MC'ARTHURS, LTD. AND WALLACE AND CO. VAC, SALE STARTS TO-DAY Wallace and Company's old oslabIjpheci Pharmacy, in High street is now closed and the business amalgamated with McArthurs, Ltd., where old patrons are assured of the same careful attention at; in the |>;. ;. The transference of Wallace and Company's High-grade slock to Mt:Arthurs. Ltd., has ovei taxed the accommodation at the new address, and to alleviate 1 the position a big clearance sale with drastic price reductions will commence- this morning. This is unique in the Pharmacy but;'.ie:.s--*.wo up-to-date ■■tocks of the hiKhest grade Perfumery, Brushwan, 'Toilet Soaps, and other lines of the best grade, an. being offered at sacrifii „; pnee reductions to reduce sfocks . . . never before have such bargains been ottered in Chemis's' lines. See McArthur's windows at the corner or Colombo and Cashel streets. PHOT«">UKAI' J HICS
Wallace and Company's photographic department is being conducted as a separate business, in Halit ostein's Buildings. High street, almost opposite the old address. New and up-to-date equipment will maintain a developing and printing service of exceptional efficiency at toe new address. 5139
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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21241, 13 August 1934, Page 12
Word Count
Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21241, 13 August 1934, Page 12
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