OURUHIA *l»r,y parents and their friends attended (14 oirutia School for the annual prizepriaf r««no.,y. The >ias fo-10-.s-----n-dsrJ II. —Patri-ia Fleming J. John .. "„„ e -j. Kiif-n Pickles 3. Either Chinery, i-'l*' r» liilly Cade. i-tirdarc V —Harri« I. Anna Bell TV.'- Oinery ; . Ucrnice Siiarlick, Kathleen i- II IV. —Jirn Watson I, Joye Dav.ber ' "iudjß SlrMillan o. Eileen McMillan, 1 SsndfO'd. Ktirdard lll.—Dorothy Marsh 1, Lric " 2. Kathleen O'Connor. H - •hnnoi F?ell 1, Tony O'Cour 2. Bf't:" McMillan ■"-•er'i&rd I - Tui I'm 1. Ralph Dawbcr 2. r ttan'isrd I. Robi PenjelJy, Terry T 'kir.^or: ;j 3—Jfcit'-'e" Jarti<u 1. Malcolm SampSampson j 2 Kodr.f; .Sliarii' k, Fred Boxall. P.I Joyr- Sa*npson. !?en;" r: Lsther Chinery 1, Eileen y-Millar. 1 .Junior: Kathleen O'Connor 1, p'; y McMillan 2. Specials: Anna lie JI, Jarden. Viture- tefjdy. P.itr-.eia Fleming. \"ea*Lest: John Teaerne. Gladys McMillan. I-'eatal rarf: Joye Dawber. LADBROOKS annual co:r.ert presented by th«; y t-ils of the Ladbrooks School and tho t itnbu::on of prices held before a • ,„ e fitter.dance of pj rents and fviends. #, .f chairman of committee (Mr j:' J. ((■ ■ pr.-feiiii': and v.clcon;ed the x islie *w ( -> thanks to moiiiic-» rf the tcacli'n.' -tall for their valuable dnnii? th:- >e-r. Ai'ter the concert i»ie''pities ]»!C£tnt«»d by Mrs J-*. Picker-' jr * Th'r K r v. Cr. who had conBible daesc* d'/Tlng the year, adC..sStd thb i hiidren. '"•.c fo:lov;iifc' wai the vv\7<-. ust: 1- Jn»;r' Meyer Ivor Pickering, J.jn Jito Sherift', June Scobie, Ke*in *l' Dn : r-.. » o)jn Tu;l;t, - Nola I'osic. ftilU-tl. Vnmer 1 Pi'-. K.r»»/ Payne, Mauric* J'i-re. MilliccT.t Phyllis WilJj.r.i. Geo:*;e Meyt '• 5-tanoarti Wu*c I. Hae i*i<i-i r d •J. I)vv t d Mi-; er 1, \ Mar-air: Tistl:: i, Dorothy Pickc 'rl.t-niT. Payne. Lena* Mo-' ... , i, s U r,ri;u Ii 1 fir-tii loMplctoi. i.-VonZi' ; -:> a. "i r-Sit V.'iil ains. S\ 'v.a Payne. Pctcj •.landjrd n - P' 1 ii-'*■ fiii■? I, bokndii . Mi ll- '-' . ! '. Mt Uiih, ill- • . To-.r. Tucne \ lia«e! Cotes, OaviU C;• j . " --andar.i V. !<•:!. 1. Fiona MehrS( iv/.f. Ri nd W;tr?. Joan Payne r..'a i M<-r Mf.t. v.'-ri.-'c--: VI M r 1 • IVII 1, May Pny„c, Fo«'«r. Hfe'.e! l'aj m\ Hon Coles, J.•« s* >!i; uiif. i mips ,i:< ■ .'s lollops: i)'ii C'uld i'"'-!"' 1 : M.iilv Bell; rurmrrf. ;4.1f- button . M:tv ''avne. ..'r T. O. Morgan's I'rirfi —Standard VI.: y'n CV.'*. V.: Bond A\urc. tr;3rAird !V. W'jHtr Toon. Standard III.: Jor.es. ...... ~ Tf-t'* '** I'rtsrs - \10..y tin!. Kitty Sto\vr, B»," rcMt>r. Vaisr-.i- J oih "j— Kiood's T J ri'.e»--Nentness: k' TvV-r Pioke, in? ar.d Svlrm Payne. Spellvi 1U" Keasi. ii ni tJr ß «in?.-Neil ilever. -evr;r>? VSinndflr 1 tl.: Dorothy Lena Mct'oitvl'. Primer 4: Jris "' k? .' i)o , >. G.-ral'! Ware. I'rimjr 1: Vola ' ~f' r Ivan K-ast. Standard III.: B»rta .ip'i*on I Standard IV.: Belinda l*os- .. '1 Coles. PtanJ rd V.: Fiona liittv Siov«.. Standard VI.: 1. Hatel Pa'. n f .'. ' "j f * Pr;'f — Pior.* Mehrlf*n». . . jt. • 11f^■ ij pt-turned Soidiera Associa* • for > i ic l>.»y Essay CoinpeH- • ' - rrminrd VI.: Gladys Footer 1. Hav.cl j .iur.dard V.: Joan Payne 1, Doroi "v-x-: 1.
