:•:-. The Lady Editor will be pleaasd to rewire for publication x; £: in the "Women's Coruar" items of soeial or personal news. :|:j ;•:• Such items should ba folly autJießtieated, and engagement gj :|:. : notices must bear the ■ignatnrea of both parties. Correspond- £: :•:• eaee is inritsd o* any matters affecting, or of interest to, j| woman. $
Miss .Montgomery-Moore CWanganui) it the guest of Mrs John Montgomery, "llolrnbrook," Fendaftou. Mrs J. H. Epham (Gloucester street west), who went, to Wellington to see her (laughter, .Miss Esther Upham, off lo England, has returned to Christcliurch. Mrs Charles Gould (St. Elmo Flats) is paying a short visit to Wellington. Miss If. Chamberlain (England) is the guo.,t of Mrs J. F, Studholme, Feiulalton. Mrs Ernest Firth and Miss Edna Firtli (Manchester street) left Christelm rch last evening for Wellington, en route for England. They "will return to Ciiristcliurch early next year. Mr and Mrs W. Toomey (St. Asaph street) will leave for the West Coast to-day, and will visit the glaciers. They" expect to be away a week oily days. Misb Mary Mosk.vn ("island Hills") is staying with Mrs Trevor Foster 'Edinburgh street, Riccartou). Mrs W. H. Rose (Cashmere Hills), who was a delegate to the Pre byte rian Women's Mothers' Union conference at Wanganui, will return by the Rangatira this morning. Mrs A. I>. Allan (Waikari) is the guest of Mrs M. M. Allan (Rugby street). Mr and Mrs T. H. Lewis, who have been touring tho North Island, returned home yesterday niorniug. A motion of sympathy with Dr. I'. .). JJorrie in the recent death of his sister. Miss J. Borrie, was passed at the meeting of the general committee of tho St. John Ambulance Association last evening. The chairman (Dr. J. Rested Thomas) said that Miss Borne had been a keen worker for the association. SHOWERPROOF WOOL. The latest blessing to knitters —''Veronica" Showerproof Wool. A new firm, even thread that makes knitting a pleasure and every garment a delight. Booklet No, 350 contains full instructions for tw r o smart knitted caps. Send 3d stamps to Patons and Baldwins, Ltd.. Box lit! If, Wellington. . —2 YEAST CORRECTS DIGESTIOX. Professor Alessandrini, of Rome, an authority on digestivo disorders, says "Yeast has long been famous for its ability to keep the intestinal tract clean and active and to correct digestion." Take yeast the new way. Ask for ITtima Capsules of pure Live Yeast Powder. L' 3 3d packet, E. Cameron Smith, Ltd., Chemists, Cathedral square. There is no need to suffer from coins. McArthurs extra strong corn cure gives immediate relief, and soon effects a complete cure. Is (id at, Mc- f Arthur*, Ltd., Chemists, cnr. (.'asbel' and Colombo streets —6 ST. ANDREW'S FETE. ■ i SUCCESSFUL BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs 'E. 0. Prater, Mrs E. Nicholson, and Mrs J. F. Stratton arranged a large bridge party in aid of the work stall at St. Andrew's fete, which will open to-morrow. Tbe party, which was very enjoyable, was held at the home of Mrs M. M. Allnn, Rugby street, and some of the guests played auction bridge, while others preferred to play contract bridge. Amongst those present ware Mesdames F. Banks, G. W. 0. Smithson, C. Bonnington, H. Law, Oowper, D. E. Wood, Miss Fanny Lee, Miss Nell Williams, Mesdames Watson Dawson, Hugh Hamilton, J. Barnett, F. W. Gresham, R. Paulson, C. G. Hamann, A. Corrick, Albert Smith, P. W. Deighton, Dalrymple, L. J. Lohrey, C. Wilkinson, F. Allen, W. H. Meyers, Guy Tonks, T. Lennie, W. McNamara, W. U. Webley, G. Horton Smith, Osmond, A. E. AckToyd, A. K. Anderson, Leonard Checkley, L. W. Geo, Robilliard, sen., E*. Robilliard, Searle, Williams, R. P. Granger, Horace Suckling, A. H. Cavell, Leadbetter, Russell, A. D. Allan, Misses J. Tench, Peggy Bruce, K. Tench, Winnie Rosendale, Redpath, W. Diddams, L. Harcourt, E. Morrow, Jean Erwin, V. Price, Maxwell, Lucy Page, Gwen Baxter, Sybil Webley, May Gillanders, Rona Woodward, Margaret Webley, Nancy Prater, Kathleen M&Namara. Donations were received from Mrs Mark Brown, Mrs D. S. Dodds, and Mrs M, M. Allan. The prize-winner* were, Mrs G. Morton Smith, Mrs G. W. 0. Smithsou, Miss; V. Price, and Mrs Paulsen. ; VISITORS TO CHRISTCHURCH, LTuiled Service Hotel: Mrs E. AV. Nairn, Miss H. Chambers (Hawk&'s Bay), Mrs E. AV. de J. Clere, Mia E. S. Risliworth. (C'ambridgo). , ~ ~ ~ Clarendon Hotel: 11 r and Mrs J. M. Wiutcombe (Pahiatua). Boyal Hotel: Mr and Mrs C. K. Butlor, Mr L. Kerr (Wellington), Mr J. Paynter, Mr V. Taylor (Auokland), Mr E. McMaster CGißborne), Mr W. Lowrie (Napier), Miss M. Milter. Miss A. Anderson (Ihmedin). Hotel Federal: Mr B- Allen (Wellington), Mr G. Bonstead (Timaru), Mrs and Miss leaser (Oamaru), Mrs H. Shnnd, Mr H. Marshall (Eunedin).
