorn! <6l; Mrs J. M. Jarman 1 and , reserve champion. R. C. and R 1 S. Hart 2, Pine Grove Suffolk f Stud 3 and v h c. Ewe, over 18- months, and lamb (5): Pine Grove Suffolk Stud 1 and champion and 3. | i Mrs J. M. Jarman 2 and re- j 1 serve champion. ' Ewe. under 18 months (5); Pine Grove Suffolk Stud 1 and j 3, R. C. and R. S. Hart 2. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn , <5); Pine Grove Suffolk Stud ’ 1 and 3, R. C. and R. S. Hart 2. , South Suffolk [ (Judge: Mr T. M. B. Rowe. Palmerston North.) Ram, over 30 months <5); M i L. and J. R. Croy 1, W. Murraj Early 2. H. C. Vanstone 3. ; Ram, 18 to 30 months <6); J. , D. Galpin and Company 1 and champion. G. D. Neave 2, F. J 'Amos 3, M. L. and J. R. Croy v h c, W. Murray Early h c. I Ram, over 18 months, shorn !(4): W. Murray Early 1. G. D. i Neave 2. i Pair of rams, under 18 months • I <8): F. J. Amos 1, Pine Grove: ! Farm, Ltd. 2. J. D. Galpin. Ltd, ;3. W. Murray Early v h c. Ram. under 18 months, shorn 1 (ID): J. D. Galpin. Ltd. 1 and 2. < I F. J. Amos 3. Pine Grove Farm, I Ltd. v h c . H. C. Vanstone h c. ‘ I Ewe. over 30 months, with! lamb (10): F. J. Amos 1. cham-; j pion, and 3. J. D. Galpin. Ltd. , 2. M L. and J. R. Croy v h <• Ewe. 18 to 30 months, with lamb <9): J. D. Galpin, Ltd. 1. I M. L. and J. R. Croy 2. W’. MurI ray Early 3, Pine Grove Farm, j Ltd. v h c. ! Ewe. under 18 months (13): J. D. Galpin. Ltd. 1, Pine Grove ' Farm. Ltd. 2 and v h c. R. C. and R. S. Hart 3 and h.c. Ewe, under 18 months, shorn (7): R. C. and R. S. Hart 1 and 3, W’. Murray Early 2, M. L. and J. R. Croy v h c. Group of four (6): J. D. Galpin. Ltd, 1: M. L. and J. R. Croy 2, F. J. AmoS 3. Ryeland ; (Judge: Mr H. C. Dent. Sydney.) Ram. over 30 months <«): G. |E. Gumbrel 1. J. McK Gardner 2. A. C. Greenwood 3, G. H 'Burrows v h c. Ram. 18 to 30 months (5): J. McK. Gardner 1 and champion. G. H. Burrows 2 and reserve champion. A. T. Heron 3. Ram. under 18 months, shorn (12): G. E. Gumbrell 1 and 2, G. H. Burrows 3 and v h c, A. T. Heron h c. Ewe. over 30 months, with lamb <9): G. E. Gumbrell 1 and champion, 2 and v h c, A. T. Heron 3.
Ewe, 18 to 30 months, with! lamb (10): G. E. Gumbrell 1 and reserve champion. G. H. Burrows 2. A. C. Greenwood 3. Ewe, under 18 months (12): A. T. Heron 1 and 3, G. E. Gumbrell 2, A. C. Greenwood v h c. J. McK. Gardner h c. Ewe. under 18 months, shorn (9): G. E. Gumbrell 1 and 3. I. J. Muldrew 2, A. T. Heron v h c. Ewe. over 18 months, shorn, with lamb (6): G. E. Gumbrell 1 and 2, A. T. Heron 3, G. H. Burrows v h c.
Perendale (Judge: Mr A. D. McGilvray, Invercargill) Ram, over 18 months (4): S. D. Taylor 1 and 3, D. A. Anderson 2. Ram. under 18 months (9): D. G. Baker and Company 1 and champion, S. D. Taylor 2, reserve champion, and 3.
STUD SECTION (Judge: Mr V. M. Collins, Christchurch.) Merino ram 64s and finer 1 6>: Estate H. Giibson 1, A. A. Urquhart 2. Merino ram. 60s to 64s and, stronger (3): Estate W. D. Stev-I enson 1, J. R. Todhunter 2 and 3. Merino ewe. 64s and finer (5): j Estate H. Gibson 1. A. A. Urqu-' hart 2, R. P. Steele 3. Merino ewe. 60s to 64s and. stronger (I/: A. A. Urquhart 1 Merino woolly ewe hogget (3): ■ A. A. Urquhart 1, Mrs A. P Bennett 2. Corriedale ram (5): R. Robinson 1. W. F. Dixon and Company 2. W. R. E. and F. E. Booker 3. Corriedale ewe (9): W. F. Dixon and Company 1 and 2, R. Robinson 3. Corriedale woolly ram hogget (7): R. Robinson 1 and 2, W. F. Dixon and Company 3. Corriedale wolly ewe hogget: J. F. G. Blakely and Son 1. W. F. Dixon and Company 2 and h c, R. Robinson 3 and v h c. Halfbred ram (1): Mrs A. P. Bennett 1. Romney ewe <1): Dannmore Stud 1. Border Leicester ewe (1): J. G. Gunn 1. Lincoln ram (2): Mrs A. P. Bennett 1. FLOCK SECTION Merino ewe or wether (1): Lake Edge Development Company 1. ! Corriedale ewe or wether (1): G. D. Gillanders and Sons 1. Corriedale woolly hogget (1): G. D. Gillanders and Sons 1. i Halfbred ewe or wether (1): | C. Burrows 1. I Romney ewe or wether (1); H. B. and A. F. Brown 1. ' Romney woolly hogget <1): R. j VV. Campbell 1.
