Performance, Economy, Safety and Comfort all play a part in the amazing English Ford Light Car. These extracts from appreciative owners* letters are an indication of the satisfaction felt by many hundreds of other Ford Light Car Owners. If you have not ridden in it, do so, and be convinced that this car combines a bigger capacity for comfort at high speed, with economy, than any other car of its class. ‘•The mileage has worked out about 35-37 to the gallon, and we have done up to 300 miles a day. over all kinds of roads.” “My opinion of my car, after 2,000 miles. Is fully in accordance with all that Ford claims his car will do. In expressing my opinion of this model I honestly think this car is the best proposition on the Light Car Market today.” »‘‘!n selecting my new car I studied principally, running and probable maintenance costs. Dealing with the former, we have just completed a petrol test of 41-6 miles per gallon and oil consumption 1,000 miles to the quart. In fact, I had added only one pint of oil before the crankcase was drained at the second thousand miles.” “ Mechanical repairs have been negligible. In addition. I wish to mention that there is ample room for a six.footer ‘at the wheel’ without crimping the rear seat passengers.” “One does not feel road corrugations at 35 to 40 miles per hour which is, I find, a reasonable touring speed. Acceferation is excellent, and she holds the road like a heavier car.” “ Everyone who has seen the car is charmed with she appear ance, and those who have ridden In it are equally charmed with the comfort and performance.” “ I recently completed a short holiday tour through Hawke’s Bay and Taranaki—just under 1,100 miles—and I am pleased to say that the trip was a most pleasant one. mainly because the little car behaved in a most exemplary manner. The petrol consumption averaged exactly 40 miles per gallon.” “ Although the “Y” Model Ford is classed as a “small” or, it Is remarkably roomy and comfortable, and is undoubtedly most economical in operation.” “The car has not caused us a moment’s worry, and we And the running costs extremely low. exceeding 40 miles to the gallon." “At Christmas time I drove back from Rotorua in one sped of 12 hours driving, 384 miles the speedometer readily, this being an average of 32 m.p.h. There were four of us it the car, and luggage on the carrier, yet we did between it and 40 miles to the gallon.” 8 h.p. Light Car mm mmm S- M - mmm TWO DOOR SALOON £215 FOUR DOOR SALOON £229 HUTCHINSON MOTORS LTD. FORD MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE St Asaph and Tuam Streets. Christchurch City There Is an Authorised Ford Dealer la Every Tova.
How much a man knows about housework was discussed during the Mareo trial in the Auckland Supreme Court. “Some men find it difficult even to lay a table,” said Mr H. F. O’Leary, K.C. “Some men may say they do,” was the comment of Mr Justice Callan. Mr O’Leary added that in any case some men had never done such a thing in their lives. A resident of Napier is the proud possessor of a bed of strawberries which is still bearing fruit, and is thought likely to continue to do so for some time. . The berries are of good size and sweetly flavoured. Since the bed was put down in September, it has not received any unusual attention, but has provided the members of the family with a delightful dish each Sunday. “The Press” Classified Advertisements are read at the breakfast table, and are sure to deliver results during the day—l2 words Is, 3 insertions 2s Sd. 'Phono j3-358. —A
Page 18 Advertisements Column 1
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21803, 8 June 1936, Page 18
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