Sales In New Zealand
AUCKLAND Late Wednesday.—£4ooo 15/0/ 08, 4f p.c., £100: 200 N.S.W Aus., 45s 6d: 500 N.Z Brew., 13s 8d: 400 N.Z. Insce., 225: 400 A. Sec., 5s 8d; 100 Wright, Steph., 31s 3d; 200 Taupo Tot., ex Pacific, 9s lOd; 200 Ansett. 6s 7d: 250 A.C.1.. 51s 0d: 400 B. Pty., 4Ss 3d: 300 C. A. Odlin, 22s 0d: 500 C.P.D. B. Ils 6d; 400 D.1.C., 14s 3d; 1500 G J. Coles, Ils 3d; 400 M.K. Man., 6s 6d: 200 Pye Elect., 10s 4d; 100 Ross. Glend.. 12s; 100 Rothmans. 26s 6d. Yesterday.—£3soo 15/8/66-68, 5 p.c., £lOO 18s 9d; £l6OO Waitemata E.P.B. 5/4/75, 5j p.c., £97 7s 6d; 203 Alt. Gas Debs., £55 ss; 200 Bk. A.N.Z., 52s 6d: 300 N.Z. Insce., 22s Id, 300 at 22s 2d, and 950 at 22s 3d; 600 S. British, 30s 6d: 1300 A.G. Sec., 5s 8d: 1000 Broadlands, 8s 6d; 100 Gen. Fin., 13s 6d: 100 Matakana, 375; 100 Taupo Tot, ex Pacific, 9s lid: 100 Felt N.Z. pref., 8s 3d: 500 Lanes,, 9s 9d; 600 McKendrick, 4s 9d: 1500 A B. Con., 5s 8d; 100 Allen, 17s 6d: 1250 Ampol, 7s lid: 600 Autocrat, Ils; 400 A.C.1., 51s 6d: 100 A. Beaven, 40s 3d; 100 BeM, 24s 3d: 50 B.H. Pty., 48s Id, 1000 at 48s 3d, and 1000 at 49s 9d: 200 C. A. Odlin, 22s 3d: 200 Chas. Begg. 19s 6d; 200 C. , 15s 6d; 200 C. Neon, 495: 100 C.S.R. Aust., 25s 9d; 100 Wallace notes, 6s 9d: 100 Email, 3s 8d; 100 E. L’stein, 19s: 400 Factors, 2s 3d; 300 Gen. Foods, 15s 2d; 600 G. J. Coles, Ils 2d: 300 Greer, 6s 6d: 300 G.R. Rent notes. 18s; 200 1.C.1. (N.Z.), 19s 3d: 300 J. Burns, 23s 3d: 100 J Wattle, 19s; 300 Mason Bros., 16s 9d. and 300 rts., 3s; 1000 M. Chovce, 4s lid; 100 M.K. Man., 6s 6d: 500 M. Hold., 13s; 2000 M. Specs.. 13s 4d: 400 N. Cropper, 26s 9d: 1300 N.Z.F.P., 23s lid, and 500 pref.. 9s 6d: 300 Refining. 38s; 300 R. Rubber. 295: 200 Rex Aviat., 15s 6d; 1500 R Glend.. 12s; 400 Sanford, 12s: 100 Seabrook F., 18s 8d; 100 Spedding, 19s; 100 Tappenden. 235; 1300 U.E. Box, 10s lOd, 100 ’67 notes 10s 6d. and 1000 ex Steeles, 10s 7d; 100 Unit Sub.. 6s 8d: 100 W. Davies, 13s 3d: 200 W’wths. N.Z., Ils lOd; 500 W’wths. 12s 3d; 300 Mt. Isa, 87s 6d Unlisted.—looo Booth Mac, Is 2d; 100 R. A. Brierley, 3s 6d: 500 Hellaby, 475. WELLINGTON Yesterday.— £looo 5 p.c. 15/8/ 67-69. £lOO 12s 6d: 100 N.Z. Brew., 13s 8d: 100 Southland Meat, 21s 3d: 1000 Nat. Ins., -23 s 3d, 23s 3d;; 100 N.Z. Ins., 22s 3d: 1300 N. Mort., 12s; 100 Newton King. Us 9d: 700 W. Steph., 31s 3d: 1400 Alliance. 10s 9d; 1600 Felt Aust., ss; 200 Felt N.Z., 32s 3d: 100 Mosgiel, 17s; 2000 A.B Consol.. -5s 8d: 900 Ampol. 7s lid: 100 A. S. Paterson. 13s 3d: ino AC.I.. 51s 6d: 200 Autocrat, Us: 400 Ballins nts., 8s 6d; 100 Bell. 24s 3d: 100 Bing Harris, 6s 6d: 100 8.H.P., 48s 3d; 200 Begg. 19s 6d: 300 Neon, 495: 200 C.S.R. N. 25s 9d; 500 F.T.C., 14s 6d: 500 General Foods, 15s 2d: 100 Giant, 6s: 1200 Coles, Us 2d;
