RANGIORA EXTRA DUTIES FOR TRAFFIC INSPECTOR Provided the local bodies concerned are agreeable the Transport Department proposes to give extra duties governing the enforcement of the transport legislation in his district to Inspector P. L. Rouse, who is the traffic inspector for the Rangiora group of main highways. A letter was received from the Commissioner of Transport (Mr G. C. Godfrey) by the Rangiora County Council yesterday, which stated that the inspector was the only group inspector who was not authorised to act in this capacity. With the exception of an odd enquiry, all additional work could be carried out in conjunction with the inspector's usual routine. All fines imposed in cases approved by the commissioner were paid to'the local authority or group concerned. The council gave its approval to the suggestion. The county clerk (Mr b. G Dalley) said he would write to the other local bodies asking for their views on the matter. Previous Decision Altered The decision of the Rangiora County Council to put in a straight cut on the South branch of the Cust river was commented on in a letter received yesterday by the council from Mr H. W. Harris, the engineer to the Waimakariri River Trust, who stated that in his opinion the proposal was a veiy *sgrSuffig along that section of the river was about 30 feet; to the mile and any shortenin" of the present channel would greatly increase the velocity and scouring propensities of the stream, and would probably deposit shingle on adjoining property. He suggested that the work could be confined to the clearing or widening of the present bed, and the worK should begin at Stoke Cr H. Tallott: That is the end of it. The council decided not to proceed with the work in view of the engineer's statement. Children's pantomime Reproduced The well-known four-act pantomime, "Puss in Boots," was produced before a fairly large audience in the Town Hall last evening by the pupils 01 Miss G. E. Rogers to aid the funds of the local branch of the Plunket Society. The success of the entertainment reflected Preat credit on Miss Rogers's work not only with those who took the principal parts, but also with the choruses, all of which were comprised of young children. All the chief characters handled their parts with confidence and the chorus work, of which there was a good deal in three of the four acts, was good. The cast was as follows:—Puss in Boots (Grimalkin), A. J. Harper; Corin, the miller's son, whose foi tune was his cat, Marinette Yates; Pnncess Lovabelle, Isabel King of Nursery Rhyme Land. Margaret Stanton; Queen of Nursery Rhyme Land Nellie Edlin; Baron Buzzy Bluebottle (Prime Minister), Dorothy Smith; Lady Girtonia Newnham, Hilary May; the Oere William Maunder; Ogres head cook Peter Wheeler; Ogre's button boy Helen Devlin; Mouse that ran up tho 'clock, Roy Robertson; Fairy Queen of Love. Iris Lander. Songs in act 2, which was a scene at court in the palace, were also sung by V olin Hlii and Clare Feary. , ! The dancing part of the performance was under the direction of Mrs A E. Golding, and the music was played bv Mrs R. J. Logan (piano) and Mr J. C. Hancox (violin). Paving Pines Avenue A suggestion that the Rangiora County Council consider co-operating with the Kaiapoi Borough Council in having the surface of Pines avenue sealed with tar or bitumen was placed before a meeting of the council yesterday in a letter from the Kaiapoi local body The letter stated that the length of the road was one mile, and the road was very narrow, consequently the traffic was confined to a more congested area than on roads of full width. The upkeep, which was considrred excessive, was increasing annually, with the growth of motor traffic. A subsidy of £2 for £1 was available from the Main Highways Board. , . It was agreed to support the Kaiapoi Borough Council. War Veterans to be Entertained The 20 South African War veterans living in the Rangiora district will be entertained at a social evening on November 26 by the Rangiora Returned Soldiers' Association. A decision to hold the entertainment was made at a meeting of the executive of the association. The president, Mr J. W. Macleod, presided. Master George Greig, son of the late Lieutenant R. G. Greig, was granted honorary membership, so that the name would still remain on the association's roll. A member was appointed as an official visitor to members