proposals to reduce the cost of electric power units to consumers were plaGed before the meeting of the North Canterbury Electric Power Board yesterday by Mrs M. A. Ellen, on behalf of a special committee set up some months ago to look into the cost of units to consumers and if possible to formulate a reduced scale of charges. After some discussion, during whieh Eeveral member% maintained that the board should be given some time to perufie thoroughly the proposed alterations, it was decided to hold over their adoption until next meeting. Mrs Ellen maintained that the proposals should be dealt with at that meeting, stating that it was not her fault that the proposals were not before- the meeting last month. She wanted the amended scale of charges to come Into force as from October 1. In effect, the proposals were:—That lighting charges be assessed on the number Of rooms in the house, and not on the high-rate units of lighting bn connected load; that the high-rate units be reduced from 8d to 6d; that 6 reduction be made in the minimum charge to consumers from 0s 6d to 6s; tMt consumers' lighting rates be reduced from Id to 6d a unit. Mrs Ellen ifloved that the proposals be adopted. The Chairman (Mr L. B. Evans) said that he would second their adoption. It would wipe out the connected load and the same high rates during winter and summer. He was of the opinion that the board could afford the reductions and that it would not be necessary to levy a rate. Mr A, Baxter: Where is the money coming from? Mrs Ellen: It would mean a reduction in revenue of £9OO this year, but many more lights would be used. Mr Baxter said that the board would lose £1 a year on each consumer. He did hot agree that more electric appliances would be used, and so reduce the loss. , ' Sir R. Peach said that the consumers were looking for the reductions to he made. He was pleased to see the proposals brought forward. Mr H. V. Murray: We should not abide by what the committee has brought forward, as we have not had an opportunity to look into the matter thoroughly. I would like to see the proposal held over until the next meeting of the board. By that time the members will be more fully conversant with the position. He moved as an amendment that the recommendations be held over for one month. This was seconded by Mr Baxter. Mr A. Cowie said that they should not hurry the recommendations through, and contended that members should have time to compare the amended charges with the present rates. They should make sure that ihey were not committing themselves to something that v/us financially unsound to the board. The amendment was then put to the meeting and was carried. 7 Finances Of New I'ower Area
The financial position of the Waipara County electric power reticulation being carried out by the North Canterbury Electric Power Board was placed before a meeting of the board by the engineer-secretary (Mr A. Buckingham) yesterday. It was shown that the actual expenditure on the Kowai and Waipara County areas had exceeded the estimated expenditure by approximately £2500, although it was pointed out that the system now operating was much more comprehensive than that provided for in the original estimates. The estimated expenditure In the Kowai area was £2OOO, and that in the Waipara County £SOOO, while the expenditure was approximately £2200 and £7322 respectively. Mr Buckingham stated that the total guaranteed revenue from consumers at present supplied was £l4lO, and was almost sufficient to meet the total construction expenditure, and it was apparent that the additional revenue to be expected from consumers using over their guarantees would be sufficient to warrant the additional expenditure on equipment. The actual operating expenditure, Stated the report, should be less for a number of years at least than the 10 per cent, basis on which the guarantees were estimated. The chairman (Mr L. B. Evans) said that the position was very satisfactory. Mr A, Buckingham said that the poles were not included in the expenditure. The report was adopted. Concert A concert to aid the funds of-the coming Methodist Church flower show was held in the Methodist Sunday School last evening. The programme, which was organised by Mr C. R. Thwaites and the Methodist Young People's Society, consisted of instrumental, vodal, and elocutionary items. The funds will benefit to the extent of several pounds as the result of the effort. Electric Power Board The North Canterbury Electric Power Board held its monthly meeting yesterday. There were present: Messrs Jj, B. Evans, It. Peach, A. Baxter, H. Tallott, H. V, Murray, A, Cowie, D. R. Hutchison, and Mrs M. A. Ellen.
