Drainage matters and complaints of flood damage to private property engaged the attention of members of the Rangiora County Council for a great deal of the meeting held yesterday morning. There were present; The chairman (Mr W. Stalker) and Crg, C. Rands, H; Tallott, J. Brosnan, R. Macdonald, W. Smith, and A. Mcintosh. , The financial statement showed a debit balance of £721 15s lid. Receipts for February totalled £3628 15s 2d, the chief sums being rates £1241 18s Bd, hospital rates £654 4s 4d, river trust rates £385 17s 7d, main highways subsidy £985 13s 9d. Accounts amounting to £7Ol lis 3d were passed. The foreman (Mr C. L. Dalzell) reported that roads generally were being put back into order after the flood. I The building of the new culvert on the main north road at Woodend j would be started on Monday. He re-' commended constructing an additional opah for the Waikuku Beach bridge instead of filling in the approach. The Rangiora.Waikuku Beach Domain Board asked that temporary, access to the south side of the bridge at the beach be given immediately. Cr, Tallptt said that he did not think the council could afford to spend much money on the bridge since it received only about £4O in rates from this area. „ „ Cr. Macdonald, the clerk (Mr S. G. Dalley), and the foreman were appointed a committee to investigate the council's liability for the bridge and have repairs carried out. ■ A deputation of nine residents of Church Bush waited on the council with a request for some assistance in the draining of flood water which covers between 400 and 500 acres—to a depth of from 18 inches to two feet. Mr J. Elmes said the water was still lying after the flood. Two culverts were too small to cope with the water and what was required was the increasing of the capacity of the culverts and the cleaning of drains. Some of the occupiers pf the lan<i were prepared to contribute to the cost of keeping tha drains clean, The foreman said that now the Cam river had a much lower level the draining of the Flaxton area would be possible and he considered that the Waimakariri River Trust should be reminded of its responsibility m the matter. , As the deputation had stressed the urgency of letting the stagnant water away, it was agreed that the drains should receive immediate attention, and that tenders should be called as soon as possible for the thorough cleaning of them. . _ After a request from Rangiora county ratepayers that it should provide for the drainage of flood waters into Mcintosh's drain, the Kaiapoi Borough Council wrote suggesting that the council should form a drainage area and take over complete control, of the drain. , ' ' . ■ It was decided to reply, that the council was,not prepared to do so. Four residents of Femside wrote asking that an inspection be made of the damage to the banks of No. 2 drain, and the foreman was instructed to attend to it. "We have had two or three dry years and people have been lax in cleaning their drains," said the chairman. "Now that there has been a wet season, the water has gone everywhere, and they have suffered." The foreman was instructed to investigate a complaint from Mr John Blake that a creek running through his property on Todd's road had caused flooding through the lower Stretch not having been cleaned. Similar action was agreed upon in reply to a letter from Mr David Evans about flood water crossing a road and damaging his property. . A letter from the Waimakarin-Ash-ley Water Supply Board about a culvert at Fernside was referred to Crs. Smith and Brosnan. It was reported that the road fronting Mr H. W. Pearson's property at Flaxton would receive attention as soon as it was sufficiently dry to carry the grader,, The Rangiora Borough Council wrote expressing its sympathy : with the council and ratepayers in losses in the fl°od# , . . _ It was agreed to advise the Canterbury University College Council that the county council regretted its inability to make a grant this year towards the cost of maintaining the Canterbury Museum. The traffic inspector (Mr P. L. Rouse) reported that two licenses were granted in the county during the month. After the flood a new route to the north was mapped out and bridges and culverts were tested to see if they would carry heavy traffic. Accident When he was thrown from a springdray yesterday afternoon through the horse bolting, Gresson Mehrtens, of Coldstream, sprained an ankle and badly