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News For Women


! Goner;) 1 and Mrs Rowley (Lngj land) who recently came to New I Zealand bv the Tamavoa, will arI r'.vc in Christehurch from Dunedin ' this eveninn. and will be the guests, of Mr and Mrs T. F. Gibson ''Ashbrook " Fendalton. They will leave ' on Thursday for a visit to the West Coast. Mrs J. 11. Hall (Papanui road) »-iii leave in Mav for a trip 10 Fn.dand. Mrs John Cook (Dunedin") will be her guest for Easter. . 1 Mrs W. 11. Patton (England), ! who has been visiting her daughter Mrs G. B. Morgan, Opawa, will leave on Wednesday of next week to-- the North Island. She will spend a few days at Marton. and will then be joined by her daughter. Mrs A. W. Rich, who will Lave Christehurch on Good Friday. Together they will sail on the Niagara for Honolulu. I Mrs P. L. Porter (Cranmer square) has returned from a trip to Sydney. Sir Louis and Lady Earnett (Otago) arrived in Christehurch last night and are staying at Warwick House. I Mrs J. R. Crocker and her daughter. Miss Lilian Crocker, have lelt for a visit to Napier. Miss Myra Chamberlain (Ellesmere) and Miss Edna Mawson (Trwell). who were bridesmaids at j the Taylor-Chester wedding at Temuka" last week, have returned home. Miss Jean Hunter ("Belle Brae." North Canterbury) is spending a few davs with Mrs George Tench, Ressall' street. News has been received in Christehurch of the death in England of Mrs Adelaide Gambrcll, mother v'i Mrs A. J. Benzie. Avonside, Christehurch. who is at present visiting 1 England. Mrs Gambrell died at her I heme in Chester on March 11. j The Kirwee branch of the Phm- ! ket Society will hold a bring and | buv afternoon social in the local j hall on Saturday. March 24. Much I interest is being shown in the variI ous stalls and competitions. A I will be held in the evening. I Miss Montgomery Moore (Wanga- ' nui). who has been visiting ChrL-t- ---■ eluirch. left for the north last j meju. ■ Mr and Mrs J. W. Fair < T:mari; >. iv. ho arived in Christehurch vc stirday. Mr and Mrs Tovev (England), who came to New Zealand on the I Remuera. and Mrs Brown-Phclp guests at Warwick House. | Mrs Owen Mead (Dunedin), who has been visiting her parents, Mr | I and Mrs Loughnan, Otane. Hawke's j j Pay. will pay a short visit to Mrs I F. O'B. Loughnan. Wellington, before arriving in Christehurch on I Thursday on her way to Dunedin. | Mrs Frank Peid (Blenheim) and 1 Mis G. Trolove ("The Shades." | j Marlborough) will come to North) Canterbury to-morrow to visit Masi ! Maurice Macfarkme, "Awapum." ! Mas A. Cuttcrhcld (Selw.-. u| s'reet) and Mrs V.'. Foster (Roker street. Sprcyden) left last evening j i\ r a month's holiday in Auckland and the Day of Plenty. Miss F. Bullen (The Lake . Ka ; - ; koura) ami Mrs Hugonin (Haadal"t■) will arrive in Chi i.Vichurch today, and will stav tr. Waav. i. i; ' Ih'Usv. Miss Dorothy Day i Wclli:-;rii) v.iil arrive in Christehurch tn-nn ■- row to spend a holiuaev with In a mother. Mr,; W. Day. ' Gloucester street west. ' Mis* Marv L ( tighmm (Gcaaldi: . > will be the guest oi Miss Halmai Lorn-Imam Avonside, for the Easter , holidays. Mi's Webb in ■'- ; ouch) will arrive ia. Christehurch - ; to-movrov to visit Mrs A. C. Cot- | ', Miss Rose Bullen (The Lake a i Kaikoura) will arrive in Chris'- i church to-uay. and will stay with ' !■■.■'.■ :,istcr. Mis F. A. Nixon. Fe:.- : (adtoaa Mrs Carey Hill, who has 1 i 11.1 Mrs Nixon's guest, has gone to siav at "KhandallEh."' Papanui load. Miss Kiln Dwy, :• !S>d;:ry>. w ■:■■ \ lias been visiting the glacieis ia , South Wcstland. has returned '■■ Ch: i-t'-'uu ch, and i= slaying with , Lady Kmsey. Papanui road. (

The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive lor publication in "News for Women" items of social or personal news. Snch lUtbh should be folly authenticated, and engagement notices mn3t bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is Invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