of the branch in the Christchurch Public Hospital. Sub-Association Tennis The following further trial matches have been arranged by the selection committee of the North Canterbury Tennis Sub-Association, with a view to picking the representative team to play against a Canterbury Association team this month: L. Watkins (Rangiora) v. G. Carpenter (Rangiora), I. Morris (Loburn) v. G. Mehrtens lUnited), at United. Miss D. McGillicuddy (Ohoka), who is ranked third on the sub-association's ladder, has challenged Miss B. Kennedy for second position. Miss McGillicuddy's challenge to Mrs G. Mortland < Rangiora) for top position lapsed, as Mrs Mortland is not available for play un,til next month. County Council The Rangiora County Council held its monthly meeting yesterday. There were present: Mr W. Stalker (chairman), Crs. C. Rands, H. Tallott, W. Smith, R. Macdonald, and Mr S. G. Dalley (county clerk). The financial statement showed that there was a debit balance of £2774 Is 3d. Payments since the last meeting totalled £712 17s 7d and receipts amounted to £731 19s 9d. The chief item of receipts was subsidy on rates £549 9s lOd. "The foreman (Mr C. L. Dalzell) reported that the cleaning of the Cam river had been finished. A closing or'der was directed to be served on premises used as a residence situated at Tuahiwi. It was decided to write to the Main Highways Board asking it to push forward the work of tar sealing the road from the Woodend Hotel to McQuillan's corner, the distance being about three-quarters of a mile. Accounts were passed for payment amounting to £606 3s Id. Personal An invitation to attend the Armistice Day'church parade to the Methodist Church rext Sunday morning was received from the Rangiora Returned Soldiers' Association by the members of the Rangiora County Council yesterday. The invitation was accepted, the chairman asking as many councillors as possible to attend. Mr J. L. Blake is attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand at Wellington as the representative of the John Knox Church. Rangiora,
Loyal Rangiora Lodge The Loyal Rangiora Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., decided at its last meeting to hold a church parade to John Knox Church on the evening of November 24 and to invite members of the Loyal Ohoka, Woodend, Cust, and Kaiapoi Lodges to be present. The officers for the ensuing term were nominated. A motion of sympathy was passed with Bro. A. Sorrell in the death of his wife. An invitation was accepted to attend the church parade of the Loyal Ohoka Lodge on Sunday. The N.G., Bro. E. K. S. Rowe, presided at the meeting. CULVERDEN The total rainfall for October was 3.91 inches. There were 13 wet days. The heaviest fall on any one day was on the 29th, when .96 inches were recorded. In 1934 the total for the month was 3.19 in. THE PEAKS The last of the series of socials held by The Peaks Social Committee was a euchre party and dance, held in the hall, at which the season's prizes were presented. Prizes for cards were won by Miss I. Kennedy and Mr C. Quigley, and consolation prizes by Mrs H. Hole and Mr W. Prendeville. The prize for the' best ladies' average for the season, given by Miss C. Crean. was won by Miss M. Hewett, and the corresponding prize for the men, given by Mr and Mrs F. Quigley, was won by Mr L. Manning. The aggregate prizes for the best four nights out of six were won by Miss C. Crean, with Miss M. Munro runner-up, and Mr J. Hewett, with Mr J. Gorrie, runner-up. A presentation of a firescreen and fire-irons'in antique copper was given by residents of the district to Mrs H. E. Fincham in recognition of her services as pianist at the fortnightly socials. Mr Fincham suitably responded. For the dancing, music was played by Mrs Fincham and Miss P. Manning, and Mr R. H. Manning was master of ceremonies. MEDBURY The final of the series of euchre tournaments and dances for the' season was held in the Public Hall recently. The proceeds were for the hall building fund. The cards prizes were won as follows:—Women: Mrs E. G. Dalzell 1, Mrs D: Toshfich 2; men: Mr S. Scott 1, Mr V. Bishell 2. Supper was followed by dancing to music played by Mrs H. S. Ginders and Mr Karl Brooker. Mr K. Brooker was master of ceremonies. CLARKVILLE The Clarkville hall was packed recently, when a large audience witnessed a mock marriage, celebrated by members of the Clarkville r