Meat And Wool Cup J R. Fraser s Scout of Tamaihu 1, K. M. Dysart’s Antrim Napoleon 2, D. W. Morrow’s Okawa Lesken 34th 3. Beef Shorthorn (Judge: Mr B. H. Miller. Gore.) Heifer, born since June 30. 1965 (3): T. D. Barwick’s Oashore Princess 1 and Oashore Snow White 2. Stoneylea Shorthorns Ltd’s Stoneylea Rose 2nd 3. Heifer, born since August 31. 1966 (1): Stoneylea hSorthorns Ltd’s Bell Vue Lady 61st 1.
Bull, born since June 30. 19651! <2): K. M. Dysart's Antrim Na-j • poleon 1. Stoneylea Shorthorns; Ltd’s Stoneylea Welfare 2. p Bull, born July 1 to August ' 31, 1966 (1): Stoneylea Shorthorns Ltd s Stoneylea Duke 4th 1. Aberdeen Angus (Judge: Mr J. p. Tylee. Wai ’ pukurau.) Heifer, born July 1 to August 31, 1966 (5): J. B. Hickman’s i ‘ Ellebet Ist of Taimate 1 and , Angela 2nd of Taimate 2. R E : Allan s Iris of Beachcraft v h c Heifer, born since August 31. 1966 (1): R. E. Allan's Irene of Beachcraft 1. Two heifers, born since June 30, 1966 (3): J. B. Hickman 1. R. E. Allan 2. Bull, born before July 1, 1964 (1): J. R. Fraser's Scout of . Tamaihu 1, champion and super 1 champion. ( Bull, born July 1 to August ; 31. 1966 (|): C. G. Gardner and i Son’s Envaice 22nd of Karaka ’ 1. R. E. Allan’s Nigger 4th of Beachcraft 2. 1 Bull, born since August 31. I 1966 (1): J. B. Hickman’s ’ Princlbet sth of Taimate 1. ] Group of three animals, male or female, one year and over, by one sire (3): J. B. Hickman I 1. Hereford (Judge. Mr H. E. Holms. (Waimahaka) ! Cow with calf or in calf born before July 1, 1964 (2): W. M. Gilberts Papatahi Amethyst! 11l 1 and ch.. J. F. Cooper. Ltd. Blairich Princess Ist 2. Heifer, born since June 30. 1965 <6). O. R. Chamberlain! and Sons' Capethorne Nora Ist 1. i 1
J, F. Cooper Ltd s Blairich Dahlia sth 2, and Blairich Prin cess sth 3. D. W. Morrow's Okawa Dora Willdale 3rd v.h.c. Heifer, born July 1 to August 31. 1966 (5): Mrs G. M. Burrow's Beechwood Bella 3rd 1 and Beechwood Bella sth 2, W. M. Gilbert's Coldstream Diana 3rd 3. Heifer, born since August 31. 1966 (5): O. R. Chamberlain and Sons’ Capethorne Pearlette 1 and Capthorne Lydia Ist 3. D. W. Morrow's Okawa Lydia 61st 2. Two heifers, born since June 30. 1965 (3): Mrs G. M. Burrows 1, W. M. Gilbert 2. Bull, born since June 30. 1964 (1): D. W. Morrow’s Okawa Leskan 34th 1 and ch. Bull, born since June 30, 1965 (4): Allandale Station Ltd. s Allandale Fairlands 1. O. R. Chamberlain and Sons’ Capethorne Alpha Prince 2, D. W. Morrow s Okawa Leskan 42nd 3. Bull, born July 1 to August 31. 1966 <6): J. F. G. Blakely and Co,. 1 and 3. D. W. Morrow s Okawa Leskan 52nd 2, D. M. Wrights Saxon Swagman P.N. v.h.c. Bull, born since August 31. 1966 (4): O. R. Chamberlain and i Sons’ Capethorne Benjamin 1. Allandale Station Ltd’s Alian- | dale Gaelic 2. • Group, bull and three females. I any age (4): O. R. Chamberlain i and Sons 1, J. F. Cooper, Ltd, 2, I W. M. Gilbert 3. i Group of three animals, male ior female, one year and over, by one sire (4): .J. F. Cooper. Ltd. 1. Allandale Station, Ltd. 2, W. M. Gilbert 3. Galloway (Judge: Mr B. H. Miller. Gore.) Heifer, born July 1 to August 31, 1966 (2): J. F. Cooper, Ltd, Catherine of Blarich 1 and Claire of Blairich 2. Two heifers, born since June 30, 1966 (2): J. F. Cooper, Ltd. Catherine of Blairich and Claire of Blairich (equal) 1. Bull, born July 1 to August 31, 1966 (2): J F. Cooper, Ltd. Cameron of Blairich 1. Group of three animals, male or female, one-year-old and over, by one sire (3): J.. F. Cooper, Ltd, Catherine of Blairich, Claire of Blairich. and Cameron of Blairich (equal) 1.