The financial statement showed that the loan account totalled £ 10.359 and the power fund account £ 17,489 18s (Jd. Sales Of electricity during the JnOiith totalled £2OIO 6s 3d. The potter fund account showed a credit of £716 fe Id. The engineer-secretary (Mr A. Buckingham) reported that the Uhits used 1 during last meeting .totalled 440,600, which Was the same as during the same month last year. No further delivery, of poles had been reeived, and representations had been made to the contractors to have the delivery speeded up. The outside superintendent (Mr 3C. HancOX) reported that 13 new consumers, three ranges, one water-heater, and 13 motors had been connected, and 2S extensions made to existing installations. Seven street lights Were erected in the Hawardert township and 6ne reconnected at Woodetid beach. Ofte hundred and fifty-three faults and consumers' complaints were attended to. . The reports Were adopted. Authority was given lor the purchase of enough poles find wiring to take the power line' through the Waikari valley. Plmiket Society The ifcftgiorti branch of the Pluhkefc Society met yesterday afternoon With the president) Mrs L. M. Kin#, presiding., A sUb-GOmmittee was appointed to make arrangements for a concert to be given by the pupils Of Miss G. Sogers next month. Mrs King thanked those who had helped with the recent Piunket fair. The president gave a report on the recent provincial conference, drawing attention to the need of funds for the Karitane Baby Hospital. Th& hufse, MisS M Shepherd, reported that in the town during the last month, 49 Visits had been made to homes and 248 visits paid to offices. In the country the figures were 56 and ISO rei^eetiyeiy. ! Mrs It. J. Logan won the glass bowl ; conipetitioii faela at the recent fail*. '
waikam The fortnightly meeting of the Waxkari Workers' Educational Association class was held in the vicarage on Monday evening. Uhe subject for th® evening was J. M. Barrio's play, "The Admirable Crichton." Dressmaking Classes As a result Of a meeting recently addressed by Miss Grocott, of the Association of Country Education, a Class in dressmaking has been stated ill Waikarl. There will be a series of nine lessons in the course. Tha lessotic are to be held weekly.
GUST' Mr E. Wayland presided over the annual meeting of the Cust Cricket Club. The balance-sheet showed a credit of 10s Bd. The election of officers resulted— Patron, Mr J. Cowens; president, Mr E. W. Cooper; secretary, Mr E. Henderson; captain, Mr E. Wayland; vjcecaptain, Mr G. Overend; auditor, Mr G, Overend. Mr W. Sail was fleeted delegate to the North Canterbury Cricket Sub-Association. It Was decided to reduce Subscriptions to ss. The Opening match was fixed for September 21, against the Carleton Club, if pOsslbl®. , Tennis Meeting The annual meeting o| the Cuef Tennis and Croquet ClUb was h®ld in, the Public Hall. Mr F. W. Gilbert (president) was in the chair. The balancesheet, which showed a credit of £B, Was adopted. It was decided to enter a team in the sub-association's competitions. The election of o3lc«rs resulted:— Patron, the Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes; president Mr G. Overend; vice-pre-sidents, Mesdames Judson and Ryde: secretary, Mrs G. Overend; assistant secretary, Mrs E. Judson; treasurer, Mr I. Jackson; captain, Mrs Ryde; auditor, Mr T. B. Lock; trustee*, Mrs Judson and Mr J. Gilbert; committee, Mrs A. Forbes, Miss Richardson, Messrs S. Wood, E. Lindsay, F. Gilbert, and G. Wood. Opening day was fixed for Thursday, September 26.
SPRINGSTON SOUTH The Sprlngston South ladies' Wtesley Guild, held its last meeting at Mrs T. Greaves' home, Mrs Harrispresided. A sewing competitionjudged by Miss G. Rowell and Miss D. Duff was won by Mrs H. A., Fletcher, and a guessing competition by Mrs Banks and Mrs Keast. The hortessea for afternoon tea were Mrs H. A. Fletcher and Mrs S. Bray. Mr> H. A. Fletcher played the music. Weekly Social The hall committee's weekly social evenings' continue to be well patronised, and the prizes at the last social were won by Mrs P. y. Bailey and Miss P. Hamilton, Mr P, Riordant and Mr W. Memory, Mrs Kiordan and Miss M. Riofdan, and Miss Sylvia Kimber and Mr Bert Pitcairn played music for the dance. The prize-win-ners at the previous gathering ivere Mrs F. Roberts and Mrs H. HoSkih, Mi* H. Hoskin and Mr G. Tyson. Th? Monte Carlo dance winners were Mrs Leslie and Mr E. H. Rowell.