East Eyreton branch of the Women's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union. The funds of the branch will benefit considerably. The president, Mrs A. J. Rich, extended the good wishes of the branch to two members, who are shortly leaving the district. On behalf of the branch, Miss M. Wiggins, who has been secretary to the branch since its formation a few months ago, was presented with a leather hat case, and Mr C. Watkins was presented with a crystal rose bowl. The recipients, in responding, expressed regret that it was necessary for them to leave tne branch, and wished it every success. The evening was concluded with a dance, for which the music was played by Mrs G. Mcintosh and Messrs A. and L. A. Bench. A lucky spot waltz was won by Miss Nancy Hassall and Mr Cyril Giles. Mr W. Holland was master of ceremonies. HORNBY The annual tea and concert of the 1 Hornby Presbyterian Church took place recently. The tea arrangements were in the hands of Mesdames Hepburn, Price, A. Mackie, A. M. Mackie, Halliday, J. Taylor, Heaven, Drake, Lloyd, and Butler. Misses M. and C. Still, F. Mackie, M. Matheson, M. Halliday, P. Robinson, and N. Drake. An excellent concert programme was presented as follows:—Songs, Mrs W. Turner, Messrs J. L. Tennent and Griffiths, and Master Hook; violin solos, Miss M. Hobbs and Mr L. Falconer, elocutionary, Miss Ivy Brown; mouthorgan trio, Messrs Dann, Harrison, and Baldwin; tap dancing, Misses Nola Garrett, Valerie Stewart; seann triubhais, Miss R. Brooker; sailor's hornpipe, Miss Joyce Frazer. The accompanists, were Misses C. James, A. Falconer, F. Mackie, and Mr Cooper, and for the national dances, Mr R. Frazer with the bagpipes. A play, "The Promise," was presented by the Christchurch Wels.a Club, those in the cast being Mrs O. R. Jones, Misses C. James and J. Griffiths, Messrs Wynn Owen, and O. R. Jones. Charity (Ball Committee The Hornby Charity Ball Commititee, comprising Mrs Kilburn, Misses P. Horman, M. Hepburn, and A. Falconer (secretary), and Messrs R. J. Roberts (chairman), J. Colligan, J. Eaton, F. Smith, Arch, Still, jun., G. Taylor, E. Freeman, and L. Davis, has submitted the final report on the recent ball held to relieve distress among children in the district. The expenses were made light by the ready response of local residents and friends, states the report, and the net proceeds amounted to £22 16s, with which over 50 pairs of boots and shoes have been supplied to the needy cases at the Hornby School. The committee thanked all who assisted with monetary donations, and gifts of cakes and bread.
TEMPLETON The second annual meeting of the Templeton sub-branch of the Plunket Society was held in the Templeton Public Library with Mrs MacKinnon presiding. The following officers were elected:—President, Mrs N. MacKinnon; vice-president, Mrs G. Barnes; honorary secretary and treasurer, Mrs R. Johnston; committee, Mesdames Turner, Maidens, Graham, and Ayres (with power to add). The secretary reported receiving the amount of £2 15s from the Templeton Social Club. 1 Personal Miss Margaret Leggett, Templeton, who has been spending a holiday with her aunt, Mrs R. S. Hungerford, Dunedin, has returned home. SOUTHBRIDGE Mr A. McPherson presided over the monthly meeting of the District High School Committee. The combined schools' picnic to Pleasant Point, arranged for December 6, was discussed, and the chairman said that a change of location would probably be necessary as the Tramway Board could not supply enough buses to convey the party from Brighton. The proficiency examinations had also been fixed for the same date. It was decided to call a meeting of representatives from the various schools to consider the matter. It was agreed to have new entrance gates provided at the secondary school grounds. Authority was given to procure materials for fencing around the new tennis court laid in the school ground. The chairman reported that no appointment had yet been made to fill the vacancy on the secondary staff. HALKETT During the early part of October the weather at Halkett was extremely dry, but the last fortnight saw rain fall on seven days. For the month a total fall of 2.07 inches was recorded, compared with 1.43 inches for the corresponding month last year. The rainfall for the year so far is 17.42 inches, against 26.03 inches in 1934, and 14.45 inches for the same period in 1933.
