Sales On N.Z. Exchanges
CHRISTCHURCH Sale*—Yesterday:£2oo. 3 px., *«0-<3. £97 2» fld; 10 Bank N.S.W., £27 13a: JOO N.Z. Breweries. Ils sd: 100 C F.M., 33s «d; 100 N.Z. Refrig.. 335; 350 South Brit, 48s. and 150 at 48s 3d; 600 Nat. Mortgage A. 7s 9d; 392 United Bldg.. 18s 6d; 100 Union Steam pref. 19s fld; 400 Lane Walker. 14s 3d; 1200 A.B. Consol.. ss; 300 Ampol rts.. Is Bd. 346 Ampol rts- Is 9d; 50 A C.X.. 82s «d; 114 B.HJ>. rts.. 445; 100 Claude Neon. 47s Sd: 200 Fletchers, 40s 6d: 400 Fletchers notes. 245; 900 Coles. Ils fld; 350 K.P. Drugs. 47s Sd; 200 Hookers. 9s 2d; 400 Mason Struthers. 4s 3d; 200 McKenzies. 14s 9d; 100 Forest Products c.d.. 38s 3d; 450 Norvic Shoes. 235: 300 R. and E. Tingey. 9s: 1000 Reid Murray. 5s Ud; SOO Transport Nelson c.d.. 8s 3d; 200 Unit Subdivisions. 4s Sd; 200 Mount Isa. 59s 6d; 1000 Mount Lyell. 6s 9d. AUCKLAND Sales.—Late Wednesday: 100 N.Z. Insurance. 62s fld; 200 A.B. Consol.. ss: 100 Ampol 1967 notes. 8s; 50 Broken Hill Pty. rts., 435; 100 Dental And Medical, 57s 6d; 1000 McKenzies. 14s 9d: 200 Milbum Lime. 38s 3d, and 100 at 38s; 500 Forest Products. 36s 3d. Sales.—Yesterday: £IBOO, 3 p.c.. ‘6O-63. £97 2s 6d; £3600. 3 px.. ’63-65. £94 2s 6d; £520 Auck. Gas 4J p.c. perp, stock. £57 10s: 100 Bank A.N.Z.. 41s; 15 Bank NSW.. £27 15s. 5 at £2B. and 5 at £27 17s; 351 Dominion Breweries rts., 6s Bd. and 3222 at 6s 9d; 500 N.Z. Breweries, Ils sd: 100 N.Z. insurance B. 61s Sd: 200 South British. 48s 6d. and 200 B. 47s 9d: 500 National Mortgage B. 8s 4d: 500 Kauri. 13s: 400 Feltex Aus.. 6s 3d. and 200 at 6s 2d; 2000 Lane Walker. 14s 3d: 1800 A.B. Consol., ss: 400 Alex Harvey pref.. 20s; 600 Ampol, 10s Sd. 1200 at 10s 7d. and 84 rts.. Is 9d: 450 Broken Hill Pty.. O’s fld. 17 rts.. 43s 6d. 49 at 43s fld. and 331 at 445: 700 Cox Bros.. 6. Sd. 200 General Foods, 12s 4d: 200 H. C Sleigh. 10s Sd: 300
J. Wattie. Us; 100 L. D, Nathan. 295; 300 McKenzies. 14s 9d; 300 Farmers Fertiliser. 365: 600 Forest Products 36s 3d. 200 at 365. and 100 pref.. 19s 9d: 50 N.Z. Newspapers. 68s. and 50 at 67s 9d; 1000 Ready Mixed Concrete. 15s; 700 Reid Murray. 5s lid; 400 Robert Holl. 7s 7d; 200 United Empire Box. Ils 6d; 200 United Subdivisions. 4s 6d; 300 Waltons. Us 6d: 200 Wisemans. 21s 3d; 100 Woolworths. 14s.
