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ItANGIORA Ai the Rangiora Town Hall this afternoon and to-night "The Kid from Spain,' a lavishly-produced musical comedy, with Eddie Cantor in the title roll, will be screened. This is one of the leading pictures of the year, bright, | I'Sat, and cheery, will: an appeal to ! all- Included in the programme, which will be repeated on Monday afternoon j ■ and night, is a coloured Sillv Svm- i | phonv, - 'Eabcs in the Wood"' I i ! WAIAT A meeting of the con-imr.'.ee o: K.'_ j Waiau Collie Club was held in 1 na j library hall, when Mr 11. W. D. Roger? j presided. As Mr G. White had i j notified the committee that lie wa t: j I unable to accept the position of presi- j j dent of the club. Mr H. Dampier-Cross-ley was elected. Messrs IT. Sharpe , and S. Lowe wore appointed delegates j j to attend the meeting of the Canter- | ! bury Collie Dog Association, to be i j held in Christchurch. ; ROTHKRHAM The Hotherhani Tennis Club held its . annuel sports mce-ling on the Rother- , ham Domain, Result? were: - ; School children's race: Joyce J)ai- ; :iell 1. Ross Clarlc Men's. relay: E. 1 ; Britlon, J. Topi), 11. Carson, C. Hand 1. | Men';-- 100 yards: A. McMillan 1, S. | Latter 2. Single women's 7o yards: , ! Miss Joan Boag 1. Mips Iris DulzcU 2. | Married women: Mrs M. Anderson 1. j Airs D. Davison 2, Married men's 75 ' yards: R. Halkctt 1. 11. Batckclor 2. Schoolboys 100 yards: J. Dobbin 1. J. ; Denton 2, Buss Clark Slow bicycle , | race, men: li. Carson i. .1, Cudsell 2. . : Slow bicycle race, women: Airs 13:itchelor 1, Miss .1, Mcintosh 2. 080 yards: < W. Cardwell 1. S Bntton and P. i Emanuel (equal) Bicycle race: lan . ; Buchanan 1. W. Cardwell 2, J. Den- < ten 3. Small boy?" race: .1. Batchelor , 1. M. Allan 2. Girls' race: Marjoric An- ; ; hereon I, Joyce Dal/ell 2 Small girls' j ■ race: Lnrna Henderson 1. Marion ; ; Qaniclson 2. 220 yards: A. McMillan i 1, S. Latter 2. E Uri'ton •> Motor-cycle • i bending race: i). Da vies 1. Beg. Halj l:ett 2. Wrestling: A. H. Heaven 1, | C. Popplewell 2. Butlin.u' the shot: ; j S. I.alter 1, R. Car>o:i 2. Spearing the ■ I ba'„: Mrs \v . Cook'lcy. Billow fi.nht: C. 1 j Hand. Sheaf tin f ::-u: R. Carbon. Horse I race, walk and ; rot: (I. Popplewell. j Tng-o'-war: "Horncbia \v" <l.. Peipplu- | well, C. Hand. L. Thomson. 1. Tavrn- J i dale, L. Evans. S. l/d'cr' I. S'-.-ppMig j ■ competition: 11. lialkttl I. E. Leavenj I 2. High Jump, iron: A. McM.iian i.j I G. Da vies 2. II jump, women: Me-s i i Iris Dal,'.e!l I. Mi.-s .loan B 2. i : A dance was hold in the e - . i * which there was a large attendance, j ; Music was supplied by the Waiau j band, extras being played by Mrs I, Cooksley, Miss Mcliilo.-h. and Mr Brad- r .-haw. The winners < f !>:•; lucky-spot :'• dance were Mr Auwr on ami' Mrs I * McClelland. Mr He;; liaihett was ma--h tor of ceremonies. Mr J. Gibbs. pr. a-! 