‘ From Our Parliamentary Heporter.) WELLINGTON, November 16.
An agrement between the New Zealand and Fiji Governments on the defence of Fiji was .announced in the House of Representatives to-day by the Acting-Prime Minister (Mr Nash). New Zealand will accept in settlement of the war debt of £Fiji 768.000 owed by Fiji an annual payment of £50,000 for 10 years. Fiji will maintain her military and naval forces at strengths to be determined by the New Zealand joint chiefs of staff, setting aside for this purpose a sum of £ Fiji 100.000 a year. If in any one year this sum is not all spent the balance will be placed in a special defence reserve account.
All expenditure on air defence will be met by New Zealand. If the cost of maintaining the military and naval forces exceeds £ Fiji 100,000 a year, together with any balance in the reserve account, the additional expenditure will also be met by New Zealand.
The agreement will be revised at the end of 10 years or at such earlier date as defence or economic conditions may warrant.
Mr Nash said the agreement took into account the substantial civil expenditure required to further the colony’s economic development.
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Press, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 25654, 17 November 1948, Page 4
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Press, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 25654, 17 November 1948, Page 4
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