bruised his legs. He was brought to Rangiora; where he received medical attention. "A Detestable Action" The action of a fishmonger in dumping offensive matter in the Cust river near the Sprinsrbank School waff described as most detestable by Cr. H. Tallott at a meeting of the Rangiora County Council yesterday. When complaints were made, the offender removed the refuse, but it was considered that his explanation of the affair was not satisfactory. It was also reported- that sheep's legs cut from skins had been deposited in the river and the danger to the health of children nearby was stressed. Personal Mr H. Tallott, of Springbank, will leave to-day to spend a fortnight at Hanmer Springs. -, Unemployment Allocation A decrease in the number of men in the Rangiora district receiving sustenance pay and a corresponding increase in those working under the No 5 scheme is shown in the unemployment allocation for next week. Details are as follows, last week's figures being given in parenthesis: Sustenance. 59 (70); No. 5 scheme, 28 (18). Regent Theatre This afternoon arid evening GraciP Fields will be seen in her latest London comedy success, "This Week of Grace," at the Regent Theatre, Rangiora. The picture not only provides a great number of laughs, but radiates an atmosphere of good fellowship and infectious gaiety, with a story which is admirably suited to thej style of the star and her Lancashire humour. . With a cast of notable screen stars, "The Biography of a Bachelor Girl" will be presented on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Ann Harding, Robert Montgomery, Edward Everett
Horton, arid- Una Merkel cause much mirth in this comedy of a girl .who decides to reveal her past in a "biography. On Thursday evening, the musical . comedy, "The Girl Friend," will be shown. Ann Sothera and Roger Fryor are in the lead. Catchy songs and eccentric dances are introduced, John Buchan's famous story, "The 39 Steps," will be presented on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. The new Western Electric sound equipment will be heard for the first time at this presentation. Seats may be reserved at Watson's, telephone 202. SCARGILL The annual meeting of the Scargill Horticultural and Home Industries Society was held in the Scargill Hall, The president, Mr T-. E. L. Roberts, was in the chair. A motion of sympathy was passed with the relatives of Mr E. Gardner, who had been- one of the most active members of the society. The balance-sheet, showing a substantial credit balance, and a small profit on the last show, was read and adopted. It was decided to lend to the hall committee, free of interest for three years, £4O, to assist the committee with its scheme for making a large addition to the main building of. the hall. ■ ■ ■ The f oUownig officers were elected:— Patron, Mr H, Acton-Adams; president, Mr T. E. L. Roberts; vice-presidents, Mesdames H. Acton-Adams, H, M. Overton, H. B. Douglas, E. Gardner, and H. Stewart, Messrs S. B. Gibb, J. Sloss. and W. J. Leach; committee, Mesdames T. E. L. Roberts, A. Fairbairn, A D. F»x, W. Fleming, G, Tomlinson, A*. T. Allan, C. H. Coe, W, J. Leach, H. V. Murray, W. H. Brown, A. Stone, H Loe, W. D. Murch, Miss Pannett, Messrs J. W. Harrison, F, Roberts, T. N. Gardner, N. Stewart, G. Garrett, T. D. MaqDonald, G, Tomlinson, B. A Coe, L. H, Parnham, A. D. Fox, A. Fairbairn. E. Harrison, H. V. Murray, G. O. Pannett, A. Stewart, A. Stone, W. Hitchcock, H. Loe, W. H. Brown, W. Fleming and J. Foster; joint secretaries. Misses A. O'Brien and L. Roberts; assistant secretary, Mr G. A. Greig Cricket Club Disbanded A meeting of members of the Greta Cricket Club, which has been inactive during the last two years, • was held, with Mr T. N. Gardner presiding. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £9. • „ ' „. ,X. A A motion to wmd-up the club and dispose of the assets was carried, and it was decided to give the cash credit balance to the Scargill Hall Committee and the Scargill Public Library, the hall committee to receive £5 and the i library £4. It was decided to have ■ all the playing gear left in the care of Mr T. O. Johnson, to be available 1 for use when required by residents of [the Scargill-Motunau district. [ AMBERLEY Strong support is being given to a ! movement to form a bowling club " in Amberley. It has been pointed out 1 that Amberley is one of the few towns ' v/ithout a bowling club. A public 1 