77*e Story of a Field —3. •*- *> Hllf nW f / ittjKK'it/ty.e j When your land needs oxygen, sun and moisture to / / re-vitalise it for bumper / & / crops in the coming season, / 1 / an R. &G. Disc Harrow— / acclaimed one of to-day's / ** I best "cutters" will help ' / you to increase your land / returns. Best quality steel throughout. Both sets of discs can be controlled simultaneously or individually. Get full particulars to-day of the R. & G. Disc Harrow—call, phone or write NOW I t gray trt>. (URNSIDE, OTAGO. Branches at INVERCARGILL, GORE and BALCLUTHA. Agents throughout New Zealand and all branches of National Mortgage A Agency Co Ltd. F. 74 CONTRACT PEAS, BARLEY, WHEAT AND LINSEED SEE NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO. OF NX LTD. NOW! Contracts now being arranged for Garden and Field Feas, Barley, Wheat and Linseed. Top prices paid. Ring, write oq call for further information. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO. OF N.Z. LTD. 147- HEREFORD ST., CHRISTCHURCH. Matsons Contracts GROW GROW GROW Personal Service Counts ... and immediate despatch of Seed is also Appreciated. MATSONS 100 Cashel l*Next to International*] w *** Street L Hsnre * ter Co - of Nz - Ltd J I Your■ Rabbit Sfansj I SALES DATES j mu weight invoiced t© buyers is credited to I 1947: I vendors. July 1, 15, Immediate cash advances If required, am 20 receipt of skins. Aug. 12 26 Rabbiters! For bigger cheques, consign your r t 21 skins to us. Labels and advice notes on Oct 7,21 application. alteration without Stronach. Morris notice. “ r d d r a «r aa ' * Co. Ltd., DUNEDIN. Est'd. 1888
Linseed on Light to Medium Stony Land over two poor seasons averaged returns of over £lB per acre which exceeded the returns from other crops on this farm. Mr Ross says:—l have grown Linseed for the past 2 yean and neither year has been a good one for Linseed. However, each year the cash This was the experience return per acre has exceeded the return from other Crops on my of Mr G. W. Ross, May- farm. Last season my Crop of Cross 7 Wheat, sown after Linseed, field. Mid-Canterbury. averaged 53 bushels per acre and wheat after rape sown the same season yielded 38 bushels. Both paddocks were down in grass for several years before taken up for Crop. Linseed fits Into my farming ’ programme well for mixed farming. I recommend sowing in September on clean, well prepared land. I have each year averaged over flB per acre nett on medium, stony land gladly call and assist you in ss?-- - Spriuf Dominion Industries Ltd., P.O. Box 1168. Telephone 31-840, Christchurch
Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 6
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