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AUCTIONS. THE CITY MARKET. RHODODENDRONS, ERICAS. LIQUID AMBER, CRIMSON MANUKA, BORONIA, CLEMATIS. AUCTION SALE. Account MR C. McKINLAY, Nurseryman, at THE CfTY MARKET, 550 Colombo street, TO-MORROW, at 12 NOON. 'U'NTRY Includes:— Prostanthera, Roses, Solanum, Cupsicastrum, Hedgeplants, Flowering Plums and Apples, Hydrangeas, Gooseberries, Currants, Asparagus, Winter Rhubarb, Berberis, Veronicas, Spiria, Wisteria, Virginian Creeper, Wattles, Asters, Grivillia, Lavender, Guelder Roses, Forsythia, Benthamia, Laurestina, Rosemary, Matipo, Smyphoricarpus, Indogoffera, Flax, and hundreds of other lines. H. C. SMITH, Auctioneer, ’Phone 24-680. The City Market 2281 IHE CITY MARKET. 550 COLOMBO STREET. 2 UNDENIABLE OUTSTANDING BARGAINS. SPRINGSTON FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. No. I—loo ACRES, ONLY £lB AN ACRE. GOOD MIXED FARM for Dairying, Cropping. etc. CAPITAL BUILDINGS. Owner will accept low deposit, or would exchange for suitable House in town. No. 2—WONDERFUL PROPOSITION. WEEDONS FARMSTEAD. 50 ACRES, good loam, well subdivided, fenced and watered. Four-roomed House, splendid outbuildings. Cows, pigs, poultry, and cropping. £6OO will buy this compact little Homestead. Owing to ill-health owner must sell. Near offer may be considered. 57697 H. C. SMITH, Proprietor. COUNTY COUNCILS. ASHLEY COUNTY COUNCIL. RANGIORA-OXFORD VIA LOBURN MAIN HIGHWAY. OKUKU BRIDGE CLOSED. IN order to carry out repairs to A the, Okuku Bridge, it will be closed to all traffic from Wednesday, 10th inst, until midday Saturday, 13th inst. The only alternative route will be over the Ashley Gorge Bridge. C. A. BELCHER, 2285 County Clerk. MOUNT HERBERT COUNTY COUNCIL. EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. 13URSUANT to the provisions of the -*■ Counties Act, 1920, and the Local Elections and Polls Act, 1925, and amendments thereto I hereby give notice that an election to fill the Extraordinary Vacancy in the Port Levy Riding on the Council will be held on July Ist, 1936. Nominations will close at noon on Saturday, 20th June, 1936, at the office of Mr C. G. McKellar, 90 Hereford street, Christchurch. Nomination papers may be obtained on application to the Returning Officer at the above address. G. T. BULLOCK, 2254 Returning Officer. EDUCATIONAL. HANDICRAFT STUDIO. BRISTOL BUILDING, Cashel st. / DRAFTS Class Wednesday Evening. 7 o'clock. Special concession. M 7055 I L B Y ’ S COLLEGE. 93 Worcester street (Near Cathedral square). Thorough preparation for a Business or Professional Career, Accountancy or Secretarial, by highly skilled Expert Instructors —Strictly Individual and Exclusive Lessons. Day and Evening Classes. Term commences with first lesson. Write. 'Phone, or Call for free prospectus. Address. 93 Worcester street, Christchurch. C.l, P.O. Box 652. or 'Phone 41-766. C. H. Gilby, F.P.A. (N.Z.). F.I.P.S. Hons. Director. G6176 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1935 EXAMINATION RESULTS. QTUDENTS of Digby’s- Commercial £5 School gained Ist and 2nd Shorthand Prizes (160 w.p.m.), 50 Passes (out of 54 School Entries), including 9 Honours and 15 Distinction Passes. We give EFFICIENT Training and secure Office Appointments for qualified students. 420 positions were obtained by our pupils during 1935. DIGBY'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 69 Worcester street West (just over Bridge from square ana next to "Harley”). Prospectus on application. Tel. 32-510. All Sessions have resumed. 83092 DANCING TEACHERS. T ONDON ACADEMY, 769 COLOMBO 1 j STREET Principal: MR A. L. LEGHORN, C.M.I.S.T.D. Modern Ballroom Dancing. Remedial Physical Culture. Private Lessons and Classes. Full particulars on application. TELEPHONE 41-933. OPTICIANS. A LEXANDER GRANT, LTD., CONSULTING OPTICIANS, WHITCOMBE’S BUILDINGS, 115 CASHEL ST.. CHRISTCHURCH. First floor. Take lift. Over 30 Years’ Practical Experience Scientific Testing. ’Phone 33-703. G5061 Telephone 34-452. P.O. .Box 669. Q SEVICKE JONES, OPTICIAN, 51 CATHEDRAL SQUARE (Corner Chancery Lane). J7694 PRIVATE HOTELS. W/HAKATATA— Private Hotel, 44 ’ * Cashel st., near Bridge of Remembrance and Gardens. Accommodation for Paying Guests. Excellent Cuisine. Tariff, 10/- per day. Mrs Hyman, Proprietress; HSOBB ‘■rpHE LODGE,” 36 HEREFORD ST., -■ The Favoured West End. The City’s Premier Private Hotel, It Combines Every Comfort and Luxury of a Refined Home, with proximity to the centre of the City, the Botanic Gardens, Canterbury College, and the River Avon. Tariff: 12s 6d per day. Permanent guests special rates. D. B. GUNN, Proprietor. Telephones: 33-870. 33-871. G4787 \TEW BRIGHTON CAFE. (Private Hotel.) COME TO THE SEASIDE. Extra reduction in Winter Tariff. Special Tariff for Permanents. Excellent accommodation. Every convenience for Families. Close to Golf Course, Tennis, and Bowling Greens. For fuller particulars 'Phone 34-265, or write MBS N. J. JOHNSTON. Proprietress. OTEELITE Green paint retains its glorious freshness after years of wear. N.Z. made. 28s gallon. SMITH and SMITH, LTD., 58662 Cr. Tuam-High streets. 1 DISPOSE of jour pets and excess Live Stock through the medium that brings results to thousands, “The Press” Classified Advertisements—l2 words Is, 3 insertions 2* fid. ’Phone 33-358.
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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750Page 20 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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Page 20 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 20
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