doyleston I s» -a:m:r.; >r«r". «-l>K-h «pre particularly in the oppressive weather l>reu !iv;. 'at- ■*. t<j rjjs! the school ji-ur «• Dprif frton The principal results were: i-iwj' Champion Margaret Turner J, Betty bili'A, v. t-vttivr Ui>c—Albert Hoikiu 1, <> i'ia-jM'n and W liearmau (eq'jal) bive—Kltie Henderson J, Joan Wove f.i Nat'-i.t- Tod Junior Kaet —l'egsy Isomer i. Eileen Lncty 1- . Afterwards musical and elocutionary items itre sivtn and the proficiency certificates presented by the ch»irman of the comt. ilr O. lira v. who also referred to la impending departure of Aliss Kitto, a ntmltr of the ttaff, who had been appointed n Ashlty School He »poke of Miss Kitto's i £!.<> d wort al Doyleston and on behalf of I tit ;«rer.t.«. committee, and children prei tinted her with a clock. A gift of i-9 ifl of stationery uus made to Alias X. 8 in recognition of her "work as jnufciJ ..tu it "reheurealh and at a fancy dress ball I ».'j j tt t week. The fiirls also presented s*r vith tokens of regard. Mesdamea A. jj'jTc# and iTou received gifts from tho jsrli for their help and interest in basketing The hoys of (Standard VI. presented i!r C. 31 iiliike, (he headmaster, nilh a Init'-'- j»j'. li. BROGKSIDE 9 A rifctfcafui concert was given by the i:ildr*D of the lirookeide School following lite break-up for the holidays. There was i l*r;e attendance and the programme proved *err enjoyable. The items were as fol* 3**»:—Son#, A*; net Henderson; melody, the J-piii; elocutionary item, Janice Candy, Dot Cruwen, Loraine Whitworth. aud Aileen Tom* ; folk dunce, junior girl*.; mouth-organ and drill, the pupil®; recitation, J->ou , frtfta*, Tom Waahbuurne, and Peter Hcsloy; *'«■, *'A Merry Christmas," the pupils; ***£e and dialogue, Kathleen Sheut, Juno en-cdtr*. Dawn liigbt, and Helen Gardiner; "Tht Liglithoubtt Tragedy," C. Taylor, A. s**aer. JC. lives, V?. Jlealop, and H. Wash"Musical Influenza," senior pupil*; Ifciutioa. Helen Gardiner; items by the two •''tool mandolin bands; scene, junior yupils; junior pupils; camp-lire scene and tfpiy ionsr f n'uior pupils. At the conclusion f '-fc cnairmau, Mr T. W. Brooks, conveyed ibftokh o£ the parents and committee teachers, Mr 11. A. Saunders aud Miss for their good work during the year. *••• alto di&tributed the prizes, each child it gjft. Proficiency certificates also printed. On behalf of the band Ken Cridge presented Sir with a reading lamp in appreciaof hi a nork in coaching: the band. Front ®s* Sixth Standard pupils Betty Hrslop * l ' J *^ r * flUn< *ers * n recognition <*l *, Svmpathy was extended to I ~ l r «Utivf» of the late Miss A. BoswelJ, a f pupj] of ib€> *choo!. LITTLE RIVER «ai a attendance oi parents 4 - its bj«nk-up ceremony of the Little Kiver School on Wcdnefcday afternoon. The »-*re presented by Mr Vf. H. Mont-t'-a ]s t be p r ;/ c |j sl ; Vl.—Graham French L Helen u. (,atherin«{ Cradock. (1. L'na isutl(4 J>orothv Cradoek, Kdna Dutton, Joan - 'r. JoJ, rj j |,j< |, >J} ( V.—Koiiii Viirmtone 1, Hurry '• ■-» 'U If, LUiir A'lumb and Lloyd Dutton *'-h L'shhtr. Jean Stan:»ury, '•••df \\ Jiitt-, Xjiim v iCichardb, Maj jorio t v:«. H-i/fl liro'Aii, Keith hilan'jury, 1 - *■* StHnbury. ixr.l !V —KiMilligan 1. Konald . V,"))iff ;i, Kdijh Jtae, ' r * Itir -b'lu >i*uart, Jean f-o Coznyte, | 1 Morns Stuart. Tat Sttinns, ; * A ».rd >ta?-bijry. Kevin Radford. James r - . Mftrfch. I/jcK 1 Ml. - Luty Archer J. Jeffrey! u % ' '» 2. JJojd Hicbardj o. Alwyn Ussher. ] ' , " WJT: Jt —McAuliffe 1, lion:,ld ! ht-n ' - 3>ani^'a Witherf o. Athlee | Giddens. I*eggv Stuart, Helen | fc*Vjf r V» a Karetai, Douglas White, DesUihfir. ftSAiidard I.—Peter Hay 3. Bertie Joblin 'chard* <i. Joyce Fergusson, Lilly p . ai ' W* iiae, Le»ley Wright. Ha >'» Patricia McAuliffe, erguhson, John Church, " p s"' Cradoclr. Peter Ktanbury. er L J'sphiiv Shirlwy, Georgiua -3reit» W ley Adain«, Iverwyn Taylor. .? Hhirley Brown, Collin Slanbury, \ar)M!>ufe k * rt £* Vr Sutherland, Morris Newra^ Joseph Karetai, Aperau '** nmde to Mis* Ahum, and Mr ChurrK «n behnlf of : Ti of Little Kivoe.
BKOOMFIELD * A largs crowd of parents and friends gathered at tUe Broomfield School for its annual break-up. Before the presentation of the t-iizes an enjoyable concert was given by the school children, great credit being due to Miss Smart (teacher) for the training of the children. At the conclusion of the Items Mr A. Harrison (chairman) called upon the Rev. E. E. Maiden to present the prizes, the list being as follows: — Standard V.—Diana Gardiner, Josephine Gardiner, Ken Coleman, John Harrison. Standard IV.—Sheila Douglas, Philip Coleman, Richard Douglas. Standard 111. —Janet Yolande Patrrson.
standard I.—Jean Rodgers, Mary Rodgers. Graeme Gardiner. Primers—Cushla Wornall, Kathleen Rodgers, Walter Kensington. Special Prizes—Gardening: Girls, lolande Paterson and Sheila Douglas 1, Diana ar " ciiner and Jean Rodsevs 2. Boya: Ken Colciftan and Philip Coleman l John Harrson and Richard Douglas 2. Attendance. Ken Coleman, Jean Rodders. iNeedlcwotk. Standard V.. Josephine Gardiner; <>ards HI. and IV.: Janet triggs; .Standard 1., Jean Rodgers; primers, Cushla AVoinall Good conduct: Ricnara Douglas Slap drawing; John Harrison Richard Douglas. Deportment: Diana Gardiner, John 11a i „on Certificates essay corapetitioii). Ken Coleman first class. John Hai.ison second class.