NORTH CANTERBURY AND WEST COAST FEDERATION. An estcutive meeting of Hie federation was held yesterday in Christchurch, Mrs W. Deans being in the oh a i r. Mrs .Beattie, honorary treasurer, reported that the- federation had a credit balance of JL'.LO. The president .stated tliar. the honorary treasurer had had a great deal of work in collecting tbe levies, and it was gratifying that the branches had responded so well. The Wellington .Federation wrote in reference- to the departure of Miss Spencer for England, and explained what steps the- federation bad taken to recognise Mis.* Spencer's work for the Women's Institute movement in New Zealand. It was decided to forward tiie following resolution: ''That the North Canterbury and West Coast Federation desires to place on record its
deep appreciation oi Miss Spencer's splendid work in establishing the Women's JiuVitute movement in New Zoaland, and in giving so generously of her time and ability in furthering the cause since its inception 12 years ago."
It was decided to support the proposal to have a supplement to the "Home and Country Journal,'' in which accounts of folk-dancing, festivals, and dramas could be reported, and' to ask for more information on the subject A letter from the Duvuiichclle branch suggesting that every member should give one penny in aid of Dr. Barnarcio's Home and that by that means f«o children could he kept a whole year was referred to the Dominion Federation.
Mrs Kelso wrote in reference to report:, in the "New Zealand Dairy Exporter." The Hawardcn branch enquired as to steps to be taken when splitting up a branch, and a branch was being formed at Mason's Flat. It was left to Mrs P.lunden. vice-president, to gob in touch with TTawarden. and advise them as to subdividing the branch.
Remits were received from Runanga. Waikari. Little River. Lobnrn. Brookside. Snotswood. Hari Hari, and Rotomnmi branches.
Tho president reported that the annual meeting had been postponed from April V2 to April L'fi. and that Mrs Kelso would attend and give an address. All arrangements in reference to the annual meeting were left to the president, secretary, and treasurer.
The president reported that Mrs Kelso was conferring with tho executive about the Dominion conference being held in Christehurch on July ?5 and 26. and would address the annual meeting ft had been arranged that Mrs' Kelso should visit tho West Coast branches in the previous week and address them. The treasurer.. Mrs Benr.-tie. reported that the stall ft the Canterbury Agricultural and 'Pastoral Association's Show had resulted in a debit of £1 6s. BRIDGE EVENING. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. An enjoyable evening was spent b.y those who participated in the bridge ovening held at Canterbury College last night in the upstairs reading room. This party was one of a number of social functions organised by tho various clubs ,for the purpose of raising funds to send representatives of the different branches of sport and athletics to the university tournament to bo held at Auckland this Easter. As expenses for the 53 members of tho official party will be considerable, many diibij arc endeavouring to assist their representatives through funds drives of this nature. The party last evening was organised by the Athletic Club. There were about 1-1 tables, and those present included Misses Maira Crespin, Ranee Broughton. Winnie Broughton, Peggy Wright, Mavis Mulcock, Margaret Webley, Sybil Cor.sbie, Mrs Suckling, Misses Nellie Longworth, Jean Henry, Cwon Smyth, Maris Reese, Doreen Hight, Fay Roberts, lVellie Harper, Rona Lewis. Peggy Young, Zoe Lawry, Joan /Barker, Runa Hall. Audrey Everlet, Zena Bates, Ethelwanc Bates. Myra Armstrong, Dorothy Walker, nndMarv Hiue.
