_ 7* We’re oat to conquer new fields! Mecca for Music-lovers A new service has been Incorporated within our recently remodelled Specialty Department I Besides being the centre for the newest of electrical equipment and labour-saving devices, we are busy indexing at least it 4000 New Records Featuring all classes of musical entertainment. Two music rooms enable you to listen to new releases before you make a choice. We are agents for Philips. Gulbransen Radio and Radio-grams. Things are really happening in the . . . SPECIALTY DEPARTMENT L The FARMERS’ “The Big Store in Cashel Street”
CARTAGE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS “KIWI KARRIERS” Cartage Contractors, Customs, Shipping, Storage, Forwarding Agents. Furniture Removals, • etc. Liverpool Street ’Phone 32-124 (Keep (Ms for reference)
r iKi JEj-fßii Bring your dreams with you when you inspect the new Mercer Stainless ... Sink. It's a beauty adventure in modern Kitchenettes . . . It's dramatic I Look at the shimmering silvery surface—note the many interesting features. The Mercer Stainless Sink is non-corrosive, stoinproof, seamless, dirt and grease resistant—and cleans like magic with a damp doth. Furthermore, china and glassware breakages are reduced to a minimum when you install MERCER STAINLESS SINK Inspection invited by J. Mercer end Sons, Ltd., 54, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. JllllHlllllllllllllllllilllliiiiiilillillliiiillllllilUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiicitiiMUSiiuiiuiitiuiuiiliimilli s i . y|7\ I z THE LIFE OF TOUR BOATI I Chrysler Power for efficient I and economical performance | = Designed by marine engineers for marine conditions, Chrysler quality | engines give superior performance at reasonable cost. Deliveries are now | being made on current orders. Further deliveries shortly if you order now. = 6-cylinder and 8-cylinder petrol or diesel models available with or without = reduction gears Order from your boatbuilder, dealer or the N.Z. = Distributors: TODD MOTORS Courtenay Place, WELLINGTON. “ Ixical Dealers: -Umr » IB".-*-. r—X HAINES MOTORS LTD., I V aNI 5 Cnr. Manrhester and Gloucester I W R B 8 «**’■**■ i = Christchurch. \ '/ 5 Sid Osborne & Soni Ltd M Ashburton. "' i '' Applfco*lont from dtaters Invited a few territories available. i.y
• Fit for Anything —that’s what Mothers say about the Babies and Children who are strengthened s and fortified by the health- f building body-building ingredi- 1 exits found in V. a k fan.e’s y R EMWLSIONLd \ The unique benefits of Lane's are due to the unique combination of Ingredients it contains. Plenty of the finest Cod Liver Oil—CreosoteFresh Eggs—Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A shield of vital health for young and old. Th« Lbm Ca. Lai.. Oawwtra
Page 5 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 5
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