WEEDONS For the distribution oi piiies o£ Weedons School many parents and friends were present. Mrs Phillips, sen., who- gave. the dux medal this year, presented-the prizes to the children. Special prizes were given by Mrs W. Chambers and Miss Flora I hilups. Tho follow-in!,- is the pri-e list:— Dux (gold medal siven by Mrs lhilllvs, sen.) : Hector Aslnvell. ' ' ' ' Standard Vl.—Hector Ashwell. Ro« Wrisht. Sidney Aslnvell. Standard V. Vgnes Curragh, Eileen M Standard IV.—Komi Hudson, Cordelia -Ashv, oil Prudence Babbi.?.', .lolui Keating, X.oi - rion -Vllison. Yvonne SchnlTcr. Maureen Paly, I.eieefter Allison, Norma Daly. Standard lll.—Trevor Chamber?, 1-1 we Schaffer, Annie Curragh. Tatri.-k Keatin,. Standard Tl T-eonnrd Kolslon, Keating, Kdword Ualy. Joyce Roliton, li.evor llud?(»n, John Schaffer. . Primers —John RolMon. James (.urragi. I'Mward Babbage, Nopl Linton. Pn/o toi i»ri>crre3s: Gordon Allison. Sewing Prizes —Sinndard ' Manion. Standard IV.: Prudence habbage. Tvonno schiiffer. Rutia Hudfon. Slairdaid lir.: l'lsie Sclinffer. standard 11.: .U'lee Kolsten. MANGAMAUNU There was a largs attendance at the hrrakins-up ceremony ct the Mansamaunu School. Mr A. K. I .ester. «ho presided, expressed thanks to those ""bo had attended and for the assistance given towards the prue fund. Mrs T.cslio then presented tho pnr.es. T!ie Herbert Smith Trust Cup was won by Quecme Jacobs and Geoffrev Parsons. First-'lnsa Navy League .ortifieates wero presented to Colleen boyd, l'.na AVallis. and Geoffrey Parsons. -The Macfarlane Shield was won by the school for Hie best-kept garden. Mr Lester complimentin s the teacher (Mr A. 13. Manson) anil pupils on their achievement.. SEDGEMERE At 'Awhitu." Taumutu. the home of Mr R. M. Taiaroa. on Thursday, the annual picnic of the Sedgemcre School was held, there being tt large attendance of children and adults. A sports programme was put through and the prizes for school work, attendance. and the sports were presented by Captains Knight and liycroft, of the Salvation Army, and the Kev. K T>. Lawrence. The headmaster ("Mr L. F. Davison) was thanked for his work and a presentation was made to Mrs Davison in recognition of her valuable work as teacher of sewing. The prize list was as follows: — Standard V.—Leslie Ilou'son 1, Hme leihoka 2. Standard IV.——lla Teihoka 1, Gs\en>l i Ilawson 1!. . Standard lll.—Maria Teihoka 1, Ivie -lieUill 2. Standard ll.—Maureen McOill 1, Nonnan Jlpwson 2. Standard I.—Ben Kutii'a 1, Doreen tlmiiiK Primers —Tahn Nuty-a 1, Tholnia Howson 2. Special prizes for progress during 1!J31 Maria Teihoka. Kobert Gulliver, "Maoriland" attendance certificates: Doreen Chambers (third seal), Desmond Marsh, Kuniu Marsh. Ivie McGill, Maureen McGill, ' (second seals), Brvce Henderson, inn Hen- j derson (first seals). |
WAIREWA The Wairewa Native School held its annual break-up ceremony at the school grounds, commencing with a programme of games and races, followed by tea and th« presentation of sifts to every scholar. These vera distributed by the Rev. D. H. Hay. Sowins and handwork were displayed. This opportunity "was taken to present Mr and Mrs Hav, who are shortly leaving Little River, with (rifts on behalf <>t llie pupils. Mr and Mrs Hay also received useful presents from their Maori friends. OKUTI VALLEY There was a large attendance of parents and their friend? at the break-up of the Okuti Valley School on Wednesday afternoon. An exhibition of handwork dona by the children during the year was on view in the school. The prizes were presented as follows by the chairman (Mr J. McGowan):— Standard Vl.—Ngiiiro AVhite. Kathleen Brankin, Joey Macfarlane, Inn McGowan. Standard IV.—Brenda Brankin, Jackie Brankin. Lesley McGowan. Standard lll.—June Waller, Colleen Dawber. Kathleen Macfarlane, Tan Tait. Standard 11.-—lsobel Tait. Standard I.—Audrey Waller, Jock McGowan. Infants—ftvelyn Keenan, Dawn Dawber. A Christmas box was also Riven to all the small children in Okuti Valley. Speeches wero mode by Mr T>. Ivichards and Mr E. White. Dawn Dawbor presented Miss Lewthwaite with a bouquet, and Evelyn Keenan, on behalf of the infants, presented hei' with a box of chocolates, and Kathleen Brankin. on behalf of the elder pupils, presented her with a bronze bowl. Mr McGowan, on bchnlf of the residents of Okuti Valley, presented a crystal bowl to Miss Lewthwaite. SCARGILL The prize list of the Scargill School was as follows: Standard Vl.—Celene Johnson (dux), M.vra Hitchcock. Tom Johnson, Erie Gardner, It ay Barker, and Alan Poberts. Standard V. —Margaret Loe, Ron Johnson, Gordon Sinclair, and Colin Hitchcock. Standard IV.—Phyllis Sinclair and Nancy Loe. Standard lll.—Doris Sinclair, Betty Murray. Jean Lon, and Hodnev Murch. Standard ll.—Jennifer Gardner, Iris Barker, Barbara Johnson, Ruth Murch, George Greig, and Eric Johnson. Standard I. —Mario Leneh. Alison Fleming, Tweeuie Magan, Colin Mac Donald, Jack Turner, John Allan, and Trevor Duckmanton. Primer 4—Leone Roberts and Graham Johnson. Primer 3—Alison Murray, Barbara. Ducknuuiton, Tom Allan, Dennis Johnson, Ernest Murray, David Sinclair, and Cuthbert J^each. Frirner 2—Chnrlie Loo and Gordon Mrigan. Primer 1-Joyce l.ue, Pamela. Sliadrach, Xorman Hitchcock, and Gordon Loe. The following special f .rir.