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CABS FOB SALE. Twelve Words, One Shilling per Insertion; Three Insertions 2s 8o» 3 FORD Beauty Tourers, to clear, all *OiK. jobs. From £3O. Golden Garage, 263 St. Asaph street. X 3736 | QOi SINGER 9 Sedan, one owner; .I*7ol, done 20,000 miles; perfect order; £l2O. 97 Cashel street X 3294 XTATIONAL Model Chev., 4-door Sedan; perfect order throughout 97 Cashel street X 3294 £lls -1930 AUSTIN 7 Sedan, well shod; good paint. Southern Motors. Ltd.. 221 Tuam street. X 3797 TJOVER 9, semi-closed, good order -it throughout, new tyres and battery. 97 Cashel street X 3294 £-1 OK—ESSEX Coupe, 1930 model. Excellent order; suit traveller. Dominion Motors. Ltd. 2249 £95 _AUSTiN 7 Saxoon ’° verfaaule s! and newly painted; terms if desired. Larges, Ltd., 250 Durham street (near Cashel street). AUSTIN 10/4 SALOON, in perfect ■/A. order. One owner, small mileage. Very strongly recommended at £245. DAVID CROZIER. LTD. —1 TUDOR. Hutchinson Motors, Ltd.. Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam street. X 3559 fOl K—VB/48 FORD Hutchinson Me VV(|—LbSEX 4 Sedan, good order throughout. Southern Motors, Ltd., 221 Tuam street. X 3797 onftA_Vß/40 FORD TUDOR. 3J&& V Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service. Tuam Str66t. AoOdo A () rt/pST^'S^mllSevrCottpe, as new; suit Traveller. Terms. Golden Garage, 263 St. Asaph XJiio /CHEVROLET 6-cylinder 4-door Sedan, wire wheels. Smart appearance. Accept £55 or Car as deposit. C. Bateman, Motor Trader. 153 Worcester A USTIN SEVEN SALOON, mechanically and otherwise in good order. The biggest bargain in Christchurch. £75. DAVID CROZIER, LTD. —2 A 1 A A— MORRIS Minor Saloon, good order. Southern Motors, Ltd.. 221 Tuam street. X 3797 DORU Model A Roadster m wonderful order* tyres, upholstery, and paint work excellent. A fast, economical car. £9O. Heaphy’s Motors. 94 Gloucester street. X 3555 AI A i DODGE D.A. SEDAN Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service. Tuam street. 1928 OLDSMOBILE “6” Sedan, good order. Southern Motors, Ltd., 221 Tuam street. X 3797 -B4 £BS---l TUDOR. 3JM. $ O Motors, Ltd., Hutchinson Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam street. X 3559 £* i l 7 K—B4 FORD COUPE. Hutchin3•'X I son Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam st. X 3559 FORD 8-H.P. TUDOR. Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., £165 Ford Motor Sales and Service. Tuam street. X 3559 oi} A— FORD T Tourer, excellent 3J&\J order; n ew tyres. Dominion Motors, Ltd., Gloucester st 2249 ft—MODEL AA FORD TUDOR. " Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service. Tuam street. Xooaa TJ'ORD 8 h.p. SALOON. Engine and X 1 body as new. One owner and has only done small mileage. £lB5 DAVID CROZIER. LTD. —3 _ I VB/40 TUDOR. Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam street. X 3559 - R4 ifOK- HUPMOBILE Duplex Model, very good order, good tyres. Dominion Motors, Ltd., Gloucester street- 2249 AA A— A O S TIN 7 Metal Saloon, good 3**7 l/ tyres, excellent appearance and condition. Snip. Light Car Sales and Service, 832 Colombo street. X3OIO Vl/MPPET Tourer, rigid side curtains, VV rnoquette upholstery, new battery and hood. A wonderful bargain. £BS. Heaphy’s Motors, 04 Gloucester street. X 3555 \ -Bui CK sEr>AK. HutcbinS on Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam st. XSS6O T>ILEY 4-door Sedan, in great order throughout; any possible trial. A great bargain. £lB5. Heaphy’s Motors, 94 Gloucester street. X 3555 AH A— NASH SEDAN. Hutchinson *J- .IU Motors, Ltd,, Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam st. X 3560 SEDAN' Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Sales and Service. Tuam street. XBS6Q QTANDARD Tourer, rigidside curtains, nicely finished in green. Very good tyres. A light, economical car at £55. Heaphy’s Motors, 94 Gloucester street. X 3555 jpl 7 X— MARQUETTE SEDAN. d*±. 9 Hutchinson Motors, Ltd., Ford Motor Sales and Service, Tuam street. ■ X 3560 TTSED Morris Minors and Austin Sevens are our speciality. Ail cars sold with a definite guarantee. Light Car Sales, 832 Colombo street. X3OIO At AA— HILLMAN MINX 4-door S6dan 1933 m odel; excellent order. Dominion Motors, Ltd,, Gloucester street. 2249 £l6O ONCE again we offer a Used Car which we firmly believe is without doubt the best buy in town. This thoroughly reconditioned and repainted CHRYSLER 4-door Sedan represents really amazing value. Beautifully upholstered and sprung; a pleasure to ride in, A demonstration will convince. Your old car in part exchange, Warranty. Easy Terms. TODD MOTORS. LTD., Victoria street. Also at Timaru. 2026 EASY TERMS SALE OF USED CARS ’ AT LTD. Small Deposits—Easy Terms. FORD TOURER C'Jft £6 10s deposit; 10s weekly RUGBY DURANT TOURER, Black Neverleak hood, disc wheels t* K £ £ls deposit; £3 monthly STUDEBAKER ECONOMY “6” TOURER, newly finished, new tyres £ls deposit; £3 monthly STUDEBAKER LIGHT “6” ROADSTER, newly finished Blue A K £ls deposit; £3 monthly mUU STUDEBAKER TOURER, nicely finished fawn JPI A £5 deposit; balance £1 per month. DURANT SEDAN, leather upholstery: good tyres. £35 deposit; balance 25s weekly. ESSEX SEDAN, very smart car. £35 deposit; balance 25s weekly. STUDEBAKER DUPLEX SEDAN, newly finished dark red; good tyres. £25 deposit; balance £4 monthly. STUDEBAKER DIRECTOR SEDAN, will exchange your present car as deposit and arrange small monthly payments for balance. A 1 7X Reduced to .. A * ** NASH SEDAN, 1929 model, leather upholstery, new blue finish. Will trade your present car as part payment and arrange terms for the balQnnA T9Ai)n/*a<4 in I U ance. Reduced to CHRYSLER “66” SEDAN, 1939-30 mode, £175 Reduced to Trade your present car as part pay* ment; balance by small monthly pay* ments. BUICK SEDAN, 1929 model. Reduced to .. Present ear as part payment; balance by easy monthly instalments, WEST COAST CAR BUYERS See our West Coast Represent tive, Mr W, Watson, rogardii any of the above cars. Addrw C/o Gold Band Taxis, Hokitih or A. Cox, Mackay street. Gre mouth. ADAMS LTD., 154 High street, Christchurch.
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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959Page 19 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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Page 19 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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