NURSE HEROINES . The Grev Battalion. By May Tilton. Angus and Robertson Ltd. (6/- net.) i Miss Tilton ts an Australian •■> nursing sister, who served with the Australians through the war. I Taken from a diary faithfully kept from 1915, when she joined, to the end of the war, the story that the ' author lolls is a fine record of the 3 brave endurance of the nursing "battalions" and shows the war ' from a new angle—that of the on- . lookers who were closest to the - suffering, the misery, and the 1 sacrifices. Sister Tilton's own t character shines unconsciously 1 through the narrative. The un--1 selfish, uncomplaining spirit with " which the sisters and nurses bore * their share of the burden tries to • hide itself" behind the account of : the heroism and humour of the fighting troops whom they served '' so well. The amazing spirit that J lent endurance to feminine bodies shows through pages not meant to t disclose it. For the nurses gloried i ir. the opportunity for selfless scr- - vice. Sister Tilton. herself torn with anxiety for brothers. near relatives, and her fiancee, who was I killed, was but one of a gallant band, most of whom suffered permanent injury to their health from the hardships they bore. She not [ only nursed the men who had come . out" of the hell of battle, but was i friend, mother, and comforter to them all. On several occasions she . was under fire herself when several nursing sisters were killed by enemy ' shells. It is a book that deserves to ■ endure as an inspiration and as a warning. IJR'.DGE PARTY Mis.; Nance McCuilough was hostess at a very pleasant bridge party given at her home. Bealey avenue, last night, in honour of Miss Joy Machin. who-e marriage will take place on April :>. The drawing room was decorated with zinnias and bowls of ■mixed flowers, and in the dining room the supper table was brightened with vases of roses. The guests, each of whom brought for Miss Machin a gift of handkerchiefs, were Misses Eleanor Price, Marione Stiulholme. Betty Trcleaven. Patricia Wall. Joan Burt. Brenda Smith, Joyce Burt. Patricia Simpson, Pauihic JclTrcys. and Margaret Talbot. .minting at lkwisiiam I OARDEN I'AUTV TO UK MELD I ?,;,io uiaii (>« kuhos attcidid a [ r. ; i t •.;:.; held ;U 1 a wish:.:;) Private I Hospital yesterday afternoon to make a garden party at s :ne future date in Path., s T. \V. Prie<- presided, and, on I !h i.nit i : l he Ihvcr, n.i Mother ana I [ rur.iis'is of the ccmmttnitv, welcomed I The v.: iters "i-'o:,:- may say 'Why make ■ , ■...- to in.' hospital ,n ir.e.-e h -n limes'." " s;ifi Father Price, m cx- | planung tiiat it was necessary in eri -'a-ihe a noiiey-mi'kin.g gathering i". 1 ;;:d of Lewisham. The reply was that ; a to maintain the maximum if rglctencv must be up to date. Lewi-ham Hosphal had been opened in Chrislrtmrch about "0 vcais at.o vs:h Kt b-d:- Now. became of the .;.-,,,;.,! is.'va-o of the Sist.--. the kelp of loyal friend- and th.e gratitude ■ '" : ::!i lii :! patients, it h..d grow n. until it had become- probably th.e largest pi.vate hospital in the Dominion. Additions to the building' were urgently necessary. One of the two new wings that were at present I's'ing built would be used fo hmi-e the X-ray and diathermy plant, and •'-.< i titer would be used to aeco:u----r.-..-date the Si-tors, for whom fb< tv ;;; no aceemmod:;; an wii'dr the hospital. When the w'urs were tetaly for eccupahnn t'-.e war.! noc::.' < dation in the hcspi'al w. aid be increased by L'O or 30 beds. Not Full lees "If all patients who enter Lewi-ham were aide to pay full fees. thcie v.-ouhl be no rood to make appeals <o vi'tir gemn .~i!y," -aid Falhn' Pries, ■'but many, with th.e best will in the world, cannot pay. and no patient is ever refused admission because of inability to pay. Because an appeal for the sick is a commanding appeal. ! know you will now. as m the pa", respond enthusiastically." Garden Party 1; v. as decided to hold a g-id--. party on October 19 and 20. Mrs F. C. Delany was appointed honorary secretary, and Mother Enda treasurer. Miss Morrison's offer to hold a produce sale at Darticld was accepted with gratitude. ; A meeting of th.e executive committee will be held at Lewisham at 3 o'clock tills afternoon. Mrs K. :!. Ihiwell rVox'crbv." Kowai Push) will arrive in Chri.-i----churc!; ti>-dav ami will st-y at | Ware, tth llou<r. j Mr ;it;d M:s Wiiham Tiai-go ] ("The S!;adi,." Marlborough) haw | lcit he a v;s:t to the We.-t Coast, j Mrs H. A. 1/ o (Tal.t'.rtiiv.i. Alien- \ land), wiio has been visiting Christ- ] church, ha: Kit h- Wellington. j Miss Lucv V'ilhat-s (He-seil- y j street ) w ill h to-. •■ m-night lor a j visit to V,'ciling'oti. ; Miss Kh-ip.e Vo, ,;e (Aiaklanh). , wito has bit:; \gsiitng Mrs 1-". Sin- i t'.ai'.'t.. Fcttdalto. . will go today p. ■ slay at "Kliandallah." Paptmui road. ' Mr ;u;d M.s Ciiarl.c Murray (Wharanni) and Mr and Mrs Leice:ter Murray (To Kapa. Uro river) l:;ive lelt tor ;i tour of Nelson ami the West Coast. : Mrs T. ii. MeJtatt (Puriri street. ; littcarfonh who has been spending! :g". i-i'al works in Duncdin. Ciintnn. i rigid InYcrcar-ilg iitr; returned i home. Mr and Mrs Kittson-Thomas ■ Clirohanga. Marlborough) tire stx'g.ding a ltoheiay on the W\.-; ' Coast. 1 Miss Mota Nixon (Fcndalfon h who has been visiting Miss Mars' Weld. Fiaxbourne. has returned to Chrislchurch. '. Mrs Guyon Mr.cdonald and Miss i Fonna Macdonald (Orari) will ar- j rive in Chrislchurch to-day, and ' will stay at Warwick House. ; Mr and Mrs Noel Newton (Ros- ; sail street) have returned from a, visit to South Canterbury. :