200 Group Rental nts., 18s; 100 Wattie, 19s; 100 Manthel, 22s 9d; 300 Mason Brs rts., 3s; 325 Metters, 20s; 4000 Motor Specs., 13s 4d; 1500 N.Z. Farm Fert., 18s; 800 N.Z.F.P., 23s lid; 50 Ind. Gas, 81s 6d; 100 Refining, 38s: 600 Robert Holt nts., 7s 6d; 500 Rothmans, 26s 3d, 26s 6d; 1300 Ross and Glend., 12s; 200 U.E. Box. ’67 nts., 10s 4d; 1000 Vibrapac, 21s 6d; 100 Vibrapac Wgtn., 27s 3d; 1000 Williamson Jeff, 31s, and 1500 nts., 39s 3d; 150 Winstone, 43s 9d; 100 W’worths, 12s 3d; 300 W’worths N.Z., Us Ud, Us 10, and 400 nts., 10s 6d. Unlisted.— soo Hellaby, 475. Local Body Loans.— £22oo Walrarapa Hosp. Bd. 5 p.c. Stk., 1/7/66, £lOl 8s 6d. After Call.— 2oo N.Z. Brew., 13s 9d; £3OOO 4 p.c. 15/9/66, £lOO 2s 6d; £2OO Mt. Roskill 4i p.c. deb. 30/9/70, £96. • Late Wednesday. CHRISTCHURCH Late Wednesday.— 2ooo Mason Bros., 16s 6d. Yesterday.— £2so 5 p.c., 15/8/ 67-69, £lOO 12s 6d; £2OOO 5 p.c., 15/6/73-75, £lOO 7s 6d; £2500 Lyttn. Harbour Bd. 5i p.c., 1/10/73, £9B 10s; £2OO Chch. City Council! 5i p.c., 31/5/74, £lOO 2s 6d; 225 A.N.Z., 535; 400 Dom. Brew., 17s Id; 800 Waitaki, 17s; 100 Chch. Gas, 20s 6d; 100 National ms., 23s 3d; 100 N.Z. Ind., 22s 3d; 1000 C.F.C.A., 12s 9d; 200 N.Z Farmers’ Co-op., 8s 4d: 400 Wright, Steph., 31s 3d; 100 Alliance, 10s 9d; 600 Felts Aust., 5s Id; 200 L.W.R.. 15s 9d; 525 A.B. Consol, pref., 18s; 400 Ballins nts., 8s 6d; 100 Bing, Harris, 6s 6d; 700 8.H.P., 48s 3d, and 100 at 48s 6d; 600 Buntings. 9s 9d; 200 C.S.R. N.Z., 25s 9d: 100 Dental and Medical, 295; 500 Farmers Trading, 14s 6d; 200 Fletchers, 19s 6d; 200 Gen. Foods, 15s 2d; 300 Hay’s, 20s 3d: 100 Kearns, 12s 6d; 500 J. Rattray, 15s 3d; 100 J. Wattle, 19s 3d: 600 J. J. McCaskey pref., 7s 9d; 90 N.Z. Cement, 40s 3d; 500 R. and G., 12s; 400 Sanford, 12s; 200 N.Z. Forest Prod, pref., 9s 6d: 450 U.E. Box, 10s lOd, and 100 ’67 notes, 10s 4d; 1000 Vibrapac, 21s 6d; 300 Whitcombe and Tombs, 18s; 1000 Will., Jeff., 31s; 200 W’wths., 12s 4d, and 1000 at 12s 3d: 800 Winstones, 43s 9d. Unlisted.— loo Booth Macdonald, Is 2d; 100 Carbonic Ice, 70s. After Call.