LINOLEUM—THE LONG SERVICE, HYGIENIC, EFFECTIVE FLOOR COVERING—mm mi * 4H eM SI BALLANTYNES ONLY STOCK THE QUALITIES WHICH THEY KNOW WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. THERE IS A VERY WIDE RANGE FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS. (As Illustrated) INLAID LINOLEUM, super quality, in new Tile, Parquetry and Modern designs .. .. .. 17/6 yard INLAID LINOLEUM, in Tile, Jaspe, Moire and Granite designs .. 14/6 yard INLAID LINOLEUM, in Jaspe, Moire and Granite designs .. 10/9 yard USED BY ITSELF, OR WITH RUGS, ITS BRIGHT, CHEERFUL EFFECT *IS ALWAYS PLEASING, AND THE YEARROUND COMFORT OF GOOD LINOLEUM IS ONE OF THE FEATURES WHICH MAKES IT SO POPULAR. FOR KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS OFFICES AND SHOPS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Etc. PRINTED LINOLEUM, in Jaspe and small patterns suitable for bedrooms 6/6 yard PRINTED LINOLEUM, in Tile and Modern designs—--7/11 yard HEAVY QUALITY PLAIN BROWN LINOLEUM, also CORK CARPETING for shops and offices. Prices and estimates gladly given on application. HEAVY QUALITY COCOANUT DOOR MATS 5/11 to 19/9 Good standard sizes .. 7/11, 9/6 and 11/6 each FANCY COIR MATTING—27in 3/11 yard 36in 4/11 yard PLAIN COIR MATTING, in all widths, from 18in to 72in. 2/3 to 8/11 yard CHINESE MATTING MATS, heavy quality, for Bedroom, Bathroom and Kitchen. 6£t x 3ft .. 5/11 and 6/11 RONUK FLOOR POLISH, the British polish with a worldwide reputation. In tins .. 1/-, 6/6, 14/6 and 42/6 RONUK FURNITURE CREAM CIUVERS’ CARPET SOAP 2/- and 3/6 jar .. 1/6 cake Discount: 1/- in each £ for Cash or on Monthly Accounts. J. Ballantyne & Co. Ltd.
CASH RADIO CO. WHAT CASH WILL OOt “C.R.C.” 4-Valve (MODEL 45) A quality British iutnuuat capable m good overseas re- A«/| ffif ception .. 3&3/JI//V “C.R.C.” 5-Valve World Wave (MODEL SID) EMPLOYING NEW OCTODK PALI Automatic Volume Control is empk in this set and with the . wee mt famous new Octode Valve and design of circuit. It gives penimßf equal to many 7 and S-Valve Seta. T Ifgn size airplane dial and latest type of Ita Dynamic Speaker are used, and the set is housed in attractive Mantel riM—l. European and other foreign stations are received with remarkable clarity. B tests this set gave results equal to of a 7-valve set of well-known Am make and selling at nearly three our price of fill/tSA “C.R.C.” 5-Valve World Wave (MODEL 51) £lO/I*A “C.R.C.” 6-Valve Superheterodyne (MODEL 60B) £9/15 A “C.R.C.” World Wave Do Luxe Console (MODEL 53) It would be difficult to obtain a Instrument than this at any price £l7/I*A CASH RADIO CD. «mii Ami iTmf *33 nnnaeu etMWpi (Nearly opposite Begent Street) Grow* Accept For years .new Clfiik Mrs kepi free from Colds. If fe eoeMNffi kammledge. Everyone tawwt sheet it. Tm are not a chemist, hnt yon can ha immune from Ceaghs and Ceids. Always keep a bottle at BETTLCB COUGH CURE on hand. Every eraser sells it. Price; 1/-. 1/R and targe cook * I” -4 Mist
Page 5 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21803, 8 June 1936, Page 5
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