1 dent of the club thanked all who j t had arsisted in makin , the day aj< success, and announced (ha; a profit j v of approximate!v C-2 had been made |! __ !< S(ARC;iI,L | A! the annual merlins! of (he Scar- 1 ' gill Football Club Mr 11. V. Murray | / presided. There was an attendance of j 1 2f> members. The credit balance of ,t!» I ! 17s Id was consienre. satisfactory for , the club's first season. The following officers were elected:- Patron. Mr v Herbert Acton-Adam-; pii.-ident, Mr ' H. V. Murray; vice-pre.- -idi nts, i [ ' E. Gardni T. N. Gardner, J. Max- I : well, B. Harrison, (;. Carretf, H. 8.. I \ I Douglas - . S. B. Gihb, CI. A. GreA. j. I Allan, G. Tornlmson, B. (\ O.erton. of. j I). Campbell. W. ,1. Loach. A. D. Eo>:, I ' and T. O. .lohnson; seer'tarv, 7\lr V,'. ! ! Klemine; r«jsi;*riiit jrcrctary.' Mr B. 1 Harrison; committee. Messrs W. j» Drake, J. Gardnea - , Ck Brydon, C, Toiii- | liuson, A. Gardner, and K. Bre-toi:;;' , f:\iciitc.r, Mr T. O. Jolm.-on. Opening day was fixed for April 15. j |. OXFORD | j Under the au.-pic •; of the Oxford'." Catholic Church a dance was held it: ! the Town Hall Ther was a la: ye attendance, including viators Irom Sheffield. SpringliekJ, Bamno;::, and Mirrounding districts. the fimrJiun j . IH'oving a ,-ucce;.-. The inn.-ic. wn-,l' | supi'ilied by Bob Bi aoToid'.- dance j I band. The lueky fp..l'x. -,va.~ won j \ t'>* Mr ami Mrs You:u. end the M'T'ei' Carlo by Mr W. Bet re and Mrs', ! Vouneman. Sum's ui i :- ipven hv| l [ .Messrs B. Debenham T. j 1 : no re ci'a'ion bv Mr Dini c.| Snrii i • he hi. The eal;e--ne. sin:; ti-• * tion was won by Mr L. B. Debenham. I -- .Supper was provided by the women j 1 of the congregation. "Air P. Debm-H | ham wa<s master ot cerentonivs. The i 1 i pari'-h c:;r fund, in aai of v. - h c!» the i' ! da':cc was held, will be greatly bine-i 1 ! lited. ' " ' j; WOODEN J) ;!- Mr and Mrs T. J. Burnet ..| V. ood-! 1 1 end. both of whom have msi <*c*lc- s r I bra ted their eightieth buthoay.. were s | entertained at a soeaal n: the Met ho- ' I cii: f Sunday School Hall, which was J i attended by friend-: from all pert- t; f! ■the circuit and from Rangiora andh ; kaiapoi. Mr and Mrs Burnet, m then- i I I .'O-odd .vears' i-t:sid(.';u"j m the district,' I | l;a\'e earned the goodwill and re-peel!' | eil all. The .Rev. 11. Ford presided, i c I a.:id the Rev.-. S. Heudersori. of ; 1 [Rangiora. ,m;i O. Bur.icf, of Kaiapoi. | r | a .von e)f Air and Mrs Burnet, we're j anions lhc peakcr.:. For 52 years Mr! - j Burnet has been a local preacher, l '' | two of his colleacu'.-s. Messrs C. A 1 -1 c hngton i Balcairn > and ,1. Tull <Wai-|' j Itukul spoi;o ol the hel|) Mr Burnet 1 had given them, and of the happv re- ' c lations existing at all times. Air F.I J C. Pateman. who as suiiermteiident j of the Sunday school was associated!' ■with Mr Burnet I'or half a centurv. 