Sales In New Zealand
AUCKLAND Late Monday.— loo Con. Brick, 15s; 500 C.M.1., 14s 9d; 200 Mason Bros., 15s 9d; 100 R. Rubber, 265; 200 W. Cement, 22s 3d. Yesterday.— £9oo 15/7/84, 5 p.e., £95 ss; £lO,OOO Waikato Hosp. Bd., 1/4/72, 5J p.c., £99 9s sd; £lOOO Auck. Reg. Auth., 3/5/72, 55 p.c., £99 9s 3d; £lOOO Thames Hosp. Bd., 28/5/72, 5J p.c., £99 Is; 200 A.8.C., 5s 6d; 100 Harvey, 31s 6d; 200 Auck. Gas, 6s 3d: 100 Autocrat. 9s lid, and 100 at 10s; 200 Bell, 20s; 400 B.N.Z. Fin., 12s, and 300 at Ils Ud; 100 Cart. Con., 14s 8d; 400 Con. Brick, 15s; 100 C.M.1., 14s 9d, 500 rts., 3s lid, and 40 at 3s lOd; 100 C.S.W., 255; 400 Dom. Brew., 16s 6d, 200 at 16s 7d, and 100 pf., 16s 6d; 600 F.T.C., 12s 9d: 400 Gen. Foods, 17s 3d; 100 G. Court, 18s 6d: 800 1.C.1. (N.Z.), 19s 6d; 200 Wattle, 18s 7d: 400 L. D. Nathan. 21s; 500 Mason Bros., 16s; 1500 M„ Choyce, 4s lOd; 500 Motor Hold., 14s Id; 500 Motor Specs.. 12s sd; 400 Neeco, 5s lid; 500 N. Cropper, 25s 3d; 2100 N.Z. Brew.. 13s 6d; 100 Fmrs. Fert., 375; 700 N.Z. Forests, 24s Id; 220 Refrig, def., Us; 1000 Refining, 39s 6d; 100 N.A.F., 7s; 200 P.T.Y., 14s; 100 R. Rubber, 25s 9d; 800 Rex con. rts., 12s 6d, and 270 at 12s; 1000 Rothmans, 25s 6d; 100 S’brook F., 16s 8d; 250 S. Brit., 30s Id ,and 1150 at 30s; 100 S. 19s «d; 400 Tappenden, 21s; 600 Tasman, 56s 6d; 200 Tolley rts.. Is lOd; 1600 U.E. Box, 10s 4d, 700 at 10s 3d, and 400 ’6B notes, 9s 9d: 100 Unit Sub., 6s lOd; 500 W. Cement, 22s 3d: 100 Winstone. 40s 3d: 500 W'wths. N.Z., 10s 6d; 100 Zip Hold., 9s. Unlisted.— 4so Lusteroid, 235.
WELLINGTON Yesterday.— £2ooo 5 p.c. 15/5/ 66-68, £lOl 3s 9d; £750 5 p.c. 15/10/66-68, £lOl 10s; £750 4} p.c. 15/7/70-72, £9B ss; £5OO 31 p.c. 15/9/74, £92 2 s 6d; £450 5 p.c. 15/10/85, £96 ss; 2000 A.B. Consol., 5s 6d; 100 A. Harvey, 31s 9d; 100 Autocrat, 10s; 100 Balliins, 12s; 300 B.N.Z. Fin., 12s; 100 Bell. 20s; 600 C.P.D., 16s 6d; 900 Con. Brick, 15s; 1108 C. Metal rts., 3s lOd; 300 Dom. Brew., 16s 7d; 200 Dunlop, 38s 6d; 700 Gen. Foods, 17s 3d; 500 Golden Bay, 14s Id; 800 1.C.1.
(N.Z.), 19s 6d; 1100 Wattle, 18s 7d; 1200 K.P.G., 6s; 600 Lanes, 8s 6d: 100 L.W.R., 15s 6d; 200 McKenzies. 8s; 200 Mason Bros., 16s; 100 U.E. Box ’6B nts., 9s 9d; 100 Wgtn. Publish.. 19s; 100 W. Tombs, 18s 3d; 500 W’wths., 10s 6d; 200 W’wths. Prop, pf., 17s; 200 Wr. Steph., 31s 6d. Local Body Loans.— £47o Blenheim B.C. 4i p.c. stk. 1/2/71, £94 14s. After Call.— soo U.E. Box, 10s 3d; 200 W'wths, 10s 6d; 100 W Tombs, 13s 3d; 100 U.E. Box. 10s 3d; 100 McKenzies, 8s; 450 Brit. Off Supp. nts., 34s 6d; 500 L.W.R., 15s 6d. CHRISTCHURCH Yesterday.— 3oo Dom. Brew. 16s 7d; 100 N.Z. Brew.. 13s 6d; 500 Sth. Brit.. 30s; 300 BN Z Fin., 12s; 100 N.Z.F. Co-op. 8s 3d; 1000 K.P.G.. 6s; 600 Lanes, 8s 6d; 300 L.W.R.. 15s 6d; 100 J® ka . u ’ 16s : 100 A. Batteries, 35s 6d; 100 Ballins. 12s; 525 CMI fH” J, s , 1 l d ' and 216 at 3s “d: 100 Fletcher. 18s 9d; 500 Gen £° od s. l ?s 3d; 100 Wattie, 18s L d; 200 Motor Holds., 14s; 200 Mt Cook, 15s; 700 Neeco, 6s--100 N.Z. Forest pf.. 9s 2d; 100 SkeHerup, 545; 100 Tolley rts Is lOd; 200 U.E. Box. 10s 3d 200 67 nts., 10s sd, 100 ’6B nts., w. I 0 ?’ and 100 at 9s «<i; wo W’wths., 10s 6d. After Call.— 2oo Nat. Ins., 23s ? d ;„ ®o° B.N.Z. Fin., 12s; 500 L.W.R.. 15s 6d; 700 8.0.5. nts 34s 6d; 400 C.M.I. rts., 3s 10d--300 C.S. Wilkie. 255; 100 Gen. Foods, 17s' 3d; 55 Farm. Fert rts.. Us 6d. DUNEDIN N.Z at 33s 6 M d° n B ?o y^: n oo Foods, n i°7? 2d; 100 Refining, 39s 6d; 500 U.E Box, 10s sd. Unlisted.— 27o Swinton Oates 14s. Yesterday.— 3oo D. 8., 16s 7d; 520 Refrig,, df. Us; 300 B.N.Z. Fin., Us Ud; 100 Autocrat, 9s Ud; 200 Early, 13s 6d: 250 K.P Drug, 41s 6d; 200 Mt. Cook, 15s; 100 Tolley rts., Is lOd. INVERCARGILL Late Monday.—loo U.E. Box, 10s sd. Yesterday.—soo Milne and Choyce, 4s lOd.