BRIDGE PARTY. The first bridge party on the comprehensive programme for 1033, compiled by the Canterbury Women's Club, was held in the club's reception room last night and was very well attended. Asters, bella-donna lilies, and dwarf sunflowers, artistically arranged, formed the decorations. Misses A. Bell and R. E. Donn acted as liostcsses. Miss Bell wore a black satin frock with collar and cuffs of floral georgette, and Miss Donn's handsome frock was of violet chiffon velvet.
MISS I. TAYLOR HONOURED. The ladies of St. James's Methodist Church, Cashmere Hills, yesterday afternoon, gave ;i delightful party iu honour of Miss Irene Taylor, who -will shortly be married to the Itev. L. C. Horwoo.d, of St. James's. The pleasant gathering was held Jit the home of Mrs Cecil Prime, where the drawing-room was decorated with pink, blue, and mauve asters. The following programme- was much enjoyed: —Pianoforte solo, Miss Bore; songs, Miss May Hounsell and Miss Myra Hounsell; vocal duet, Mrs J. Perkins and Mrs Carwell-Cooke; recitations Miss Win Smith. A. competition was won by Mrs D. B. Macleod. Miss Taylor was presented with a bouquet of carnations and maidenhair fern, after which Mrs Perkins, on behalf of the ladies of the congregation, presented her with a handsome silver it tree dish, suitably inscribed. Those present were Mrs T. E. Taylor end Miss Irene Taylor. Mesdames C. 'N.
Pago, George Bowron, C. Prime, l'\ \V. J. Belton, D. E. Parton, ¥. Bowron, J. Perkins, W. Barker, C. J. Thornton, K. T. C. Roberts, W. W. Kcighley, J. H. Kidd, C. U. Lewis, E. Stocks, IJ. Smith, A. J. Hodges, P. .}. Smith, T. Meadows, B H. Kiselcy, W. A. Bascand, D. B. Macleod, G. Carwell-Cooke. 11. A. Marsh, C. H. Colechiu, J. E. K. Smith, and W. H. Seed, Misses M.. Morley, P. Tashby, Ciucas (2), E. Bowron, Garth, A. M. Pauuett, Hounsell (2). Hail, Ituth Colechiu, T). Prudhoe, J. Prime, A. Cm-rick, CI. Sandford, E. Chamberlain, W. M. Smith, X. Carwell-Cooke, and Horr.