1 r also oaid a tribute. Mrs G. Sills, on I behalf of the women oi the church; - ' and the f.aeiics' Guild, spoke briell.v , *■ Mr P. J. Thorno. of Seiton. eulogised j '• ATr Burnet's attainm aits. Vocal items were given by Miss Sparrow (Nelson).;? Mrs BilclifVe tKaiapoih Airs D. Rcib-! J ) inson < Waikuku). and Mr A. Hirst ji Kaiapoi i. Miss "M. Sloane and ATrs; 5 Bilclifl'e aecompanying. Mrs B. Archer gave elocutionary ite'rns and i A!r P. J. Thorne a re aeiini:. Mr Ford', 1 , presented Mr and Mrs Burnet an eiderdown quilt from their manv j ' friends in the 'iVoodtairl-Amberley j S: circuit. Mr Burnet responded. Greet-i 1 ' ings and good wishes were received' from the New Zealand .Local Preach- j ers' Association, in session in Welling-!'', ton. ! f There w?a a large attendance at the|' r monthly meeting of the committee of'j' ■the Wooeiend-Waikuku sub-branch ofj, the Plunket Society, Mr.-. .1. Henyhaw! presiding. Subscriptions and gar-j < - ments made up by member- for Kari-I -I. 1 trme Home were handed m. Mrs Davies' re.-ignatiou was accepted with ;It regret. | IiELFAST ! Tiie Chief Ranger. Bro. A. E. Clarke.'; presided over a yood attendance of! £ the Court Star of Belfast Lodge, j j A.O.F. The forthcoming picnic to be j h held as part of the centenary ecle-lS brations of the A.O.F. was discussed] and arrangements made. At the con- j ? elusion of the meeting members en- j I tertaincd wives and friends. A mini-' v ber of women attended from Court I t Victoria. Bro. F. Ashby was master I of ceremonies*, and the music was sup-i fc phccl by Mrs Thomas. j 1

SHEFFIELD Tne SiiciHeld Girls' Club hc!u us ' animal meeting at the home of Mrs ! Sealev. The following officers were elected: —President. Sadie Cooper: sce- : retarv, 11a Pavelka treasurer, Mary I Band: musical programme convener, - Betty Rennie. The arrangement of the syllabus wa; left in the hands of Mesdames Boyd and Seuley. The fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Malvern Lodge. No. 6247, M.U. 1.0.0. F. was held in the Oddfellows' Chamber:". N.C». Bro. V,'. K. Rodgcrs, I P.G.. presided. One candidate was i proposed for membcrshiD and the di lc- > «ates Eros. W. E. Rodger.-. P. 0.. an J | C. Henderson. P. 0.. were thanki J lor their report of the recent eonfennce i held in Christchurcli. HALSWKLL ; A n-.celi'.ii of :i;C Halswell b:« of ! i;\t Division of the New Z | ]r.nd Fan.icr.--' Union was held h. hie j lialswt.ll Hall on Thursday afternoon, 132 members beim; present. Mr.- \ «os i Asch presided. The annual balao.eI sheet showed a credit. Mrs van .wr., roatlins the report, congratulated th > j b'.'uncli on hs sueee ?. M'-s Allen and I Mi?- MeCraekcn demonstrated dies-, | .M'.t'.i'v.: and littin.C. Mrs Atkinson and i Mr- : VUmcombe, two visitors to the ' branch, .judged the scone c«»mpct ik>», ~"';,"thn" hrst pr:;'c to Mr<- Talbct. Gnlkt-hc. Svlw- or, C: n.e.en. ;.:H ."w :; - Noble sor-. en ;.fi< i acur. YALDHURST The 11;e• t:1111' meeting of the aid-luir.