VO THE EDITOR Of THE PRESS. Sir, —I was pleased to see your article in “The Press” this morning on our old friend, Peter Trolove. I.have read his letters for years, and he, was an example to us all in his kindly tolerance. As you so well put it, “He had no trace of bitterness or malice." We shall all miss his varied letters, with their clever wit, but mostly for their kindliness. —Yours, etc., FLORENCE A. TURNER.
August 2, 1937. TO THE EDITOR OP THE PRESS. Sir, —Although I never met the late Mr Peter Trolove, X had the pleasure of having one or two tilts athim through the columns of your paper. It was a real pleasure, as this gentleman certainly had the knack of dealing with his opponents in a friendly and amusing way. He never descended to personalities; neither did he lose his good-natured touch, even when there was a massed attack by correspondents on the Trolove arguments. I was surprised to learn his age. His style of writing always led me to believe that he was a much younger man. I, with others who always read the “Letters to the Editor,” will miss those .inoffensive and kindly letters signed “Peter Trolove.”—Yours, etc., CITIZEN. August 2, 1937.
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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22161, 3 August 1937, Page 17
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Press, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22161, 3 August 1937, Page 17
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