i WOOLWORTHS (N.Z.), LTD. BIRTHDAY DANCE. j The third birthday auuiveraary 01. the Cliristchurch branch of Woolwort ha (N.Z.), Limited, was suitably celebrated last night, ivtieu tiic principals and members of the stall' j and tueir friends gathered m the ballroom of tho l'rascati and danced to music supplied by Bob Bradford's I orchestra. j Several guests arrived in .fancy | dress, and created much amusement j by their endeavour to sustain their i adopted personalities, and as the nigbi progressed the distribution of novelties created a gala spirit. In the supper rooms bowls of mauve and pink asters and belladonna lilies with sprays of tamarisk were effectively arranged, and on tho bead table, holding pride of place, was a birthday cake with its three long candies, its iced sides representing the store I windows with goods displayed in 1 colour. Mr I'. Hartiunn (Wellington) was tho guest of honour. Members of the social committee in i charge of arrangements wcro Mrs S. i K. Goic, Misses IJeryl Stone and Doris j Chapman. Messrs G. M. Stratmore, A. FT. Thomas, I. ('. Nairn, and ,1. Capncr. Mrs Gow wore a simple frock of ; black net mounted on black satin, and j a cape of silver and black tissue edged with a border of white fur, and Miss Stone's frock was of mushroom satin benuto made with flared flounces placed diagonally on tho skirt, and h«r black velvet wrap had a deep col- : lar of white fur. Amongst those present irerc Mcsdames 8. Stewart, Alan McKeon, J. Capper, C. Mullms, H. B. MeLennan, G. M. Stratmore, and J. P. McQuiikin, Misses Grace Sngcleu, Helena Malcolm, P/fcliel Wilson. Ilae Jones, Merle Garnett, Marjorie FJeattie, Irene Vial, Mareia Vial, Winifred Jeffares, Phyllis Evans (Dunedin). Mavis Hughes, Rosalie Proctor. Kitty Croniu, lima ! Wendelborn, Lily Marshall, Lilian Shanks, Hazel Maofarlane. Alice Fair- I thorite. Mon a Koerpin, Ron a Cadinan, | Doris Toom, Mira and Glenice Traill, Mndue McXaugliton. Claire Cavanagh, Muriel Gundy. Doreon Sheeny, Esmay Wilson. Rena Roll, Freda Pond. Eula MeLennan, Gladys MeLennan, Martha Somerville. Rota White ('ltawarden), Bettv Adams, Violet Marshall. Rhona Hart, 1. Marshall. Ruby 'Waynes, Kathleen Cunccii, and .jean Pedler. i JUBILEE MEMORIAL HOME, i For many years members of the various branches of the Women's Christian Temperance Union have taken an active interest in the Jubilee Memorial Home, and Mesdames Pedlar and Tsraelson. who had acted as hostesses at a lea for tho inmates, brought a little pleasure and excitement into their lives by j thoughtfully arranging for a concert j programme to bo given later in the ! evening. j Last night, following the annual ■ tea. items were given by Mesdames j F. Vaughan and Bougen, Misses Wilson i and Clavton, and Messrs Bougen and i Rodda. * ' " j I BIKTHDAY PARTY. ! At her home in Grey street, Ashburtou, Mrs <i. Turner gave a delightful party in honour of her daughter, Miss Doris Petrie, who celebrated her twenty-first birthday. Mrs Turner wore a brown floral frock relieved with i'uwn, and the guest of honour wore an ankle-length frock of lupin blue crepe royal. Those present included Mesdames Turner, Luxton, Smart, Misses F. Temple ton, E. C'hallis, B. Harris, T. 'Beakwe!!, A. Thomas, D. Slrierlaw, J. Hockiiigs, R. Smart, L. Thomas fTimanij, 8.. N\, and F. Luxton, 11. Courtier (OhristcJiurch), Messrs J'. Hunt, P. Oolv'He, A. White, G. Turner, A., 0., L., X. and O. Luxton, A. and M. Petrie, E. Guthrie fTJma.ru), D. Petrie (Timaru), and S. Clark (Christchurch).
BAY LISS— M ACKBN ZI Ji. Vcs!erday afternoon, at SI. John's Church, Latimer square, the marriage was celebrated of Dorothy Mary, onlydaughter of the late Mr Mackenzie and Mrs Mackenzie, Park road, Addington, to Harold, only sou of the late Mr Bayliss and of Mrs Bayliss, Avonside. The ceremony was performed by the Per. J, T. Me William. «iud Miss J. L. Black was the organist. Mr !Koy Mackenzie escorted his sister. The long. Empire frock wi;r« by (lie bride was of cream satin, made with puff sleeves of silk Jaee. Her embroidered tulle veil was held in place with a Juliet cap of pearls and finished with clusters of orange blossom at the sides, and she carried an armlet; of white hothouse flowers. Miss Molly Hobbs and Miss Cracc Moulin were the bridesmaids. Their frocks were of shell-pink and eau. de nil georgette respectively, mado with, yokes extending over the shoulders and forming full sleeves of elbow length, and tiny frills bordered the three flounces of the skirts. Tbey wore lace mittens to match their frocks, and Dolly Varden felt hats trimmed with velvet bows, and each carried a bouquet of pastel shaded flowers. The bride's niece, Miss Jocelyu Mackenzie, who acted as flower girl, wore a. frock of mauve chiffon made with long full skirt and puff sleeves, the waistline being defined with a swathed sash of pink taffeta to match her pink lace mittens. A pink, bow tied, her mauve poke bonnet and she carried a [ Victorian posy of pink flowers. i Mr B. WaJesby was best man, and Mr j Alexander Mackenzie, the bride's bio- | thcr. was best man. I