BRITISH SAILORS' SOCIETY LADIES' (Jl'ILI) turn fok fNrfTiiiTi: : i ' j A very successful years wuri; was. I recorded at the twenty-second annual ' meeting of the Chrislchurch branch of the Ladies' Guild of the British Sailors' ; Society, held in the Navy League Hall ' yesterday afternoon. 1 " The Ke\\ C. W. Maelaverty, honoiary general secretary of the board of directors of the society, presided. ' Miss M. C. Fryer, assistant honorary , secretary, who read the annual report, stated that the guild had a member- , ship of Hi'2. the same number as the previous year. Four new members had been enrolled, and seven transferred from the New Brighton branch, ; which had been unable to carry on its i activities for the present. The loss by death of Mrs Charles Clark, one of the oldest members, who had taken a great interest in the I work, was recorded. During the year, Mrs H. A. Bishop, founder and president of the New Brighton branch, had been elected to the committee, and regret had been felt at the resignation of Mrs Hamilton Price, who is returning to England. Members' subscriptions during the year had amounted to JC34 8s (id. Audi the guild had been very pleased to j be able to vote £IOO to the board for | the Seamen's Institute. This gift had i been made possible by a generous donation from the president, and by i the special activities to raise funds. | The sum of Sl'S'.) L's. together with) IPO books, :i0 magazines, 2!) gramophone records, and seven packs of j cards for the institute had been col-! lected at a book and coin partv held at the home of Mrs J. 11. Hall. A bridge party, held in the Navy League Hail, had realised JJlli 115s. and prizes had also been given. A tenuis tournament, arranged by Mrs J. G. 1.. Vernon i and Miss Monica Cocks, assisted by i Miss Etlie Travcrs. had resulted in a ; Further addition of £lB IPs 3d for the I guild funds. j A difficult part of the committee's.) work had been the arranging of a concert at the institute oij the second j Thursday in the month, and gratitude i was expressed to members who had j helped. Owing to the absence of I overseas boats in port on that night j very few concerts had been .given citir- i ins the year. I The important work of visiting sic'.; ! sailors in hospital had been carried ; out by Mrs J. S. Thomson am? Mi-- S. L. Partridge at the Cnrisiclnu eh Ho.-! pital and by Mrs C. J. Treleas eti at I (he Sanatorium. Letters from the, men and their relative- had shown | that gifis of fruit, etc.. and the visit;: had been appreciated. On An.'.ac Day a wreath ;u memory ; of the men of tb.o mercantile marine j had been placed in front of the! j New curtains had been ore e:,ted to j tin l institute and about ."() d,itv bags] tilled with meful article- had bo i j rem dov.ii to the ins'ifuto to be ::w a ' | to the seamen tit Christmas. ] Tit- :u Id fmmked the c't\ new-- } pant rs for their court csv tutri support.! A credit balance of ehM 7s 7d was i i rt ported i v the trca-urc: . j ■ I lection of Olli. vis j ' Tne eiielion of othrer- ie. Mud ;. , j ' follow,: Pre;dt :;t. Mr- .1. H. Hall: : v.ce-itiesidetits. Me-dames H. T. a. ■ Thacker. S. K. Webb. George Gould. ; J. S.'Thoimcn. and J. Mowbray Trip;-. ; honorary secretary. Miss Monica Cocks; assistant honorary secretary. Miss M. ' C. Fryer; honorary treasurer. Mrs G. W. C. Smithson: committee. fads- Acland. Me-dames J. G. L. YoJr.on. G.