SYDNEY The Sydney stock market continued to follow a slight down, ward trend yesterday. Leading stocks were a shade easier. Total turn-over of 677-205, including 228,000 mining, was average. Sales. —B.H. Sth., 252; Coni. Mining, 245; C.R.A., 524: Kath. Inv., 223; Mt. Lyell, 128; Mt. Morgan, 230: Mt. Isa, 417; New 8.H., 425; N.A.U.C., 105; Nth. 8.H., 362; West Mining, 526: Ampol Exp., 105; A.O. Gas, 235; Exoil, 14; Interoil, 79; Oil Search, 18; Planet pd., 37; Woodside, 87; Amal. Chem., 71; A.W.A., 195; Ampol, 66, and def., 58; Ansett, 65; Assoc Sec., 152, and rts., 43: A.C.1., 544; A.G. Corp, 145; A.N.1., 32; N.S.W., 492; Blue Metal Ind., 145; Boral, 182; Borg Warner, 177; Brambles, 170; Brit. Tob., 215: 8.H.P., 606: Burns Consol, 175; 8., Philp, 371; Carpenter, W. R.» 246; Cast Perkins, 604; Chem. Materials, 116; Clyde Ind., 90; Coles, G. J., 129; C.S.R., 266; C.A.G.A., 151; Com. of Syd., 195; Com. of Aust., 190; C.1.G., 261; Cone. Ind., 34; Cons Hold., 250; Containers, 275; Cust Credit, 77; Dodge Consol, 175; Drug Houses Aust., 171; E.Z. Inds., 251; Elders, G. M., 240; Email, 38; Fairfax, J., 229; Fairymead, 140: Feltex, 51; Fibre Cont, 134; Hanimex, 139; Hardie, J., 493; Healing, A. G., 20: Hooker, L. J., 31; I.A. Corp., 85; 1.C.1., 368; Jones, D., 128; Jones, H., 352; Larke Consol, 68; Lend Lease, 105; Lysaght, J., 240; M.L.C.. 818; Marrickville, 105: Mauri Bros., 200; Moran, C., 146; Motels Aust., 80; Moulded Prods., 70; Myer, 294; N.Z. Forest, 297; Nat. Bank. 184; Olins, 100; Peko W, 222; Penfold, 172; Pioneer Cone., 130; Pioneer Sugar, 210; Publishers, 250; Rothmans, 265; Sebels, 150; Thiess, 77; Tooheys, 102; Tooth, 506; Unit Tel, 46; Waltons, 113; .W’wths., 123.
MELBOURNE The decline in industrials continued on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday. Most moves were narrow but the margin of falls over rises widened. B. dropped 12 cents to 608. Base metals were irregular. C. gained 16 cents to 528 but copper producers declined and King Island Scheelite lost 10 cents to 215. Oils were steady. Sales.—A.W.A., 193: Ampol, 65, and def., 58: Ansett, 64; Arc. inds., 110; Assoc. Pulp, 146; Aust. Bakeries, 46; Aust. Chem., 176; A.C.1., 544; A.N.Z., 544; A.P.M., 152; N.S.W., 493: Berrv, 34: Boral, 183; 8.H.P., 608; B. Philp, 375; Carlton, 415, and 360; Coles, 129; C.S.R., 206; C.8.A., 188; Cox, 5; Cust. Cred., 76: D.H.A.. 172; Dunlop, 120; Electro B, 66; Email, 37: E.Z.1., 251; Feltex, 51; Gerrard. 292; GoIMn, 70: G. Gotch, 203; Herald, 426; Humes. 240; 1.A.C., 85; 1.C.1. A.N.Z., 367; Jennings, 133; Kauri, 25; Kelv-inator, 189: McPhersons, 356; Macrobertsons, 140; Minster. 300: Moulded Prods., 71: Myer, 294; Myttons, 160; Nat. Bank, 183; Cons., 225; N.Z. Forest, 295: Olympic, 67; Petersville, 59; Qld. Press, 495; Repco, 201; S.A. Rubber, 90; Sleigh, 60; Smith H., 250; Swan, 259: Waltons, 112: W’wths., 122; Yarra, 69: A.0.D., 23; A.0.G., 235; B.H. Sth., 242: Com. Min., ,245; Loloma, 165: Mt. Isa, 416; Mt. Lyell, 126: Mt. Morgan, 233; New 8.H., 425; Nth. 8.H., 363; Santos, 230; West. Mining, 528.
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Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31152, 31 August 1966, Page 20
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1,263Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CVI, Issue 31152, 31 August 1966, Page 20
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