meeting will shortly be held to cqn--1 sider obtaining a suitable site for the green, so that the grounds will be ; ready for play in the spring. ! OXFORD : Entries for the Oxford agricultural ■ and pastoral show, to be held on Artrjl 2, came in freely on Thursday, Later 1 entries by post were received. yester- , day. > The Churches ! The harvest festival service in St. I Andrew's Anglican Church was well attended. The Carleton harvest thanks- ' giving will be held to-morrow morn--1 ing, and that at St. Mary's, Cooper's ' Creek, to-morrow afternoon. The new Carleton church will be ' opened on April 17 by Bishop West- . Watson. i " " I HORNBY-ISLINGTON Mainly owing to the energies of Mr , R. H. Thomson (the president of the ! Islington Village Green Golf Club), i there is now a well-established club, and at the first, annual meeting there . was a good attendance of players. . Most of the members on the active , list are juniors. It was decided to charge the follow- . jng fees for the coming year:— : Women IS, men 2s, schoolboys Is. ; Opening day was fixed for the end ■ of March* m , . j . The following officers were elected: i —Patron, Dr. F. Helmore; president, i Mr R. H. Thomson; vice-presidents, ► Messrs F. Airey, M. Evans, W. Watt, C. Smith, G. Dickey, P. H. Thomson; captain, Mr G. Day; committee, Messrs R. Allen and N. Forrester; honorary 1 secretary and treasurer, Mr L. McGarry; handicapper, Mr C, Smith; honorary auditor, Mr A. W. Wilson - The annual report said that the club had had a most successful season, about 40 competitions being played. Good attendances were maintained at all the matches, and keen interest was always displayed. Trophies were won by no fewer than 21 different members, so that the honours were spread evenly among the players. The number of financial members was 44, but of these only about 20 were active playing members. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of 17s lid. Swimming Sports Postponed At the fortnightly meeting of the Hornby Amateur Swimming Club, held on Thursday evening, it was decided to postpone the carnival which was to have been held to-day. until next Saturday because of the condition of the baths after the recent heavy rain and floods which have affected the water-race supplying the baths.' . SOUTHBRIDGE The annual meeting of the Southbridge Women's Institute was presided over by Mrs G. B. Couch. The report and balance-sheet recorded a successful year the credit balance being £2 2s lOd. Two new ' members were elected, making the total membership 82. It was reported that Mrs J. Ballagh had won the prizes for the best bloom competitions and ' most points in other competitions. Musical and other items were given by Mrs T. H. Bennett and Misses B. Eggelton, I. Lewton, and Jessie and , cltherine Willis. Mrs Couch led i community singing. Competitions . were won by Misses B. Patterson and D. Lilley. , „, ~ . Officers elected were:—President* Mrs G. B. Couch; vice-presidents, Mes* ' dames W. Lilley and R. F. Pilkington; i secretary, Miss E. Sloan; treasurer, Miss I. Lewton; committee, Mesdames G. B. Couch, R. F. Pilkington, W. C« i Eggelton, J. Carr, W. G. Hill, G. A. I Watson, F. Paterson, W. Lilley, W. J. Kemp, T. H. Bennett, and A. Love, , and Misses I. Lewton, B. Patterson, R. Stace, and E. Sloan; social committee, Mesdames W. C. Eggelton (convener) and A. Love and Miss B. Patterson. It was decided to make a wreath , of poppies to be placed on the EHesmere county memorial on Anssac Day,
SPRINGSTON SOUTH The annual meeting of the Springston branch of the Women's Institute was held in the Springaton South Hall, Mrs Hopkins presided. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs Hopkins; vice-presi-dents, Mrs P. V. Bailey and Mrs H, Hamilton; secretary, Mrs T. J. Kimber; committee, Mrs Benny, Mrs Ellmers, Mrs Archbold, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Powell, Mrs F. Roberts, Miss G. Rowell, and Miss E. Bailey; social sommittee, Mrs Hoskin, Mrs Stace, Mrs A. Powell, Miss Riordan, Miss Lemon, Miss Bailey, Miss Wright, and Miss Ryan. It was decided to abandon the picnic arranged for March 14, because of the recent floods. Afternoon tea arrangements were altered; it was proposed to have buffet afternoon teas. Mrs Riordan, for the Springston women, and Mrs Hamilton, for the Springston South women, presented Mrs Hopkins and Miss Wright with, boxes of Wmam*i,---- .':■■■ '" .■ ■" -^.
