deliveries. flrtw. mWO Chev. Ton Trudg* * order; oner, oymw 283 St. Asaph street fonycravr i * order; new tyrea. tery. 97 Cashel “'S; Hutchinson IW -f£r Ford Motor Sales and Service; Tgag liilftiti ' * kjiy g—AUSTIN 7 Delivery. in aound condition, food Terms. Light Car North. street Q A—FORD AA 30CWt *AdU Hutchinson Motors _L*", Ford Motor Sales and Service, S8B5? street. pfiK-sineK pmjyroir i&rtgjn*Ot> son Motors. Ltd, Ford HMg Sales and Service. Twain street S i os:—CHEVROLET Delivery, 3J1&0 jfodel; suit fruiterer or milkman. Dominion Motors. Ut Gloucester street ®" "1 mer.ivigßY. Hutchinson Motors, Ltd, Ford Motor Sales and Service. Tuam street. 30561 07 A—DIANA »•" Hutchii AUSTIN SEVEN Milk DELIVERY. Ak. Has just been overhauled, cream body. A bargain at £65. DAVID CROZIER. LTD. “* O A—FORD A Express Delivery; first-class condition. Tterms if desired. Larges, Ltd, 250 Durham street (near Camel St).. - 33471 MOTOR ACCESSORIES. rpYRES, Beaded Edge, repaired cheap. A See Willoughby first head specialist, Victoria street opp. Todd MotonL PAR Batteries, 11-plate 37/-. 13-plate Royds-Howard,-211 Cashel street X 3082 OTORISTS! Buy your Tyres and tubes at Para Rubber Co, IM, and save money. AH makes stocked. Free fitting and service. T7ISIBLE Petrol' Filters, 7s 6d, t» Od. ' Cars, Trucks, special for Ford, Chev. Royds-Howard, 211 Cashel St. X3SOO MOTORISTS! Ducoing and Repairs. Osborne’s (W. E. Mapplebeck. Prop.), 196 Worcester street 'Phone 41-858. 9315 TTEONT Rubber Mats 9s 6d, Step J A Mats 2s. Heat Indicators lit td, 3 Colloidal Graphite, best quality $ American, no sediment 3s; Bumper - Stops 8s 9d. Royds-Howard, 211 Camel street. XSSOO MOTORISTS! Buy your Tyres end tubes at Para Rubber Co, Ltd. and save money. All makes stocked. . Free fitting and service. CPARK Plugs, used Is, New Ss, 4s; Horns from 13s. for 12-volt ISs 9d; Jacks from 6s fid. Tyre Gauges from 6s 9d. Royds-Howard, Ltd, 211 Cashel street. X3SQO CABS WANTED TO BUT. YITANTED, Sports Austin, or other ’’ ultra-light car. Very cheap. Economical. Terms. E3815, ’’Press. • ANTED, Chevrolet or Morris, peru pect condition, and reasonable for cash. “H.R,” “Press,” Ashburton. MORE Streamlined Cars Want«L Clients waiting with Cash. Call Golden Garage, 263 St to-day. Asaph street X3TJS TAON’T store your car over the wmL' ter. Convert it into cash and buy another next spring. Larges. Ltd, Cash Car Buyers, 250 Durham street RANTED BUY. ANY CA K ANY CONDITION. UP TO £25 CASH. CHRISTCHURCH WRECKING CO. 165 St Asaph street VMM MOTOR-CYCLES FOR SAUL •pURTHER Shipments of Volf Motor A Cycles, due per Kent and MateGet your order in ear' roa. QQfcl) Of AH previous the famous "WolT alt British Motor-Cycle MOTOR-CYCLES, in w ksal order. Pnceg Hutchinson Motors. Ltd, Sales and Service. Tuam street IDE a #olfU The worltfa A * light-weight A speed de luxe; 10s. Very easy terms. Brttlsii '* Cycle Agencies. 209 Manchester \fOW is the time to buy that used motor-cycle. Free Ret tioq on all machines sold in June, tish Motor-Cycle Agencies. 209 Chester street M Registrar Man UVI STOCK FOR SALK OTYLISH, hnautif Thoroughbred Show Cob: beautiful mover in sad ness; quiet and sound. Apply Fitzgerald avenue. rmARANTaar VX Buvers arraz r beg XJ344 Hones, all 'sorts. Buyers arrange to inspect, mßesa send particulars. to our agency. 36-588. 41 Rotherham street, ~ ton. LIVE STOCK WANTED. \\f ANTED Buy. a Good Dairy \ TT Cow. sound and quiet, third or fourth calver. State price, etc. It • EBBI2, “Press." OTOUT Cob Mare, over 13/2~ Sind* 0 and under 13 bands. Slum typq saddle only. Particulars to 41 P-** — ham street Riecartoo. ’Phone DOGS FOE KALI. CELL Handy Huntavey Bitch; it 13 trial; head-in-hand. E3746. “PreasJ? TOOK Sale, Two Pedigree Airedale A Dog Puppies, six months: St.-* Bocco strain. *3737. "Preea.DOGB WANTED TO SUE. WANTED to Buy, Reliable " Dog, suitable lor lambi. be firm Trial Apply, E88S& SHOE REPADtA FOR REPAIRS THAT LAST -* And are a pleasure to eye and podd J) O L L. A N• S. Manchester street «PP- the BICYCLES AND ACCSSSORIBS. 1 SOLD every month. . moU nt” Cycle Coven, 4e Tubes Is 9d Para Rubber C*. m Chester street I rarsnri^ Tubes, 2a. fare Rubber Cot Cl • mopth. Ist X wo H.T, MK THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE OF A “THE PRESS" IS OPEN UNTIL 10 PM. to reSSye AdvetSSLnte for
Page 19 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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