-t branch, of the Women's Division •of the New Zealand Farmers' Union was held on Thursday atternoon, Mrs J. A. Crawford presiding. Mrs F. M. Bowbycs. of Papamri, ar.d Mrs V. H. Winsor. of Spreydon. gave an interestin i; demonstration ol : engross. Chinese matting, and rafiia worl:. The competitions, 0 which were .indued by the demonstrators, resulted a- follows. Something new from something old: Mrs Hampton 1. Mrs Gov ami Mrs Clieppcll i equal i Ginger cakt : Mrs Guy 1. Airs Chappcll 2, Mrs Anderson and Mr.- Fine u'ouali :i. Humorous coriipi titirn: Mrs Hampton 1. Afternoon tea vn . served by Ihe hostesses,, Mrs Gu\. Ji'v Sponccr, and Mrs Fairbairn ?.!: Chappcll was appointed auditor Ail',. \V. 'I !'i~:;■ i!;. Yaldhurstl is spc-i-fiif;-' 1 '"laia;. vith Airs Bailey I Sea .'boron - i •. > Mis.- Helen CiinppcU i Valdhurst > is spending a holiday at Dunsande], where she i the guest of Miss Mav Riches. Miss Vera MeKenzio (Yaldhurst) is spending a holiday at Southbridge. LEESTON A meeting attended by about 20 -nts of tile File-mere district v, held at |.ros?i>n on Thur.-day even- ) to consider formal' a choral | ■ Mr G. l'i. C'-iucli presided. A i»ni.v vr: ' cad j-ettuv; i»i;l the tenn.s w.■■.-. .' \. !(-••!> a Chrelehureh conductor prepared lo visit Ihe district \, < i '■ : y. I: v. i - deeidott to make a \ or ', :omber:-. and if so f ■ l;eio::t support was forthcoming to ea'i {".' !!n r U.eeiing :u ab"'it three I »>:• ". ,\rr:';r:enii'i!'« for a fur- | !la .' in •. »• were left in the hand - ef Me.!' -- G. 15. Couch i e<.uvoner». A. .1. I lender eo. the Rev. 1-. !5. 1 .awrencc, ,r Dr. \V. A. John Mr 11. A. Vi'tiii!t. S.M , presided over n sitt iug of the Magistrate':' Court at i.eeston ycslerd," v. .1 nngmcnt v.';i>' given for plaintiff with cos's in a churn j by the Sp'ui'-'.s-File.-niere Power Boa) *1 a; agist D MeAuhlfe for C 1 13s KM. A pleasant evenini; was spent in the Calholic Hal!, J* estop. on Thursday.! v. l'.en a social was held in honour ! ef Miss .Tost phinc llolk-v, w hose n.arriaKC will take place shortly. Danci'i : occupied the great* r part of the < i Vi iiin::, music being supplied bv (Hvens's band, while Mrs R. Famaie ' a"(i Mr lOwen.- played extras. Mr i l'i J. SJattcry was ma: lor of ceremonics. A dainty : upper was served, and before askin;: Miss Holley to open Siie iHuntrou.s parecis of Kilts, Mr T. j I". Ower.s, on behalf of tile ladies.',, conupiltiv, <.f M : — Hoi lev's fine ouahta'.- and w.--h''-(l h<-r happiness, prosperity in lier m irried life. Mr T. M. .Molley replied' on his daut;SiI i'.. behalf. A lucky-sp<it wait,; was woo by Mi.-s .Jean Watson and Mr ,1. F God'-ell, and a Monte Carlo bv Miss MeAnuhy and Mr John Hoi ley. ' SOUTHHItHXiE | There v.;\s a jjood aitendance at the j anniail uicel,:!;: of the Soiithbl ;d",e j branch of tiie Mother:,' Union, over winch (lie I<cv. C. 1,. Wils'.in ]irc>:d(d. Tlie reooii. «nd balance-slier t were consider! d as very satisfactory. Ol'.ir.; i:■ si. d wen Enrol I ins ni'iiliei', Mrs C. L. Whl.dn; vice-jiresiden! Me dame- .1. I)eanisle\. W. Filh'.v, A •i. liiicood. and A. (.j. 