— loo Alliance, 10s 9d; 100 Felts N.Z. pref., 8s 3d: 200 Mason, Struthers, ss; 500 Motor Holdings, 13s; 200 Europa Pref, (unlisted), 17s 6d. DUNEDIN Late Wednesday.— soo Nat. Ins.. 23s 3d: 800 N.Z. Ins., 225: 200 W.S.. 31s 3d; 200 Alliance nts., 8s 3d; 600 R. and G., 12s; 100 Rothman, 26s 6d: 100 W. Cement new, 22s 4d; 100 Mt. Isa, 37s 6d. Yesterday.— 2oo Nat. Ins., 23s 3d; 500 N.Z. Ins., 22s 3d; 200 A.B. Con., 5s 8d; 350 Ampol, 7s Ud: 500 F.T.C., 14s 6d: 500 Rattray. 15s 3d; 200 P. Mills. 25s 6d; 800 R. and G.. 12s; 200 W’wths., 12s 4d.
MELBOURNE Industrials continued to decline but moves were small on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday B.H.P. recovered six cents to 560. Base metals were variable, with copper producers easier. Western Mining rose 7 cents to 380 and Western Titanium lifted 10 to 170. Oils were irregular. Sales.—A.W.A., 206; Ampol, 89 and def., 73; Ansett, 75; A.R.C. Inds., 108; Assoc. Pulp, 146; Austral Breweires, 48; A.C.1., 594; A.P.M., 168; B. N.S.W., 524; Boral, 216; 8.H.P., 560; Carlton, 437; C.U.8.Z., 355; Carrier, 62; Coles, 128: C.S.R., 298; C.8.A., 217; Courtaulds, 59; Cust. Credit, 72; D.H.A., 179; Dunlop, 137; Electro 8., 94; Email, 39; E.Z.1., 225; Factors, 25; Gerrard, 290; Gollin, 78; Gordon, Gotch, 240; Herald, 473; Hooker, 28; Hume, 244; 1.A.C., 83; 1.C.1.A.N.Z., 402; Jennings, 119; Jones, H., 375; Kauri, 24; Kelvlnator, 196; McPhersons, 360; Macrobertson, 130; Minster, 356; Morris, R., 700; Moulded Prods., 65; Myer, 327; Myttons, 153: Nat. Bank, 201; Nat. Cons., 233; N.Z. Forest, 293; Olympic, 75; Petersville, 60; Repco, 215; Rocla, 190; Siddons, 120; S.A. Rubber, 110; Sleigh, 63; Smith, H„ 249; Swan, 243; Toppa, 96: U.E.8., 138; Waltons, 108; Wwths., 141; Aust. Oilgas, 243; 8.H.5., 251: Cwealth. mng. 230; Emperor, 45: Mt. Isa, 420; Mt. Lyell, 129; Mt. Morgan, 237; Search, 15; Santos, 260; Western Min., 380; Yarra, 71. INVERCARGILL Late Wednesday.— loo N.Z. Paper Mills, 25s 6d; 200 Ross and Glendintng, 12s. Yesterday.— loo Wright, Stephenson, 31s 3d; 400 Bing, Harris, 6s 6d: 100 Fletcher, 19s 6d; 500 J Rattray, 15s 3d; 100 Rothmans, 26s 3d; 100 J. Wattie, 19s 3d.
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Press, Volume CV, Issue 31052, 6 May 1966, Page 17
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1,306Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CV, Issue 31052, 6 May 1966, Page 17
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