Sales In New Zealand
CHRISTCHURCH Sales.—Late Wednesday: 100 KZ News. B 57s 6d. Sales.—Yesterday: £9OO Bluff Harb. Brd.. 5 p.c. 28/3/70 £99 15s; 100 Dom Brew , 16s 9d: »r>o Sth Brit. Ins.. 53s 9d, and 100 B. 53s M; KO Kauri, 5s 3d; 700 Feltex. 7s 4d. 250 Feltex N.Z., 775; 1000 Lanes. 12s; 200 Ansett 6« M; 200 Baltins Hotels A c d.. 7s 4d; 800 Balhns Ind . 12s 3d; 525 B.H.P 44s 6d; 800 ConsoL Bndc, Ms; 2200 Cox Bros.. Is lid; 400 Early Bros., 13s; 500 Email. 6s lid; 450 Fletchers rts.. 8s «d. and 202 at 8s Od. 500 Gen. Foods, 14s 8d; 665 G. J. Coles, 15s 2d; 200 Hays. 375. and 100 nu.. 41s 3d; 500 Motor Specs., 15s 6d; 300 NZ. Refin.. 34s 9d: 100 Trans. Nel., B 7s 2d; 100 Wolworths. 13s lid; 800 W’worths (NX.) Prop pt.. 20s 3d. AUCKLAND Sales.—Late Wednesday: 200 Holeproof pref. 17s 6d: 500 Boral, 23s 6d; 160 Fletcher rts.. 8s 6d; 200 Motor Specs.. 15s 9d; 100 N.Z. News B. 57s 6d; 100 R. Rubber. 53s 6d; 150 Sharland. 595. 500 S. Brown. 10s 6d; 1300 W wths Svd.. 14s; 50 Rothmans N Z., 90s. Sales. Yesterday £l4OO 15/7/63-05 3 pc, £99 2s 6d; 200 Com. Aus., 21s 3d; 400 Dom. Brew . 16S 9d; 200 NZ. Brew.. 12s 8d; 200 Taranak: Brew., 10s 6d; 400 Tul Brew . 9s 9d; 1900 Ak. Gas. 5s 7d; 100 NX. Insce. C. 25s 6d; 300 S. Brit;, 53s 9d. and 1008. 53s 9d; 100 Marac, 22s 3d: 600 NJ4F.. 6s 3d. and 200 and 106 B. 53s 9d; 100 Marac. 22s 1000 Taupo Tot.. Ils 6d. and 700 B. Ils 3d: 100 Alliance. 19s; 1500 Lames, 13s; 388 Ampol *67 nts., 7s 2d, and 200 at 7s 3d; 100 Berlei. 465: 1192 Brents. 38s 9d. and 600 at 395: 100 B.H. Pty . 44s 6d. and 250 at 445: 200 CPB . 255; 860 Carton Consol, rts.. ss; 800 Cory-W. and S.. 28s; 200 C. Plastic. 355; 400 Cox Bros., 2s: 800 Firth Con.. 30s: 1028 Fletcher rts.. 8s 9d. 316 at 8s lid 100 at 8s lOd. and 80 at 8s 9d; 500 Gen. Foods. 14s 8d; 1100 Grace Bros . 8s 6d; 500 H. and J. Court. 12s 6d; 100 Hays. 375: 100 1.C.1.. 445: 100 J. Burns, 29s 6d. and 500 B. 295: 300 J. Chambers. 235. and 200 B Sref., 16s 6d; 3000 J Wattle 18s; ) KJ>. Drue. 525: 200 McKend Glass. 9d; 250 Magnus Mot., 47s 6d; 400 M.K, Mnfrs., 8s 6d: 300 Motor Specs.. 15s 9d: 300 Fmrs. Fert.. 41s 6d. and 300 B. 41s 3d; 400 For. Prods.. 47s 6d and 100 B. 475; 100 NZ. , News B. 57s fid: 200 Paper Mills. 36s to: 200 NX. RefinT 34s 9d; 1000 N.