Ha:-tier. J. P.. Beckett. H. 1.. Bosvlct ■:: H. ft. Hamilton. H. A. Btshoig W. F Taih John Crigg. Hiatheote (lr,v. C. .1. Trcleaven. C. R. Kiv.r. L). K. Wood. P. 1.. Scott, Arthur Tin n-eig an..l S !.. Partrid ;e. Misses M. Cotter,!! and B. Sander.-. Mr M.'>cias'er!y a--i:red ilie gtiihl (if th.e appreciation of the board of directors for the continued interest shessn during a very dihicult year. Any wi.rk for the sailor* wan? very well worth while, h.e said. The sailor was a useful mat;, but he was out of s:eh'. and therefore out of mind to '.he lra.jori(\- of persons. There wen- stih about afl.OiV) men am: nfheer.- of the

Prifiih easy who eiaiid not be absorbed, but l!;e situat'Oti was gelling much better uosv. said Mi- Maclavertv. Mr J. T. Norton, president of {),,. l;,o:ir ! o" directors, and ?;Tr P. Mimey. sujicrintendent of the Seamen's Institute, and Mr P. \V. Anderson aho :'w.nk-d the guild for their suppoi; during the yc:r.\ ?,!r Mae!.a\ - er!y anriou'a'ed t' l " eoilccltM's were needed to hr'p w'h the street appeal to be held o- Mas- eh Sonp; weio sting by Mr* P. F. Voilrr .•"Old ir.iisin! 'rnitnio'tiic bv M--s p.-:-:. Webb were much app: ■'<■ ited .\f*. •-■ r.iion lea was served at the < (fch:- ii---of tin- hu-mo-s se.s;,:,OI'AUA BRANCH Tne annual meeting oi ;!.•■ Cipawa branch of the British Sailor.-' Society was held at Mrs J. K. Stuart's home, with Mrs Stuart presiding. The presidents of the I yttehon ami Sumner branches, Tvlesdames Maclascity and Merry, were sselcomecl by flic president. The treasurer's report showed a credit balance of £24 ,5s IM. A letter was received from Mrs P. Pian resigning her position as secretary, and members wished her a speedy return to health. Mr P. Mintey sen! a repi rt if the work done at th.e institute during the last three months. A t-tal of Idol oiVicers and men had sashed the institute and "2 ships had been visited. Members svho had sent books, v/ri■. heals. and cards were thanked. Mrs Stuart was re-elected presi ic:t an. I Mrs Morgan treasurer. Mrs Stuart will act as seer,'tars- until the. appointment of the nesv secretary. Tsvo new members. Mc-danus- W. s. Nesvburgh and A. P. Cooper, wi.o wclci.m.ed.

OBITUARY MRS A. K. TAYLOR .no--. *<Hi'i.u:u.s in.^ina.i WELLINGTON. March 19. Tne death occurred on Sunday of Mr. Alice P, Taylor, wife cf Mr T. P. Taylor, formerly of Ashburton and e'.-.ris-.e'niieh. During the war years Mr.-- Taylor was very prominent in organisations at Ashburton having for them object the svclfare of N'csv Zealand soldiers overseas. She was an active member of the Chrislchurch Society for the Protection of Women and Children. .Mrs Taylor is survived by her husband and five sons. GARDEN PARTY

A hil garden party was held on. Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Essarl G. Smith. St. Martins, in aid of the funds of the Sydenham Methodist circuit. The party, which had been organised by the Sydenham and Beckenham Ladies' Guilds with Mesdamcs W. Watson and W. R. Stephens as consent rs, was officially opened by Mrs E. li. McCombs. M.P. Little Bee Evison presented a bcu-

i-HHt of iiosvers to Mrs McCombf. Croquet and bowling, arranged bv I Miss a. Bell and Mr S. H. Maddren. 1 were included on the afternoon's A stepping competition, organised by Mi G. A. Withcll. had mans- entrants, the winner being Miss P. Milson. A treasure hunt arranged by Mesdamcs Esvart Smith, S. P.. Evison. and E. Reade, was also enjoyed. Stalls were in charge of the following: - -fancy work. Mesdamcs McClel- [ land. Williams. Robertson. Dotiie. and -Mis-- Corey; cakes. Mesdamcs H. Hev■.vare. J. Scott, and Mis Ivy Hey ward: -sveets. Mesdamcs R. Richards." Barkman, and Miss E. Milson: produce, Mesdamcs A. E. Turner and J. E. Lowell At'ieinoon tea was served on the stm porches by Mesdamcs Withcll, | Mitchell, Bonilace, Watson. Linton, ! .Mi.-: Wise and helpers. | MLKHNC AT HALSWELL ; A mcelir.g of Peel Cross | SYOikcrs was held in the Halssvcll Hall. j Mrs Silvester (president* presided I osa r a moderate attendance, j Mrs Herbert Smith, of Hie city headquarters, emphasised the need I oi th.e work being continued, as the j n.-mand lor clothing of every descripI tion was needed more than ever this h v;n ;sr. Anything that could be re- | i, i- children would be thank--mly rt uis-od. she said. . Tne i resident thanked Mrs Smith I I(l r,amending the meeting and for her | Mi mbcrs promised to help with the sw rk as much as possible. Ten nesv ' h'"' 1 - c V-'j' that had bccn mnd ? during I o;e nohdavs were handed in to be sent j to headquarters. ; Afternoon tea seas served bv mcrai bv.i's oi th.e society.