Milking Shorthorn (Judge: Mrs J. Borlase, Nelson.) Cow, in milk, born before June 1, 1963 (3): ,W. J. Small’s Waratah Barrington Meg 1 and champion and Terracedale Mareej 2, O. and C. H. Gray’s Waratahj Barringion Meg 3. Heifer, in milk, bom since) May 31, 1964 (2): W. J. Smalls' | Terracedale Sue Ling 1. i Heifer, in milk, oorn since; May 31, 1965 (3): W. J. Small s I Terracedale Grade 1, O. and C. H. Gray's Waratah Sally 2 and j Waratah Rosette 3. Heifer, born June 1 to August >3l. 1966 (4): W. J. Small’s Ter i racedale Julia and and Terracedale Senorita 2, O. and C. H. Grav’s Waratah Sweet Briar 3. Heifer, born since August 31. I 1966 (3): W. D. Viger's Paparua Lady Hopeful 1, U. and C. H. Grav’s Waratah Fashion 2, e W. J. Small’s Terracedale Amanda 3. Heifer, born since May 31, 1967 (1): W. D. Viger’s Gleneyre Maree 1. Bull, born since May 31. 1967 (1): Miss Nancy Vigers's Gleneyre Ross 1. Bull, born June 1 to August 31, 1966 (1): W. J. Small's Terracedale Jaguar 1. Bull, born since May 31. 1965 (1): W. J. Small's Terracedale Cragsman 1. Bull, born before June 1. 1964 (3>: R. M. iMather’s Sefton Lord Luxford 1 and champion. W. J. Small s Terracedale Talisman 2. O. and C. H. Gray s Waratah Lord Benefactor 3.
Bull (Butterfat Cup): W. J. ; Small's Terracedale Lord Talisman 1. O. and C. H. Grays) ! Waratah Lord Benefactor 2. I Senior breeding group, bull. I 2 year or over and three females [in milk (3): W. J. Small 1, O. ! and C. H. Gray 2. Cow, type and production <2); j i W. J. Small s Waratah Darlington June 1. Three females, of one sire,! two in milk d): O. and C. H. I Gray 1. Two yearling heifers, born; since May 31. 1966 <3). W. J | Small 1. O. and C. H. Gray 2, i W. D. Vigers 3. Two females, the progeny of; ; one cow. one in milk (1): O. , and C. H. Gray 1. Junior breeding group, yearling bull and two yearling) heifers (1): W. J. Small 1. Jersey (Judge: Mr L. Burmeister, Palmerston North.) Cow. in milk, born before June 1, 1963 (6): R. W. Frost's Pine Leigh Primrose 1 and champion. Pine Leigh Curly 2 and Pine Leigh Catrina 3. Skurr and Frost’s Pine Leigh Top Venla A 2. Cow. tn milk, born since May 31, 1963 (3): Skurr and Frost’s Pine Leigh Top Venla A I, R. W. Frost’s Pine Leigh Pride's Prim 2 Heifer, in milk, born since May 31. 1964 (3): R. W. Frost’s Rosendale Guards Heather 1, T M. Fleming's Summer Lea Glenis 2, R. J. M. Miller's Aidershot Carina A 3. Heifer, in milk, born since May 31. 1965 (5): D. J. Martyn’s; Silverlea Design's Solinda 1 and Silverlea Design's Princes 2. T. M Fleming s Summer Lea Lady 1 Eve 3 I Helfer, born June 1 to August! • 31, 1906 (11 ): D. J. Martyn’s! ; Silverlea Design Loleta 1. R. W.i Frost’s Pine Leigh Princess 2.. ! M. and R Tate’s Ribbonwood; i Gracious Light 3, T. M. Flem-i
ing’s Summer Lea Lads Ali v Ii c, N. J. Bain’s Baylene Venus | h c. R. J. M. Miller’s Aldershot ; Dinah c. Heifer, born since August 31.1 1963 (5): D. J Martyn's Silver lea Designs Farina 1. N. J. Bain’s Baylene Virginia 2. M.' and R. Tate’s Ribbonwood Millicent 3. R. J. M. Miller’s Aidershot Cinderella v h c. Heifer, born since May 31. 1967 <10): T. M. Fleming’s Summer Lea Lads Vane 1. D. J. Martyn 2. B. W. and M. T. Dawson’s Castleburg 3, R. J. M. Miller v h c and h c, N. J. Bain’s Baylene Merri Wanda c. Bull, born since May 31, 1967 <3): B. W. and M. T. Dawson 1, D. J. Martyn 2, A. K. Chapman’s Hanover 3. Bull, born since August 31, 1966 (3): T. M. Fleming's Summer Loa Lads Gav Boy 1. A. K. Chapman’s Silverlea Regal Keya 2. Bull, born June 1 to August 31, 1966 (5): T. M. Fleming’s Summer Lea Lads Flash 1, D. J. Martyn's Silverlea Designs Renown 2, N. J. Bain’s Baylene Viscount 3, Estate R. S. Bassett’s Burnt Hill Golden Master v h c. Bull, bom since May 31. 1965 <2): A. K. Chapman’s Hanover Regal Prince 1. Bull, born since May 31. 1964 • 3): B. W. and M. T. Dawson’s Redlands Blue Bounty 1 and champion, R. W. Frost’s Pine Leigh Top Victor 2, J. H. Gillett’s Air Port Brian 3. Senior Breeding Group.—Bull. 2 years or over, and three females, in milk (1): R. W Frost 1. Two females from one cow. | one in milk (1): R. J. M. Millar Three females, by one sire, two m nnlk <1): D. J. Martyn 1. Two yearling heifers, born since May 31. 1966 <5). D. J. Martyn 1, R W. Frost 2. M. and R Tate 3, N. J Bain v h c, R. J. M Millar h c. Junior Breeding Group—Yearling bull and two yearling hei fers (4): D. J. Martyn 1. R W. Frost 2. M. and R. Tate 3, N J. Bain v h c.