Steam. 8s 2d: 1696 P Impey, 13s fid and 1000 B. 13s 6d; 100 Repco. 19s fid: 600 Rex Consol., 27s 6d: 400 Rickstan. 5s fid; 100 R_. Glend.. 19s 9d; 400 Seabrook F 235; 100 S. Brown, 10s fid; 100 Tapp. Mot. B, 20s; 100 Tasman. 40s 3d: 700 U.E. Box, 12s lid, and 200 *6B nts.. Ils 2d: 300 W . Horton. 27s 6d; 900 W. Cement 20s to; 100 W’wths. Syd., 14s: 500 NX. Petrol. 3s 3d; 100 Bell Radio. 30s 9d: 800 Kidd, Garrett 22s
Sales.—Yesterday: £lOOO 3 per cent.. 15/7/63-65 £99 2s 6d; £3OOO 3 per cent.. 15/5/64-66. £97 2s to; £5OO 4i per cent. 15/11/65-66. £lOl 2s 6d; 750 48 per cent. 15/6/66-67, £lOl ss; £2OOO 4J per cent, 15/8/67-69, £lOO ss; £2200 5 per cent, 15/8/-67-69, £lOl 10s; 100 Dom. Brew., 16s 9d L.S.W ; 3250 N.Z. Brew., 12s 8d; 700 Tui Brew.. 8s 9d; 100 Sth. Otago Freeze, 33s L.S.W.; 200 Auck. Gas, 5s 8d; 100 Chch. Gas 17s to; 200 N.Z. Ins., 26s 9d and 300 C 26s 3d; 300 S. Brit, 54s LS.W. and 100 B, 53s to L.S.W.; 1285 Wright, Steph., 40s L.S.W., 40s; 400 Taupo Tot. B. Ils 3d; 3300 Alliance. 19s L.S.W., 19s; 200 Bonds, 21s 9d: 200 Felt Aust., 7s 3d; 250 Felt NX., 775; 1900 Lanes, 12s L.S.W., 12s; 800 Lane W.R., 19s 6d L.S.W. 19s 6d and 100 pref.. 18s: 200 Tekau 26s 6d: 200 Ansett. 6s 9d; 100 8.0.R.A.L.. 23s 6d; 1000 B. Harris. 6s fid; 100 Brit Tob., 27s fid LS.W.: 200 C. 25s 3d; 300 Claude Neon. 61s fid; 200 Consol. Plastic. 355: 72 Coulls S.W., 44s 6d and 100 pref., 17s 3d; 200 Cox Bros., 2s: 500 Email, 6s lid; 500 Farm. Trad.. 20s; 100 Firth Cone., 30s; 595 Fletcher, rts.. 8s 6d L.S.W., 8s 9d 9s. 8s 9d: 1200 Gen. Foods. 14» 7d; 2400 J. Wattle. 18s: 100 McKenzies, 15s; 300 MCK 6s 4d; 550 Magnus. 47s to: 500 Motor Specs.. 15s to; 700 Forest Prods., 47s 6d and 300 B. 475; 100 R. and G.. 19s 9d L.5.W150 Sharlands. 59s LS.W.; 1133 Tappenden B. 20s LS.W.; 300 Tasman. 40s 3d. 40s; 700 U.E. Box *67 nts.. Ils 6d: 500 Von Kohom, 5s sd; 100 Wths., NZ., 14s 6d; 800 W’wths. Prop., of.. 20s 3d; 100 W. R. Carn.. 32s 3d; 100 Winstone. 49 fid LS.W. INVERCARGILL Sales.—Yesterday: 100 Dom. Brew.. 16s fid; 100 A. Harvey. 435; 1000 Factors. Is 2d: 400 Von Kohorn. 5s sd; 100 Woolworths, 14s and 200 13s Hd. i 1 ■
The market held fairly steady in heavy trading on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. Mining stocks were firmer in active trading. Sales.—Mt. Lyell, 4s 9d; Mt. Isa. 35s sd; B.H. Sth. ctg., 15« 9d. and pd.. 18s 6d; Nth B.H. ctg.. 34s 3d and pd.. 37s 6d; Mt. Morgan,/13s; Ampol Ex., Ils 6d; A.A.0., 25s to; Ass. Freney, 9s sd; A.O. Gas. 45e 3d; Ex. Oil. 3s Id; Mid-Eastern, 2s 7d; Oil Inv., 7s 3d; Oil Search. Is lljd; Planet 2s lOJd; Timor 9d; Kath. Inv., 22s 3d; M.K.U., 19s; N.A.U.C., 2s 8d: Unit Uran., 4s lOd; Com. Mining. 17s; C.R.A.,; 27s fid; Com. of Svd., 525; Nat. 12s 6d pd., 365; Bank N.S.W., 60s 6d; Tooheys. 10s 4d: Tooths. 945; A. G. Corp.. 18s 9d; C.A.G.A.. 12s 3d: lA.. Corp., 13s 7d; Qld. Ins.. £5 15s; Sth. Brit. Ins., 655; J. Fairfax 365; A.W.A., 26s 6d; Ampol Pet. ex div., Ils 2d; Ansett, 8s; A.C.1.; 62s 9d; Boral, 28s; Brit. Tob.. 33s 6d; 8.H.P.. 53s 6d. B. Philp. 