AFTERNOON PARTY Miss Noelcen Yates, who is soon to be married, was entertained at a very enjoyable afternoon party given bv Mis- Ohve Colthart. The drawing room svas decorated with hydrangeas and pmk belladonna and each guest brought lor the guest of honour a gilt of handkerchiefs as a memento of the occasion. Competitions were won by Miss Yates and Miss Yvonne Coard, musical items were contributed by Mesdamcs Murdock. Blogg. and J. Colthart. and recitations were given, by Mrs Kent and Mrs Hindle. Tiie guests were Miss Yates, Mrs J. C. Lord, Mrs T. P. Lord, Mrs D. Macmillan (Dartield), Mrs J. Colthart Mrs W. Hindle, Mrs A. Johns. Mrs L. Blogg, Mrs W. Murdock, Mrs H. Kent Mrs J. Coffey, Mrs R. Colthart, Mrs D. McLennan, Misses Joyce Tayler, Peggy Leslie. Yvonne Coai;d, Lorna Muschamp. May Pctric, Lily Anderson, and Uoreen Burke.


I ENTERTAINMENT TO RAISE ; FUNDS | I ! The second entertainment in aid of I the funds of the Royal Christchurch I Musical Society svas in the form of la social afternoon. This was held on Saturday at the Selwyn street kindergarten school. The attendance was remarkably good, although the weather svas dull and cold, but all present enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Games were played and there were nail driving and paper ring competitions, and" | peanut races. I A party of folk dancers gave an exjhibition of the old English country i dances, Dargasson. tn~ merry, merry milkmaids, and Newcastle. Afternoon tea svas served by the conveners of the social, and as was usual, was well received. Each guest having been asked to \ give some article to the society, a great deal of amusement was caused when these articles svere sold still in their paper wrappings, the purchasers having to take a chance on what they bought. A considerable addition was made to the musical society's finances. DANCE AT DARFIELD ! The Memorial Hall at Darficld was eross-ded on St. Patrick's Day. when a dance organised by Miss Madge Cogan and a committee of ladies was held there. j The hall had been decorated with ! hanging baskets of flowers, and large j bosvls of hydrangeas were arranged in j the hall. The supper tables were bright with vases of pink asters. i Songs were sung by Mr W. Toomey. j Miss Cushla Ryan (Chrislchurch', and i Miss Margaret Clinton (Darfield.i. Mr George Bradford's orchestra supplied music, and Messrs A. Hart and S. Syme played extras. Messrs C. Redfern and M. Youngman were masters of ceremonies. Amongst those present were the Rev. Fathers J. McMonagle and T. Hanrahan. Mr and Mrs W. Toomey Mr and Mrs P. Clinton, Mr and Mrs J. Youngman, Mr and Mrs E. Stewart, Mr and Mrs J. Narbey. Mr and Mrs B. J. Morrison. Mr and Mrs G. Cridge Mr and Mrs Fallon. Mr and Mrs D Slattcry, Mr and Mrs B. Reardon, Mr and Mrs Hughes, Mr and Mrs G Carter. Mesdames A. T. Beattv, L. M Logan, Gillman. J. Coombes W. J. Clinton. J. Reardon. J. H. Selbv Burgess. Borthwick. Misses Cushla Ryan, Madge Cogan. Eileen Redfern,' Miriam McHugh. Madeline Youngman. Margaret Selby, May Bedford Margaret Clinton, Annie Stewart, Joan Clinton. R. Stewart. Kini Taylor Hilda Cullcn, Kathleen Duncan Mary Duncan, Betty Simpson, Elsie Meyer J. Redmond. D. Burgess, Phvllis bearlc, M. Jenkins. N. Haiks, N. Dawson, Joan Meadows, Aileen Gillman Nancy Cornelius. K. McLoughlin. B*. Douglas. J. Oldndge, E. O'Connor. L. A. Stringer p. Adamson, Nancv Coftey. H. Douglas Daphne Bruere. K. ijruereg Sadie Thompson, Alice ClintT-' ?t°P S Pair >ter, Molly Coffev Erne Melrose, A. Brooks Mvrtle Megowan. E. Hives, Messrs F. Cogan J : Cogan. P Redfern. J. Stewart M • utld L. Clinton, J. Coffey. R. Judd ■h McLaughlan. G. McGarva R c' fe™ c .' r p Cnkin ,P , J ' Dunea "' J-1 Mcr,-' \ \ Roswe ». M. Horlqr, P McCidc, A. Leggett, B. J. Jenkins B Mo^n 0 " H -r P T ai ? ps ' H - McGuire ' D Megowan. J. Inkster. J. A. Foster M OLouchin. J. F. Murphv, A Hart E f ilshk D ' »S v *,i. J - H ' Do °dy, T. Remolds MclL^h y ' T M n G ' C ° le - L ' Hawkc F! McHugh J. Grossman, Eric Douglas ". ' V , ,lalc ' W- I-uley, X AldridP*. A. Gibson, C. M. Reerf.H G. Holland' 3. Farquharson. R. Rusbatch T P L ' A - I