HORNBY A friendly match was played between the Hornby senior Rugby League team and a team from Rakaia recently. The game resulted in a win for Hornby by 13 points to 9. The referee was Mr Alan Billings. Social Evening The parishioners and friends of St. Michael's Church, Hornby, held their fortnightly eUchre and social in the parish hall. The prize-Winners Were Mesdames E. Cooper and H. Davis, sen., and Messrs R. Sloan, A. Skertin, and P. McNaughton.
HORORATA Mr and Mrs C. Edgeler have arrived from Lake Coleridge and have taken up residence at the electric sub-station, Hororslts. ■: Football O)t0 i The concluding meeting of the HorOruta Football Club Was held in the. hall. It was decided to thank car owners who had taken player# t6 the various centres during the football season, and also to thank the secretary (Ms A. D. Oliver) and Mr Fleming for interest taken in the junior football teairi,
DUNSANDEL In ideal weather an enjoyable fcfiftiv noon was (spent recently dt "Sotlthwood," Dunsandel. the home of Mr and Mrs Jas. Walker. . A number Of friends gathered to bid farewell to Miss GracS Walker, Who 1b ltf&Vlftfi the district to take up tjuisihfi, Miss Walker took an active part In sports and social activities in the district. A pleasant time was spent with tennis and clock golf, the winners of the golf competition being Miss It. Stalnger and Mr G. Caldwell. At the conclusion of afternoon te«, which was served by the hostess, Mr A. S. Walker, on behalf of those present, presented Miss walker With fi reading lamp and wiphoa her .every success in her new sphere. Mr i. Robinson also spoke on behalf of the golf members preseht. Miss Walker responded. , , During the social hour held at the conclusion of a reCettt Pfeibytcjriah Church service, the membra paid farewell to Miss Walker. „ Oil behalf of the church members Mrs W. Sheat presented Miss Walker with a picture.
SOUTHBMOOE The social committee of the, Cam dairy factory met recently aha elected the staff as a general eortiirtittee to arrange for the annual ball. It Wag decided to hold the ball Oil Thursday in the Southbrook Hall. Mr It. Shirley was elected chairman of the ball Committee and Mr E. Withers secretary. A programme was drawn Up td include several competitions. Missionary Meeting An interesting address WSB given, by Ensign Hutchefts at a meeting held in the Methodist, Sunday Sflhool. Captain Howton, Rangiera, introduced the Speaker, who described sdnie of her experiences as a missionary iri the North of India. Songs were given J>y Mrs Martin and Ensign Hutcheiis.
AKAROA A meeting of the Akar.oa branch of the Workers' Educational Association was held in the Borough Council Chambers. Two plays, "The ■ Last War," by Neil Grant, and "The Boysey Inheritance," by ft. HarringtonBarker, were read. ' ' ■ Cards Party ' .Members of theAkaroa Progress Association held their Usual progressive cfifds mvty in the Jlre mmm Hall Mrs W. Pool and piss. 1W ttayward were equal In tnfe women's prize, and in the playoff Mies Hazard Won. Mi? ft. Allah W6tl the men's prize. Progress Association , Mr E. Longden, president, presided over a meeting of the Akaroa Progress Assodlatlcfti. The epimari mpmm •oft the insult bf the dahei tS feafefraifl the visiting harrati for the Takahe* Akoroa race. There was a credit bai» ance of £1 16s 11a. The Avon Cycling; Gliib Wrote sajpItig that .it propose# to. hold a two* days' cycling 'rape to Akappa arid re* turn to Christchurch at the Labour Week-fend. The filUb 6sked if the as* seeiatibil could arrafifee for acceiftiHodS* iiart at reduced tariffs, aftda d&nce to entertain the visitors. The dub would provide the ffffljhies. The I; Pavjs, and the hon, secretary, Mr W. B« M-. Jacobson, were elected to meet the AvCtti Cycling, Club, who would Visit Akaroa to' dtsgUsS the'fflattfer.. • • . , ' . : ■ : The ARai'Oa Borough Council wrote about Atearba'o E?uata irt the Lytteltbh H.arbtmr Hoard's' publicity ca?hJ>Siteft for the South Island. Akaroa'ii qudta
would be £33 6s Kd. Thfe chairman rißdrteQ that the matter was held up toehdlhg Mr C. H. Cllbborn's retifrn from Australia. Mr T. H, McCombs, M.P., wrote sayiiig that the Hon. Adam Hamilton, Minister in chafge tif the New Zealand Tourist and Publicity Department hail approved of a grant of £25 towards suitable publicity for Akaroa. Mm 0. Petterson suggested that an etttptvotir be made to collect afty objects Of historical .Interest in Akaroa. It wag decided to make enquiries as to what support Could be given the proposal. Mf CliimetttS reported that there was a credit of £8 15s 3d from the citizens' ball.
