Sir, —Apart from economic considerations such as shortage of electric power; shortage of labour in essential industries; and the need for assisting Britain by importing all we can; the starting of a new industry in what is fast becoming a residential district will cause concern to Fendalton residents. In every direction in which Christchurch is expanding industries are being started, with the result that industrial and residential districts are being sandwiched together, making any form of town planning impossible. Are there no powers which can envisage a greater Christchurch in, say, 50 years’ time? —Yours, etc., RESIDENT. August 14, 1947.
Sir, —With great ceremony and much publicity for certain individuals, it was announced that Christchurch had a plan, a plan which appeared acceptable. However, the latest news that a factory is to be established in a residential area proves that either the plan is of little value or that Christchurch has reached a size beyond which it should not expand. The fact that other residential areas have factories within their boundaries does not make it any more desirable. In this case, before the first factory is established, I feel that every effort should be made to prevent such a move; and m this our “city planners” could materially assist if they are still really interested.—Yours, etc., NO JUDAS. August 14, 1947.
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 3
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 3
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