«s were awarded: Science, Celene Johnson; spelling, Plwllis Sinclair, Doris Sinclair, and Pntb Murch; proiect (ceocraphy\ Jennifer Gardner and Gro,'"'P Gteig. On behalf "of the school chiHren Christprf»srntc<l to Miss O'Brien rnd Miss Tvrs bv Tom Johnson and Graham Johnson respectively. SUMMERHILL There was a, large attendance at the annual prize-giving ceremony of the Summerhill School. Each child was presented with a toy, a bag of sweets, and n, balloon, ina children, Uained by the teacher. Miss P®** l " berton, gave a display of folk dancing, rha commissioner, Mr X. Clinton, on behalf c. the residents, presented Misg Pembeiton, who has been relieving tcaolicj, with a manicure set for Her good services. Clinton then presented. racß child with a prize. Tim special prize For attendance given by the teacher wa* awarded to Jxobbio Brattie.
SPRINGFIELD The annual concert and prize giving of the Springfield School took place in the hall recently. An excellent concert was provided by the pupils. The chairman of the school committee, Mr C. Saundercock, proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the teachers, Miss Mullay and Miss Hawkins, for their work with the children during the year, and also for the excellent concert. The concert prtvgramme consisted of opening chorus, "God Defend New Zealand' 1 and "Tir-na-no£," senior pupils; chorus, "Ducks" and "Good Morning," infants; Christmas songs, "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" and "Up on the Housetop," seniors; "Curtsey Dance," senior girls; play, • "Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoes"; song, "Pi.ve Little Piccaninnies," Standards JJ I. and IV.; recitation, "The Balloon -Man," juniors; "Skating Dnnce," senior girls; son?, "Solomon Levi," senior boys; chorus. "Polly Had a Parasol," junior girls; play, "Scene from Uncle Tom's Cabin," Standards TIT. and IV. girls; chorus, "Peter Pan" and "WiDter is Over," junior girls; and "Good-night," seniors. The special prizes for the year were awarded as follows: —Sewing—Standard II.: cTean Dickie. Standard III.: Valmai Stubbs. Standard IV.: Audrey Clark. Standard V.: Olive Lapthorne. Standard VI.: Avis McGalium 1, Ruby Newnhara 2 (prize presented by Mr Dini). Agriculture: Clarence Reid Jind Robert Bryson. Miss Mullay's prize for improvement and industry: Melva Carson.
AROWHENUA Bringing a very successful year to a close, the annual presentation of prizes and Bchool concert of the Arowhenua Native School took place in the Arowhenua Hall. There was a large attendance of parents, and Mr L. Hopkiuson, chairman of the school committee, presided. The chairman extended congratulations and thanks to the teachers, Misses ![. and J5. Bremner, on the success they had achieved with the pupils. The prize list was:— Form JT.—James ICussell, class marks and proficiency; Georgino Wixon, handiwork and ] prolicirncy; Betty Uopkinson, spelling, good belisiviour, and proficiency, I Form I.—Powhiri Wixon, Ranui Rehu. ! Specials: Jumps Aekroyd, agriculture and i handwork; Kangiatea Solomon, domestic science: Te Auto Wixon, drawing; Henry Whiiiliri, history; Wiremu Torepo physical drill and politeness; Mamma Wesley, neatness. Standard [ V.—Takaumu Hopkiuson, Elizabeth liehu. Pearl Uopkinson. Ktuiidard HI. —Naomi Wixon, Mana Mlliaka. ireouraphy : Kingi Kchu, history and singing; Taare Keihana, effort. standard 11. Cora Berry J. Hana Wixon, oral expression; Josephine Solomon, coin'pos'tion; Tuwharetoa Solomon, neat work. .Standard I.—Grant Henderson 1, Tirinui Solomon. Jark Benson, improvement. P. Tlenry Momo K Christine Ruf-sell; Stewart Manning, number work: Colin Wade, spelling and handwork; Gilbert Hopkinson, o!''\l exp're&sioa and handwork. P. ml 1- Wiremu Whaitiri, Charlie Wade, George Solomon, Martha Manning, John Meaprer, Richard Whitau, Jack Rei* hana, Te Muna Reihana, Mary Leslie. C'athcrinu . .Solomon. WATT-LOWRY Merit certificates and special prices were presented at the annual break-up ceremony of the WattLowry (Temuka) School by Adjutant Chard. Tho chairman ot' the school ec-mmittee, Mr A. I\. Smith presided, and the Key. Ti. A. Brooks gave a. short address to the children The awards were as follows:—• Attendance Certificates—Standard IV.: Harold Sowerby 1, Trevor McLean Standard HI.: Dnvid Taylor 1, Robert Aitken 'J, Kilcen Dale o. Standard II.: John Shaw 3, Douglas Sowerbv 2, Ronald Sowerby 3. Standard I.: Alexander Ilastic 1, Raymond McGnjg-or. 2. PA: Stewart Pringle 1, William Jumierion 2. Special Priz.es —Most improved pupil ("senior room): Wilfred Mack 1, Robert Aitken 2. Primary: Stewart Prinjjrle 1, Maurice Cook 2. Tin 1 pri/.es were ;yiven by Adjutant Chard and tho staff of the home. KEEFTON The follow iiiff is tlie honours list, of the Heofton District School for the year; Form V. — 11, Chandler 1, \V. Parsonage K. Ttiumpsou J, K. -j, A. .Mitchell b, A. SeobJe (3. Form IV.—P. Pratt J, J. Willis 2, \V, Harnett o, R. Kearn.% A. Kichdale, and 11. Thomub (.equal) 4. Form 111.—D. Cleaver 1, K. Honey 2, S. Kichdale u', R, Potter 4, L. £vauß 6, J. CainpbeJJ 6.