After the ceremony, the guests were received sit tho Frascati by the bride's I mother, who was wearing an ensemble ! of beige and fawn floral corded silk ! and a brown sailor hat. Sho carried j a bouquet of autumn tint.?. Tho bridegroom's mother wore a black tailored suit, and a black straw hat to match, and her bouquet was composed !of scarlet flowers. Mrs Roy Mackcnj zie wore a mauve crepe de chine frock j and a Dolly Varden hat, and carried a I bouquet of flowers to tone. i For travelling, tho bride wore a frock jof scarlet elephant skin crepe, made j with sleeves of webbed net, and a small | fawn felt hat and eye veil. Bhe carried I a handsome musquash fur coat. PJKILSOX—JOHNSTON. j Tho wedding was celebrated at J?t. i Martin's Anglican Church, Lincoln | road, yesterday afternoon, of Marion | Margaret, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs [ A. Johnston, Sutherland street, Hill- | morion, to John Angus, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. Pierson. of Boon Hay, j The Rev. D. Rankin performed tho ccrej mony, and Mr Ward was the organist. ! The bride, who was escorted, by her j father, woi'o a frock of ivory chiffon velvet, made on straight lines to the knees, then flared by means of narrow panels to the ground, and the waistline was finished with a narrow bolt. The collar of her short, soalloped coatee was of crushed velvet, and similar material trimmed tho long pointed sleeves. A head-dress of orange blossom held in place her embroidered tullo veil, which formed a train, arid she carried an arm i let. of white flowers. j Frocks of white georgette patterned I in large cherry red floral design were. I worn by the two bridesmaids. Miss ) Rosa Sniilli and Miss Hilda Johnston. t Their capes of red velvet to tone formed cowl folds at the neck and were finished [ with a velvet flower on the shoulder, j and twisted red velvet and large velvet j ! bows trimmed their wide-brimmed hats j of white felt. They carried bour|uels J of red and white flowers. J Mr Norman Johnston, the bride's j brother, was best man. and Mr Fred j Pierson, tho bridegroom's brother, acted j as groomsman. The reception was held at tho Frnscati, where Mis Johnston received Hie guests wearing a frock of black silk voile patterned in lemon and green, and finished with pleating of lemon and green georgette. Her black hat was trimmed on iho crown with flowers to tone with her frock, and she carried a bouquet of flowers in lemon shades. The bridegroom's mother wore a frock of navy crepe bornice, with touches of beige, and her navy straw hat was j trimmed with red \o tone with her ' bouquet. When Mr and Mrs J. A. Pierson left for their wedding tour, the latter wore a frock of marigold wool cloth, a rust felt hat with touches of marigold, and a fur-trimmed coat of black diagonal cloth. VICTORIA LEAGUE. i i A committee, meeting; of the Can- I terbury branch of the Victoria League was held in the league's office yester- J day. Mrs Deans, acting president, \ presided, and others present were Mes- j dames Hugh Acland, Jack Anderson, W. S. Beau, 0. Chilton, J. 11. Hall, | G. Haunicr, R. H. Hcnnah, F. L. Scott, , H. T. .1. Thacker, J. G. L. Vernon, J Misses E. Overton, Rose Tabart, and j C. Gosset, secretary. j Arrangements were made for the } annual meeting, which is to be held , in the JeUicoe Hall on Thursday, | March 30. j The resignation of Mrs Hogg, who has been president of the Canterbury | brand) for three years, was received j with regret, and also the resignation j of Mr V. A. Macbeau, who was honor- j :u-y treasurer for five years. The personal correspondence secretary reported having received four links from England and having sent 19 links to End and. Several new members were elected.
Luck changed for Louis Evans, of Evansville, Indiana, when his wife presented him with triplets. He was unemployed at the time, but then a former employer gave him lumber to build a home. A relative presented him with a cow 1o supply milk for the children, and a kind stranger left some money at the hospital for him.
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Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20806, 16 March 1933, Page 2
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3,292WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20806, 16 March 1933, Page 2
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