SOUTH MALVERN The weather favoured the members of the Presbyterian and Anglican churches at Glentunnel for their garden party at "Kirkstyle,' 'the residence of Mr and Mrs John Deans, Coalgate. The financial results were very gratifying. The stalls, which were well laden, did brisk business. They were in charge of the following members:— Sewing, Mesdames D. Dickie, C. Green and W. J. Harrison; produce, Mesdames W. Gilmour, Boyes, M. Dickie and D. Boyes; flowers and plants, Mesdames J. Deans, E. Harper, Misses Deans and Starky; sweets and ice-cream, Mesdames L. A. Marshall, G. D. Marsh and C. B. Powell; refreshments, Mesdames S. Beatty, G. Beatty, G. Brockie, J. Jewell, C. Charles, P. Prestidge, J. G. Weastell, and Miss M. Dickie; surprise packets, Misses I. Gilmour, G. Charles, and R. Calwell. Side-shows attracted large numbers of the visitors. Competitions resulted as follows: Humpty, Mrs J. Charles; cake, Mesdames Jenkins, Willis, Steffanson, and Miss M. Milne; sheep, Messrs J. Jewell and C. Green; doll, Mrs D. Boyes; coal, Mr D. Brown; box of chocolates, Mrs G. Beatty; vase. Mrs Jewell. October Rainfall The rainfall for October, as recorded by Mr L. A. Marshall, Glentunnel, was 3.61 inches. Rain fell on 12 days, the maximum fall being 88 points on October 29. The total rainfall for the year was 24.22 inches. School Committee At the monthly meeting of the Glentunnel School Committee Mr G. D. Marsh presided. The headmaster presented a creditable inspectors' report, for which he said the staff were to be commended. Mr G. N. Chapman has been recommended to fill the vacancy caused by Mr Smith's departure from the district. ARTHUR'S PASS At a social held recently in the Railway Hall, Mrs Burnside and Mr Leopold were the winners at cards, and for the dance following supper, Mr G. Williams was master of ceremonies. There have been a number of visitors during the week, but the weather has been very disappointing for them. Last week was rainy and boisterous, and a rainfall of more than 3J inches was recorded. Heavy rain set in on Sunday afternoon, but as the riverbeds are comparatively clear, a flood is not expected. No frosts have been recorded, but some snow occurred on the mountain tops, -
MOTUKARARA The annual meeting of the Hall Committee was held recently, when the following committee was appointed:— Messrs J. Woods, J. Miller, A. Pluck, A. Miller, C. E. Gray, D. Patterson, G. Cooke, T. Radford, and Mr T. M. Wheeler (honorary secretary). During last week and on Monday the continued rains caused slight flooding adjoining the river, doing damage to several crops. There has been an abundance of rain, and some warm weather is badly needed. Further sowing of crops will now be very late. While some farmers have yet to sow, a small paddock of barley is already to be seen well out in ear. This is the earliest crop for several years.
DUVAUCHELLE A party of the Avon group of Toe H numbering 36 gave a display of wrestling and boxing in the Duvauchelle Hall in aid of the local show. The display was much enjoyed. There was a good attendance. WAINUI The Little River B cricket team met Wainui in the competition games, Wainui gaining a two-point win. The scores were: Wainui, first innings, 123; second innings 144 for two wickets, declared. The highest scorers were: —First innings, I. McDonald 54 and R, McDonald 20; second ininngs, R. McDonald 72, not out, and I. McDonald 37, not out Little River, in its first innings, made 97, the highest scorers being J. McGowan 26, and T. Robinson 26; second innings, 64 for nine wickets (W. Hutchison 20, not out, and J. McGowan 16). Mr F. Humm, of Hamilton, North Island, has been on a short holiday visit to his son, Mr C. Humm. Mr J. Davies, of Hamilton, accompanied him. Mrs A. V. Rhodes has returned to Wainui, after several months' holiday. COALGATE Constable Grayburn. of Christchurch has been relieving Constable W. Calwell, of Coalgate, who has been on holiday leave, and. has been visiting the West Coast. Constable Calwell resumed his duties on Monday. SALTWATER CREEK A successful euchre party and dance was held at Saltwater Creek to raise funds for the school jubilee, which will be celebrated in December. Winners of competitions were Miss Nellie Lewis, Mrs J. Ashworth, Mr Roy Ede, and Mr P. Topp. Music was supplied by Mrs Shea (Woodend) and Mr W. Dimmocks was master of ceremonies. Competitions were won by Mrs J. McMillan (Waikuku) and Mrs P. Moxham (Leithfield). CATARRH SUFFERERS. Nose choked up, Frontal Headaches clots of discharge running from nose into back of throat, glassiness of eyes, taste gone, bad breath, head noises, sneezing, burning sensation at back «.«f eyes. Tavener's ANTI-CATARRH is THE CURE. One month's treatment 3s 6d (posted 4s 6d). Sold everywhere, or Tavener, Chemist, next Beath's opposite Ballautynes, —3
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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21623, 6 November 1935, Page 4
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3,057NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21623, 6 November 1935, Page 4
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