Form ll.—l. Durt I, .A. Cleaver *J, N. Dawsou o, J. Bamett 4, Jl. Coldbeck o, S. Baxter (?.
Form I. —K. Yellcnvlees 1, IJ. Ilnrwood 2, K. Pratt 3, D, Votter 4, G. Watsou 5, K. Absalom (i.
Standard IV.—A. Sara t, T. Parsonage 2, J. Panefchurst 3, J. Jlcslop 4, JI. X'atterson and J. Cate (equal) 5. Standard 111. —J. Duff J, I. Cleaver 2, W. Absalom 3, G. Allen 4, J. Yellowlees 5, I'. Cook (i. Standard 11.—P. Dick 1, V. Griffiths 2, K. Kewcumbe 3, K. McKane and J. Williams (equal) 4, I. Absalom 0. Standard I. —IC. liusch 1, K. Tattley 2, H. Dawson 3, V. Piliold 4, J. Osborue o, h\ Weill, (i. Primer IV. —P. Campbell 1, M. Heslop 2, C. McLean and W. ftichdale (equal) 3, N. Karl and A. Harnett (equal) 5. Dp.\ Medals —Secondary school: Huon Chandler. Primary school; lan Duff. Higher Leaving Certificates —W. Andrew and K. Fitzgerald. Attendance Certificates —A. Kichdale, Jl. lit'SKoe, D. Giltnour, A. Mitchell, I/. Sara, A. I) ruinmond, A. Scoble, B. Lochore, L. Williams, R. Honey, P. Wells, I>. Hinclrnarsh, I'. Stevens. J, Honey, J- Renwiek, M. Sara, 1.. Harris, M. Patterson, and h. The* results of the secondary school sports were as follows: — BOYS 880 Yards —W. Andrew 1, A. Scoble \Y. Barnott 3. „ .. 0 21'0 Yards—W. Andrew 1, ■ Barnott 2, A. Kicbdale 3. w t 100 YardB —W. Andrew and AV. Bamett Ce 4.lo 'yards— W. Andrew 1. W. Parsonage "'one W." Andrew 1, A. Scoble 2, liigh "j urnp—-W. Andrew J, A. Prummond ss-?: W. Bamett 2, C. Coxa!! 3- ? Long Jump—W. Andrew 1, W. Barnett Z, A. Tiichdale 3. Andrew 1 W. Hot., Step, and Jump—VV. Andre .v J-, Barnett 2. W. Parsonage 3 Jlous« Relay —Energetic . . . n . House Cup Championship—Senior. W. An drew. Junior: W. Barnett. GIRLS 7n Yards —L. Burns 1, P. Patterson 2, A 'so li yardß—Jj. Bums 1. D- Patterson 2, A 'loo l Yards—L. Burns 1, D Patterson 2, J. Energetic 2. !. P- Tobin 2, E. Thompson 3. Patterson 2, Long Jump—L. Burns J. D. Patterson Thread-tlic-Veedle Race-Ajax 1, T.ncr 6 otic '""House Cup Championship—Lesley Burns. WAKANUI The annual break-up and prize-giving of the Wftkanui School was hold in the school pround oil Wednosrlay afternoon. There a large attendance of parents and friends. A sports programme of swimming and running events was carried out under the supervision of tho teachers and committee. After afternoon tea th« prizes were presented by the chairman (Mr J. C. Sinclair), every pupil receiving a book. Appreciation of the work of the teachers, Miss G. Cowan and Mr X. Mowatt, who an leaving the school, was expressed by the chairman. The results of the sport* were as follows: Swimminsr —Senior: P, Hyland 1, G. Paudson 2, F. Hyland 3. Junior: Joy Davidson t, Xoeline Ford 2. Jennie Hendrio. 3. Learners: Henry Sinclair J, Eric Beliftiiey 2, Mary Hydes 3. Diving: P. Hyland 1, S. Bellaney 2 G. Hydes 3. Bunning—Girls, under eight: Jessie Amos I, Margaret Hvdes 2. Lorna Amos S. Boys, under eight: lan Watson 1. Frank Amos 2, Hoyden Butterick 3. Girls, under UJoy Davidson 1, Jessie Hendrie 2, Noeline Ford 3. Boys, under 11: L'oyd Taylor 1, Brian Bonifant 2, Stewart Watson 3. Girls, over 11: Margaret Cairns 1. Edna Watson 2, Clsrrie Frampton 3. Boys, over 11: Mervi-1) Me,ova 1, Wallace Moore 2, S, Bellanev" :i. Keluv race: TI. Sinclair, P. Hyland, M. Ilughes, and L. Taylor. M'U'ried women'b race: Mrs D. Butterick 1, Mrs H. Watson 2, Mrs Pt. Mellivraith Married men's nice: A. Ford 1, A. Amos 2, N. Nfowal S.