WEDDINGS KOLLEK—CLARK A wedding of interest to Canterbury and North Otago residents was celebrated at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Oamaru. recently, when Miss Doris Clark, younger daughter of the late Mr David Clark and of Mrs Clark. Totarj. North Ota.uo, was married to Mr Claude Koihr (Christ - churcht, son of Mr and Mrs C. J Roller, of Tiniaru. The ceremony was 'performed bv the Rev. \V. W. French jiMahenoi, and Mr C. \V. Navlor ua, [ the organist. I The church had been effectively | decorated for the occasion by the Misses M. and B. Dewar. Roua lice, | and Mrsdames C. Byrne and C. Clark ! friends of the bride. i The bride was escorted by her brother, Mr James Clark. Her frock of silk crinkle crepe was made with ,a flounced skirt widening into a r».n----1 =haped train. A wreath of orange | blossom held in place her tulle veil. j and her shower bouquet was composed , of cream roses. ! Miss Veda Clark, the bride's sister, : was the only attendant. She wore a i frock of platinum lace over rose pinl: [ satin, and a crinoline hat. Her posy; j was of rose pink dah'ias and maidenj hair f< rn. j Mr \V. F. Cubitt was bes' man. ! The guests were received at "Th" : Bungalow." The bride's mother wa ■; ! wcarinc a frock of black silk marocam | a fur necklet, and a felt hat to h.i.r i Hrr bouquet was of red r<■: es. ! The bride travelled in a .-:iif of blur : crinkle crepe, a musquash coat, and a i hat to tone. ; Mr and Mrs C. Roller will make ; their future home at Avunsidc. Christ- ; i church. ! whl;i:i.i:r—i:at< 'iimi.oij I The wcddnv: was celebrated rrccrtth i of Edith Louisa, fourth daughter <■,; ; Mr and Mrs W. 11. Batehelor iDwmett),

lat their home, to Desmond Alfred ; eldest hjii of Mr and Mrs A. Whechr I Waikati. The Ifev. M. Jaeksu; ' (Cheviot) performed the cerenmiiy. ! The bride, who was ,'jiven bv I her lather, wore a frock of pair "pink i brocaded .satin m:de with j•11 f* - ,-i i sleeves and a long flared skirt. H»r | veil was held by a wreath <,f j and she carried a po v o j pink j-CiC.;, k.vpsophila. ami ; t MM Miss A. Katehelor i\Vai;.n> aM.nded j her sister as l.ridc.-'nniri. Six w< re ;, | frojk of slip]] pink satni n"de with I puffed sleeves and c cape collat. llei i po*y wrs of pin:: and man,■«_• \v. < ;•• ! peas and fern. | Mr J. Pilehcr acted a. be>l man. | After the cerem* <y Mr and Batchelor reeeived 'heir sue-;*-- j M t ;l r j dinimr-room. Mr Hatehelor wi ; vrxvrms a black si:lc frock and ha' i to match. I The bride ♦•■aveMrd m a ;-,xv :., u ,.,| j suit and a white felt hat. ! JIEXDKKN—rOSTELLO

St. Andrew'? Church wa> decorated with white ami "old \ud fernfor the wedding celebrated recently ol Miss Alcthea Marjorie CosU Jo. elder daughter of Mrs A. Costello, St. Albans, to Mr Leslie Claienee Heudn t, i Lin wood i. The Rev. J. I.awson Robinson perlonned the ccre-iony and Mr R. R. Lake was the organi -i. " The bride was 31 von away by her undo. Mr M. Costcllo <Duno u iip. She wore a frock of white angel skin satin, cut on classical hues, jiui made with a ye.e and puffed sleeves of lace. Her Chantilly lace veil, which funned a train, fell in folds fr mi a small cap encircled with orange blossom, and she carried an arm bouquet of white begonias, lilies, and freesias. with trails of blossoms extending to the hem of her frock. Miss Wynn Costello. the bride's sister, was the attendant. Her frock of marigold lalTeta was made with capelel sleeves caught high on the shoulders and edged with niching of matching material. Narrower ruchina outlined the pointed yoke, and a wide sash, tied in a soft bow, defined th" waistline. Her picture hat was of Heslaw straw, and gold and cream begonias, roses, and carnal ions were arranged in her arm bouquet. Mr K. A. White was best man. After the ceremony the bride's mother, assisted by Miss A. Hendren, the br'dofrrooTTfs sister, received about 10-i