Red Poll (Judge: Mrs A. E. Woodhouse, St Andrews.) Cow, dry or in milk, born before June 1. 1964 (1): G. R. Bedford’s Woodlands Park Daisy 1. and reserve champion. Heifer, dry, or in milk, born since May 31. 1965 (2): Fleming and Son’s Willow Lea Daisy Girl Bth. 1 and champion. G. R. Bedford’s Woodlands Park Misty 2. Heifer, born since May 31. 1966 (3): Fleming and Son’s Willow Lea Christina 18th 1. and Willow Lea Christina 17th 3. G. R. Bedford's Woodlands Park Christina 4th 2. Heifer, born since May 31. 1967 d): G. R. Bedford 1. Bull, born before June 1. 1964 (2): G. R. Bedford’s Woodlands Park Napoleon 3rd 1 and reserve champion. Fleming and Son's Campsie Conquest 2. Bull, born since May 31. 1964 (1): G. R. Bedford’s Woodlands Park Napoleon 10th 1 and champion.
Friesian (Judge: Mr A. R. Horne, Levin) Cow. in milk, born before June 1. 1963 (22): N. J. Sherriff and Eon’s Deloraine Magic Evelyn 1, S. J. Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale Edna 2, J. J. and ■ J. A. Geddes’s Lesdale D. Heilo 1 3, N. J. Sherriff and Sons i Deloraine Magic Cosy v h c. E. L. Adams's Pitcairns P.I. Vir- 1 ginia h c, N. J. Sherriff and Son's Deloraine Magic Opal c. Cow, in milk, born since May ' 31, 1963 <16): N. J. Sherriff and Sons Deloraine M.D. Vivian 1, E. J. Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale R Camelot 2, J. G. Stewart’s Riversley Romeo Doris 3. J. J. and J. A. Geddes’s Tuhoro B.L. Peggy v h c, E. G. Robertson's Lucernvale Venice h c, E. G. Robertson’s Deloraine Magic Tim c. Heifer, in milk, born since May 31. 1964 (13): N. J. Sherriff) and Sons Deloraine J.S. Gaytime I I, G. P. Mclntosh and Son’s Ashley M.C. Beauty 2, R. Hud- i son s Kelsie P. Satsuma 3, D. G. ; Heslop’s Pitcairn s P.F. Fran ! 1 v h c. R. G. Mclntosh s River- 1 brae D. L. Patch h c, E. J. | Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale : Beets Nickie c. ij Heifer, in milk, or in calf.,' born since January 31, 1965-<5): l' J. J. and J. A. Geddes's Tahora ! L. Sarah 1, T. H. and B. B. Jones’s Romance C.L. Pride 2. i Allan Bros. Ashgrove Prim '. Snow 3. Heifer, in milk, born since!' May 31, 1965 • 18): E. L. Adams’s ' Pitcairn’s T. Pearl 1 and Pitcairn's T. Irella h c, E. J. ; Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale ' Elspeth 2 and Lucernvale Honor ' 3. G. P. Mclntosh and Son's 1 Ashley V.B. Joyce v h c. E. G. ! Robertson s Deloraine Burkeyje . Gael c. Female, dry, born before 1 June 1, 1965 <7): G. P. Mclntosh . and Son’s Ashley M.C. Hope 1, Spreydon Lodge, Ltd. St Winnow ’ F. Molly 2, W. J. Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine Echo Della 3, ] J. J. and J. A. Geddes's Burnt ‘ Hollow Zelma v h c. E. G. Robertson’s Deloraine Magic Cobra h c, E. J. Stalker and Son’s 1 Lucernvale R. Annita c. Heifer, dry, born before June ; ’ 1, 1965 (10): T. H. and B. M. 1 Jones’s Romanac Olympia Vida i L N. J. Sherriff and Son’s 11 Deloraine M.D. Minor 2, R. Hud- ! son's Kelsie P. Topaz 3. Heifer, born since January 31 1 i 1966 <12): R. G. Mclntosh's Riv- 1 ’ erbrae B. P. Chick 1 and Ashlev B. K. Lucy v h c. J. J. and .j. A. Geddes's Tahora C. O. Cora 2 and Tahora A. P. Lana 3. R. W. Shadbolt's Riverbrae B p Poppy h c. Heifer, born June 1 to August ; 31, 1966 (22): N. J. Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine Magic Patsy 1, W. G. Parkes and Son’s Winder i mere M. P. Beryl 2. E. G. Robertson’s Matawai Leader Prin I
cess 3. E. L. Adams s Pitcairns T. Violet v h c. Allan Bros' Ashgrove C. S. Bluebell h c. R. Hudson's Kelsie P Valmal c
Heifer, born since August 31, 1966 (12); E. G. Robertson's Ma tawal Colantha Cherry 1. E. J. Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale Nicole 2. N. J. Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine Rena Supreme 3, R. Hudson’s Kelsie P. Virginia v h c. Snreydon Lodge Ltd’s Spreydon C. M. C. Seren ata h.c.