BURKE'S PASS The annual sports and the prize-giving ceremony of the Burke's Pass School took place on Wednesday afternoon. Mr J. H. Willetts, chairman of the school committee, thanked those who had given special prizes and plants and shrubs for the new gardens being made at the school. Mrs Donald Boss then presented the prizes as follows: Standard Vl.—Mervyn Allan. Standard V.—Clayton Leishman 1 and monitors' prize. Standard IV.-—Mavis Allan 1 and prefects' prize. Standard lll.—Rosie Whyte. Standard I.—lvan Allan. Infants—Melva Hammond, Donald Willetts, Nancy Whyte, Winton Ballantyne. Attendance certificate: Trevor MeKinnon. Special prizes—Personal neatness (presented by Miss G. Piper), Ina Allan; nature study (presented by 3lrs D. Ross), Melva Hammond; modern world history (presented by Mrs D. Ross), Owen Willetts; best-be-haved child (presented by Mrs E. Smart), Mavis Allan. Swimming (presented by Mr J. H. Willetts) —Trevor MeKinnon and Rosie Whyte. Improvement in folk dancing (presented by Mrs G. W. Parkyn); Trevor MeKinnon. The sports events resulted: — Boys—Cross-country: Trevor MeKinnon 1, Owen Willetts 2, Clayton Leishman 3. Hurdles: Clayton Leishman 1, Trevor MeKinnon 2. High jump: Trevor MeKinnon. Hop, step, and jump; Clayton Leishman. Girls—Hurdles: Mavis Allan. High jump: Mavis Allan. Hop, step, and jump: Ina Allan, Infants—High jump: Melva Hammond 1, Donald Willetts 2. 75 yards sprint: Donald Willetts. Long jump; Winton Ballantyne. Free-for-all race: Donald Willetts. Consolation race: Ivan Allan 3, Nancy Whyte 2. A short programme of music was also pre* sented by the pupils.
WASHDYKE Following is the prize list of the Washdyke School:Form ll.—Bessie Griffiths (dux) 3, William Traves 2, John Hansen 3. Form I.—James Atherton 1, Edmoud Blockham 2, William Gilmore 3. Standard IV.—Alexander Townley 1, Abater Shaw 2, Edward Hornbrook 3. Standard lll.—Suzanne Mee 1, Edward Falvey 2, Joan Daley 3. Standard ll.—Marjorie Mulligan 1, Mary Applegarth and Ernest Seyb (equal) 2. Standard I.—May Griffiths 1, Edna I'oebles 2, Koy Harris 3. Sewing Prizes—Form IT.: Edna Pearce. Foviu I.: Putsy Ilogan. Standards 11. and IV.: Joyce Lory. Standard II.: Marjorie Mulligan. Standard T.: Edna Poebles. Mrs Stocker's special for knitting, Form II.: Mavis Paul. Mrs GJonday's special for matmaking Standard III.: Joan Daloy. Mins Saunders's special for mat-making, Standard TIT.: Norma Best, Miss Saunders's special for handwork, primer girls: Tlona Shaw. Boys' Handwork—Form 11., woodwork: William Traves. Form T., woodwork: William Gilmore. Standard IV., mat-making: Lawrence Tlessell. Standard TIT., matmaking: Frank Browne. Standard IT., matmaking:: Ernest Seyb. Standard 1.. matmaking: Koy Harris. Primer classes: Ernest Paul. Mrs Atherton's special, Standard I,: Philip Bhi>:hain. Proficiency Certificates —Bossie Griffiths, [ ; 'dua Pearce, Jessie Ilcdlay. Mavis Paul, C'oira Hooper, James Brown, Lo-o Fahey, John Hansen, William Traves. Competency certificates: Eindu Paul. Wilfred Price. TEMUKA DISTRICT HIGH There was a large gathering, including parents, members of the school committee, ami the Jlavor (Mr A. W. Buzan) and Mayoress, at the annual brealring-np c»i'emony of the Teruuka District High School. Before the prize-giving commenced the primary school girls gave an exhibition of folk dancing on the lawn in front of the school. The Rev. L.. A. Brooks guve an address, atfer which the Mayoress presented the merit and swimming certificates.
The Mayor congratulated tLlo children on their neat appearance and the year's work. He then presented the special prize*. The chairman said be was satisfied that tho school had achieved a most creditable periormanee in the last year.
The prize list was as follows: Form V—David Stewart 1, Clifford Horgon 2, Stuart Taylor •'!. l-'otra IV.—Georgo Crossman, Raymond Fisher, Hoy Cameron. Form lll.—Marjorio Barrett, Dorecn Demivm, Brian Quinn, Rene Parko 4 Lcith llaAtcr. Form .11.— Pat Snow, Winsome Squiro, Donald Brown, William Andrew* Form I.—Ona Baxter, Keith li,vans, James Geddes. . Standard IV.—Wallace Hoplnnoon, Albert AUfroy, Ruahira Palmer. Standard lll.—Heather Hancock, Frederick l'earce, Kenneth Nicholas. Standard ll.—Girls; Olive Hopkinson, Margaret McCunn, Janet McLellan. Boys: lfovmond Mallet 1, Alan Smart. Standard I.—Gladys Lloyd, Barbara Xully, Enid Mclnnes. Primer 4—Donald Walker, Derek Squire, Sefton Gray. Certificatea—Leaving: Beryl Mills, Charles Harvey, William MeLeod, _ Gordon Mai.hieKon, jack Opie. Intermediate: Jean Cameron, Margaret Aitkenhead, Koy Cameron, George Crossman, I>a,yn,iond Fiahnr, Harold Langford, Catherine Hewson, Hazel Horgan, Lucy Spillane. Basil O'Connor. Proficiency: Catherine Benbow, Mary Bradsliaw, Peggy Pontoon, Joan Frisby, Betty Gndsell, Ivy llobbn, Betty Holland, Dorothy Laurenson, Betty Mitchell, Margaret Paterson, Betty Prattler, Pat Snow, Winsome Squire, Pat Swap, Margaret Washington, Pearl Washington, Gladys Weaver, Peggy Webb, Bill Andrew*. Donald Brown, Ted Hansen, Douglas Harvey, Dudley King, Andrew Opie, Ove Scannell, lan Surridgc, Bill Taylor, Fred Simpson, Furnoaux Smith. Competencv: Rita Ackrovd, Ntrairo Boyle. George Allfrey, Allan Batcbelor, Stanley Davey, Nuel Cooper, Joseph Husband, Jack Hcan, Raymond Smith, Georgo Young, Leslie Whitfield. Special Prizes —Form 11.; Pat S'vw unci Cathie Benbow (Ansae essiyfs). Form I.: Ona Baxter and Jack Cornwall. Aavy League—.Form II.: Pafc Snow and Pearl Wcsbingtori. Form T.: Jim Geddoa _ and Jack Cornwall. Raine memorial prize*: Stuart Taylor and Dorern Denison. McLeod memorial prize: Patricia Hazel Snow. Primary dux: Patricia Hazel Snow, becondarv dux: David Stewart.
