REID’S ACCOMMODATION HOUSE AND GENERAL STORE STATION CREEK, MARUIA On Main Highway Between Lewis Pass and Murchison Morning and Afternoon Teas and Lunches. Overnight Accommodation. Enquire for Camping Site. Hot Water Available. Wide range of Stores, Cigarettes, Fruit, etc., stocked. PETPOL AND OIL Supplied. Agencies MIGHELIN TYRES, KODAK PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. D. A. REID, Proprietor, MARUIA Telephone : Private Line, MARUIA. LAKE HOUSE, LAKE ROTOROA THE CORNER STORE, 26 miles North o£ Murchison, 7 miles from Gowan Bridge on Main Highway, Nelson to Christchurch. Brown and Rainbow Trout Fishing Deer Stalking and Mountaineering, Launches and Boats available. Excellent accommodation. Electric Light. Telegrams: FLOWER, LAKE ROTOROA. A. FLOWER ..... Proprietor LAKE ROTO-ITI ON MAIN BLENHEIM-MURCHISON HIGHWAY. Trout Fishing, Deer Stalking, Mountaineering, Accommodation and Refreshments. Inquiries C. BARKER, LAKE ROTO-ITI.
KORERE VALLEY HOTEL ON MAIN NELSON—LEWIS PASS—CHRISTCHURCH HIGHWAY Excellent Accommodation, Electric Light. MORNING & AFTERNOON TEAS A SPECIALITY. Trout fishing, deer and pig shooting. Full range Wines and Spirits in stock. SPEIGHT’S DRAFT BEER on tap. SIX PETROL PUMPS installed. Public Telephone Bureau. CLIFF NEWMAN • > Proprietor E. HOOPER & SONS LTD., * WAKEFIELD ON MAIN HIGHWAY, NELSON-LEWIS PASS. Full range of all CAMPERS’ REQUISITES. FRESH FRUIT 1 DAILY. EXCELLENT STOCK PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMS. Adjacent to Baigento Camping Grounds. WAKEFIELD GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION A GRADE and A.A. ROAD SERVICE STATION. All brands of petrol and oil at Nelson prices. A. E. SHUTTLEWORTH - - - Proprietor WAKEFIELD HOTEL Full range of best WINES AND SPIRITS and all brands of BOTTLED BEER. . EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION. B. WINKS Proprietor WARRING’S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, , RICHMOND On main highway, nelson-lewis pass. All grades PETROL, OIL AND TYRES STOCKED, and all motorists’ requirements. J. WARRING - - Proprietor HEATH’S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, STOKE ON MAIN HIGHWAY, NELSON-LEWIS PASS. Petrol procurable at all hours. Tyres and accessories in stock. Six petrol pumps. W. B. HEATH Proprietor ROSY KORNER Tea and Luncheon Rooms on TAHUNANUI SANDS CAMPING GROUNDS, NELSON. Motorists and Campers catered for. Fresh Fruit, DELICIOUS HOME MADE ICE CREAM, Soft Drinks, Confectionery, and Cigarettes. S. A. VEYSEY .... Proprietress “NAUMAI” PRIVATE HOTEL (Opposite Hail Office), Bridge Street, Nelson. 8/- per day, £2/2/- per week. Personal Supervision Guarantees Attention and Service. Telephone 479. A. BENSEMANN Proprietor PELORUS HOTEL, CANVASTOWN ON MAIN HIGHWAY, NELSON-BLENHEIM. Excellent accommodation. E.L., morning and afternoon teas. All brands Wines and Spirits. SPEIGHT’S BEER. A. MONAHAN ..... Proprietor RATA TEA ROOMS AND PRIVATE HOTEL, RAI VALLEY ON MAIN HIGHWAY, NELSON-BLENHEIM. REFRESHMENTS AT ALL HOURS. M. INGRAM Proprietress Telephone 255. Blenheim
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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22238, 1 November 1937, Page 6
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