; guests at the Frascaii. Mrs Costcllo j wore an <-nscmble of tobacco brown flamingo, lightly patterned in flame, j the colours being repeated in the I feather mount at the side of her small ' brown felt hat. Her bouquet was or ' amber and gold ros.-s. Miss Hi ndren's I frock was of pillar-box red crink!" 'crepe, finished wish a grey and nil bow at the n.'cklni '. Her hat was oi red felt, and she carried a bouquet of red roses and fern. For travelling, the bride wore an ensemble of beige crinkle crepe and a small stitched felt hat to tone. She carried a nui: quash coat. ! TAYLOR—CHKSTKK I | Many friends showed a kindly in- ' terest in the wedding celebrated by ' the Rev. C. L. Mountfort, at St. Peter's ; Anglican Church. Teimika. of Mona i Eileen, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs JC. Chester, "Barbarlicld," Teinuka, and ! Edward Brown, youngest sou ot the late Mr A. Taylor and of Mrs laylor. Main North road, Teinuka. Mr C. I Davies was the organist. I The bride, who was escorted by hei • father, wore a frock of champagne | needle-run lace, made on fitting ! hues, and forming a slight train at I the back. The trimming was of green georgette. She curried a bouquet of ; cream roses with touches of pale pink, and asparagus fern. There were three bridesmaids, Mi.-- ! Mai v Chester, the bride's sister, and the 'Misses Edna Mawson and Myra Chamberlain, cousins of the bride. Thev wore frocks of tangerine georgette over satin, and wide-brimmed hats of golden brown, trimmed with tangerine velvet bows. Their mitten-! toned with their frocks, and they carried autumn-tinted bouquets. The little tlower girl. Miss June Taylor, niece of the bridegroom, wore a frilled frock of lemon sprigged organdi over orange satin, and carried a Victorian posy. Mr Roger Chamberlain, cousin c.i I lie bride, attended the bridegroom abest man. and Messrs Kenneth Tweedale and Bruce Pemberton acted a-groom-men. After the ceremony a reception v.a held :n the Parish Hall, where abmit "00 guests were entertained. The I bride's mother was wearing a frock of black satm beaute. relieved witlij biege. a three-quarter length coat i and a black felt hat. She carried <" bouquet ..f red and fern. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy j silk marocain frock. and a hat to 1 tone, and carried a bouquet of red I geranium* and asnaragus fern. When Mr and Mrs E. B. Taylor h 't for their wedding tour the bride was : wearing a brown f!eok<d worsted suit : and r. hat of heather mixture Angora fell.

dance at HORNBY j On Saturday ever.ins a '-ucce. sful "flannel" dance was held by the Hornby ■■ Swimming Club, in '.lie Oran:,e Hall. Hornby. ; During the evening, the piv--ideni's cup, competed for at the school bath 1 -', was presented to Mr Hoyden Garrett. I Members of lh'' --'upper committee were Mesdanif-s Eadie, Diekev, J. G , Marsden, \V. Moore. H. Moran. Mis.-e- ---! Maysie Still. Xganta Kenworihy. and Durtliy Dickey. A novelty dance \vn> won bv Mr-. W. Stuart and Mr J. Airey, and a o>m--1 petition by Mr J. I'urvi-' and Mi-. ; 1 Henry. M"usic for the dancing w"i-' supplied by the Holland-Hamilton orchesp'a. and extra.-, were played bv M:•-'<• N:::aritn Kenworthy Mr Haywani Thomson aet«'d master of ceremonies. Ainony t!ui-r present were M>"s----damc-i C. Hampton. .1. Burgess. Hanmton (Ttrnpleton). Eadie. A. Whale. Ti Lawrence. ./. Marsden. I'. Cannon. IT. Moran. R. Stewart. W. S'uart. W. Moore. E. Hamilton. Misso- B. Fronde. Duleic M«-ale. Elsie Smalley. Doreen ; Smallry. Vei'inoca Sloan. Marie Sloan. i Ngarita "\mvrthy. Kathleen Henrv. I Mary Joyce. Nancy Buckfin P '' ■ Rivers. Doreen Bucktin. Elorcnee llii.l- - Eileen Ridiiell. I'anx la cic •• s, Dorothv Diekev. Freda Diebert. Tim Smart. Mavsie Still. Nellie Gordon, B:ii Gordon, Olive Atkinson. Thelma McGarrv. Blanche McGarrv Kathleen lOldlield. Eileen Spicer. Gladys Baker Bertha Baker. Ngarita Baker. Messr.C. Hampton. A. Whale. J. Burgess. A. E. Grubb. .1. G. Marsden. H. Moran. sen.. H. Moran. L. Hamilton, R. Stewart. W. Stewart. W. Moore. W. Palamoun- . liijn. C. Kenworthv, 1,. McGarrv. P. ; Wright. R. Withers'. T. Baker. J. Stuart, J. Purvis. C. Kolkman. P. Baker. iO. Kesteven. J. Kesteven. A. Still. R. Garrett, J. Garrett. J. Airey. E. Freeman. Hampton, and G. Burt. STAND VP TO WINTER' TAKE THIS RECOMMENDED i TONIC. ; Build yourself, up to Withstand the rigors of Winter by taking a oour: e J of Cameron Smith's Malted Hypo- ; phosphites -a strengthening and in-. . vigorating food to tone up and fortify, the system. Malted Hypophosphitos j braces the nerves, builds resistance! against 'flu, and restores glowing j health. Get your first bottle now j from E. Cameron Smith, Ltd.. chemists, Cathedral square. 1/6, 2/C, and 4'6. i

j BAPTIST SUNDAY : SCHOOL j ANNIVERSARY I'RIZK-GI VIM; The anniversary services of the North Beach Baptist Sunday School were concluded last evening with ttic annual concert and prize-giving. The Hev. E. \V. Grigs presided over a largo attendance of parents and friends. Mr W. 13. Lambert addressed the children. Mr T. Dodge <secretary and treasurer) read the annual report and financial statement. He specially mentioned the Sunday school's indebtedness to the Mairehau Ladies' Concert Party for a concert given by them to help the school's funds, which at the end of the year showed a small balance. During the 'veiling choruses were sung by the children and solos br Una Mitchell and Allan IVnv. Mrs Noonan, superintendent, presented prizes to the following:.. Kindergarten--Girls: Hazel Fletcher I. Audrey Thompson 2. Nancv Irwin :i Bovs: B. Hunt 1, \V. Pease 2, H. j;iv ::.