OR ART BRIDGE The following is the honours list of the Grari Bridge School: Dux of School —Grace Coulter. Form I.—G. Coulter 1. A. Ford 5, John Thatcher 3, Melva Humm 4. Standard IV.— Ovril Ilumm. Standard lll.—Betsy Bruc» 1, Ngaire Scott 2, Audrey Dee 3, Alan Coulter 4. Standard ll.—Ron Waller 1, Helen Bruce Standard I.—Ron Lee 1. Pat 0, John Coulter S. Primer *1 —0o 1 eßll Coulter 1, Dapnnc Walter 2. DORIE The prize-giving ceremony of the Dorie School was held in the Ashburton Domain, in conjunction with the annual picnio. Each child received a book. Special prizes were awarded as follows; — Sewing—Senior: Chrissv Sjott 3* ij uc 7 Scott 2. Junior: Joan Gardiner 1, Kuth Smith 2. . Most Popular Girl —Chnasy bcott. Most Popular Boy—Kenneth Muckle. Most Improved Writer—David Greig. Diligence—Norman Gardiner and Kenneth Muckle. r Gardening—K««neth Muckle and Keg. Butler (equal) 1, George Baiter 3. WILLOWBY There was a large attendance at th* annual distribution of prizes, which was held in the Willowby Hall, Mr N. H. Griffiths presiding. The merit awards were presented by Mr« Griffiths and the special awards by Mr W. T. Li 11. Before the presentation of prizes Mrs W. 0. MacKay (Christchurch), Mrs R. Pearce, Mrs S. H. Lill, Misses M. jr. Lill, It. H. Lill, D Roberts, and A. Watts, and Mr and Mrs R. J. Chapman and the pupils gave a programme of music, songs, elocutionary items, and folk-dancing, the accompanists being Mr» W. 0. MacKay, Misses A. C. Lloyd, M. McNeil, and K. Stoddart. The prize list was: — Form ll.—Megan Papworth (dux) 1, Kenneth Roberts 2; Ronald Chapman, comprehension; Audrey MacKay, neatness and diligence; Eunice Cone, neatness and writing; Albert Mcintosh, improvement. Form I.—Laurence Grice 1, Ngaire White 2, Bertha Cone 3; Edna White, improvement; Rae Vessey, general knowledge; Iris Cone, Bruce Knox.
Standard IV.—Clifford Lill 1, Phyllis Lattimoro 2, May Pearson 3; George Hillyor, improvement; Janet Chalmers, consistent endeavour; Helen Hiljyer, literature. Standard I IT.—Ronald Whiting 1, Mao Chapman Maureen Clothier 3; Eleaino Lill, genernl excellence; Hugh Pearce, games. Standard IX.—Arnold Lattimore J, Stephen (.'ono John Parrish 3; Noel i'ordc, Wallace Knox. Standard I. —May Knor 1, Edward Clothier " Edward Cone !!. Improvement: William Chalmers, lan Bead, Flora Pearce, Charles White, Neil Vessey, Neville Maekay. P.4—Mary O'Grady 1, Margaret Harvey 3. Jack Vossey .'3; Gordon Pearson and Margory Chapman, diligence. P.2—lrene Catherwood, Iris Whita, Mervyn Grice. P.l—Klainc Knox. Ifcronice Harvey, Oladyj Parrish, Norman AVliiting.
Sewing—Form 11.: Megan Papworth. Form I.: Laurene Grice, Ngaire White. Standard IV.: May Pearton. Standard III.: Maureen Clothier. Standard 1.: May Kuox. Primers: Margaret Harvey. Gardening: George Hlll.ver and Rao Vessey ], Ronald Chapman and Hugh Pearce 3. Navy League essay certificate*: Kenneth Koborts, Ronald Chapman, Bertha Cone, ISdna Wli i to
Auzac Day esaay certificates; M. Papworth, K. Roberts, N. White, L. Grice. Honours —History projects: Laurene Grice, R. Chapman, A. MacKay. Geography pro jects: Standard 111., Maureen Clothier Standard IV., May Pearson and Janet dial mers; Form 11., M. Papworth, K. Roberts Health book: Maureen Olothicr, Mao Chap man, Ronald Whiting.