Heifer, born since May 31. 1967 (7): R. G. Mclntosh’s Riverbrae C. R. Vivian 1 and Riverbrae C. R. Camilla 3. N. J Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine M. D. Avis 2. R. E. Gillman and Son’s Pinevale L. Lynley v h c Bull, born since May 31. 1967 (6): Spreydon Lodge Ltd 1. N. J. Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine M. D. Atlas 2. T. H. and B. M. Jones's Romance Olympia Comet 3.
Bull, born since August 31, 1966 (10): N. J. Sherriff and Son’s Deloraine Supreme Aden 1. E. J. Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale Beets Nelson 2 and Lucernvale Colantha Hewie v h c, E. G. Robertson s Matawai L. I. Conrad 3*.
Bull born June 1 to August 31. 1966 (8): N. J. Sherriff and .Son’s Deloraine Magic Lyndon I. Spreydon Lodge Ltd’s Snreydon C. M. C. Abberkirk 2. W G. Parkes and Son’s Pukcroro Norbert Loch 3. R. E. Gillman and Son’s Pinevale S. M. Malcolm v h c.
Bull born since May 31. 1965 • 6): J. J and J A. Geddes’s Tahora Exodus Hansel 1. E. .1. Stalker and Son s Lucernvale Reunion Edwin 2. E. G. Robertson’s Matawai Pioneer 3
Bull, born since May 31. 1964 <2): E. J. Stalker and Son’s Lucernvale Beets Ivanhoe 1 R E. Gillman and Son s Pinevale P.M. Maverick 2.
Bull, born before .lune 1. 1964 (8): N. J. Sherriff and Sons’ Deloraine Magic Bobby 1 and champion, G S. and J. T. Coleman’s Riverbrae Dean Pioneer 2 and reserve champion. Fiecken Bros’ Turepo Proud Governor 3. E. G. Robertson’s Lesdale Brabazon Leader v h c. Senior breeding group, bull. 2 years or over and three females In milk (6): N. J. Sherriff and Sons 1, E. J. Stalker and Son 2. J. J. and J. A. Geddes 3, E. L. Andrews v h c. Three females, from one sire, two in milk (5): E. J. Stalker and Son 1, E. L. Adams 2. N. J Sherriff and Sons 3. R. Hudson Two yearling heifers, born since May 31, 1966 (11); N. J. Sherriff and Sons 1. W. G. Parkes and Sons 2, E. G. Robertson 3, E. L. Adams v h c. Two females, from one cow. one in milk <5); E. J. Stalker and Son 1. R. Hudson 2, E. L Adams 3. Junior breeding group, yearling bull and two yearling hei'ers <8): N. J. Sherriff and Sons! 1. W. G. Parkes and Sons 2. E G. Robertson 3, E. J. Stalker and Son v h c Bulkeley trophy, best group of three heifers from one to three years old (7): E. J. Stalker and Son 1. N. J. Sherriff and Sons 2. R. G. Mclntosh 3.
