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AUCTIONS. DALGETY AND CO.. LTD. A D DINGTON MARKET, 10th JUNE. SPECIAL ENTRIES. Account MR HUGH ENSOR. “Double Hill”: 340 Fat and Forward Wethers. 21 Prime Fat Cattle. [ Account MRS H. F. LITERS, Oxford: t 3 Trucks Halfbred Ewe Lambs. Account MR R. E. LIMERICK, Mt, r Hutt Rural: 5 Purebred unregistered Ayrshire • Heifers, due June and July to Shorthorn BulL I Account MR W. HANMER ATKINSON, “Woodbank": t 4 Trucks Prime Fat Cattle. DALGETY and CO., LTD., 2256 Auctioneers. L PYNE, GOULD. GUINNESS. LTD. » A DDINGTON SALE. TO-MORROW, 10th JUNE On A/c. MR J. JAMES, Prebbleton: 7 First-cross Tamworth Berkshire Sows, 15 weeks old. On A/c. CLIENT: Black and Tan Huntaway Dog, 6yrs. Black and White Huntaway Dog, 18 months. Yellow Handy Dog, 6yts. PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS, LTD., 2267 Auctioneers. PROPERTIES FOB SALE. Twelve Words, One Shilling per - Insertion; Three Insertions 2s 6d. T3LOCK of new Flats for sale, £4250. All let. Showing excellent return. Owner. E3465, “Press.” XJUILDER about to erect new wellplanned residence in St. Albans would be pleased to meet probable clients. P.O. Box 849. X 3497 QPLENDID BUNGALOWS now being Built on Sections Situated Ham road, Fendalton. An opportunity to obtain g home in this splendid locality at rock-bottom prices. Consult Muirson, Builder, now on the job, or J. G. Andrews, Trustee, 611 Worcester street A3OBO 1-J Q ACRES and 63 Cows, 11 J A O Heifers, Bulls, Horses, etc., for £3O PER ACRE as a GOING CONCERN. Five-roomed Bungalow, etc., and all good buildings. Five miles from town. Apply. BOX 19, TE AWAMUTU. WAIKATO. SCARBOROUGH. SUMNER, Overlooking Be' 1 Harbour. “STONEHAVEN,” STONE BUNGALOW, 6 Rooms, Loggia Verandah, modern conveniences. Ideal winter residence. No frost or east wind. Unequalled view. For Sale or Exchange at £IOOO under cost. HOMEFINDERS, LTD., bole Agents, H4176 168 Manchester street BUNGALOW. £7OO £7OO Slater street, St. Albans. This 5-Roomed Bungalow is a really cheap buy. i acre Section. Concrete Paths. EASY TERMS. SOLE AGENTS. STACEYS (Land Specialists), LTD., 89 Hereford street. 57697 <? 77nr~ A NEW bungalow snip. ~ Just off Ferry road. Latest design and gets all the sun that shines. Beautifully finished and the fittings are the best. The kitchenette is most up-to-date, and an electric cooker is provided. The breakfast room, lacing north, is heavily panelled. In all there are 5 roojns and kitchenette. Built by a leading builder and the workmanship is guaranteed. We will be pleased to show this very fine property to you. Fol 17. Hillary and Baxter, 178 Manchester street. H4885 CASHMERE. HANDY TO TRAM. One of the most desirable properties on Hills for sale. BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, sun room, spacious Basement and Garage. BEAUTIFULLY laid out i-acre section, sheltered and planted with marvellous selection magnificent plants and shrubs, with unobstructed view. GOVT. MORTGAGE £I4OO. A Reasonable Offer above the mortgage will be considered or a smaller property in exchange. HARRIS, LAWLOR and CO.. Sole Agents. 98 Hereford street. ’Phone 33-911. X 3633 GOOD SECTION VALUES. FENDALTON—4 i-acre Sections, £l5O each. PAPANUI—i, within 5 minutes from the tram, £ 150. BRYNDWR—2i acres, 50ft frontage, £IOO. STACEYS (Land Specialists), LTD., 89 Hereford street. 57697 ON THE TRAMLINE. JUST OVER ONE SECTION FROM TOWN. It is very difficult now to secure new homes so close to town. NEW BUNGALOW. Facing North. unusual Interior and EXTERIOR. Two nice living rooms, three sunny bedrooms, sewing room or DEN. Lovely bathroom with RECESS BATH AND SHOWER CABINET. Kitchenette with BREAKFAST ALCOVE. A VERY DESIRABLE HOME, built under the SUBSIDY which is no longer procurable for HOMES LIKE THIS. 1 7 X —TERMS TO <LX~I.I BUYER. RELIABLE HUTCHINSON, WHITE, LTD., Victoria square. ’Phone 40-010. H4844 H. T. PENROSE and CO. £87 P »- JUST OFF PAPANUI l roAD and EXCELLENT VALUE. Get in before the Subsidy is stopped. You are definitely getting the benefit of £SO Subsidy here. Five rooms and modern kitchenette, done in apple-green enamel, with abundance of cupboards built in. Bath and pedestal basin, electric range, etc. Lovely High Section. Very Easy Terms with Weekly Payments. H T. PENROSE and CO., 183 Manchester street. 31-383. £42r> Borne and an Investment. A really sound family house in excellent order. Five rooms and all conveniences. Very good section of about i-acre, on tram line. At present let at £1 week. Urgent Sale required. Terms can be arranged. Sole Agents, H. T. PENROSE and CO., 183 Manchester street. 31-338. P7051 JATTIMORE ANI " 220 HIGH STREET INGLIS BUILDINGS (opp. the White Hart Hot* LINWOOD. Situated in new street. Hs tram. Brand New Bungalow, I and sun room, all latest improv £750 on £75 Deposit. T , OPAWA. Handy railway. Splendid 6Residence in fine order. High section. Nicely laid out. N terms. £550 on £SO Deposit. Sole Agents:— LATTIMORE and CO. L 6196
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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788Page 20 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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Page 20 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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