'l'tio'-.-.n-ain; i-'tary and treasurer. Mrs H.'.F. C,re, nwood. Mi.; F, N. Taylor, of Chri:'I'liureh. itave an interestin'r addre •>.. : fmd Mteria.ou tea was served by Me-.- ' da A . C. (j rt c nwooo, F. A, In wood, i an-1 I). Montauiiiery. ' annual social of Si. Jonn'.s brancii of tiie Hibernian Soci.-ty, he'd i at thi' Soutlibridiif Town Hall, at- ! trae'.ed a lar-je and representative crin^ r , :nclucliriL', nany <.! i ottier friendly societies:. In every respect the funrtie va.- most, succes- ! ful. and much credit is due to the i president. Bro. J, T. O'Gorman, the i hon. secrete,ry, P,ro. A. D. Carroll I and members Rrnerallv for the- excel • h'til arran'ents made. Dancint; took I sdai.-e in the main hall to music sup- ! plied by Owenss band, Misses ,T. Bernnsley. and I?. Greenwood playing ( extras. Bros. \\ r . J. Galvin and T. Carroll were the masters of ceremonies, | and the winners ol a lucky-spot wait.* i were Miss C. Shannon and Mr E. J. | Slattery. Under Ihe supervision ol 1 Pros. J. Carroll and ,1. F. O'Brien. ; card playm:; was enjoyed by a lar-e ; number of quests in the ante-room, the 1 most sueeissftd players beinj; Miss 1 G. Maw and Mr Li. Home, and MrJ. and Mr A. J, Beamslev. [ Amon.a the women present Were' Mesdames A. D. Carroll. J. Kilbride, j i.f. Slattery. ,J. . Twiss. W. \Varo. 1 W. Miller, P. J. buddy. B Greenam i ■I. C.reenan, J, McCartin. H. Smith H G. Hubbard. W. C. Hiekman. J. P, a |- I !ae'n. A. Beamslev, J. (). McC'hir" 1 W. J. Leahv. A . MeCarlin T ! Thompson. W. .1. Clalv in o ,J Ale- 1 Mnhon W. G. H 11. F. R V. Win'ter, j V,'>'^x- Al!an;s - l! ' oimpson W. ONeill, C. .1 C. Bishon, M. Home, R. G. Power. V.. Archer. P. | llfta ' l ; a "d Misses Greenwood ! I McCartin. Harvcv Maw r)i c 1 Shannon. Rila and Eileen Slalterv Alison Murphy, Marie Nidcl, Pat O Connor, Gertie unci Winnie Carroll lessie AVri;,'ht, Betty E«aeltoti, Uetsv Woodard, D. Forster. E. Jurv. D In"■vvood. Thelma mid Doris LillVv Alice •md Jean Thompso i. Jean Searle. Ethel Hannah, Home i.'F, V. Curran, Svh-ia Bennett, Jessie Free. J. Greenan,' M iMcClure, Joyce oeamsley, S. Dickson howley 12 <. H. Thompson, Ma\-is Tul--o!'i;u"ty 1:51. Kilbride. Marie J i\eil. Child?, Elva Hampton, Mar-IDi-ie W'akelu,. Hickman IL' 1 t\X Smith, E. Galpin, M. rower C (Vrior"nan. Bray 1,-1. M. l.cahy. SOUTHBROOK A well-attended meeting of mei. - bers of the Southbrook-FJaxton brancii of the Women's Division of the New Zealand Farmers' Union was aeld 011 Thursday afternoon in the Southbrook Hall. Mrs Rainey presided. The sales table in charge of Mrs C. Archer, Mrs Newton, and Miss I Foster did brisk business, £1 6s beinp. j raised. Airs E. Stanton r;ave an in- | foresting demonstration of wool embroidery. Afternoon tea was served by Mesdames Jennings-, O'Connor, ! Pearson, and _A. G. Scotl.