Ayrshire (Judge: Mr B. Morton Edendaie) Cow. in milk, born before June 1, 1963 (5): Mrs L. E. Willans Lakeside Attractive 1, C. H. Green’s Lochsfde Star Dust 2, Legg and Company's Lakeside Mitzi 3. Cow. in milk, born since May 31. 1963 (3): Mrs L. E. Willans’ Mawhera Gem 1, Legg and Company’s Lakeside Willow 2. Helfer, tn milk, born since May 31. 1964 (3): Legg and Company’s Lakeside Audrina 1. Mrs L. E. Willan's Mawhera Mizzie 2, C. H. Greens Glenmore Anne 3. Heifer, in milk, born since May 31. 1965 (3): C. H. Green’s Glenmore Donna 1. Legg and, Company’s Lakeside Perky 2. G. j I J. and O. M. Banas’S Ingledale i | Sweet Lyn 3. I Female, dry. born before [June 1. 1965 <2): Legg and Company’s Lakeside Agnes 1 and' ! champion, and Lakeside Misty I Girl 2. • Heifer, born June 1 to August. ,31. 1966 <6); Legg and Company’s; Lakeside Dulux 1. and Lakeside' Royal Rose 2. C. H. Green’s) ! Glenmore Bambi 3. G. J. and; O. H. Banks's Taumutu Sundy Morn v.h.c. Heifer, born since August 31. 1966 (4): Legg and Company’s; Lakeside Honey Dew 1. and ; ; Lakeside Mary Jane 2. C. H i Green s Glenmore Angela 3. { Heifer, born since May 31. ! 1967 (3): G. J. and O. H. Banks’s; Bryndwr Rosanne 1. C. H. Green’s Glenmore Buffy 2. Legg and Company’s Lakeside Sun-1 shade 3. Bull, born since August 31, | 1966 <D: Legg and Company’s Lakesfiie Stylish Duke 1. Bull, born June 1 to August 31. 1966 (3): Mrs L. E. Willan s Mawhera Magnet 1, G. J. and O. M. Banks’s Ingledale Craftsman 2. C. H. Green's Glenmore Sunerb 3. Three females, from one sire, two in milk (1): Legg and Company 1. Two yeartng heifers, born since May 31, 1966 (5): Legg and Company 1 and 2. C. H. Green 3. Junior breeding group, yearling bull and two yearling' heifers <3): Legg and Company I. C. H. Green 2, G. J. and 0.l M. Banks 3. ■ I PIGS Berkshire (Judge; Mr R E Jeffrey. Tauranga) Boar, over 18 months (3); <
Paparua Prison Farm’s Paparua Tarjon 1. and Paparua Miracle Man 2. K. E. L. Smith s Paparua Choice Boy 3. Boar, under eight months (1): K. E. G. Smith's Oakover Prince 1. • Sow, under 12 months (1): K. E. G. smith’s Oakover Primrose 1. Sow, under eight months (1): K. E. G. Smith’s Oakover Royal Girl 1. Sow and litter (2): K. E. G. Smith’s Paparua Broadfield Joan 1, and Paparua Broadfield Lady Tam worth (Judge; Mr R. E. Jeffrey. Tauranga) Boar, over IS months (3): R Y. Crosson’s Birkenhead Bronze 1. W. H. Crossen’s Birkenhead Hopeful 2, and Kaura Lilly’s John 3. Boar, under 18 months (2): W. H. Crossen’s Birkenhead Golden Chief 1, E. A. Yates’s Willow Grove Adjutant 2. Sow. over 18 months (7); Paparua Prison Farm’s Paparua Golden Cassock 1, and Paparua Locorten 3. B. J. Watson’s Kaura View Golden Pansy 2. Sow. under 18 months d): E A. Yates’s Belltown Lass 34th 1
Large White (Judge: Mr R. E. Jeffrey. Tauranga) Boar, over is months <4): F. J. Miller and Sons’ Mtllerlea Streamline 3rd 1, and Ngatimanau Silver King 2. w. H Crossen’s Paparua Alha 3. Boar, under 18 months (5): H J. Hurford and Son’s Clover A’ook Field Marshall 6th 1. F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea Duke Ist 3. Boar, under 12 months >4i: F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea Turk Boy 21st 1. and Millerlea Turk Boy 33rd 1. and Millerlea Kilkerry Silver King 2nd 2. Boar, under eight months (8): F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea Turk Boy 33rd 1. and Millerlea Stiver King 16th 2. R. B. Marson’s Millerlea silver King 14th 3. Boar, under five months (6): H. J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook 1 and 2. F, J. Miller and Sons' Millerlea Silver King 20th 3. Sow. over IS months <10): H. J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook Maple 17th 1, F. J. Miller and Sons’ Yelverton Regal Countess 38th 2. and Yelvarton Regal Countess 33rd 3, and Stoney Creek Precllla v h c. Sow. under 18 months <»): F J. Miller and Sons’ Merrldale Lady Viola 40th 1. H J Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook 2.
