YOU’LL SAY IT’S THE BEST YOU’VE EVER SEEN—AND YOU’LL MEAN IT CRYSTAL PALACE 'Phone 32-408. ( Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. (THROUGHOUT N.Z.) 2.15 p.m. TWICE DAILY 8 p.m. Laughter, Romance, and Thrills of the Race Track Starring MICHAEL WHALEN LYNN BARI IN ADDITION Ten Times More Trouble Ten Times More Laughs Two 20th Century-Fox Productions. (Both Attractions Approved for Universal Exhibition.) RESERVES AT D.I.C. or TEL. 32-408. ST. JAMES’ THEATRE Nightly at 7.55 Nightly MATINEE WEDNESDAY, 2.15 2s (plus tax), Is 6d, Is. Children Halfprice to Matinee. SUCCESS! SUCCESS! SUCCESS! of the New Production “LET’S GO HUNTING” “LET’S GO HUNTING” the Elaborately Staged Revue by ! -- - _ i . STANLEY McKAY’S NEW GAIETIES STAN FOLEY (The Clever Australian Comedian) GEORGE HURD, (Royal Command Juggling Genius) Comedians, Singers, Dancers, Acrobats. “The Gaieties again proved their versatility and success as entertainers. ‘Let’s Go Hunting’ moved at a brisk pace. Scene followed scene without a moment’s delay . . . the excellent costuming and scenery—a feature of the show—add to its attractiveness.” —Christchurch “Press,” 23/1/39. 3s, 2s (plus tax). Is 6d. Reserves at D.I.C. Day Sales at Jacobs and St. James’ Sweets Shop. LAST NIGHTS ! LAST NIGHTS ! 6053 DANCES. SCOTTISH SOCIETY HALL OLD TIME DANCE OLD TIME DANCE OLD TIME DANCE TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Ist Heat TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Ist Heat 3 GUINEA MONTE CARLO HUGHIE EVANS’ BAND HUGHIE EVANS’ BAND Monte Carlo Lucky Spot Ladies 1/6. Gents 2/-. . TUESDAY NIGHT X 3119 PUBLIC NOTICES, Gas Cookery for Convenience. NO GAS COOKERY DEMONSTRATIONS . . . There will be no free Gas Cookery demonstration this week . . . these popular weekly Gas Cookery demonstrations will recommence on Wednesday, February Bth. THE CHRISTCHURCH GAS CO., LTD. “The Licensing Act, 1908." LICENSING DISTRICT OF CHRISTCHURCH. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENCE. T MORGAN O’BRIEN, of Christ- ’ church, Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican’s Licence in respect of the house and premises situate at High street, Christchurch, known as the WHITE HART HOTEL, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Court House, Christchurch, on the 6th day of March. 1939. apply for a transfer of the said Licence from myself to John Simpson, my appointee. Dated the 20th day of January. 1939. MORGAN O’BRIEN. Raymond. Stringer and Co., Solicitors, Christchurch. 5781 LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION, 14A, TAI TAPU. A SPECIAL ADDRESS will be given in the Tai Tapu Hall on THURSDAY, 26th JANUARY, at 8.45 p.m. All Protestants and those interested are cordially invited. Speaker; Wor. Bro. G. Agnew, P.G.M. " X 3114 CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL. DUST AND REFUSE COLLECTION. CITY COUNCIL EMPLOYEES’ PICNIC. SPHERE will be NO Collection of Refuse on FRIDAY, the 27th instant. The carts will call on THURSDAY, the 26th instant, at the premises usually called upon on Friday. There will be a slight disorganisation in the time-table in all districts. J. S. NEVILLE, CHRISTCHURCH. Town Clerk. 24th January, 1939. 5994 CTEELITE Green Paint retains its . glorious freshness after years of wear. N.Z. made. SMITH and SMITH. LTD., < 58662 Cr. Tuam-High streets. rTEAPHY’S Heavy-duty Breakdown Ambulance is always available. ( day oi: night. ’Phone 32-272. X 2747
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LXXV, Issue 22617, 24 January 1939, Page 1
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