SPOTSWOOD An enjoyable dance organised o> the Snotswood Tennis and Football Clubs took place in the Spolswood Hall on Thursday evenin;;, in honour of Miss Ena Steven.-on. wliose mmriae.c will take place :lu»rtly. Mis? Stevenson has been a prominent member of the tennis club for a number of years, and also a willing helper at social functions of the football club, and the popularity m which she is held was shown bv the larne attendance from all parts of the district. Miss Stevenson was presented with a chiming clock by Mill. E. Kelly on behalf of her many friends in tiie district. Air ,'._ B. Stevenson responded (in behalf of his s ier. Items were contributed bj Mrs A. S. Murray 'solo* and Miss E. Penhaliuriaek (recitation 1 . Music for the dance was supplied by Miss N. Eraser. Extras were played by Mrs T. Stevenson. Mrs A. S. Murray, and Miss G Fitzgibbon. Messrs J. Wilson and Bruce Buttle were masters of ceremonies. RUSSELI/S FLAT a; '.he fortnightly euchre party and dance prizes were won by Miss Fasan and Miss D. Adlcir.s and Mr J. Brown and Mr Gil Williams. The last mretinr; of the year <if the school committee was neld on Thurs-

day, Mr H. C. Amycs pre.-idinM. The balanee-siice'i. showed a credit baiance of lis o'i. Tins was considered satisfactory considering the amount of work that had been done. The jubilee committee reported a credit balance of £1 -Is ad. It was- decided that framed photographs of all old pupils who attended the jubilee be purchased and hunj; in the school. The social club also showed a credit balance of £2 14s :>d. It was decided that, owintf to the measles epidemic there would be 110 picnic this year, but that the children and their parents be taken to the winter show instead. It was agreed to hold a Ions; nisht dance on April 12. Mrs ti. C. Ain\o and Mi-.-s Nadu .\myare \'isi;:ue the Norlh Island MACKENZIE A nicetin.L; of the Mackenzie Domain Board was held recently. Air J. T. Read presided. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr T. Lewis thankini; him for meet ins the members of the board, and giving assistance and advice about cleaning the plantation adjoining the botanic yardens. Mr H. V. Mar.-den's tender for the lease of part of the specimen plantation was accepted. It was decided to accept Air C. G. Hammond's tender, to attend to tlie hall piano tor 12 months.

HORORATA A nieetiu.u of the vestry men of St. John's Anglican Church was held at the vicarage, the Rev. L. N. Walkins presiding. It was decided to top the trees round the church, and to clean the church grounds. Mrs Wilson iChriitchurch> has been visiting Mr and Mrs Jarman ("Heatherlea"). Mr and Mrs Barnes tßakaia) have been staying with Mr L. Wells. Miss Thompson, who has been the guest of Mrs T. E. Pearson <"Oranga' ». has returned to Mount White. Mr A. Jones, of the local postal ,-:a(V, will leave for his annual holiday 'o- day, and will be roheved by Mr "Woodward, of Sheffield. LAI) BROOKS At a meeting of the Basketball Club members it was decided to hold the opening day on April 14. A dance will be held next month to raise funds. The election of officers, resulted:—President. Mis.s I. M. McKeivxie; secretary. Miss M. A. Culleti: treasurer. Miss R. S. McLaughlin. It was decided to approach various residents to ask them to act as patron and vice-presidents. These office? have not been occupied m Ladbrooks.

HORNBY The .-wnnming for the »chuol piou*hip took piact at the school bat:.# on Thursday. Results:—Diving Cr.ampionsiiip: T. Cannon ], Jean Str.J&ir 'j, Emmerlaine Madame 3. 2r> Yarc- •• Fii'.-t heat: E. Madame 1, E. Ean;s;r«v.2. Second heat: T. Cannon 1. Sinclair 2. Final: E. Maclajnc 1, EEarnshaw T. Cannon 3. 50 Yard* Championship—First heat: Emmerluine Maclainc 1. Joan Dove Set-'i 'i heat: E. Earnshaw 1. T. Can nor. - Final: E". Maclainc and E. Earnshaw <equaD 1, T. Cannon 3. The championship cup was awarded to E. Maclaine, with T. Cannon and Ethel Earnshaw (equal) second.

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21122, 24 March 1934, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21122, 24 March 1934, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21122, 24 March 1934, Page 4


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