HORQRATA The first -meeting ;tW» year of the Hororata branch of the Women's Division of the New . Zealand Farmers Union was held in the parish room on Thursday afternoon. Mrs T. E. Peargon presided. It was decided, because of the very wet weather, to abandon the picnic, and to hold a social evening on March 20 instead. It was also agreed to hold the annual meeting on April 7 instead of April 9. ...... . The competition for the best bloom was won by Mrs R. Murray. 1 . Personal Mr E. Curtis (Christchurch) is spending a holiday with Mr W. W. Betts (Hororata). Misses B. and K.O'Neil„ who have been staying with friends at Hororata, have returned to Sumner. . SHEFFIELD The president, Mr F. J. Jenkins presided over a meeting of the Sheffield Bowling Club in the Agricultural and Pastoral rooms, Sheffield, recently. It was decided to turf the ends of the green after the playing season. The draw for the nam was won by Mrs J. H. Jebson. • Football Club - ■■ ■. A well-attended annual meeting of the Sheffield Football Club was held in the Sheffield sports pavilion on Thursday evening. The" president, Mr D. Deana, was in the^chair. The balance-sheet showed,a satisfactory balance. ■ . , One n<*w member.was elected. The following officers . were '• elected:—Patron, Mr ,D. McMillan; president, Mr D. Deans; vice-presidents, Messrs Q. A. Wright, J. Gunn. J. Eraser, Geo. Lilley, T, G. V, Bergh, T, Sullivan, and Mcllrpy; captain, Mr M. Bull; vice-captain, Mr R. Townshend; secretary and treasurer, Mr R, L, Adams; delegates to subunion, Mr Q, A. Wright and Mr J. Gunn. ■ . ■ . ■ ' . A sub-committee was set up to make arrangements for the annual ball on show night, April 10. Personal Mr and Mrs R. Walker are visiting Mr and Mrs A. P. Rooke (Waddington). TEMPLETON The quarterly meeting of "the < vestry of St. Saviour's Church, Templeton, was held, with the Rev. H. Jones preSi lt n was decided to have the harvest thanksgiving services on April 10, ana to make a special appeal on that day. It was also decided to hold,» dan«?e on March 28 in aid of the .funds. Plunfcet Society Meeting The monthly meeting of the Templeton branch of the Plunket Society was held recently, with Mrs MacKinnon (vice-president) in the chair. Final arrangements were made ior the danpe to be held on Thursday. The winner of a competition was Mr James Kempthorne. School Committee Meets The monthly meeting of the Templeton School Committee wes held recently. Mr R. Johnston presided. The statement of school accounts for the year ended February 28 showed a credit balance of £7 5s 8d in the prize and picnic fund, and a credit balance of £l7 8s lid in the incidental account. The headmaster reported the number of the roll was 104. The inspector's report was received, and it was decided to congratulate the teaching staff on the good results obtained, LITTLE RIVER A general meeting of the Little River Tennis Club was held in the library, Mr T. Church presided. Mr E. Lee, who has been secretary for the club for the last year, tendered his resignation because of his transfer to Kaiapoi. His resignation was accepted with regret. Arrangements were made to begin the club tournaments today. Personal Miss Norma Brankin (Okuti Valley, Little River) is spending a holiday at Christchurch and Ashburton. Miss Kitty McDonnell, who has been visiting Mr and Mrs T. Brankin, Okuti Valley, Little River, has returned home. . . „ Miss K. Archer, who has been visiting her parents, Mr and' Mrs J. Archer, Little River, has returned to Christchurch. .■-''■. . . Constable D. Whjllans, who has been stationed at Little River for the last two months, has-left to take up his new duties in Christchurch. His position at Little River has been filled by Constable Thompson, of Christchurch. Mr E. Lee. who has been employed in the Little River post office for the last nine years, will leave to-day for Kaiapoi, where he will take up his new duties. Mr K. V. Wilkins, Kaikoura, arrived yesterday morning to take up his new duties at the Little River post office. . AKAROA Members of St. Peter's Church choir visited the vicarage in a surprise party, to make a presentation to two of their members, Miss Nancy Nelson Wright and Mr Gordon Le Lievre, who will be married at Easter. The evening passed pleasantly with games and music, Miss Elsie Keegan singing several songd. The Rev. H. Nelson Wright was accompanist for community singing. Miss Mary Armstrong played a piano solo. ■ . After supper. Mr T. E, Taylor presented Miss Wright and Mr Le Lievre with a beautiful salad set, cream jus, and cake plate, with the good wishes Of the choir. Mr Le Lievre thanked the choir members for the gift. Akaroa Silver Band Members of the Akaroa Silver Band organised another enjoyable and sue* cessful dance, which was held in the Oddfellows* Hall. There was a good attendance, including Captain O, Bevir (H.M.S. Leith), Commander J. B. E. Hall (H.M.S. Wellington), Captain Gar* den (H.M.S. Wakakura), with several officers and members of the company from each ship. Miss Joyce Walker was the winner of a competition in aid of the band funds. Miss Mary Armstrong and partner won the Monte Carlo waltz, and Miss Nancy Bailey and Mr N. Eves won the lucky spot waltz. , The women's committee was in charge of the supper arrangements. Mr Gordon Le Lievre was master of ceremonies. The music for the dancing was played by Mrs L. M. Bailey (Le Bon's Bay), Extras were played by the men from H.M.S. Leith, the silver band members, and Mr Duke (Barry'a Bay).
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21732, 14 March 1936, Page 4
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3,190NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21732, 14 March 1936, Page 4
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