R. B. Morson’s Queenlea Beauty Ist 3. Sow, under 12 months (13): H J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook 1 and 3, E. W. Renner’s Pineview Winnie 2, B. J. Watson’s Kaura View Kays Heidi v h c. Sow. under eight months (9): F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea Regal Countess 12th 1. and Millerlea Silver Countess Sth 2. H. J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook 3. Sow. under five months (4); F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea 'Regal Countess 17th 1. H. J. Hurford and Son's Clover Nook 2 and 3. Sow and litter <4): H. J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook 1 and 3, F. J. Miller and Sons’ Millerlea Nester 2nd 2. Progeny class, boar or sow iand two of progeny <«): F. .1. 1 Miller and Sons’ Yelverton Regal Countess 38th 1. and Yelverton Regal Countess 33rd 2. H. J. Hurford and Son’s Clover Nook Field Marshall 6th 3. Landrace (Judge: Mr R. E. Jeffrey, Tauranga.) Boar, over 18 months (2): T. S. Chappell’s Mountley Premier 39th 1, R. L. Skilling’s Lochwood Laddie Ist 2. Boar, under 18 months (2): P. W. Anderson’s Lochwood Laddie 10th 1, T. S. Chappell's Kilikerry Premier Ist 2. Boar, under 12 months (2): R. L. Skillings Lochwood Supreme 33rd 1 Boar, under eight months (2): R. L. Skilling's Lochwood Jolly Fox 1 Boar, under five months <6): T. S. Chappells Kilikerry Premier sth 1. R L. Skilling 2 and 3. Sow. over 18 months (5); R. L. Skilling's Lochwood Elaine 22nd 1. and Beltona Queen 2nd 3. T. S Chappell’s Mountley Ally 62nd 2. Sow. under 18 months (7): R. L. Skilling s Lochwood Lassie 13th 1, and Lochwood Lassie 15th 2. and Linton Juro 12th 3.1
Sow. under 12 months (1): R L. Skilling 1. Sow, under eight months (2): R. L. Skilling s Lochwood 1 and 2. Sow and litter (5): T. S. Chappell s Linton Juro 14th 1. and Kilikerry Jerry 4th 3. R. L. Skilling’s Linton Lady 2. Progeny class, boar or sow and two of progeny (2): T. S Chappell s Mountley Premier 1. and Mountley Ally 62nd 2. Porkers And Baconers (.ludg*: Mr R E. Je#r»y, Tauranga.) One pair porkers, most suitable for export 110): F. J. Miller and Sons 1. T. S. Chappell 2. H. J Hurford and Sons 3. One pair bacon pigs, most suitable for export < 10): H. J. Hurford and son's 1. G. Tim perly 2. T. S. Chappell 3.
Working Hunters (Judge: Mr J. M. Mclldowie. i Gisborne.) Ladles' hunter turnout (18); ' H. E. Richardson’s Argus 1. Mrs A. I. Dunn's Te Huia 2. Mrs J. S. Heard’s Cent 3. Miss J. Lemon's Imperial Jest v h c, Miss Vicki Todd's Matauwhi h c. Hunters to 12st (23): Miss N. Bennett’s Mark Anthony 1, Mrs F. F. Wilding's Craypot 2. Mrs I. T. McDonald's Day's Bay 3. A. Bishop s Imperial Blue v h c Hunters over 12st (19): Mr and Mrs W. D. Flint s Wads worth 1. lan Bell’s Ratnero 2. D. C. Gould’s Belvoir 3. G. W. Lot ham's Pardon v h c. Best type of hunter (12); Mr and Mrs W. D. Wadworth’s Flint 1. Miss N. Bennett s Mark Anthony 2, Mrs F. F. Wilding’s Craypot 3. Miss Jan McKenzie’s Winter Sweet v h c. Hacks (Judge: Mr R. R. Hansen, Gisborne.) Maiden hack up to list (24): H. D. Kendall’s Yacker 1, Miss Vicki Todd's Matauwhi 2. Miss J. Hutton s Capless 3, Miss N. Carmichael's Kotuku v h c. Miss Susan Stott’s Tro Pepe h c. Malden hack over list (12): lan Bell’s and Mrs B. Blackie's Condor 1. Mrs S. H. Sampson s
Hullabaloo 2, Donn F. Collins's Jasper 3. R. G. Morris's Black Rod v h c. Hunter Competitions (Judge: Mr R. B. Hansen. Gisborne.) Lightweight hunters, list • 27): Miss N. S. Darling s Anki 1, R. M. D. Johnson’s Moorpark 2, E. Ropiha s Southern Cloud 3, Mrs R. F. Gorton s and D. A. Youngman s Fiano v h c. Heavy-weight hunters. 14st <20): I. M. Ritchie’s Limelight I, Miss J. Lemons Imperial lest 2, Susan Parry s Coleston 3. J R. Toup s Handyman v h c. “Hit and Hurry" competition (25>: Mrs I. F. Garton s and D. A. Youngman’s Fiano 1. Mrs R. R. Bain’s Harvest Moon 2. Miss Jane Nixon s Whispering and J. R. Topp s Handyman (equal) 3. Table A competition (22): Miss Joan Robinson’s Domain 1. Miss M. Allin’s Eldora 2. Miss J. Grigg's and W. Smith’s Mondalay, Mrs R. R. Bain’s and Miss D. White’s Hunter s Moon and J. R. Topp's Handyman (equal) 3. Led Ponies And Horses (Judge: Mr A. J. Harwood. Frankton.) Pony stallion, not over 12.2 bands (2): M. R. Black s Red Crest 1. Mrs I. M. Abbott’s Silver Dust 2. Pony over 12.2 and not over 13.2 hands (2): Miss B. M. Jenkins’s What’s Wanted 1. D. and M. Hancox's Thunder Pony stallion, over 13.2 and not over 14.2 hands (5): G. A. Gray's Rustic 1, N. F Anderson's Waimaire Tomaiti 2. Welsh pony stallion (4): D E. Coxhead s Golden Midget 1 D. and M. Hancox’s Koriheka Wallaby 2. Pony brood mare, not over 12 i
