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, v.' I-' 1 7? - •'*” TAKE IT for i mLcabster s HR EVERY- ... -'““TJ thing _ i in CHEST I Pine Cough j d THROAT Ini Iji or voice i r So Different I c,, a 1 So Good 1 A« 14 Sold Every- i where I Bataa* Mjf PRESCRIPTION I WJ PREPARATIONS I Wi Ltd, 1 Upper Queen Bt.l Che« Co<OjpO c 'L’ M ’W Auckland 1 So* e || ~~Wg ■steOl Keeps me FresK NORTON'S Egg Preserver Sold in Liquid or Paste Form. Mfrs. J. T. Norton Ltd„ Lyttelton. WAKE UP YOU IFF LIVER BILE—WHwrt Caloml—Aed Yea’ll eat at M ■ the Maraiag Foil oi Via. The liver should pour out two pounds at Squid bile into your bowels daily. It thh bfl# is not flowing freely, your food doesn’t digest. It just decays in the bowels. Wind bloats op your stomach. You, get constipated. Your whole system te poisoned and you feel soue, tired and weary and the world looks blue. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn’t get at the cause. It takes those good old Carter’s Little Liver Pills to get those two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel “up and up." Hannlma. gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for CARTER’S Little Over Pills by nanus Stubbornly refuse anything else. l ,Bjd. Distributors: Fossett & Johnson, LU., Luj Buildings, Moments Strut. Wellington, CA (P.ECURKmJ /96 HIKfOBO smet! I C.HPISKHUHCM PO 44!nf ! Gordons I I Gin I 1 •" J WUNDA WAVE New Non-electric Perm £l/1 Wunda Wave . . . reconditions as it waves, turning dry, bleached hair into natural long-lasting waves. Le CHARME SALON 8 NEW REGENT STREET, ■PHONE 40-344. With the coming of Spring every woman wishes to look her best . . . that clear, fresh look can so easily be yours II you make an appointment for a CYCLAX TREATMENT in one of our luxuriously appointed salons. All Cyclax Treatments are exclusive to Ballantynes. Christchurch and Timaro.
NORTH CANTERBURY ADVERTISEMENTS' REGENT RANGIORA 2.15 TO-DAY TO-NIGHT, 8 P.M. And Again on Tuesday Noel Coward’s Hilariously Witty “BLITHE SPIRIT” (In Technipolour) Rex HARRISON Constance CUMMINGS (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) NORTH CANTERBURY ELECTRIC POWER BOARD. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. ALTHOUGH POWER RESTRICTIONS ARE NOW EASED some savings are still necessary, and can best be made if consumers will be SPARING WITH WATER HEATERS AND WITH RADIATORS for space heating. DOMESTIC WATER HEATERS must be SWITCHED OFF BY HAND EACH DAY FROM 7.30 a.m.-12 noon, and 5.00 p.m.-7,30 r m Sports ground lighting may now be used. A. BUCKINGHAM, 2654 Engineer-Secretary. G. W. PEARSON and SONS’ ANNUAL STAFF BALL, SOUTHBROOK HALL, - FRIDAY, AUGUST 22. Continuous Music \ Dancing 8.30-2.30. Miss Br '’s and Mrs Logan’s Orchestras. Sit-down Supper. Unusual Novelties. Admission: Ladies 3/6, Gents 4/6. 1088 OHOKA AND DISTRICTS BRANCH N.Z.F.F. A MEETING with Members of the EYRE COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the OHOKA HALL ON TUESDAY. AUGUST 18th, AT 8 P.M. A’ll Ratepayers invited to be present. W. E. SAUNDERS, President. T E. ROWLANDS, Hon. Sec. SWANNANOA CRICKET CLUB.—AII financial and intending members and supporters are requested to attend the annual meeting of the above club. SWANNANOA HALL, WEDNESDAY, August .27th, AT 8 P.M.—E. WARD. Hon. Sec. 1140 SOUTHBROOK TENNIS CLUB DANCE SOUTHBROOK HALL SOUTHBROOK HALL SATURDAY AUGUST 16th. 2073 RUGBY FOOTBALL. DUDLEY PARK. TO-DAY—2.4S P.M. Glenmark v. North Canterbury (Seniors) Loburn v. North Canterbury (Juniors). Admission 1/-. Cars Free. 2655 RANGIORA NURSERY SCHOOL—SHOP DAY, in Aid of Funds, TUESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 19th, AT 136 HIGH ST. (Goldings Bros.) 1139 I WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC OF WAIAU that I am OPERATING A BULLDOZER IN THE ABOVE DISTRICT. All classes of work undertaken, cuttings, roadways, ’evening, ponds formed, gorse and scrub cleared. Inquiries—T. W. TAYLOR, ’Phone 23, Waiau. 1006 SPECIAL OFFER: Aug. 16th-30th only— Cabbage Plants, 50 for 9d, 100 for Is 4d, 1000 for 10s; Onion Plants, 9d and Is per 100, 7s 6d to 10s per 1000. D. K. Jones, Judsons road. Woodend. 1080 OFFICE Girl Wanted. Some experience preferred but not essential. Excellent opportunity. Apply: L. P. Devlin, Rangiora.ll43 LOST, Scarf, Victoria street. Yesterday. Please return, "Press," Rangiora. SALE, good Lucerne Hay on Truck. Carpenter, Hillcrest Farm, Fernside. Satisfaction. Courtesy. EDLIN MOTORS EDLIN MOTORS EDLIN MOTORS EDLIN MOTORS RANGIORA Repairs. Overhauls. RANGIORA TRACTORS. CARS. TRUCKS. Allis Chalmers Sales and Service. 1148
Smart HANDBAGS from $ Ballantynes—.V? .Wjlt fflßfegMHft with extra S WEHkS9 pocket and ® change purse Distinctively Grained LEATHER HANDBAG with Unusual Grained Hide HANDBAG with a scalloped flap and plain back. Set on strong gilt plain stitched centre panel. Set on strong frame finished plastic clip. Wine, tan, black, gilt frame, firm clasp. Brown beige, navy, brown. 12$in. by 6sin 67/3 12in. by 7in. .. .. .. Good quality Grained Hide UNDERARM HANDBAG gathered from a centre panel. Zipp fastener. Navy, black, brown. 15in. by B|in. 54/Enjoy HOME-MADE SCONES with Boysenberry Jam, on Monday, at Morning Tea or Coffee Time, in the warm, comfortable surroundings of our Tea Room. J. Ballantyne & Co. Ltd.
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 2
Word Count
826Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 2
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