85s 6d; Clyde Ind.. 10s 3d; C.S.R.. 74s 6d; D. Jones. 21s 9d; D.H.A., 56s 9d; Dunlop. 45s 6d; Elder G.M. 25s 9d; Email, 8s sd: E.Z. Ind.; 19s 3d; Feltex, 8s fid; G. J. Coles, 18s 3d; H. Jones. 72s 6d: 1.C.1., 535; L. J. Hooker. 5s 2d: Myer, 38s 9d; Rothmans, 39s 9d; Waltons, 17s 3d; Woolworths 17s 2d, and nts.. 16s; W. R. Carp., 39s 6d; A. G. Healing. 8s lOd; Amal. Chem., 18s; A. Hordern, 14s 3d; Blue Metal Ind. 225; Brambles. 19s to; Cone. Ind., 9s 2d; Hackshalls. 18s 6d; Humes, 87s; J. Lysaght 65s 6d; Lend Lease, 10s 6d; L.N.C. Inds., Ils 3d; Marrick Hold.. 22s 2d; Mauri Bros., 19s 8d; Motels Aust.. 6s 9d; Moulded Prod., Ils Id; Peko W., 14s lOd; Pioneer Cone.. 16s 9d; R. Symonds. 2s lOd; R.M.C., 12s 3d; Taubmans, 17s Id; Thiess. 10s Id MELBOURNE Industrials moved narrowly in a quiet steady market on the Melbourne Stock Exchange yesterday. Sales.—A. G. Healing. 9s; A.W.A., 26s 3d; Ampol. Ils Id; Ansett, 8s; Assoc. Pulp, 445; Aust. Chem., 225; A.C.1., 62s 9d; A. 33s 6d; Bank of N.S.W., 60s to; Boral. 27s lid; Brad Cotton, 6s Id; Brit. Tob., 33s 6d; B. 53s to; B. Philp. 85s 3d; Carlton, 41s lOd; Clyde, 10s 3d; Col. Sugar, 74s 9d; Cox Bros., 2 S 4Jd; Custom Cred., 12s; Dodds Consol., 7s 9d; Ducon. 36s 6d; Dunlop 45s sd; Electro B, 12s lOd; ESnail. 8s 6d; E.Z. Inds., 18s lid; Factors Is 6d; Felt Tex., 8s 7d; Frigrite, 7s fid; Gerrard, :28s sd; G. J. Coles, 18s 4d; Gordon Gotch 27s 6d; H. C. Sleigh 12s 7d; Herald. 50s; Hilton. Ils 3d; Humes. 87s; 1.A.C., 13s 6d; 1.C.1.A.N.Z.. 52s 6d; J. Lysaght 65s 6d; Kauri 6s 6d; L. J. Hooker, 5s 2d; Moran Cato 22s 6d; Mould. Prods., 10s lid; Myer 38s 8d; Nat. Bank, 57s 3d anil 12s 6d pd s 35s 6d; Nat. Consol., 33s 6d; N.Z. Forest, 33s fid: Olympic. 12s 9d; Peters, 8s 4d; Repco. 23s 7d; Swan. 26s 9d; Toppa, 13s; Waltons, 17s 3d; Woolworths, 17s. and nts.. 16s; Aust. OU Gas 455; B.H. Sth., 18s 3d; Interstate. 8s 6d; Mt. Isa 35s 3d; Mt. Lyell, 4s 8d; Mt. Morgan, 12s 9d: New B.H , 735; Nth. 8.H., 37s 6d; Oil Search, Is lOd; Planet. 2s 10|d; Santos. 9s 6d; Timor. IMd; Cwlth. Mining, 16s 9d; A.N Z. Bank. 70s 3d; H Berry. 25s 3d. DUNEDIN Sales.—Late Wednesday: 750 N.Z. Brew., 12s 8d; 100 8.H.P.. 455; 400 Paper Mills, 365; 300 U.E. Box *6B nts., Ils 3d; 400 Von Kohorn, 5s sd; 160 B.H. Sth. 14s lOd. Sales.—Yesterday: 200 C.F.M., 46s 6d: 200 Sthland. Frozen. 20s 6d; 200 Marac, 22s 3d; 50 Felts, N.Z., 765; 100 L.W.R.. 19s 6d; 200 8.H.P., 455; 600 Cox Bros.. 2s and 2200 at Is lid; 200 D.1.C.. 15s; 400 Early. 13s; 100 J. Wattle. 18s; 50 K.P. Drug, B, 50s 6d; 200 Love Con., 19s 6d: 300 McKend. Glass 9d; 400 R. and CL. 19s 9d; 200 Tasman, 40s 3d; 100 W. and Tombs, 33s 6d: 100 Woolworths (N.Z.) 14s 6d; 100 Mt. Isa. 30s.
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Press, Volume CII, Issue 30313, 13 December 1963, Page 23
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1,583Sales In New Zealand Press, Volume CII, Issue 30313, 13 December 1963, Page 23
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