without gumming Per 00ft. flexible hair, perfectly centrelled. Brylereem year hair... Brylcreem contain* no com. eoap. apirit or starch to choke the roots. or mat the hair. It cannot eanae " Dry " Hair. | Its unique properties unlock the oil ducts and V allow the easy flow of the along the hair follicle. Thus Brylcreem looks after the V ■ appearance and health of your hair—it’o the perfect Hair Drossing. l/» Per Jar er Tube. rrosn Hairdressers and Chemists. Distributed tn N.Z. by SIMMS JONES. LTD.. JflKi «l, II cb fl rid St. ChrlstchU'ch: and at Auckland Proprietors: County Perfumery Ou.. Ltd.. Honeypot Lane. Stanmore. Middlesex. Enrtend. s SPCCIAt ACT OF PAR I I AME N T_l 88 3. T 0 J CD 1 “ AHO ” o your time is probably fully occupied and you cannot ■x. pay the careful attention to your private and personal * < affairs that you should. o The Guardian Trust is well qualified to act as your > agent or attorney and to relieve you of the worry in . arranging investment&i Every care is taken in the a selection of seeprifiea, which are passed by the Board 9 o of Directors. ‘ All Trust Funds and Investments are « “ k€pt separate and apart from the Assets of the Company. m A confidential discussion with the Manager of the Guardian Trust u» can easily be arranged and entails no obligation. You are cordially w invited to call and arrange a personal interview. I TRUST “ AND EXECUTORS COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND LTD. * (Empowered by special Act of Parliament, 1883, to ad as Trustees, Executors and 9 Attorneys). Assets under administration exceed £18,000,000. m * Christchurch Branch: 89 GLOUCESTER STREET. o i- Manager: MR A. R. JORDAN. a 01 cB 8 I 1 HIH »l 1 8 JO 19V 1V1914* / in \ X•" A\ \ * aK \ nJ BAIN HMM : y fl* Mother always uses Protex for baby’s bath ~Y‘\X IA A because she knows that Protex contains a safe 'VJO*. t antiseptic to guard against infection, but it'a quite gentle and mild to sensitive skin. The tangy, bushland fragrance makes Protex such a favourite with the rest of the family —keeps them as fresh as daisies. you PROTEX IS® YOVBSttF TMS MOKHM& ? HUT A
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 7
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