• -fltfuJtM tMety Mffl 0, Bfesiaent, pre. sided over .the monthly the AltSfbraficb of the pluttkefs©* ciety. Arttmgefflefttd were made for the children's Jafldjr dress ball to Be held Shortly. Accounts amounting to £1 2s 3d were passed for payment.
PUAHA The Puaha School Committee held its fortnightly euchre tournament and (fence in the school. Mrs R. Vahstone Was the hostess. Prizes for the euchre Were won as MlOWs:—Mrg C. Button atid Master A. {maptoah 4, Mils N, Barclay and Mr T. Lee 2. Music for the dancirig was played by Misses A. Sreenwood. M. Mould, and M. Web. er, and Mr L. Humphries. Mr Humphries Was master of ceremonies.
. ■ .. - i The Sfefton-Kowai Women's Institute held its monthly meeting ift tte pariish , Hfell- The meeting took the form of all-day demonstration on basketry tsy Mrs ftichards, of Christchurch. Mrs presldedat a short business I in the afternoon. Mrs I?ay \M& Mrs Metric Were electtd.doMigatfes t& the Jfefthdahterbury. Federation Meeting, to be held in Christchurch; MeisMsef & were, reminded the SoWer ShOW to be held on September 27, and also of the exhibition of work tp bg Held in Rangiora at the beginning ol i flext month/ Winners of the com' petitions for the afternoon were:—Best Bowl of spring flowers, grown indoors: Mra-fteAe 1, ltn my 2, Mrs Veare J. Best vase of spring flowers; Mrs' W. Wiis&n 1, Mrs Jartieg 2, Mrs Matthews 3. •tj§pßistg % the sitsrftoon were Mesdames W. Haigh, J
OKAIN'S BAY . |The monthly -meeting ©f tliC Q&ain's Bay Women's Institute was held in tM hau with Mrs J. Mason presiding. It was decided: to hold an afternoon, when each member would bring a gift for Christinas cheer fdr the lepers of Makogai Island, The Returned Soldiers' Association forwarded a parcel of articles to be sold in aid of their funds.- .Mrs A. Ware gave a demon* station- On smocking. The competitions resulted as follows:—Home-made soft toy: Mrs H. C. Mason 1, Mrs ft. Mason 2. Vase of flowers: Mrs J. Harris, jun. and Mrs H< C. Mason (equal) l, Mrs L, Spurr 2, Afternoon tea was ser/ed by the hostesses, Mrs G. Harris and Miss E. Harris.
■ ARTHUR'S PASS ' SlySi 66^^I^ 6 the - goin J cellent condition at Temple Basin 11 Hut" „,A" a "empt was made by a party to +£ u Alouilt fi&uesteti, but owihg to the bad . weather which later developed, it Was thought wise to stop at the lower peak. Beaiey Bridge J n f ia i ? 8e Waimakafitl y v ßs n u ot yet arrived, and several workers have been suspended in the meantime. Work etl the &«* proacheg 0(1 the north am Si ?h« river is Jtftigteftitig: %m Stelll Sviutoiii ««r StS's. P. Newman was master ofotmntSkS!
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Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21581, 18 September 1935, Page 4
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2,767NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21581, 18 September 1935, Page 4
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