WELLINGTON Sales.—Late Wednesday: £5OO. 4) p.c.. 15/10/05. £99 15s; 5 NSW. Bank Aust., £2B; 570 Dorn. Brew. rts.. 6s 9d: 300 N.Z. Brew., Ils 6d. 1500 at Us sd: 100 Southland Meat, 17s 3d: 380 Wgton. Gas pref., 17s 3d: 60 Ampol rts., Is lid: 150 B.H.P, 61s 6d, 225 rts., 445, and 200 at 43s 9d; 100 Fletcher, 40s 6d. and 500 at 40s 3d; 100 L. J. Hooker. 9s 3d: 360 Milne and Choyce. 13s: 200 Motor Specs., 12s 3d: 500 N.Z. Forest Prod., 36s 3d. and 350 at 375; 300 Reid Murray. 5s !od. Sales.—Yesterday: £lOOO. 3 p.c, ■6O-62. £99: £250. 3 p.c.. '63-65. £94 : 600 Thames Hosp. Bd. deb.. 4« p.c.. 10/9/65. £99 14s 3d: £2500 Wang-Rangitikei E.P.8., 5 p.c., 1/11/63. £lOO ss; 4774 Dom. Brew, rts., 6s 9d: 170 Canty. Meat. 33s 6d; 100 N.Z. Refrig, 335; 600 Nat Insce., 20s 3d: 400 South Brit., 48s; 200 Union Steam pref, 19s 6d: 100 Bonds. 14s 6d: 1000 Lane Walker. 14s 3d: 655 Wgtn. Wool. 27s 9d: 400 Alex . Harvey pref., 20s: 2824 Ampol rts.. Is 8d: 1900 A.B. Consol.. ss: 50 A.C.1.. 82s 6d: 100 British Office. 235: 150 8.H.P.. 61s 9d. 200 at 6ls 6d. and 540 rts, 445; 3 C.S.R, £64 10s: 100 Factors. 3s 7d; 200 Fletcher, 40s 3d, and 300 notes. 245; 500 Golden Bay, 10s; 400 Henry Berry xd. 31s: 100 J. J. Niven. 52s 6d: 100 L. D. Nathan. 295; 100 Nat. Consol., 24s 3d: 500 Reid Murray. 5s lid: 3100 Robt. Holt, 7s 6d; 500 Silknit. 28s; 500 U.E. Box. Us 6d; 400 Wilson's Cement. 15s lOd: 1400 Woolworths. 13s lid; 100 Woolworths. 15s 3d; 100 Mt. Isa. 595: 200 Mt. Lyell. 6s 9d.
SYDNEY The leaders were uneven, with trading moderate, in a steady market on the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. Key industrials and metals were weaker, uraniums, textiles, and oi!s steady, and bonds firm. Sales. Com. of Aust., 16s; Com. of Sydney. £l9 16s: National. 12s fld paid. 18s; National 20s paid. 31s 7Jd; Bank N.S.W.. £3l 10s: Tooheys, 29s 9d; Tooths. 61s fld; and. rights. 41s 6d; A.G. Corp.. Us fld; Consol. Holdings. 28s fld: J. Fairfax. 28s 6d; Ampol Petroleum. 12s; and rights. 2s 3d; A.W.A.. 255; A CL. 98s 3d: British Tobacco. 32s 6d; Broken Hill Pty . 71s 6d; and rights. 50s; Burns. Philp. 89s; Clvde Industries. 13s 3d: CS.R.. £75 15s; D. Jones, 16s 6d; Drug Houses. 60s: Dunlop. 40s: E.Z. Industries, 18s 6d; Email. 8s: Feltex, 7s Id; G. J. Coles. 13s; Goldsbrough, 28s 3d; 1.C.1., 51s 3d; L. J. Hooker, 10s Id: Moulded Products, 16s 6d: R. Murray. Ts: Waltons. 13s sd: Woolworth's. 16s 4Jd; and notes. 14s 7d; W. R. Carpenter, 335: A. Hordern. 31s fld; Blue Metal Industries. 19s 9d; Brambles. 235; Carapark, 6s Id; E. L. Smith. 23s 8d; Humes. 70s: H. G. Palmer, Us sd: J. Lysaght. 765; L.N.C. Industries. 