| Primary Department -Girls: Una : Mitchell 1. Rosie MeCauchin 2. Ida Stevens 3. Boys: T. Hawson 1, J. Thompson 2. P. Swanev ,'l. Upper Primary Department—-H. , Swane.v 1. A. Potter 2. J. Pease 3. ; Mr Dodge's Class P. Lawson 1, E. ' Can- 2. T. Claridge 3. Miss Brcz's Class—Gwen O'Neill 1. Nancv Harker 2, Marjorie McCaughin \'l. Miss Kenidge's Class -Nellie Brez 1. Edna Thompson 2, EhoUa Mitchell 3. Miss Neonan's Class C. O'Neill 1. R. Stevens 2, A. Swaticy 3. SCOTT DANCK The North Beach troop held it.- first dance of the season in the Memorial Hall. North Beach, on Saturday evento-. Major W. E S. Furby and Mrs Furby and Mrs W. A. Smith were in charge. The music was supplied bv M-.-- Ross-Smith. Tho: e present included Major and Mrs Furby. the Mayoress of New Brighton (Miss Irene Leaver'. Mesdames P. Trolove. D. McClure. R. Kennedy. W. A. Smith, J Bobby. Mi-'ses Dorothy Seymour. Betty Florance, Jean Florance, Shirley Ryland. Judy Jackson. Olive Coddington, Shirlev I'vvn. Ruth Liren. Phyllis Read. Sylvia Oibh. .Ran Kennedy. Maisie Ro >- Smilh. Nellie Brez. Josephine Brez Befy O'Neill. Jean Stephenson. Lola Johnson. N. Green. Betty Schramm, Ethel Ashwerth. Phyllis Norrie. Win-

; . otr.e C'olvillc, Kathleen Evans. Marion Parker. Messrs D. McClure, Green, E. i R. Moore. C. Bobbv, G. Bobbv. T. I.owiy. J. Taylor. C. Mahan. B." I.'. Ford, and D. Bussell. VISITORS TO UIKISICiIIKCII | ! N-. i .'. in. ■ Mi,-. -n. I;, mi.,l (i. V i ; !Im'-1 l-'.'-il.-r.-il : Hi-. ,-,!,,1 M.-. l; .1. .!,,,,,.. j '■ ' N.' . '1 ... k'. Mr ii'iil My- 1.. I! Mm,-,-,-, I H.-<-t:..f . Mi- li. 11:11 an.l .Mi-- 1'... -- I i l. I w..m..-.'- )'.■•:. !.- Mi-. i:.,ii,.. r n,..| Mi-- i • ..-.-.ii. .1 i I', i'.l.ii, . , 1 iiio-i! •;. ,-vie.- H.,...|. Mi- ,n,| M, .. \. I: ; ! ' I .'ii-. >m|..m I!mI, i: M- ro,M Mr. 1>.,-..< ;, . I VISITOR'S JO HOLIDAY RESORTS M.n.'.. IImI.;. ,-,.:,!,,..■,■. M. m,,| Mr. .1 ' !' •Mr ~..) .V,. Ti ,;,,., );...-i. - .Til.Mr , ; ;|i' ■■•.-! '!,-• 1 11. N... ;,„. , \.!,:,..r;...- ,' [ "r S '"~ •'•" 1 l'-on;!..'. " ju-.i Mr 5;",! i!.,,, . Tim a in; news SOCIAL AM) PERSONAL Mi and Mis A. Otway iWoPng-,' tor. i. who were guests of Mrs Wigtev P'Opidri I .or I go." Park !:m< ), left f, , r ; their haiine yesterday. : The Rev. John Miller and Mrs ! Miller, who have been the guests of! Mrs Alan Sinclair for a fortnight, left , on their return to Christehurch ves- ! terday. " I Mi'.. Armitage 'lrelandi is the guest j of her niece. Miss Nancy Howell j '■"Ranui," Grey roadl. i Miss Mary Inman (Cattle Valley) is j visiting Dunediu. j Mr and Mrs O. Harris iMorrin.ville) are the guests of Mrs C. A. I'aterson iSeflon street). Miss Catherine Johnstone ("Springbank." has left on a visit to Sydney. Mrs" R. H. Rhodes ("Carne." Scaly street) has returned from a \isit to Hanmer and Christehurch.

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Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21118, 20 March 1934, Page 2

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News For Women Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21118, 20 March 1934, Page 2

News For Women Press, Volume LXX, Issue 21118, 20 March 1934, Page 2


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