SEAFIELD Following is the prixe list of the Sealield School :--- Form It.—.Tack Drinnoll, Milton Baynes. Form I.—Kenneth McDonald, Graj'ham Bavnt'S, Oeoi'im Moorhead. Standard } V.—Alaft.air Martin, Iris Grico. Eugene McDonald, Join) Mitchell. Standard 111.—Shirley Driscoll, Molly Baynes. Standard 11.—Alma Griffiths. Jean Moorhead. Lloyd Drncoll, Robin Mitchell. Standard I.—Keith Grice, lan McDonald. Primers—lvan Griffrtlw, Allan Waller. Special Prizes—Scvim; (presented by the Women's Division): Shirlnv Driscoll, Tria Gricc. Spelling (presented by Mrs If. Martin): Jean Moorhead, Keith Grice. _Tho Maitlsiid Cup, for most points from Standard IV. to VI.: Alaatair Martin. The sports resulted as follows: Boys, Standards lit. to VI.: J. Mitchell 1, G. Moorhead '-2, G. Baynes 3. Primer 1 to Standard 311., boys: K. Mitchell 1, I. McDonald 2, K. Grire 3. Girls: S. Driscoll 1, M. Bay bcs 2, I. Grice 3. Boys' three-legged ,-a.ee: G. Baynes and J. Mitchell 1, R. Mitchell and I. McDonald 2. A. Martin and K. McDonald 3. Girls' three-legged race: 0, Buynes anil M.. Baynes 1, J. Mom-head and A. Griffiths 2, S. Driscoll and I. Grice 3. Boys' blindfold race: Seniors, L. Driscoll 1. G. Moorhead 2, A. Martin 3; juniors, I. McDonald 5, McDonald 2, Ivan Griffiths Fireman's race, girls: I. Grice 1. S. Driscoll 2, M. Baynes 3. Boys: R. Mitchell 1, G. Moorhead 2, A. Martin 3. Potato race, girls: A, Griffiths 1, M. Baynes 2, J. Moorhead 8. Boys: J. Mitchell 1, I. Griffiths 2, G. Moorhead 3. Book-on-head moo. hoys: A Martin and G. Moolliead (equal; i. G. Baynes and J. Mitchell (equal) 3. Girls: J. Moorhead 1, 1. Grice 2, M. Btynes 3. Young women's race: Misses D. Robert and N. Bennison (equal) :i. Married women's race: Mra .F. Taylor I, Mra A. Griffiths 2. 'Young men's race: J. Martin and A. Driscoll (equal) 1. Married men's race: A. Griffiths 1, A. Bannison and G. Moorhead (equal) 2. CAREW There ivas a good attendance at the breakup ceremony of the Carew School. A very enjoyable afternoon concert was held, the items being given by the children. Misa Donelle McLeod was accompanist. A display of work was inspected by parents. During tho afternoon a book of Browning's poems was presented to the teacher, Miss ,R. E. Smith, from the school committee, and a picture and flower vase from the children, Miss Donelle McLeod was presented with a small gift in appreciation of her lulp in organising the concert. The Hev. A. D. Kirkland presented tho prizes as follows: Standard Vl.—Flora Campbell 1, Helen Pithie 2, Arthur -Powell 3, Standard IV.—Ngaira Pithie 1, Joan Anderson 2. Frazer Barton 3. Standard I.—Robin Wooding J, Noel Mirlin 2, Isabel! Campbell 3. Agriculture prizes—Standard VI.: Arthur Powell. Standard IV.: Ngaire Pithie. Mrs Templer presented the sowing prises as follows:—Standard VI.: Flora Campbell and Helen Pithie (equal). Standard IV.: Ngaire Pithie and Marion Cormack (equal). Standard I.: Shirley Jaine. Primers: Ngaire Whiting. Handwork (boys)— Standard VI.: Jack Jlirfin. Standard IV.: Jack Campbell. Standard I.: Noel Mirfln. WINCHESTER The honours list of the Winchester School is as follows: — Form II. —Nol* De Remy, Lorna Pye, Lynda Pye. Form I.—Mary Harvey, Myrtla Moffat, Stanley Hopkins. Standard IV.—Ronald Nilw, Mavis Outsell, Shirley (Jreenall,
Standard 111.- —Eilaen De Reniy, Mavis McClelland, lan Lnngford. Standard ll.—-Dick Do Remy, Bruce Ferguson, Tom Bill. Standard I.—Gilmour Stephens, Pearl Russell, Eliiabeth Harvey. P. 4—Beryl Stephens, Pearl Reilly, Betty Toomey. WOODBURY There «as a large attendance in the Woodbury Coronation Hall for the priie-glv'.ng of the Woodbury School, and the annual concert. Mr J. Fiiield, chairman of the school-com-mittee, presented tha prises as follows: — P.l—lan Stewart. P.2—Ashley Baker, Lewis Sliefford. P.3—Norma Stevenson.
P.4 —Joyce Lapthorne, Dan Stevenson. Standard I.—Paul Fiileld 1, lan MacKenzie 2, Ken Shore 3, Bruce MacKenzio 4, Georgo Bonmwith 5, Edna Markham 6, Ken Stewart 7, Colin Walker 8, 0. Webb 9. Standard II. —Lawrence Fifield 1, Paulino Lapthorne 2, Margaret Bates 3, Harold Wuldie 4, Lilian Baker 5, Standard IV.—Dorothy Shefford 1, Berta Lapthorne 2, Bruce Brown 3, Ben Baker 4, Alec McDonald 5.
Form I.—Spencer Brown 1, Doris Markham 3, Nan Markham 3, Rachel Robinson 4, Leslie Keen 6. Form ll.—Jean I'ifield 1, Arnold Simpson 2, Nancy Bales 3, Ruth Baxter 4, Keith Baker 6.
Special price for attendance: Nancy Bates. Sewing—Form II.: Jean Fifield. Form I.: Rachel Robinson. Standard IV.: Alberta Lnpthorne. Staudnrd II.: Pauline Lapthorne. Mrs Sharpe's special for embroidery: Eutli Baxter.
Gardening: Mr McGregor's special: Bruce and Spencer Brown 1. Mr McKenzie's special, Ben Baker and Leslie Keen 2.
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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21354, 22 December 1934, Page 9
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5,583DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21354, 22 December 1934, Page 9
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