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SITUATIONS WANTED. Twelve Words. One Shilling per Insertion; Three Insertions. 2s 6dL WANTED by experienced man, gorse c “ ttln g; 10 miles Square. E3670. ‘Press.” WASHING or Cleaning wanted by young, energetic woman. E3683, “Press.” WANTED. Work for 3-ton Dual-tyre , RAsonafale charges. Apply E3374. “Press.” TWO First-class Hotel Cooks open for engagement. Excellent references. E381&. “Press.” VOUTH wants position orT sheep farm, able to milk, good home essential. E3742, “Press” Office. "C'XPERIENCED woman Cook seeks position; aged 42 years. Capable sole charge. E3741, “Press.” Y” OUNG Man wants rouseabout or team work, well experienced in all farm work; 30s. E3655. “Press.” O INGLE Shepherd, experienced; in- ° eluding show and stud work; seeks position; good dogs. E3776. “Press.” Xf’ENCER, used to station, hill country with sheep, done rouseabout, little milking, like Employment. E3744, “Press.” Y OUNG Man wants position in motor garage or engineering firm. Previous experience with cars and tractors. E3761, “Press.” tt^riculated^ requires opportunity to prove capability to prospective employer. Try anything. E3708, “Press.” ri_ARDENERS, Nurserymen, two capable spade workers, want work together if possible. Apply 83 Rugby street, Merivale. X 3719 by young man, of good ’ * address, position representing reliable firm dealing in farm commodities. Good knowledge of Mid-Canter-bury farms. Apply E3BIB, “Press.” 2286 WANTED, By Capable Country Girl (21), Position as Cook-General. References, if required. Country preferred. Apply, stating wages, to E3813, “Px*ess.” \U ANTED, Housekeeper’s Position by Domesticated, Economical, Trustworthy Woman (middle-aged). Coal range. References. E3BOO, “Press.” TRADESMEN. WANTED, Trees, Cut by the Cord. ■ Apply J. Saunders, Haiswelk 2215 TjMREWOOD Sawing, town or counfrv hv r*rxrrJ V»ruir fid Durham street. ’Phone 36-876. X 3716 T>UBBER Stamps, Steel Stamps, Brass Name Plates. Moller and Young, 119 Worcester street, ’Phone 35-522. X 3733 A NTIQUE Furniture: Fine Reproductions in Mahogany and Walnut. Repairs by experts. J. McCracken and Son, 188 Salisbury street. 9682 PLUMBING—C. G. Woods and Sons. 814 Colombo street (North). All Plumbing work executed at lowest prices and highest workmanship. Ring 32-041. We will call. 9209 Pricklaying—open Fire Expert, ■*-* clinker, tapestry, tiles. Fireplaces, Ranges, and Coppers repaired. Merritt, ’Phone 41-718. 646 Cashel street. Linwood. 7811 pHIMNEYS Swept by Expert. Stephens method eliminates preliminary preparation; no cleaning up. 'Phone 33-075. 3741 PRICKWORK Open Fireplaces, a* Clinker Tiles, Tapestry (ranges part payment). Time payment. Kay, 5 Chelsea street. ’Phone 41-264. 9163 PLASTERING Work, Repairs promptly executed, estimates free. A. Orchard, 25 Westholme street, Papanul. X 3456 C*OR all Plumbing, 'pnone T. Cham- •*- pion and Company, ’Phone 41-373. Our price is right. 8002 PAINTING AND PAPEKHANGING. INGLIS and Son. Painters and Paperhangers, 115 Fitzgerald avenue. ’Phone -37-638. Estimates Free. ■ 2235 Expert. C. W. + * Lilleyman, 458 Oxford terrace. Latest steam stripping method for cleanliness. Always the Lwest quotations. __ _7Bll. HOUSES Painted from £10; Rooms Papered from £l. Town or country. Best materials. Competent tradsman. E. L. Evans, 76 Rlccarton road. ’Phone 35-537. 3009 TTOUSES PAINTED AND ROOMS PAPERED AND DECORATED at Lowest Rates. Workmanship Guaranteed. A. P. KEYS, 254 Bealey avenue. ’Phone 34-551. K4839 personal. »ESPECTABLE Man (20) wishes meet refined, trustworthy Young idy. Blonde. View friendship. Outgs. Write Josephine, Box 1241, iristchurch. K3BOB JOULD Person driving light truck, ' who knocked man over near hos;al last Monday, or witnesses, report 141 Bletsoe avenue, to save further mble. X 3814 REE! Husbands’ and Wives' Guide. Write Mail Order Druggists, P.O. ix 531, Christchurch. X 2879 ORA Says that Linda Mae, but always should, keep Settle's Cough re . X 2879 UPTURE Cured without Operation. Trusses banished. Consultation Clinic, P.O. Box 1217. X 2015 ENQUIRIES undertake” Anywhere u any time. Laugesen, 152 Hereford treet (Ten years Detective N.Z. •dice.) X 3315 ?REE! To the lady about to Furnish. ■ Send for our Furnishing and lolour Planning Booklet. Leslie G. .mos, Manchester street (opp. M.E.D.). 9681 FREE Booklet of Hygienic Appliances. Accessories, to husbands id wives: send Is stamps for sample oods, plain wrappers. Medlxo Sup[y Co., Dept. W„ Box 789. Wellington, stablished 5 years. 9230 i EORGE SETTLE, New Address, * Ist Floor, Fletchers Bldgs., 769 olombo St. (opp. J. R, McKenzies), for eliable Remedies and Hygienic Nejssities. 'Phone 37-700 for Appolntlents. Mall Orders. Box 531, Christiurch. 83167 'XPERT TAILOR, High-class, no * overhead expenses, makes Men’s jits to Measure; fit on. Super Fancy orsteds, Fox’s Indigo Serges, etc.. orkmanship. style guaranteed, for 59s 79s 6d; usually £4 10s and £6 10s. ighest grade. 955, 110s; usually £7 s upwards. Your own material made » 455. Patterns and self-measure-ent charts posted. Evening interews 6 to 8 p.m. Weekly payments, rite’Clark. 91 Riccarton road. 'Phone -397. C 3178 HAIRDRESSING. 12s 6d full o _____ 17a 6d to 20s. v ., “oTf ior ’dry hair. 21s. naperm Machineless Waving, 25«, i If in doubt as to the most suitable •tbod for your particular type of ir, please call. We will gladly adie. “Marion” Salon, 120 Gloucester eet. opp. Hay's. 'Phone 41-280. QLABS. TARGE Stocks of every kind of D Gi as s at Warehouse. ■ SMITH and SMITH, LTD., 58662 Cr. Tuam-Hlgh streets. "AMAZING body builder— Besta St. +*■ Bernard— 64 times richer than Cod Liver Oil—for young and old. Richest body builder discovered. Obtainable Barnett’s and other Chemists. C 3233
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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848Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 19
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