8s 6d: R.M. Concrete. 16s 10jd; Taubmans. 7s Id; Mt. Lyell. 7s 7d; Mt. Isa. 67s 6d; South Broken Hill. 14s Id; Ampol Exploration, 8s 6d: AO. Ges. 14s 9d; Oil Search. 2s 4d; Timor, 9s 6d; Katherine Inv., 20s: Mount Morgan. 14s 9d: New Guinea Gold. Is lOd: Placer. £8 17s 6d: Com. Mining. 8s Bd: Rio Tinto, 15s 9d. MELBOURNE Investment shares on the Melbourne Stock Exchange traded along easier lines. Broken Hill Pty. eased Is 3d to 71s 6d, and Kauri Timber Is to 15s. Base metals eased. Hie oils were steady. Australian Oil and Gas gained Is to 14s 6d. and Timor 7d to 9s Ud. Woodside eased 9d to 3s 3d. Commonwealth bonds traded along stead}’ lines. Sales.—Commercial Bank. 16s; Dodds. 20s 3d: Ducon, 16s sd; Gerrard, 25s 6d; Moran Cato. 21s 3d: National Bank. 31s 9d: N.Z. Forests. 455; Taubmans, 7s 3d; Toppa. 7s 9d: Ampol, 12s Id; and. rights. 2s 2d; Ansett, 5s 7d; Associated Pulp. 335; Aust. Chemical. 34s 6d; A.P.M.. 21s fld; A.C.1., 98s; A.W.A., 24s fld; Bradford Cotton, 7s 3d; British Tobacco. 32s fld; Broken Hill Pty.. 71s 6d; rights. 50s 6d; Carlton. 32s fld; Clyde, 13s 3d; C.S.R.. £75 15s; Courtaulds, 7s 7d; Cox Bros.. 7s 8d; Custom Credit. 15s 6d: Dunlop, 40s; Electronic B. 16s 4d; Email, 7s lOd; E.Z. Industries. 18s sd; Factors, 4s Id: Feltex, 6s lid; G. J. Coles. 12s Ud; Gordon Gotch, 15s; H. C. Sleigh. 12s 2d; Henry Jones. 78s; Herald, 57s 6d; Hilton. 8s 2d; Humes. 70s 3d; 1.C.1., A.. N.Z., 51s; 1.A.H., 12s 7d: J. Lvsaght, 765; and 10s paid, 545: Kauri, 15s; L. J. Hooker. 10s 4d; Moulded Products. 16s 3d; Myer, 27s 9d; Nat. Consol.. 27s lOd; Olympic, 7s 9d; Reid Murray, 6s 8d; Repco, 12s Bd: Swan, 12s 9d: Woodworths, 16s 3d; notes, 14s 4d; Broken Hill South, 14s 2d: Mount Isa. 67s fld; Mount Lyell. 7s Bd; North Broken Hill. 21s; Auet. Oil. Gas, 14s 6d; Interstate. 8s 6d; Mount Morgan. 14s lOd: Oil Search. 2s 3d; Timor, 9s Ud; Eclipse. Is 4d; Commonwealth Mining. 8s 3d DUNEDIN Sales.—Late Wednesday: 4000 Reid Murray. 5s lOd. Sales.—Yesterday: 6 Bank N S W., £27 15s; 1200 Dominion Brew. rts.. 6s 9d: 400 N.Z. Retrig.. 335; 600 Nat. Ins., 20s 3d: 450 Nat. Mort. A, 7s 9d: 100 Perpetual Trustees. 40s: 200 USS. pref., 19s 6d; 60 Ampol rts.. Is Ud: 100 B.H P. rts.. 43s 9d; 100 Fletcher. 40s 3d: 3000 M.C.P.. 6s 6d: 550 Norvic Shoes. 235; 150 R. and G.. 235: 550 Silknit. 28s; 300 Clutha River, Is.
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Press, Volume C, Issue 29565, 14 July 1961, Page 17
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1,353Sales On N.Z. Exchanges Press, Volume C, Issue 29565, 14 July 1961, Page 17
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