hands (6): Miss R. M. Jenkins’s Golden Lee 1 and Janet 2. Mrs A. A. Campbell's Twilight 3. Pony bruod mare, over 12 and not over 13.2 hands <10>: M. and D. Kavanagh s Heather Legend 1, M. R Black's Graynor 2. Miss Shirley Mahon s Cinderella 3 Pony brood mare, over 13 2 and not over 14.2 hands <8): G. J. Inglis's Lara 1. Miss B M. Jenkins's Polyanna 2. Mix Shirley Mahon s Anne 3 Welsh pony brood mare (5> D. E. Coxhead's Criban Old China 1, and Criban Fair Frills 3, Mrs E. M. Deans's Chau tun Cherub 2. Registered pony brood mare, not over 14.2 hands (12): M. and D. Kavanagh s Heather Legend 1. Miss B M Jenkins s Glint 2, Miss Shirley Mahon s Anne 3. Yearling pony, not over 12 2 hands at maturity (14); Mrs B A. Turner s Jindalee 1. Mix Elizabeth Rainey 2, Mrs R. G. Gardiner s Golden Slippers 3, Miss B. M. Jenkins »> Annas v h c, Mrs S. E. Boyce s Lady Clare h c. Yearling pony, of at least SO per cent Welsh blood, not over 12.2 hands at maturity •«) Mix B. M. Jenkins 1. Mrs E. M. Dean’s Chawton Gwyn 2 Mrs J. K. Bruce s Kinkora' Stardust 3. Yearling pony, 12.2 to 14 2 bands at maturity i 21); Mrs R. G. Gardners Masterpiece 1. Phillipa Warren s Tom Boy 2. Mrs J. E. M. Moffatt's Safari 3. Miss J. Howley s Moon Glow v h c, Mrs A. A. Lampbeil s Sceptre h c. Two-year-old pony, not over 12.2 hands at maturity (11). Mix Shirley Mahon s Wee Vi 1. Miss B. M. Jenkins's Honeysuckle 2. Misses Jane and Juliet Adams s Mary Poppins 3, Miss Judith Reed's Midnight v h c Two-year-old pony. 12.2 to 14 2 hands at maturity (9): Mrs K. G. Gardner’s Cherry Wine 1, C. s. Tod’s Golian 2. Miss Judith Reed's Starlight .3. Miss B. M. Jenkins’s Princess v h c. Yearling (3): Miss Cynthia Clark's Gin-o-var 1. Mrs (~. Hughes's Sparkling 2. Trolling And • ~ Pacing Horses (Judge; Mr D. S. McKendi' Christchurch.) Entire horse (1): T. K. Back er s Glen Castle 1. Brood mare <6). W. I. Leon ard’s Preferable 1. Miss J. Ren nle's Vertigo 2, F. S. Woods t Santaloma 3 Yearling colt (6): R. T. Court (jun.) 1. and 2. W. I. Leonarc 3. Yearling filly (4> R .1. and g M. Oliver 1 and 2. Miss L. Doyh 3.
Two and three-year-olds, pacer (6»: B. Lynskey 1. A. J. Hamilton s Guy Hanover 2. A. T. Woolhouse’s Godley Head 3. Two and three-year-olds, trotter (4): G. G. Goodwin s Thunder Lark 1. Miss L. Doyle 2. Mrs C. E. Winter s Aunt Ada 3. Clydesdales (Judge; Mr S. Keith Young, Geraldine > Entire horse, over two years (3): Miss Susan Butterick s Highland Laddie 1. C. T Mc- ! Allum's Gay Allison 2. R. J. j and F. J. O’Connor's Valmont ! McLeod 3. j Colt, yearling (4>; C. T. Mr- ! Alluin s Stuart of Bath 1, Miss ; Susan L. Butterick's Gl<*n Alpha 2. R. J. and F. J. O Connor s Donnybrook Superb 3 I Female, over one-year-old «5C. T. McAllum's Lady Dorothy U, R. J. and F. J. O'Connor s | Donnybrook Roon Lass 2, C T McAllum's Mary Ann 3. ' Filly, yearling (4): C. T. MrI Allum's Bath Farm Lisa 1. and Cherry Time 2. R. J. and F. J. O Connor’s Donnybrook Rosetta 3. Pair females, any age (2); <’. T. McAllum's Cherry Time and Betty Lisa 1, R. J. and F. J. O’Connor 2. Gelding or mare, any age (2): R. J. and F. J. O’Connor s Jess 1 and Ruby 2. Pair, in harness, any age (1): F. J. and R. J. O’Connor 1.
(Judges: Mr B. R Graham, game and standard ducks; Mr T. A. Mitchell utility. Mr A. Howard, game bantams; Mr E W. Tippins, fancy bantams.) UTILITY CLASSES Leghorn, white, male <2); F. W. Tippins 1. D. Skurr 2. Leghorn, white, female (2): (To page 10)
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Press, Volume CVII, Issue 31522, 9 November 1967, Page 9
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8,434METROPOLITAN SHOW JUDGING RESULTS Press, Volume CVII, Issue 31522, 9 November 1967, Page 9
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